Карин Фоссум

Karin Fossum

  • 50 книг
  • 19 подписчиков
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Карин Фоссум – лучшие книги

  • Не оглядывайся! Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 978-5-98695-024-2
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Издательство Ольги Морозовой
    Язык: Русский

    Великолепный роман-триллер норвежской королевы детектива Карин Фоссум о лжи и тайнах. Пропала шестилетняя девочка. Какой-то подозрительный тип увез ее в автомобиле, и читатель замер в ожидании ужасного преступления. Но события принимают неожиданный оборот: у маленького лесного озера полиция находит тело другой - пятнадцатилетней девочки. В небольшом городке, где все друг друга знают, в нормальных, на первый взгляд, семьях скрываются страшные тайны. Число подозреваемых растет... Лейтенант Конрад Сейер, как всегда, ведет расследование... Переводчик: В. Щелкина

  • Глаз Эвы Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 978-5-98695-031-0
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Издательство Ольги Морозовой
    Язык: Русский
    Норвежская королева детектива впервые на русском языке!
    Редко испытываешь подобное напряжение и леденящий ужас, поданные настолько тонко и убедительно. Карин Фоссум удалось создать такую атмосферу, которая захватывает целиком и держит в напряжении до самой последней страницы, добиваясь эффекта полного погружения в настоящий кошмар.
    Лейтенант Конрад Сейер ведет расследование...
  • Не бойся волков Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 978-5-17-077994-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: АСТ, Corpus
    Язык: Русский
    Инспектор Конрад Сейер, герой серии романов Карин Фоссум, - типичный норвежский полицейский: серьезный, пунктуальный и немного старомодный.
    В "Не бойся волков" он занят расследованием двух вполне заурядных по нынешним временам преступлений, разгадка которых, как и мотивы, вроде бы лежат на поверхности: убийства пожилой женщины, одиноко живущей на своей ферме, и ограбления банка с захватом заложника. Однако, как постепенно выясняется, во всех этих событиях непонятным образом замешаны весьма необычные персонажи - в том числе сбежавший из психиатрической клиники молодой человек, наделенный, по мнению местных жителей, некими сверхъестественными способностями (включая способность предвидеть будущее).
    Карин Фоссум называют норвежской королевой детектива. Серия ее романов об инспекторе Конраде Сейере принесла ей мировую известность и переведена на 16 языков.
    На русском языке выходили два ее романа: "Глаз Эвы" и "Не оглядывайся!". По последнему роману в Италии снят фильм "Девушка у озера" (реж. Андреа Молайоли).
  • The Water's Edge Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 9780099521297
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Walking through the woods one warm September day, Reinhardt and Kristine Ris pass a man who is in a state of agitation. Unusually in a small town, he does not return Kristine's smile and drives off in a hurry. Near the end of their walk they make a terrible discovery: lying in a cluster of trees is the lifeless body of a young boy. It is a moment that will change their lives for ever. Inspector Sejer is called to the scene, but can find no immediate cause of death. As the weeks go by, the appeal for the man seen in the woods to come forward remains unanswered. A once peaceful community is deeply shaken and the children lose the sense of complete freedom they had enjoyed. Then a second boy goes missing.
  • The Indian Bride Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 0151011826
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Английский

    When perpetual bachelor Gunder Jomann goes to India for two weeks and comes home married, the town of Elvestad is stunned. On the day the Indian bride is supposed to arrive, the battered body of a woman is found in a meadow on the outskirts of town. None of the "good people of Elvestad" can believe that anyone among them would be capable of such a brutal murder. But in his quiet, formal way, Inspector Konrad Sejer understands that good people can commit atrocious deeds, and that no one is altogether innocent—including the café owner who knows too much, the girl who wants to be a chief witness, and the bodybuilder with no outlet for his…

  • I Can See in the Dark Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 9780099571834
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Riktor doesn’t like the way the policeman comes straight into the house without knocking. He doesn’t like the arrogant way he observes his home.The policeman doesn’t tell him why he’s there, and Riktor doesn’t ask. Because he knows he’s guilty of a terrible crime. But it turns out that the policeman isn’t looking for a missing person. He is accusing Riktor of something totally unexpected. Riktor doesn’t have a clear conscience, but this is a crime he certainly didn’t commit.
  • Black Seconds Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 9780099565529
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Nine-year-old Ida Joner gets on her brand-new bike and sets off to buy sweets. Thirty-five minutes after Ida should have come home, her mother, Helga, starts to worry. She phones the shop and various friends, but no one has seen her daughter. As the family being to search for Ida, Helga's worst nightmare becomes reality. As the police are called in, hundreds of volunteers comb the neighbourhood, but there are no traces of the little girl, or her bike. As the relatives reach breaking point and the media frenzy begins, Inspector Sejer struggles to remains calm and reassuring. But usually missing children are found within forty-eight hours. Ida seems to have vanished without a trace.
  • The Caller Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 978-0-099-54877-5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Русский
    One mild summer evening Lily and her husband are enjoying a meal while their baby daughter sleeps peacefully in her pram beneath a maple tree. But when Lily steps outside she is paralysed with terror. The child is bathed in blood.
    Inspector Sejer is called to the hospital to meet the family. Mercifully the baby is unharmed, but her parents are deeply shaken. Sejer spends the evening trying to comprehend why anyone would carry out such a sinister prank.
    Then, just before midnight, somebody rings his doorbell. The corridor is empty, but the caller has left a small grey envelope on the mat. From his living room window, the inspector watches a figure slip across the car park and disappear into the darkness. Inside the envelope Sejer finds a postcard bearing a short message. Hell begins now.
  • Bad intentions Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 1846552923
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский

    Early one September three friends spend the weekend at a remote cabin by Dead Water Lake. With only a pale moon to light their way, they row across the water in the middle of the night. But only two of them return, and they make a pact not to call for help until the following morning. Inspector Sejer leads the investigation when the body is discovered. He is troubled by the apparent suicide and has an overwhelming sense that the surviving pair has something to hide. Weeks pass without further clues, and then in a nearby lake the body of a teenage boy floats to the surface.

  • The Drowned Boy Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 978-0-544-70484-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Carmen and Nikolai found their son, Tommy, floating in their garden pond, but it was too late to save him. Inspector Skarre arrives on the scene, and Carmen says that Tommy, a healthy toddler with Down syndrome, was playing alone and drowned. But an autopsy reveals that Tommy's lungs are full of soap, prompting Skarre and his trusted colleague Inspector Sejer to revisit the couple. When they return, Carmen, an epileptic, changes her story: she had a seizure while bathing Tommy, came to, and found him dead in the tub. Terrified, she threw him into the pond. But Skarre and Sejer are skeptical. What would Carmen be hiding? And to what lengths will she go to cover her guilt?
  • Formørkelsen Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 9788202600792
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Cappelen Damm
    Язык: Норвежский
    En tragisk hendelse ved Hotell Anabelle, der 15 måneder gamle Elias mister livet, danner utgangspunktet for den fjortende av Karin Fossums bøker om Konrad Sejer. Fortellingen tar form av en blanding mellom kammerspill og klassisk krimgåte, der begge foreldre har status som mistenkte i saken. Hver av dem er dypt preget over tapet av sønnen, men historiene deres om hva skjedde på balkongen der Elias falt ned, stemmer ikke overens. Hvem forteller sannheten? Hva vil det si å miste det kjæreste man har? Det er opp til Konrad Sejer å komme til bunns i de uklare omstendighetene
  • The Whisperer Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 1787300943
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    Ragna Riegel works at Europris and lives alone in her childhood home. Her parents have died and her only son has moved to Berlin, and they have no contact other than occasional Christmas and birthday cards.

    Ragna lives within close confines. She likes her job because it is full of routine, she likes to sit on the same seat on the bus every day and she likes to buy the same things at the local shop each day. She must have order in her life. And she does, until one day she finds a letter in her mailbox with her name on the envelope and a clear threat written in block capitals on the sheet inside.

    The letter reinforces a nightmare where Ragna Riegel's life is threatened by an unknown enemy and she realises that she must use all means possible to defend herself.

    The novel takes the form of Konrad Sejer's interrogation of Ragna Riegel after the worst has happened; after it is too late.
  • Hell Fire Карин Фоссум
    ISBN: 0544633377
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Английский
    A gruesome tableau awaits Inspector Konrad Sejer in the oppressive summer heat: a woman and a young boy lay dead in a pool of blood near a dank camper. The details of the deaths of Bonnie Hayden and her five-year-old son Simon are mysterious. There is no sign of robbery or assault. Who would brutally stab a defenseless woman and her child? Sejer and his fellow investigator Jakob Skarre begin a hunt for the killer that will eventually lead them to a heartbreaking conclusion.

    In a parallel storyline, masterfully fused, Fossum tells the story of Mass Malthe and her troubled son Eddie as they navigate a relationship that some would call too close. Eddie constantly thinks about his unknown father — someone his mother would rather forget. When long-held secrets are revealed, it turns out that Mass and Bonnie share more in common than Eddie could have ever guessed.
  • Hviskeren Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 8202526310
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Норвежский
    Ny Sejer-roman fra Karin Fossum!
    Ragna Riegel jobber på Europris og bor alene i barndomshjemmet. Nå er foreldrene hennes døde og den enste sønnen har flyttet til Berlin og de har nesten ingen kontakt. Bare ett og annet jule- og bursdagskort. Ragna lever livet sitt innen strenge rammer: hun liker jobben fordi den er full av rutine, hun liker å sitte på samme sete i bussen hver dag, hun liker å handle det samme i nabolagsbutikken hver dag. Hun må ha orden på livet. Og det har hun, inntil den dagen hun finner et brev i postkassen med hennes navn på konvolutten og en utvetydig trussel skrevet med store blokkbokstaver på arket inni. Brevet gir støtet til et mareritt der Ragna Riegel blir truet på livet av en ukjent fiende. Der hun merker at hun må ta alle midler i bruk for å forsvare seg.

    Romanen tar form av Konrad Sejers avhør av Ragna Riegel etter at det verste er skjedd. Etter at alt er for seint. Gjennom avhørene forsøker Sejer å lokke fram sannheten om det som er skjedd. Men er Ragna sannferdig? Eller fører hun omgivelsene grundig bak lyset. Det blir det Sejers oppgave å finne ut av.
  • The Murder of Harriet Krohn Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 9781846557958
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    Charlo Torp has problems. He’s grieving for his late wife, he’s lost his job, and gambling debts have alienated him from his teenage daughter. Desperate, his solution is to rob an elderly woman of her money and silverware. But Harriet Krohn fights back, and Charlo loses control. Wracked with guilt, Charlo attempts to rebuild his life. But the police are catching up with him, and Inspector Konrad Sejer has never lost a case yet. Told through the eyes of a killer, The Murder of Harriet Krohn poses the question: how far would you go to turn your life around, and could you live with yourself afterwards?
  • Helvetesilden Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 9788252583540
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Cappelen Damm
    Язык: Норвежский
    Konrad Sejer ankommer et av de mest grusomme åstedene han har sett. En ung alenemor og hennes lille sønn er tatt av dage. Slik bare Karin Fossum kan, avdekkes gradvis historien som leder fram til ugjerningen.
  • When The Devil Holds The Candle Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 9780099565482
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Andreas's disappearance is a mystery to all, including his inseparable friend Zipp. But as much as the police question him, its not easy for Zipp to come forward with details of the last time he saw his friend: following an old woman into her home, brandishing his knife. Zipp waited anxiously outside but Andreas failed to reappear. Inspector Sejer and his colleague Skarre are baffled but while the confusion in the outside world continues, a chilling and heart-stopping drama is unfolding inside the old woman's home. In a plot in the tradition of Stephen King, Fossum deploys her trademark skill of looking realistically, terrifyingly, into the minds of criminal and victim. Appearances aren't always to be believed, and people are not always what they seem.
  • Kanskje i morgen: dikt fra en institusjon for psykisk utviklingshemmede Karin Fossum
    ISBN: 8205067759
    Год издания: 1974
    Язык: Норвежский
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