Зои Хеллер

Zoe Heller

  • 14 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 700 читателей
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Новинки Зои Хеллер

  • Notes on a Scandal Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 9780241989173
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Penguin
    From the day that Sheba Hart joins the staff at St George's, history teacher Barbara Covett is convinced that she has found a kindred spirit. When Sheba is discovered having an illicit affair with one of her pupils, Barbara appoints herself Sheba's chief defender. Yet all is not as it first appears in this dark story and as Sheba will eventually discover, a friend can be as treacherous as any lover.
  • Хроника одного скандала Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-112371-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Пожилая учительница истории Барбара мучительно одинока, и дружба с новой коллегой, красивой и энергичной Шебой, становится для нее единственной отдушиной и лекарством от мизантропии. Однако очень скоро заурядная государственная школа, где они работают, превращается в подмостки скандальной драмы: замужняя Шеба заводит бурный роман с собственным несовершеннолетним учеником, трудным подростком Стивеном.

    Разумеется, шила в мешке не утаить, и тайное становится явным. Пресса неистовствует, опозоренную Шебу ждет суд, жизнь ее полностью разрушена. С ней остается лишь Барбара. Но у дружеской поддержки и сочувствия тоже есть своя — и немалая — цена...
  • The Believers Zoe Heller
    ISBN: 978-0-241-96549-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Русский
    The book opens with a prologue set in mid-sixties London, where Joel Litvinoff, an American civil rights lawyer, meets a young Englishwoman, Audrey. After a brief and apparently casual affair, she decides to go to the United States and marry him. The main narrative then commences in New York in 2002. Joel is 72 and approaching the end of a long and illustrious career as an activist lawyer. He and Audrey live in Greenwich Village and have three adult children: two daughters, Rosa and Karla, and an adopted son, Lenny. Audrey is now an acid-tongued, domineering woman in late middle age who fiercely defends, but never questions, the political stance that has shaped her life. Her most tender feelings appear to be directed towards Lenny, a frequent drug user who is incapable of personal responsibility. Karla, the neglected and under-appreciated oldest child, is a social worker who is married, not very happily, to Mike. They have been trying unsuccessfully to start a family. Rosa works with disadvantaged young girls. She is becoming increasingly interested in Judaism, a faith rejected along with all others by her Jewish parents. For this she is much derided by Audrey. Joel suffers a stroke while in court and is in a coma for most of the time span covered by the book. Audrey is convinced he is not getting proper care in the hospital and creates difficulties for its medical staff. During this time of stress, Karla’s unhappiness with her marriage rises to the surface. She begins an affair with Khaled, originally from Egypt, who runs a newspaper store at the hospital where they both work. Rosa immerses herself in the study of Orthodox Judaism and, though she finds many of its teachings difficult to accept, though she perseveres. A stranger, Berenice Mason, introduces herself to Audrey, claiming that her son is Joel’s illegitimate child. Though Audrey initially dismisses her with contempt, it emerges that her story is true and that Berenice has been receiving regular financial support from Joel. Lenny is persuaded by Audrey’s friend Jean to go to her country home in Pennsylvania for a month in order to get off drugs. He makes great progress there and, when Audrey visits, he proposes settling in Pennsylvania permanently. Appalled by the prospect of losing him, Audrey does her best to discourage the idea. Rosa abandons, and then takes up again, her studies in Orthodox Judaism deciding finally that she must pursue her religious intuitions.Joel dies without regaining consciousness. At his funeral, which is attended by thousands, Audrey gives a eulogy in which she celebrates her 40-year marriage to her husband and makes a public acknowledgment of Berenice and her son. At the reception afterwards, Karla makes a last-minute, momentous decision regarding her own marriage.
  • Notes on a Scandal Zoë Heller
    ISBN: 024195455X, 978-0-241-95455-3
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    We don't have secrets, Sheba and I. From the first day that the beguiling Sheba Hart joins the staff of St George's, history teacher Barbara Covett is convinced that she has found a kindred spirit. Barbara's loyalty to her new friend is passionate and unstinting and when Sheba is discovered having an illicit affair with one of her young pupils, Barbara quickly elects herself as Sheba's chief defender. But all is not as at first it seems in this dark story and, as Sheba will soon discover, a friend can be just as treacherous as any lover.
  • Правдолюбцы Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-499-7
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Люди любят поговорить о своих убеждениях. Но как они воплощают их в жизнь? Для героев своего нового романа Зои Хеллер - одновременно и злой следователь, и добрый. То с сочувствием, то с сарказмом она описывает их поступки и желания. Почти сорок лет назад Одри вышла замуж за адвоката Джоэля Литвинова, защитника угнетенных, обездоленных и бесправных. Спустя десятилетия супруги Литвиновы являются истинным символом либеральных ценностей, и детей своих они воспитывали в том же духе. Но на закате жизни выяснилось, что одними убеждениями человек сыт не будет, и даже у самых честных и принципиальных найдется свой скелет в шкафу. Едкая комедия,…

  • Notes on a Scandal Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 9780141039954
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Penguin
    Shortlisted for the 2003 Man Booker Prize, Zoe Heller's Notes on a Scandal is a darkly compelling novel that explores the taboo subject of pupil/teacher relationships, obsession and betrayal.
    From the first day that the beguiling Sheba Hart joins the staff of St George's history teacher Barbara Covett is convinced she has found a kindred spirit. Barbara's loyalty to her new friend is passionate and unstinting and when Sheba is discovered having an illicit affair with one of her pupils, Barbara quickly elects herself as Sheba's chief defender. But all is not as it first seems in this dark story and, as Sheba will soon discover, a friend can be just as treacherous as any lover.
  • The Believers Zoe Heller
    ISBN: 9780141024677
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    When Audrey makes a devastating discovery about her husband, New York radical lawyer Joel Litvinoff, she is forced to re-examine everything she thought she knew about their forty-year marriage. Joel's children will have to deal with this unsettling secret themselves, but meanwhile, they are trying to cope with their own dilemmas.
  • The Believers Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 0670916129
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Zoë Heller, author of Notes on a Scandal and Everything You Know has written a comic, tragic tale about one family’s struggles with the consolations of faith and the trials of doubt.

    When Joel Litvinoff is felled by a stroke, his wife, Audrey, uncovers a secret that forces her to re-examine her ideas about their forty-year marriage. Joel’s children will soon have to come to terms with this unsettling discovery themselves, but for the time being, they are grappling with their own dilemmas. Rosa is being pressed to make a commitment to religion. Karla is falling in love with the owner of a newspaper concession and Lenny is back on drugs. In the course of battling their own demons and each other, every member of the family is called upon to re-examine long-held articles of faith and to decide what – if anything – they still believe in.
  • Notes on a Scandal: What Was She Thinking? Zoe Heller
    ISBN: 0312426097, 9780312426095
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    Schoolteacher Barbara Covett has led a solitary life until Sheba Hart, the new art teacher at St. George's, befriends her. But even as their relationship develops, so too does another: Sheba has begun an illicit affair with an underage male student. When the scandal turns into a media circus, Barbara decides to write an account in her friend's defense--and ends up revealing not only Sheba's secrets, but also her own.
  • Хроника одного скандала Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 5-86471-375-9
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Школа во все времена была непростым местом, где сталкиваются зрелость и юность, где порой буйно расцветает махровое ханжество, пытаясь задушить первую любовь. Именно в такой мир попадает свободолюбивая и открытая Шеба Харт, преподавательница гончарного мастерства. Аристократичная и раскрепощённая Шеба невольно становится школьной сенсацией. К ней тянет не только учителей, но и учеников. Старейшина учительского клана Барбара старается завоевать её дружбу, а юный Конноли - любовь. И вскоре Барбара оказывается единственной свидетельницей - аморального с общепринятой точки зрения - романа между подростком и сорокалетней женщиной. И как…

  • What Was She Thinking? [Notes on a Scandal] Zoe Heller
    ISBN: 0312421990, 9780312421991
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Picador, Picador USA
    Язык: Английский
    Schoolteacher Barbara Covett has led a solitary life until Sheba Hart, the new art teacher at St. George's, befriends her. But even as their relationship develops, so too does another: Sheba has begun an illicit affair with an underage male student. When the scandal turns into a media circus, Barbara decides to write an account in her friend's defense—and ends up revealing not only Sheba's secrets, but also her own.
  • What Was She Thinking?: Notes on a Scandal Zoe Heller
    ISBN: 0805073337, 9780805073331
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Henry Holt & Company
    Язык: Английский
    A lonely schoolteacher reveals more than she intends when she records the story of her best friend’s affair with a pupil in this sly, insightful novel

    Schoolteacher Barbara Covett has led a solitary existence; aside from her cat, Portia, she has few friends and no intimates. When Sheba Hart joins St. George’s as the new art teacher, Barbara senses the possibility of a new friendship. It begins with lunches and continues with regular invitations to meals with Sheba’s seemingly close-knit family. But as Barbara and Sheba’s relationship develops, another does as well: Sheba has begun a passionate affair with an underage male student. When it comes to light and Sheba falls prey to the inevitable media circus, Barbara decides to write an account in her friend’s defense—an account that reveals not only Sheba’s secrets but her own.

    What Was She Thinking? is a story of repression and passion, envy and complacence, friendship and loneliness. A complex psychological portrait framed as a wicked satire, it is by turns funny, poignant, and sinister. With it, Zoë Heller surpasses the promise of her critically acclaimed first novel, Everything You Know.
  • What Was She Thinking? Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 9781481565134
    Издательство: Gardners Books
  • Believers Зои Хеллер
    ISBN: 9780061805226
    Издательство: Gardners Books