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2 января 2021 г., 03:20

•it is hard to get it right at first, success doesn’t rely on this. Instead, it hinges on continuing to experiment until you do find an approach that works

•Real strategy is created through hundreds of everyday decisions about where we spend our resources: time, energy and money

•With every moment of your time, every decision about how you spend your energy and your money, you are making a statement about what really matters to you

•over-investing in our careers, and under-investing in our families—starving one of the most important parts of our life

•93 percent of all companies that ultimately become successful had to abandon their original strategy

•почему люди принимают те или иные решения? Покупают наш милкшейк - почему именно его а не что-то другое? В чем таком он лучше чем остальные?

•many unhappy marriages are often built upon selflessness. But the selflessness is based on the partners giving each other things that they want to give, and which they have decided that their partner ought to want

•I suspect that if we studied marriage from the job-to-be-done lens, we would find that the husbands and wives who are most loyal to each other are those who have figured out the jobs that their partner needs to be done—and then they do the job reliably and well.

•Has he developed the skill to develop better skills? The knowledge to develop deeper knowledge?

•my mom told me to do it myself, and to come back when I had done it. That accomplished—it took me about ten minutes, whereas I’m sure she could have done it in ten seconds

•if your children gain their priorities and values from other people ... whose children are they?

•In a start-up company where there are no processes and everything must be done by individual people, it would be risky to draft someone with no experience. But in established companies where much of the guidance to employees is provided by processes, it makes sense to hire or promote someone who is eager to learn from experience.

•culture isn’t formed overnight. It is the result of shared learning in an organization or group

•Just like a manager who wants to count on employees using the right priorities to solve problems, parents want to set those priorities, too, so that family members will solve problems and confront dilemmas instinctively, whether or not the parents are there guiding or observing. 

•во время поражения нужно отметить упорность, настойчивость и веру, а не ругать

•it’s easier to hold to your principles 100 percent of the time than it is to hold to them 98 percent of the time. The boundary—your personal moral line—is powerful, because you don’t cross it