Айви Смоук

Ivy Smoak

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Айви Смоук - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Соблазн Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 978-5-04-195699-8
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
  • Best Year Ever Айви Смоук
    My best friend Penny and I made a pact that this is going to be our best year ever. So naturally it has to come true. Truth be told, we've started off the semester a little shaky. Penny may have accidentally fallen in love with her professor. I know, how awkward, right? And I may have accidentally fallen in love with a complete stranger. And by accidentally I mean I stalked him. What? Sue me. I'm the one that's going to be a lawyer one day so I'll just file a countersuit. God, when did I become a stalker? Regardless, Penny and I are going to turn this semester around. I'm nothing if not persistent. And that guy that I keep almost running into on campus? The one with the piercing brown eyes and panty-dropping smile? He's going to be a big part of my best year ever. I can feel it.
  • Зависимость Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 978-5-04-122862-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Пенни Тейлор по уши влюбилась в профессора Джеймса Хантера. Но тайны Джеймса стали причиной расставания.
    Пенни тяжело примириться с мыслью, что Джеймс - герой не ее романа. Она пытается не вспоминать о том, что их связывало.
    Лучший способ забыть профессора Хантера - переключиться на новый объект симпатий. Но как Пенни справится с чувствами, если они не угасли, а соблазн превратился в Зависимость?
  • James the Christmas Grouch Айви Смоук
    The stockings are hung, the lights are aglow, and the mistletoe is ready for kisses to be stolen beneath it. There's just one problem...none of those decorations are in James and my apartment. We just started our happily ever after – we're newly engaged, in a new city, with new friends. We've both given up a lot to make this relationship work, but I never thought I might have to give up my love for Christmas. How did I not know that my fiancé was a total Christmas grouch? Don't get me wrong, I love James Hunter and I always will. But for years, he's been celebrating anti-Christmas with his friends. He's lost the Christmas spirit that he had when he was a child. And he doesn't seem to want to thaw his frozen heart. So I've decided that it's my new mission to make him believe again. And with a little sprinkle of Christmas magic, it just might be possible.
  • Eruption Айви Смоук
    New York was supposed to be our fresh start. Our happily ever after. But James is hiding something from me. Secrets from James' past, his scheming ex, and unsupportive parents make it hard to breathe in this city that barely feels like my home. I thought I wanted to marry him. I thought he was the man of my dreams. I thought we'd be happy as soon as we got away from all the rumors. But now? I don't think I ever really knew Professor Hunter. And I can't walk down the aisle until I know the truth.
  • Devotion Айви Смоук
    Tick tock. One day before the wedding of her dreams, Penny is in a city that is no longer her home. Alone. Heartbroken. Lost. Could the past few years really mean so little to a man that became her world? To a man she'd do anything to protect? There is no future without him. There is no her without him. With only 24 hours until the wedding, is there enough time to repair the damage? Tick tock. And even if Penny and James do come back to each other, Isabella is still out there plotting. The world is still against them. Darkness still lurks in the shadows of James' past. A student and her professor were never meant to be forever. They thought it was an everlasting love, but it was doomed from the very start. Tick tock. Temptation led to addiction, which exploded into an eruption of chaos. And when the pieces settled, only one thing became clear...devotion. One great love. A love worth fighting for. Because the only thing that lasts forever is love.
  • Obsessed Айви Смоук
    I'm not a good man. And it turns out I'm an even worse professor. I have sinful thoughts about one of my students. Every night. I picture her in my bed. In my shower. Underneath me. Right up against the chalkboard. I'm especially fond of that one. In my defense, I know her thoughts are as sinful as mine. She's begging me with her beautiful blue eyes. She's daring me to cross the line. No, I'm not a good man. And I'm done pretending to be. I know exactly what I'm going to do to her as soon as she walks into my office hours...
  • Короли "Эмпайр-Хай" Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 978-5-17-148753-9
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Все знают Мэтью Колдуэлла. Очаровательного. Великолепного. Богатого. Еще он выходец из моей лиги. Когда он приглашает меня в жизнь богатых и знаменитых, я соглашаюсь в одно мгновение. Но что кроется за всем блеском и гламуром?
    Тайны. Ложь. Предательство.
    Все это за идеальной улыбкой и сшитом на заказ костюме. Я должна была сразу все понять, чем продолжать притворяться, что принадлежу его миру...
  • Элита "Эмпайр-Хай" Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 978-5-17-148850-5
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Добро пожаловать в мир элиты.

    Мир, полный невероятно красивых людей с ужасными душами. Мир, наполненный тайнами, частью которого я никогда не хотела быть.

    Однако моя мать влюбилась в одного из самых богатых мужчин города. И это стало самой жестокой ошибкой в ее жизни, которую она поняла слишком поздно. Я точно знаю, что ей не хотелось, чтобы он присутствовал и в моей жизни тоже. Потому что мой отец самый настоящий монстр.

    Но судьба распорядилась иначе.

    Единственный человек, на которого, как мне казалось, я могла положиться, был Мэтт. Он говорит, что моя новая семья ужасна. Неужели поэтому Мэтт хочет прятать меня, как свой маленький грязный секрет?
  • Empire High Betrayal Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 9781662075179
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Dreamscape Media
    Язык: Английский

    I never meant to break the Untouchables. And I’ll do whatever it takes to piece them back together. Even it means embracing what I most feared. I’m going to become one of the elite. I’m going to live like an Untouchable. And not even Isabella will be able to break me. Ever. Again. But while I’m focused on outsmarting Isabella and fixing my mistakes, I forget that the stakes are so much bigger than who’s the most popular at Empire High. I’m playing with life and death. I should have seen it coming. After all...he’d betrayed me before.

  • Matchmaker Айви Смоук
    Язык: Английский
    Matthew Caldwell is NYC’s most eligible bachelor. But good looks and a great job don’t hide the fact that he’s broken. Sixteen years ago he lost everything. He made a vow to never love again. But suddenly everyone in his life is acting like a matchmaker. He can’t help but wonder if a broken vow is better than a broken heart. There’s just one problem. Only one woman in the city has caught his attention. And it’s the only woman he can’t have.
  • Runaway Айви Смоук
    Язык: Английский
    To the first boy I ever loved. I intended to keep my promises to you. I swear. I loved you, Matthew Caldwell. With my whole heart. I think a piece of me will always love you. But it all came crashing down when I realized you didn't keep your promises to me. I refuse to take any of my days for granted. I learned that the hard way. So I'm sorry. But I can't keep my promises to someone who didn't keep theirs.
    XOXO, -Brooklyn Sanders
  • Homecoming Айви Смоук
    Brooklyn - I was locked in a cage for 16 years. But I lived in it willingly. And I didn't come back to this city for a boy who forgot about me when I was kidnapped. Matthew Caldwell broke his promises to me. And I broke every single promise I made him. But it's a lot easier to decide something when you're not staring at your past face to face. Matthew Caldwell helped heal my heart once before. And I think maybe he's the only one that can help me now. Matt - It's easiest to remember Brooklyn in the fall. The autumn leaves remind me of her. The crisp smell of the air. It's all her. I wasted half my life loving someone that's never coming back. And I still want all the things I once did - kids, a wife, a home. But how can I move forward if I still feel her presence at every turn? It's almost like she's still here with me?
  • Exposed Айви Смоук
    Matthew Caldwell never forgot about me. I know that now. And a part of me wants to give us a second chance. When I’m in his arms, I feel 16 again. He takes away my pain. But I’m worried he’ll never forgive me… Matt
    Brooklyn has always been mine.
    I loved her when she was a Sanders. I loved her when she was a Pruitt. And even though I’m angry, I know I’ll love her now, as a Miller. But it’s about time I made her a Caldwell.
  • City of Sin - Men Of Manhattan, Book 1 Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 9781662014321
    Язык: Английский
    BeeWhen I came to New York City, I was engaged to the man of my dreams and I was ready to take the marketing industry by storm. But now? I'm single and working at a dead-end job with a pervy boss. It's official-this city kicked my a**. It's time to pack my bags. A blind date that my friend set up to convince me to stay is most definitely not going to change my mind. Zero chance. Goodbye NYC. MasonI know I have a reputation as a playboy. And I like my reputation. Relationships are for schmucks. The only reason I agreed to the blind date was because I was promised two Knicks tickets for my time. But I never expected her to pass on me. Me? Are you kidding? I'm going to prove to her that she made a mistake. I give it a week until she begs me to make good on my promises. Then I'll say goodbye to her long legs and sassy tongue and perfect…What the hell? Why don't I want to say goodbye?
  • Missing Pieces - Men Of Manhattan, Book 3 Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 9781662014505
    Язык: Английский
    Hailey He's still in love with his ex, and I refuse to be a consolation prize. So why did I just agree to a spur-of-the-moment road trip with him? I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing this for me. It has nothing to do with the gorgeous man staring at me like I'm a crazy person. Tyler Why is she climbing into my car uninvited? I don't care how sweet her smile is-or how long her legs are. This isn't some aimless summer road trip. But I can tell from the way she's looking at me that she knows the truth. I'm not driving toward something. I'm driving away from something…from someone.
  • Empire High Elite - Empire High, Book 2 Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 9781662055560
    Издательство: Dreamscape Media
    Язык: Английский
    My mom fell in love with a monster. I know he's dangerous. And I know my mom never wanted him in my life. I don't want him in mine either. But I'm being forced to live with him.I'm stuck in his haunting apartment in a world where I don't belong. A world full of beautiful people with ugly souls. A world filled with secrets. And the one person that I thought I could rely on was Matt. But he says my new family is a disease. Does that make me toxic too? Is that why Matt wants to keep me his dirty little secret? I should have known that all the secrets would come crashing down soon. I just never expected more to break than Matthew freaking Caldwell breaking my heart.This second book in the series includes a bonus short story called Matthew Caldwell, The Untouchable.
  • Matchmaker Айви Смоук
    ISBN: 978-1942381037
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Loft Troll Ink
    Matthew Caldwell is NYC’s most eligible bachelor.

    But good looks and a great job don’t hide the fact that he’s broken.

    Sixteen years ago he lost everything. He made a vow to never love again. But suddenly everyone in his life is acting like a matchmaker. He can’t help but wonder if a broken vow is better than a broken heart.

    There’s just one problem. Only one woman in the city has caught his attention. And it’s the only woman he can’t have.
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