Джеймс Келман

James Kelman

  • 9 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 100 читателей
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 19
4 21
3 24
2 24
1 12

Джеймс Келман – лучшие книги

  • До чего ж оно все запоздало Джеймс Келман
    ISBN: 5-699-02668-1
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    "До чего ж оно все запоздало" - самый известный роман классика современной шотландской литературы Джеймса Келмана (р. 1946), в 1994 году получивший Букеровскую премию. Критики обвиняли автора в непристойности, жестокости и даже насилии, но кошмарная история незадачливого жулика из Глазго, потерявшего зрение, - поистине жизнеутверждающий гимн человеческой воле и силе духа.

  • Перевод показаний Джеймс Келман
    ISBN: 5-699-03676-8
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Свой последний роман букеровский лауреат 1994 года Джеймс Келман (р. 1946) писал семь лет. Примерно столько же читателям понадобится, чтобы понять, о чем он. "Настоящий текст представляет собой перевод показаний, данных тремя, четырьмя или более людьми, которые проживают на оккупированной территории либо в стране, где задействована та или иная форма военного правления". Босния, Заир, Шотландия, Россия, США - "террортория" может быть любой... Оруэлловская метафора, написанная языком Андрея Платонова, доведенным до крайней степени распада. Самая загадочная книга шотландского классика, подводящая итог всему XX столетию, - впервые на русском…

  • A Disaffection James Kelman
    ISBN: 0099283093, 9780099283096
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
    Patrick Doyle is a twenty-nine-year-old teacher in an ordinary comprehensive school. Isolated, frustrated and increasingly bitter at the system he is employed to maintain, he begins his rebellion, fuelled by drink and his passionate, unrequited love for a fellow teacher.
  • The Busconductor Hines James Kelman
    ISBN: 1846970393, 9781846970399
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Birlinn General
    Язык: Английский
    Hamish Henderson lived one of the great lives of twentieth-century Scotland, a dramatic life of epic European scale, a life of major artistic, political and spiritual achievement. Well-known as a songwriter, a poet and a pioneer in the field of Scottish folksong, Henderson was also a highly original translator of poetry - from Gaelic, French, German, Latin and Greek - much of it into Scots. He also translated the work of the Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci, whose "Prison Letters" he published in English in 1974.Born in Blairgowrie, Perthshire, in 1919, Hamish Henderson spent his early years in Glenshee before moving to Ireland and then Devon. He won a scholarship to Dulwich College and went on to study Modern Languages at Cambridge. During the Second World War he served in North Africa and Italy with the 51st Highland Division. He died in March 2002. This book, a major study of this charismatic and fascinating man, presents both a detailed biography and an assessment of his place in the context of the twentieth century. It is based on first-hand interviews with those who knew Henderson both personally and professionally as well as detailed research of published and unpublished sources.
  • Kieron Smith, Boy James Kelman
    ISBN: 014101489X, 978-0141014890
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    Rejected by his brother and largely ignored by his parents, Kieron Smith finds comfort - and endless stories - in the home of his much-loved grandparents. But when his family move to a new housing scheme on the outskirts of Glasgow, a world away from the close community of the tenements, Kieron struggles to find a way to adapt to his new life. Kieron Smith, Boy is a brilliant evocation of an urban childhood. Capturing the joys, frustrations, injustices, excitements, revels, battles, games, uncertainties, questions, lies, discoveries and sheer of wonder of boyhood, it is a story of one boy and every boy. It is James Kelman at his very…

  • How Late It Was, How Late Джеймс Келман
    ISBN: 9781529112702
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Sammy's had a bad week.
    Most of it's just a blank space in his mind, and the bits that he can remember, he'd rather not. His wallet's gone, along with his new shoes, he's been arrested then beaten up by the police and thrown out on the street - and he's just gone blind. He remembers a row with his girlfriend, but she seems to have disappeared; and he might have been trying to fix a bit of business up with an old mate, he's not too sure.
    Things aren't looking too good for Sammy and his problems have hardly begun.
  • If it is your life James Kelman
    ISBN: 0141014903, 9780141014906
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Giving voice to the dispossessed and crafting stories of lives on the edge, lives almost lost, lives held in the balance, James Kelman writes about the things that touch us all. With honesty, toughness and humour, he confronts the issues of language, class, politics, gender and age ? identity in all its forms ? with a sympathetic pen and a sharp and observant eye. No other British writer today penetrates so deeply into the hearts, minds and desperation of his characters, and this collection is as uncompromising, and as beautiful, as anything he has ever written.