Майк Кэри

Mike Carey

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Новинки Майка Кэри

  • The Ghost in Bone Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 9781645241331
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Subterranean Press
    Язык: Английский
    “London’s exorcists! I have a reward for all of you, a job for one of you. Come to Brierley House, 20th April, 9.00am.”

    The newspaper ad is a baited hook and it smells like a three-day old corpse. But hey, it’s a grand in hand just for turning up so Felix Castor goes in anyway, alongside the curdled cream of his dubious profession. And once he’s in it’s hard to get out again. Brierley House is the home of Russian oligarch Gavril Ustinov, now missing, his driven daughter Ksenia Ustinova and their staff of taciturn, sinister domestics. It also hosts an invisible force that attacks exorcists and negates their abilities—a force that seems to be centuries old. Ksenia wants Castor to locate her missing father, alive or dead. Castor wants to find out who set a trap for exorcists back in the late Middle Ages and what else they were up to.

    For a job this big he’s got friends he can call on: zombie data-fence Nicky Heath, reformed succubus Juliet Salazar, jaded cop Gary Coldwood and Trudie Pax, the Anathemata’s finest warrior. But the ghosts of Brierley are many, and they won’t give up their secrets lightly…
  • "Росомаха" Дэниела Уэя. Полное собрание. Комплект из 4 книг Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-5-04-174574-5
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Комильфо
    Язык: Русский
    Знаменитейший мутант вселенной Marvel теперь в руках одного из самых креативных сценаристов!
    Без малого 2000 страниц в 4 томах в твёрдой обложке! Кровавый, полный экшена комикс о Росомахе станет лучшим подарком любому поклоннику Людей Икс и вселенной Marvel.
    В комплект входят все 4 тома серии "Росомаха" Дэниела Уэя.
  • Супергерои Marvel. Официальная коллекция Том 16. Человек-Факел Майк Кэри
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Hachette
    Джим Хаммонд, Человек-Факел, появившийся в самый разгар Золотого Века комиксов наряду с Нэмором Подводником и Капитаном Америка. Идеальный человек, созданный гениальным учёным, наследие которого восходит к самой заре Вселенной Marvel. Хотя тело Хаммонда казалось бы обрело покой, Безумный Мыслитель решает выпустить на волю призраков прошлого. И вот возрождённый Факел вместе со своим верным напарником Торо снова сражается за свободу и заодно узнаёт, что значит быть человеком, даже если ты на самом деле андроид.
    В сборник вошли комиксы Torch #1-8
  • John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol. 20: Systems of Control Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-1401285692
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vertigo
    When a mysterious worldwide plague starts putting millions of people into deadly comas, Earth's foremost expert on the bizarre, John Constantine, steps in with the "cure," After traveling from the dreary alleys of London to the glittering boulevards of L.A., Constantine realizes that a cadre of wicked demons and hellish monsters is behind the outbreak, and he'll have to sacrifice more than himself to put an end to the nightmare.
  • X-Men Origins: The Complete Collection Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-1302912208
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Marvel Enterprises
    Discover the uncanny origins of some of the greatest X-Men of all! From legendary original members like Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast and Iceman, to iconic additions of the all-new, all-diff erent era like Nightcrawler, Colossus and Wolverine, to the fan-favorite Gambit, these gripping and personal tales reveal how the young mutants each gained their powers and found their way to the Xavier School! Plus, get inside the head of fi endish foe turned stalwart member, Emma Frost, and explore the bloody and disturbing past of the savage Sabretooth! And Wade Wilson is determined to tell his own story on the big screen, in Deadpool: The Major Motion Picture! A host of comic book talents unite to explore the early days of Marvel's merry mutants!
  • The Highest House Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 1684053544, ‎ 978-1684053544
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: IDW Publishing
    To be born a slave is a fact, not a fatality. And facts can be changed.

    In the country of Ossaniul, there is a fortress that is as disproportionate as it is inaccessible: the Highest House. Its masters, the noble family of Aldercrest, reign over a veritable army of slaves. At the bottom of the ladder, young Moth performs the most thankless tasks and has little hope of living past childhood. Until the day he meets Obsidian, a mysterious prisoner of the House who whispers to him in his sleep. If Moth does what he asks, Obsidian will give him fortune and glory. And there's every indication that Obsidian can make good on his promises. Will Moth accept the offer?

    Through a subtle alternate history, The Highest House takes us to a fictional country reminiscent of the Balkan kingdoms of the 16th century. Mike Carrey and Peter Gross (Lucifer, The Unwritten) draw from this context a captivating fantasy narrative that reflects on the human soul, the corrupting power of slavery, and the inequalities of class, all from the different perspectives of the House's many inhabitants. Both immediate and timeless, The Highest House is a multifaceted fantasy sure to stay with readers long after the final page has turned.
  • John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol. 19: Red Right Hand Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-1401280802
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Vertigo
    The human race is a vast herd—one that John Constantine separated himself from a long time ago. The lonely path he’s taken since then hasn’t been an easy one, but in the end it’s probably been for the best. Given his notoriety as England’s greatest street-level sorcerer, every tie that binds him to his fellow man is just another potential weapon for his infernal enemies to use against him.

    Self-sufficiency, however, can all too easily shade into complacency—a lesson that John forgets when a desperate stranger corners him in a bar and pleads for his help. The simple spell he performs for his petitioner quickly ensnares the famed magician in a much larger web of ancient, elemental magic—and transfers his new acquaintance’s crippling burden of universal empathy squarely onto his shoulders.

    Now Constantine must wage war against not only the powerful magus responsible for this hellish curse, but also the unfiltered emotions of an entire city. Typical for John’s luck, that city is Glasgow, Scotland—a world center for alcoholism, depression and barely concealed rage.
  • John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 18: The Gift Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 9781401275389
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Vertigo
    To restore his mind and save his life, John Constantine was forced to give a day of his life to a she-demon named Rosacarnis. It was a bad bargain, and one that he knew he’d regret—but he had no idea how quickly everything would go straight to hell in its aftermath.

    Over the course of that single day, England’s savviest street sorcerer lived several lifetimes—and sired three infernal offspring, whose incandescent hatred of him was carefully nurtured by their mother.

    Luckily for Constantine, the blood he shares with his sulfurous brood makes it impossible for them to kill him outright. Unluckily, his dwindling roster of friends and loved ones enjoy no such protection. And now that war has been declared on all that John holds dear, the lives and souls of his best friend, his ex-flame, his niece and his sister are all fair game for the non-existent mercies of Rosacarnis and her family.

    Can Constantine defeat his progeny, their mother and their all-powerful grandfather? Or will the so-called gift of fatherhood finally be the death of him?
  • Hellblazer, Volume 17: Out of Season Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-1401273668
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Vertigo
    In the latest tales of JOHN CONSTANTINE: HELLBLAZER VOL. 17, John Constantine arrives on the scene, a dagger in one hand and an engraved human skull in the other while the Beast is burning its mark into the world. Constantine's fragile coalition has fallen apart in death and recrimination. It looks as though John's fortunes have finally reached rock bottom. But when he faces the Beast in its lair, things get unimaginably worse.
  • John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 16: The Wild Card Джок
    ISBN: 978-1401269098
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Vertigo
    After spending a year and a half wandering through the darkest corners of America, John Constantine has returned home! His port of entry is Liverpool, where the decaying landscape and gentle undercurrent of despair match his frame of mind.

    Of course, no sooner does he set foot upon his native land than he stumbles into a small-time necromancy-and-murder ring centered on his own sister’s apartment building. More worrying than this sordid little power trip is the disappearance of his niece, Gemma, who’s turning out to be a bit too much like her uncle for anybody’s good. In her eagerness to learn the family trade, Gemma has gone to London and fallen in with a bad crowd, and pulling her out means that Constantine will have to join the search for a distinctly nasty magical artifact—one that shouldn’t fall into anyone’s hands, least of all those of the man determined to find it.
  • Что Если? Зазеркалье Роберт Киркман
    ISBN: 978-5-9909831-6-8
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Другое издательство
    Язык: Русский

    «ЧТО ЕСЛИ?..»
    Что если... Капитан Америка сражался бы в Гражданской войне?
    Что если... Фантастическая Четверка образовалась бы в Советском Союзе?
    Что если... Сорвиголова жил бы в феодальной Японии?
    Что если... Нэмор вырос бы на суше?
    Что если... Тор был бы вестником Галактуса?
    Что если... Росомаха был бы врагом государства номер один в наводненном бандитами Чикаго 1920-х?

    Хакер подросток Гектор Эспехо находит в интернете параллельной вселенной ответы на эти и другие поразительные вопросы... и выясняет, что подглядывать за обитателями соседней реальности может быть крайне увлекательно!

    Лучшие творцы от мира комиксов: Тони Бедард, Рик Вейтч, Майк Кэри, Грег Пак, Роберт Киркман, Дэниел Уэй, Кармайн ДиДжиандоменико, Томми Ли Эдвардс, Маршалл Роджерс, Дэвид Лопез, Майкл Оеминг и Джон Проктор берут известнейших персонажей и переворачивают их жизни с ног на голову во имя развлечения!
  • Darkness Visible, Vol. 1 Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 1631409794, 9781631409790
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: IDW Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    When the demons came, humanity reluctantly learned to share the world with another sentient race. Sixty years later, this uneasy co-existence has spawned an endless terrorist conflict. Detective Daniel Aston, charged with being the thin blue line between the two sides, is tested to the limit when a demon sets up house inside his soul. But to save his daughter, he'll pay any price--including genocide. Collects issues #1-6.
  • Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones Paul Chadwick
    ISBN: 9781302901677
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    Doctor Strange turns Marvel Knight and plays supernatural detective when a series of bizarre robberies and a spate of spontaneous combustions set him on the trail of an old enemy. Magic meets noir in an atmospheric Strange tale! Plus, in stories from standout creators, the good Doctor makes a deal with the devil, and the former surgeon must be a very different healer when he hears of a man's deep grief.
  • Люди Икс. Конец человечества Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-5-00028-113-0
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Parallel Comics
    Язык: Русский
    Люди Икс обнаруживают, что все люди на Земле таинственным образом исчезли. Некоторые мутанты всерьёз обеспокоены случившимся, а другие видят в этом определённые плюсы. Враждующим фракциям Людей Икс приходится работать вместе, чтобы раскрыть загадку массового исчезновения. Или хотя бы наладить порядок в дивном новом мире...

    Встречайте: графический роман о Людях Икс и спасении человечества от Майка Кэри («Люцифер») и Сальвадора Ларроки («Железный Человек»)!
  • Новая эра Z М. Р. Кэри
    ISBN: 978-5-699-91999-4
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Мелани — совершенно особенная девочка. Каждое утро она послушно ждет, пока солдаты заберут ее из комнаты. Приковывая ее к креслу и держа на мушке, солдаты дрожат от страха. Мелани шутит: "Я не кусаюсь", но никто не смеется. Только в этом мире, где население Бирмингема равно нулю, где зубы — оружие пострашнее ружья, 10-летняя девочка способна наводить ужас на потрепанных жизнью солдат. Она же просто ребенок… или нет?

  • Дары Пандоры М. Р. Кэри
    ISBN: 978-5-699-88318-9
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Мелани - совершенно особенная девочка. Каждое утро она послушно ждет, пока солдаты заберут ее из комнаты. Приковывая ее к креслу и держа на мушке, солдаты дрожат от страха. Мелани шутит: «Я не кусаюсь», но никто не смеется. Только в этом мире, где население Бирмингема равно нулю, где зубы – оружие пострашнее ружья, 10-летняя девочка способна наводить ужас на потрепанных жизнью солдат. Она же просто ребенок… или нет? Впервые на русском языке!

  • X-Factor by Peter David: The Complete Collection, Volume 2 Scot Eaton
    ISBN: 9780785154396
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Marvel Comics
    Язык: Английский
    As X-Factor unloads their hopes, fears and darkest secrets to Doc Samson, Jamie Madrox decides to gather up his stray dupes. The trouble is, two don't want to go quietly: the married priest and the agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.! And when Hydra comes calling, will Jamie become their secret weapon? With Mutant Town under siege thanks to the terrorist X-Cell, X-Factor races the clock to keep every former mutant from being imprisoned...what an awful time for the Isolationist to strike! Then, after the events of Messiah Complex, X-Factor is a shambles.
    ISBN: 9781401229771
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Русский
    This new THE UNWRITTEN original graphic novel explores the origins behind series protagonist Tom Taylor's powers and the mysterious journey his father has sent him on.
  • Lucifer: Book Four Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-1401246051
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    Cast out of Heaven, thrown down to rule in Hell, Lucifer Morningstar has resigned his post and abandoned his kingdom for the mortal city of Los Angles. Emerging from the pages of writer Neil Gaiman's award-winning series The Sandman, the former Lord of Hell is now enjoying a quiet retirement as the propretor of Lux, L.A.'s most elite piano bar.

    A deadly new threat to all of Creation emerges and battles lines are drawn. As forces in Hell and on Earth prepare for a final struggle for supremacy, we venture across time and space and even places in between to follow the path of the players in the battle to come.
  • Lucifer: Book Three Майк Кэри
    ISBN: 978-1-4012-4604-4
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    Cast out of Heaven, thrown down to rule in Hell, Lucifer Morningstar has resigned his post and abandoned his kingdom for the mortal city of Los Angles. Emerging from the pages of writer Neil Gaiman's award-winning series The Sandman, the former Lord of Hell is now enjoying a quiet retirement as the propretor of Lux, L.A.'s most elite piano bar.

    Still weak, with most of his power locked in the feathers stolen by Susano-O-No-Mikoto, Lucifer faces the challenge of single combat to the death with his brother, the angel of the Host Amenadiel. But when victory comes at the sacrifice of another, Lucifer embarks on a voyage that will take him to the depths of his former kingdom and beyond to retrieve their lost soul.
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