Питер Ладлоу

Peter Ludlow

  • 13 книг
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Питер Ладлоу — новинки

  • The Law of Tax–Exempt Organizations, 9th Edition and Planning Guide for the Law of tax–Exempt Organizations (paper) Peter Ludlow
    ISBN: 9780262122948
    Год издания: 2007
    Язык: Английский
    The Law of Tax–Exempt Organizations, 9th Edition and Planning Guide for the Law of tax–Exempt Organizations (paper)
  • Only a Game – Online Worlds and the Journalist Who Knew Too Much Peter Ludlow
    ISBN: 9780596101596
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Английский
    Only a Game – Online Worlds and the Journalist Who Knew Too Much
  • Криптоанархия, кибергосударства и пиратские утопии Питер Ладлоу
    ISBN: 5-9681-0032-X
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Ультра. Культура
    Язык: Русский

    Антология, составленная Питером Ладлоу, адъюнкт-профессором философии в Университете штата Нью-Йорк, посвящена возникающему в Сети и вокруг нее новому обществу. Виртуальные сообщества - это лаборатории, конструирующие новые формы общества со всеми присущими им атрибутами власти, права и т. д. Все это вызывает новые проблемы, которым посвящены пять частей антологии. Первая проблема - свободы и независимости самого Интернета. Вторая - социально-политические последствия использования шифрования частными лицами. Третья часть антологии посвящена юридическим и финансовым проблемам, порождаемым ростом электронной торговли. Четвертая часть…

  • There?s Something About Mary – Essays on Phenomenal Consciousness and Frank Jackson?s Knowledge Argument Peter Ludlow
    ISBN: 9780262122726
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Английский
    There?s Something About Mary – Essays on Phenomenal Consciousness and Frank Jackson?s Knowledge Argument
  • Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias Питер Ладлоу
    ISBN: 9780262122382
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Bradford Book
    Язык: Английский
    A wide-ranging collection of writings on emerging political structures in cyberspace.

    In Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias, Peter Ludlow extends the approach he used so successfully in High Noon on the Electronic Frontier, offering a collection of writings that reflects the eclectic nature of the online world, as well as its tremendous energy and creativity. This time the subject is the emergence of governance structures within online communities and the visions of political sovereignty shaping some of those communities. Ludlow views virtual communities as laboratories for conducting experiments in the construction of new societies and governance structures. While many online experiments will fail, Ludlow argues that given the synergy of the online world, new and superior governance structures may emerge. Indeed, utopian visions are not out of place, provided that we understand the new utopias to be fleeting localized "islands in the Net" and not permanent institutions.

    The book is organized in five sections. The first section considers the sovereignty of the Internet. The second section asks how widespread access to resources such as Pretty Good Privacy and anonymous remailers allows the possibility of "Crypto Anarchy"--essentially carving out space for activities that lie outside the purview of nation states and other traditional powers. The third section shows how the growth of e-commerce is raising questions of legal jurisdiction and taxation for which the geographic boundaries of nation-states are obsolete. The fourth section looks at specific experimental governance structures evolved by online communities. The fifth section considers utopian and anti-utopian visions for cyberspace.

    Richard Barbrook, John Perry Barlow, William E. Baugh Jr., David S. Bennahum, Hakim Bey, David Brin, Andy Cameron, Dorothy E. Denning, Mark Dery, Kevin Doyle, Duncan Frissell, Eric Hughes, Karrie Jacobs, David Johnson, Peter Ludlow, Timothy C. May, Jennifer L. Mnookin, Nathan Newman, David G. Post, Jedediah S. Purdy, Charles J. Stivale
  • Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias Питер Ладлоу
    ISBN: 0262621517, 9780262621519
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Bradford Book
    Язык: Английский
    A wide-ranging collection of writings on emerging political structures in cyberspace.

    In Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias, Peter Ludlow extends the approach he used so successfully in High Noon on the Electronic Frontier, offering a collection of writings that reflects the eclectic nature of the online world, as well as its tremendous energy and creativity. This time the subject is the emergence of governance structures within online communities and the visions of political sovereignty shaping some of those communities. Ludlow views virtual communities as laboratories for conducting experiments in the construction of new societies and governance structures. While many online experiments will fail, Ludlow argues that given the synergy of the online world, new and superior governance structures may emerge. Indeed, utopian visions are not out of place, provided that we understand the new utopias to be fleeting localized "islands in the Net" and not permanent institutions.

    The book is organized in five sections. The first section considers the sovereignty of the Internet. The second section asks how widespread access to resources such as Pretty Good Privacy and anonymous remailers allows the possibility of "Crypto Anarchy"--essentially carving out space for activities that lie outside the purview of nation states and other traditional powers. The third section shows how the growth of e-commerce is raising questions of legal jurisdiction and taxation for which the geographic boundaries of nation-states are obsolete. The fourth section looks at specific experimental governance structures evolved by online communities. The fifth section considers utopian and anti-utopian visions for cyberspace.

    Richard Barbrook, John Perry Barlow, William E. Baugh Jr., David S. Bennahum, Hakim Bey, David Brin, Andy Cameron, Dorothy E. Denning, Mark Dery, Kevin Doyle, Duncan Frissell, Eric Hughes, Karrie Jacobs, David Johnson, Peter Ludlow, Timothy C. May, Jennifer L. Mnookin, Nathan Newman, David G. Post, Jedediah S. Purdy, Charles J. Stivale
  • Semantics, Tense & Time – An Essay in the Metaphysics of Natural Language Peter Ludlow
    ISBN: 9780262122191
    Год издания: 1999
    Язык: Английский
    Semantics, Tense & Time – An Essay in the Metaphysics of Natural Language
  • Readings in the Philosophy of Language (Paper) Peter Ludlow
    ISBN: 9780262621144
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: MIT Press
    Язык: Английский
    Throughout the history of ideas, various branches of philosophy have spun off into the natural sciences, including physics, biology, and perhaps most recently, cognitive psychology. A central theme of this collection is that the philosophy of language, at least a core portion of it, has matured to the point where it is now being spun off into linguistic theory. Each section of the book contains historical (twentieth-century) readings and, where available, recent attempts to apply the resources of contemporary linguistic theory to the problems under discussion. This approach helps to root the naturalization project in the leading questions of analytic philosophy. Although the older readings predate the current naturalization project, they help to lay its conceptual foundations. The main sections of the book, each of which is preceded by an introduction, are Language and Meaning, Logical Form and Grammatical Form, Descriptions, Names, Demonstratives, and Attitude Reports.

    The collection is not intended as a final report on a mature line of philosophical inquiry. Rather, its purpose is to show students what doing real philosophy is all about and to let them share in the excitement as philosophers enter a period in which how philosophy of language is conducted could change in fundamental ways.
  • Readings in the Philosophy of Language Peter Ludlow
    ISBN: 9780262122054
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Bradford Book
    Язык: Английский
    "This is easily the finest collection of essays in the philosophy of language assembled for students, for undergaduate or graduate students. There is not even a close second competitor."
    -- Ernie Lepore, Associate Director, Center for Cognitive Science (RuCCS), Rutgers University "This is easily the best anthology in the philosophy of language; it is certain to become the standard textbook for years to come"
    -- Stephen Neale, Professor of Philosophy, Birkbeck College, University of London, and the University of California, Berkeley. Throughout the history of ideas, various branches of philosophy have spun off into the natural sciences, including physics, biology, and perhaps most recently, cognitive psychology. A central theme of this collection is that the philosophy of language, at least a core portion of it, has matured to the point where it is now being spun off into linguistic theory. Each section of the book contains historical (twentieth-century) readings and, where available, recent attempts to apply the resources of contemporary linguistic theory to the problems under discussion. This approach helps to root the naturalization project in the leading questions of analytic philosophy. Although the older readings predate the current naturalization project, they help to lay its conceptual foundations. The main sections of the book, each of which is preceded by an introduction, are Language and Meaning, Logical Form and Grammatical Form, Descriptions, Names, Demonstratives, and Attitude Reports.

    The collection is not intended as a final report on a mature line of philosophical inquiry. Rather, its purpose is to show students whatdoing real philosophy is all about and to let them share in the excitement as philosophers enter a period in which how philosophy of language is conducted could change in fundamental ways.
  • High Noon on the Electronic Frontier: Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace Питер Ладлоу
    ISBN: 9780262621038
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Bradford Book
    Язык: Английский
    Peter Ludlow has culled from various sources, both print and electronic, key articles on hot cyberspace policy issues, together with lively extracts from online discussions of these issues. These include the standard academic pieces along with "rants and manifestos" on a broad range of issues from the denizens of cyberspace and reflect the discourse of cyberspace itself. At times they have what Ludlow terms "a certain gonzo quality, " but nonetheless they raise serious conceptual issues in a way that illustrates precisely what is at stake. The topics covered in this timely compilation include privacy, property rights, hacking and cracking, encryption, censorship, and self and community on-line.
  • High Noon on the Electronic Frontier – Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace Питер Ладлоу
    ISBN: 9780262121965
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Bradford Book
    Язык: Английский
    Peter Ludlow has culled from various sources, both print and electronic, key articles on hot cyberspace policy issues, together with lively extracts from online discussions of these issues. These include the standard academic pieces along with "rants and manifestos" on a broad range of issues from the denizens of cyberspace and reflect the discourse of cyberspace itself. At times they have what Ludlow terms "a certain gonzo quality," but nonetheless they raise serious conceptual issues in a way that illustrates precisely what is at stake. The topics covered in this timely compilation include privacy, property rights, hacking and cracking, encryption, censorship, and self and community on-line.
  • High Noon on the Electronic Frontier: Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace Питер Ладлоу
    ISBN: 0262621037, 9780262621038
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Bradford Book
    Язык: Английский
    ."..The two sides of the dispute appear in dueling essays as part of a massive collection, titled "High Noon on the Electronic Frontier," edited by Peter Ludlow and coming in June from The MIT Press. I hate the title, but this collection covers many timely issues, such as property rights, computer crime and cryptography. If you make your living by writing code, you have to read this book."
    -- Peter Coffee, "PC Week" Peter Ludlow has culled from various sources, both print and electronic, key articles on hot cyberspace policy issues, together with lively extracts from online discussions of these issues. These include the standard academic pieces along with "rants and manifestos" on a broad range of issues from the denizens of cyberspace and reflect the discourse of cyberspace itself. At times they have what Ludlow terms "a certain gonzo quality, " but nonetheless they raise serious conceptual issues in a way that illustrates precisely what is at stake. The topics covered in this timely compilation include privacy, property rights, hacking and cracking, encryption, censorship, and self and community on-line.

    The writings/discussions: John Perry Barlow · "Wine Without Bottles" Simson L. Garfinkel, Richard M. Stallman, and Mitchell Kapor · "Why Software Patents Are Bad" The League for Programming Freedom · "Against Software Patents" Paul Heckel · "Debunking the Software Patent Myths" Pirate editorial · "So You Want to Be a Pirate?" Mike Godwin · "Some "Property" Problems in a Computer Crime Prosecution" The Mentor · "The Conscience of a Hacker" Julian Dibbell · "ThePrisoner: Phiber Optik Goes Directly to Jail" Dorothy E. Denning · "Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer
  • Проблемы христианской философии. Материалы Первой конференции Общества христианских философов Питер Ладлоу
    ISBN: 5-85864-071-0
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Прогресс-Академия
    Язык: Русский
    В книге собраны выступления видных ученых-теологов университетов США и Великобритании и философов-богословов Санкт-Петербурга на Первой конференции Общества христианских философов.
    Читатель имеет возможность познакомиться с опирающимися на новейшие достижения космологии доказательствами бытия Бога, с современными вариантами теодицеи, с доказательством принципиальной невозможности существования всеведущего существа, с образцами глубокого философского анализа теологических проблем.

    Книга адресована всем, интересующимся современным уровнем разработки философских проблем христианства.