Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк

Carol Higgins Clark

  • 41 книга
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 85 читателей
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Лучшие книги Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк

  • Опаленные Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 978-5-389-00123-7
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Иностранка
    Язык: Русский

    Частная сыщица Риган Рейли соглашается слетать со своей лучшей подругой на Гавайи, чтобы провести уик-энд в престижном курортном комплексе "Вайкики Вотерс". Но ей не удается убежать от работы: ранним утром на пустынном пляже находят труп женщины, работавшей в отеле фотокорреспондентом. На ней дорогое гавайское ожерелье из раковин, похищенное тридцать лет назад из местного музея. Полиция склонна считать это несчастным случаем. Однако Риган и управляющий Уилл Браун в этом далеко не уверены. Слишком противоречивой была личность погибшей, всего три месяца как появившейся на Гавайях и уже успевшей обзавестись репутацией несносной дамы,…

  • Замороченные Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 978-5-389-00285-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Иностранка
    Язык: Русский

    Частная сыщица Риган Рейли и ее новоиспеченный муж Джон, глава подразделения по особо важным делам полицейского управления Нью-Йорка, отправляются в свадебное путешествие в Ирландию. Они приезжают в древний замок Хеннесси, где, согласно легенде, обитает призрак. По удивительному стечению обстоятельств, это дух их однофамилицы, кружевницы Мэй Рейли, которая сплела для хозяина замка красивейшую кружевную скатерть, но не получила обещанного вознаграждения. Прежде чем Риган и Джон успевают увидеть это дивное произведение искусства, оно исчезает. Кто же, как не они, сможет его найти?

  • Неразлучные Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 9785389002289
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Иностранка
    Язык: Русский

    Сыщица Риган Рейли и ее жених Дже - глава подразделения по особо важным делам нью-йоркской полиции - готовятся к свадьбе. Риган заказала себе великолепное подвенечное платье у двух молодых модельеров в Манхэттене. Придя в салон за своим нарядом, Риган обнаруживает, что помещение взломано, модельеры связаны, а платья четырех апрельских невест исчезли, включая и то, что было сшито для Риган. Клочки пятого платья валяются на полу. Хотя до ее свадьбы остается всего неделя, Риган берется раскрыть дело и в результате знакомится с разношерстной компанией женихов и невест, которые жаждут - или не жаждут - стать супругами

  • Палуба Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 5-7020-1075-2
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский

    23 апреля 1982 года студентка одного из колледжей Оксфорда спешила на вокзал, в предвкушении лондонских каникул... С того дня Атену Пополус никто уже больше не видел. И лишь спустя десять лет ее останки будут обнаружены на территории поместья, обитатели которого хранили зловещую тайну исчезновения Атены...

  • Он бережет твой сон Мэри Хиггинс Кларк
    Язык: Русский

    До Рождества осталось всего несколько дней. Брукс Стерлинг вот уже сорок шесть лет (по земным меркам) томится в приемной Небесной канцелярии, ожидая решения своей загробной участи. Наконец наступает заветный день, и небесные чиновники сообщают Стерлингу, что он прожил свою жизнь ни шатко ни валко, поэтому не достоин пропуска в рай. Однако есть шанс исправиться… И предлагают ему поучаствовать в эксперименте – вернуться на землю и кому-нибудь помочь. Если он справится со своей миссией, то Небесный Совет пересмотрит свое решение и наградой станет вечное блаженство. Стерлинг соглашается…

  • Dashing Through the Snow Мэри Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 184737526X, 9781847375261
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    In the picturesque village of Branscombe, New Hampshire, the townsfolk are all pitching in to prepare for the first (and many hope annual) Festival of Joy. The night before the festival begins, a group of employees at the local market learn that they have won $160 million in the lottery. One of their co-workers, Duncan, decided at the last minute, on the advice of a pair of crooks masquerading as financial advisers, not to play. Then he goes missing. A second winning lottery ticket was purchased in the next town, but the winner hasn't come forward. Could Duncan have secretly bought it?

    The Clarks' endearing heroes - Alvirah Meehan, the amateur sleuth, and private investigator Regan Reilly - have arrived in Branscombe for the festival. They are just the people to find out what is amiss. As they dig beneath the surface, they find that life in Branscombe is not as tranquil as it appears. So much for an old-fashioned weekend in the country. This fast-paced holiday caper will keep you dashing through the pages!
  • Узел Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 5-7020-1074-4
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский

    Частный детектив Риган Рейли приехала на свадьбу своей школьной подруги, не подозревая, что подвергает свою жизнь серьезной опасности. На сей раз она взяла под защиту создателя нервущихся колготок Ричарда Блоссома. Но вычислить злоумышленников было не так-то просто - слишком многим грозило банкротством его невинное изобретение.

  • Murder For Love Elmore Leonard
    ISBN: 0752811207, 9780752811208
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    A collection of 16 original stories from today's foremost fiction writers--including Ed McBain, Jonathan Kellerman, Sara Paretsky, Mary Higgins Clark, Elmore Leonard, James Crumley, John Gardner, Anne Perry, Donna Tartt, Shel Silverstein, Bobbie Ann Mason, Carol Higgins Clark, William J. Caunitz, Michael Malone, and Faye Kellerman--each a brilliant mystery exploring that peculiar area that lies between love and death.
  • Снега Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 5-7020-1073-6
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский

    Частный детектив Риган Гейли приехала в Аспен покататься на лыжах и оказалась участницей драматических событий, потрясших тихий заснеженный городок. Кража ценных картин, похищения людей, покушение на убийство - вот неполный перечень преступлений, пресечь которые ей удалось, рискуя собственной жизнью.

  • The Christmas Thief Мэри Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 0743272250
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Английский
    Alvirah Meehan, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth, teams up with private investigator Regan Reilly to solve another Christmas mystery. In Deck the Halls, they rescued Regan's kidnapped father.

    This time they get in the middle of a case involving a beautiful eighty-foot blue spruce that has been chosen to spend the holidays as Rockefeller Center's famous Christmas tree. The folks who picked the tree don't have a clue that attached to one of its branches is a flask chock-full of priceless diamonds that Packy Noonan, a scam artist just released from prison, had hidden there over twelve years ago. An excited Packy breaks his parole and heads to Stowe, Vermont, to reclaim his loot. Once there, he is horrified to discover that his special tree will be heading to New York City the next morning. With a bumbling crew consisting of Jo-Jo, Benny, and an unsuccessful poet, Milo, he knows he has to act fast. What Packy does not know is that Alvirah and Regan are on a weekend trip to stowe with Alvirah's husband, Willy; Regan's fiance, Jack; Regan's parents, Luke and Nora; and Alvirah's friend Opal, a lottery winner who lost all her winnings in Packy's scam. On Monday morning when they're suppose to head home, they learn that the tree is missing, Packy Noonan may be in the vicinity, and Opal has disappeared.
  • Knocked Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Regan Reilly is back in another “thrilling” tale with “unexpected plot twists and Clark’s trademark humor” (The Daily Beast).

    When Detective Regan Reilly sets off for her tenth reunion at Quiltier College—an all-women’s college in Northern Massachusetts—she is looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and reminiscing. She doesn’t expect to be working. But things don’t always turn out as planned.

    On her way to the reunion, Regan stops at her favorite diner, Dot and Don’s, and discovers the owners of the restaurant bound up in the cellar, the cash register empty. She helps the police investigate the break-in.

    Later the same day, two 102-year-old Quiltier alumni, who returned for their eightieth reunion, leave the infirmary where they were assigned rooms. When they have not returned by 11:30 p.m. alumni take part in a Nature Night Search to find the missing women, led by Regan, the campus security team, and the local police.

    And there is the mystery of who from Regan’s graduating class gave an anonymous donation of $1 million to the school. And where did she get the money?

    So much for a quiet reunion.

    The quirky, colorful personalities who work at the college and the local television studio, as well as the Quiltier grads and others who and find their way to the campus keep the story light as the mysteries pile up. Cameo appearances by Regan’s husband—Detective Jack Reilly, Head of the NYPD major case squad—and her parents—Nora Reilly the famous mystery writer and Luke Reilly, the owner of several funeral homes in New Jersey—will appeal to Carol’s fans. The unusual mix of characters and unexpected events will keep readers turning the pages of this fast-paced and fun mystery.
  • Mobbed Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 9781439170281
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    Private investigator Regan Reilly and her husband, Jack, head of the NYPD Major Case Squad, plan to spend the weekend at the Jersey shore with her parents. But the weekend gets off to an early start when Regan receives a phone call from her mother Nora asking if she’d hop on a train right away.

    Hayley Patton is a successful New York City event planner who suspected that her beau, Scott, was cheating and hired her former high school classmate Regan to follow him. When Hayley got the lowdown on Scott’s treachery, she vowed revenge with such vehemence that Regan is worried that Hayley might go too far. Meanwhile, Nora had also just spoken to an agitated high school classmate. Karen Frawley Fulton, who lives in San Diego, called Nora after learning that her mother just sold their home at the Jersey shore and is having a garage sale to end all garage sales. Karen asks Nora to please go to the house and, she hopes, curtail any other outrageous antics her mother probably has in mind. Nora agrees and asks Regan to join her.

    At the Frawley home Regan is astonished to see Scott’s brand-new fiancée, who quickly makes herself scarce. Once inside the house, Regan becomes increasingly suspicious about why the house was vacated unexpectedly. Turns out, there is a good reason…
  • Twanged Carol Higgins Clark
    ISBN: 9780446605366
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Vision
    Язык: Английский
    A Week in The Hamptons can be Murder Sleuth Regan Reilly is hired as a bodyguard for singer Brigid O'Neill, a rising country star who has been receiving threatening "love notes." Brigid also possesses a "magical" Irish fiddle said to be cursed-whoever takes it out of Ireland will have an accident or face death. Still, Brigid brings it to the Hamptons, where her band will perform at a Fourth of July concert. Chappy Tinka, heir to a thumbtack fortune, and his ditzy wife, Bettina, are their hosts. Regan joins them at "Chappy's Compound," an oceanfront estate where they encounter Bettina's guru Peace Man, Chappy's bumbling sidekick Duke, a feng shui specialist obsessed with rearranging furniture-and a party guest found floating face-down in the pool. Is the curse of the fiddle real? Is there a murderer in the house? As the concert nears, the menace to Brigid grows, and Regan must discover the truth before it's too late...
  • Fleeced Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 9781416523499
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    Regan Reilly -- the smart, saucy sleuth featured in all of Carol Higgins Clark's bestsellers -- is in New York attending a crime conference organized by her celebrity-author mother...and enjoying time with a new beau, Jack no relation Reilly. It's not long before trouble finds her: a family friend, Thomas Pilsner -- the president of the Settlers' Club on Gramercy Park -- desperately needs help. Two Settlers are dead, diamonds they were donating to the flagging club have vanished, and Thomas is rapidly becoming the prime suspect on all counts. As sharp as ever, Regan sets about solving the mystery of the disappearing diamonds and dead donors in order to save Thomas' neck...before the real killer finds him.
  • Santa Cruise: A Holiday Mystery at Sea Мэри Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 1416535527
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Английский
    In The Bestselling Tradition Of The Christmas Thief . . . A Holiday Mystery At Sea

    America's Queen of Suspense -- Mary Higgins Clark -- joins forces with her daughter Carol -- bestselling author of the Regan Reilly mysteries -- in this fast-paced novel set on a special holiday cruise that sets sail from Miami the day after Christmas.

    Alvirah Meehan, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth; recently "hitched" private detective Regan Reilly; and their husbands Willy and Jack, are guests on the Royal Mermaid's maiden voyage, the Santa Cruise. The cruise is Commodore Randolph Weed's gift to a select group of people who in the last year made the world a better place. What he doesn't know is that his ne'er-do-well nephew, Eric, has smuggled two escaping criminals on board. As the Royal Mermaid sails through troubled waters, Alvirah and Regan uncover clues that lead them to the dangerous men who were not on the original guest list!

    Filled with suspense and humor, Santa Cruise is a holiday mystery you won't want to miss. Join the Clarks' as they bring this unpredictable voyage to a hair-raising and heartwarming conclusion and ring in the New Year.
  • Burned (Regan Reilly Mysteries) Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 0743242750
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description Regan Reilly and her best friend, Kit, are on vacation in Honolulu, intent on having a Hawaiian adventure. They won't be disappointed! When we last saw L.A.-based private detective Regan Reilly, she'd recently become
  • Deck the Halls Мэри Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 0743418131, 9780743418133
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    In their first acclaimed work of collaboration, Mary Higgins Clark, the Queen of Suspense, and her daughter, bestselling author Carol Higgins Clark, create an exciting and entertaining story of a holiday kidnapping.

    Three days before Christmas, Regan Reilly, the dynamic young sleuth featured in the novels of Carol Higgins Clark, accidentally meets Alvirah Meehan, Mary Higgins Clark's famous lottery winner and amateur detective, at a New Jersey dentist's office. That's where it all begins.

    While Regan's mother, Nora, the famous mystery writer, is in the hospital with a broken leg, her husband, Luke, and his chauffeur, Rosita, are kidnapped and held for a million-dollar ransom. Together, Regan and Alvirah track the case as the inept yet dangerous kidnappers make their demands known. Meanwhile, Luke and Rosita are held captive on a houseboat on the Hudson River and a fierce winter storm is gathering force.

    A true Christmas classic, Deck The Halls blends suspense with poignancy, laugh-out-loud humor, and all-around holiday cheer.
  • The Christmas Thief Мэри Хиггинс Кларк
    Язык: Английский
    Alvirah Meehan, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth, teams up with private investigator Regan Reilly to solve another Christmas mystery. In Deck the Halls, they rescued Regan's kidnapped father. This time they get in the middle of a case involving a beautiful eighty-foot blue spruce that has been chosen to spend the holidays as Rockefeller Center's famous Christmas tree. The folks who picked the tree don't have a clue that attached to one of its branches is a flask chock-full of priceless diamonds that Packy Noonan, a scam artist just released from prison, had hidden there over twelve years ago. An excited Packy breaks his parole and heads to Stowe, Vermont, to reclaim his loot. Once there, he is horrified to discover that his special tree will be heading to New York City the next morning. With a bumbling crew consisting of Jo-Jo, Benny, and an unsuccessful poet, Milo, he knows he has to act fast. What Packy does not know is that Alvirah and Regan are on a weekend trip to stowe with Alvirah's husband, Willy; Regan's fiance, Jack; Regan's parents, Luke and Nora; and Alvirah's friend Opal, a lottery winner who lost all her winnings in Packy's scam. On Monday morning when they're suppose to head home, they learn that the tree is missing, Packy Noonan may be in the vicinity, and Opal has disappeared.
  • Santa Cruise: A Holiday Mystery at Sea Мэри Хиггинс Кларк
    Язык: Английский
    In The Bestselling Tradition Of The Christmas Thief . . . A Holiday Mystery At Sea America's Queen of Suspense -- Mary Higgins Clark -- joins forces with her daughter Carol -- bestselling author of the Regan Reilly mysteries -- in this fast-paced novel set on a special holiday cruise that sets sail from Miami the day after Christmas. Alvirah Meehan, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth; recently "hitched" private detective Regan Reilly; and their husbands Willy and Jack, are guests on the Royal Mermaid's maiden voyage, the Santa Cruise. The cruise is Commodore Randolph Weed's gift to a select group of people who in the last year made the world a better place. What he doesn't know is that his ne'er-do-well nephew, Eric, has smuggled two escaping criminals on board. As the Royal Mermaid sails through troubled waters, Alvirah and Regan uncover clues that lead them to the dangerous men who were not on the original guest list! Filled with suspense and humor, Santa Cruise is a holiday mystery you won't want to miss. Join the Clarks' as they bring this unpredictable voyage to a hair-raising and heartwarming conclusion and ring in the New Year.
  • Jinxed Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк
    ISBN: 9780743548915
    Издательство: Gardners Books
    Язык: Английский
    Savvy young Los Angeles P.I. Regan Reilly faces an unusual challenge when she gets an urgent call from Lilac Weldon, owner -- with her two hippie brothers -- of the run-down California winery Altered States. Lilac asks Regan to find her actress daughter, Whitney, aka Freshness, in time to attend the wedding of Lilac's wealthy aunt Lucretia Standish, a 93-year-old silent film star. The Weldons have learned from a secret source that each family member will receive a gift of $2 million from Lucretia -- but only if they all attend.Lucretia's bridegroom, a 46-year-old con man and former actor, knows he must keep Whitney away; they have met before and she is wise to his game. How Regan foils his plot makes for an exciting climax to this comic suspense novel, filled with Carol Higgins Clark's inimitable characters.
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