Колин Фалконер

Colin Falconer

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Лучшие книги Колина Фалконера

  • Изабелла. Королевское сердце Колин Фалконер
    ISBN: 978-617-12-9309-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: КСД
    Язык: Русский
    Для юной Изабеллы брак с королем Англии Эдуардом II не являлся сугубо династическим союзом. Король стал ее первой любовью и мужем, которым она восхищалась. Однако девичьи мечты разбились о темный секрет Эдуарда... Сердце короля было холодно и безразлично к теплоте девичьих рук. Гибкий ум и мудрость молодой королевы превращают ее в одну из наиболее значимых фигур королевского двора. Она умело противостоит выпадам врагов, расправляется с манипуляторами, нашептывающими королю выгодные для них стратегии, и крепко стоит на своем, оспаривая самые безумные планы короля. Но однажды судьба жестоко обращается с Изабеллой. Ей грозит не только потеря внимания мужа и короля, но и смертельная опасность — искусно вымышленная клевета и заключение. Молодая королева должна сделать выбор, который кажется невозможным, и принять условия опасной, но увлекательной игры, чтобы изменить ход истории.
  • Гарем. Реальная жизнь Хюррем Колин Фалконер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-154919-0
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    "Гарем. Реальная жизнь Хюррем" Колина Фалконера — это захватывающая история о предательстве, мести и убийствах, охватывающая четыре десятилетия. От средневековой Венеции до невольничьих рынков Алжира, от гор Персии до дворца Топкапы в Стамбуле. Сулейман Великолепный, величайший султан Османской империи, должен защитить свое наследие любой ценой. На полях сражений и за воротами запретного дворца его сыновья и визири оказываются втянутыми в смертельную интригу за абсолютную власть. Наложницы соревнуются за его благосклонность, чего бы это им ни стоило. Одна из них — Хюррем. Она знает, что есть только один выход из золотой тюрьмы султана:…

  • Rough Justice Колин Фалконер
    ISBN: 1621252116
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    From International Bestselling Author Colin Falconer comes a new Crime Series: The London Babylon Series.

    "They’ve enforced the law. Now they want Justice."
    Rough Justice
    by Colin Falconer

    Catching the scrotes who shoot other drug dealers in the head in the front seat of their Corvettes in Camden at three in the morning - that’s one thing. When little girls are murdered, and you know who did it - and clever lawyers keep them out of stir - well, that’s something else. And when one of your own, fresh out of the Academy, gets kicked to death in some back alley and a guy who did it grins at you as he gets a Not Guilty verdict form an apathetic jury - well, patience starts to wear thin.

    Madeleine Fox is the only woman working on the Area Major Incident Team so she has developed a thick skin. Her boss is a sexist pig, and a good cop. But even he’s showing signs of wear and tear.

    Perhaps in a normal year they would all have got through it, just like every year before it. But this is no ordinary year.

    Marenko always told her it was not her job to worry about the bigger picture. You did your job and you closed case files, because you can’t change the world and you’ll go crazy trying.

    But that’s before the Candy Man; that’s before Michel de Bruin puts one of Marenko’s own family into a permanent vegetative state. Then certain people start to wonder about the laws they are supposed to serve.

    And if they ought to lend justice a hand.

    Tough, by turns bitterly funny and achingly poignant, ROUGH JUSTICE is the story of a London major crime squad in the year when justice is finally served - outside the courts.
  • The School of Night: The William Shakespeare Detective Agency Колин Фалконер
    ISBN: 1621252132, 978-1621252139
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Cool Gus Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    My name is William Shakespeare. No, not that Shakespeare; and no jests please, I've heard them all. I'm the other one, the ne'er do well cousin, the loafer, known to family and friends as the dunce, the one who could not recite Cicero or Horace, who could never be as good as his clever cuz, the one who has just come to Bishopsgate from Stratford with silly dreams in his head and a longing to make something more of himself than just a glover's handyman." What he finds in London is Lady Elizabeth Talbot, who is willing to pass a few shillings to this blundering brawler if he will help her find her husband. Poor William does not realize the trail will lead to the truth behind the death of Shakespeare's great rival, Christopher Marlowe - or to a lifelong love affair with a woman far above his station. Each book tells the story of William's adventures as England's first gumshoe, set against turbulent Elizabethan politics; of his romantic pursuit of the impossible Elizabeth Talbot; while charting the career of his up and coming dramatist cousin, the bard of Stratford, but just Will to his family.
  • The Certainty Of Doing Evil Колин Фалконер
    ISBN: 0340750324
    Год издания: 2000
    Язык: Английский
    ‘The unique and supreme pleasure of love lies in the certainty of doing evil’

    She is naked. She is spreadeagled on a torture rack in a basement. She is dead. Well, this is what happens when you don’t vet your clients properly.

    Madeleine Fox supposes she shouldn’t yawn over a naked, dead woman but it is four in the morning and she’s tired. Perhaps she has seen too many dead bodies. These toms should really be more careful, especially if they’re going to specialise in BDSM. It’s not all 50 Shades of Grey and shopping.

    It’s seems like just another murder, and they find their prime suspect within twenty four hours. He insists he is innocent - but then they all do, don’t they? Fox is the only detective in the Area Major Incident Team who believes him. She decides to dig a little deeper.

    By the time the case file is closed everyone from the Commissioner down to Fox herself wish she hadn’t. Day by day they all come undone; the detectives, the victims and the one man who never meant for so many people to get hurt.

    You can peel away as many layers as you want; but never think you know everything about any human heart.

    Tough, funny and shocking, THE CERTAINTY OF DOING EVIL IN HELL adds to the legend of DI Madeleine Fox. But will it is also be the end of her?