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3 августа 2016 г., 14:32

DRACO: We were capable of having children but Astoria was frail. A blood malediction, a serious one. An ancestor was cursed... it showed up in her. You know how these things can resurface after generations...
HARRY: I’m sorry, Draco.
DRACO: I didn’t want to risk her health, I said it didn’t matter whether the Malfoy line died with me — whatever my father said. But Astoria — she didn’t want a baby for the Malfoy name, for pureblood or glory, but for us. Our child, Scorpius, was born... it was the best day of both our lives, although it weakened Astoria considerably. We hid ourselves away, the three of us. I wanted to conserve her strength... and so the rumors started.