Пер Петтерсон

Per Petterson

  • 19 книг
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 405 читателей
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 137
4 177
3 71
2 14
1 6

Новинки Пера Петтерсона

  • Пора уводить коней Пер Петтерсон
    ISBN: 978-5-7516-1709-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Текст
    Язык: Русский

    Роман "Пора уводить коней" норвежца Пера Петтерсона стал литературной сенсацией, его автор был удостоен одной из самых престижных в мире наград для прозаиков - Международной премии IMPAC, обойдя таких соперников, как Салман Рушди и Джон Кутзее. Особенно критики отмечают язык романа - Пер Петтерсон считается одним из лучших норвежских стилистов. Военное время, движение Сопротивления, любовная драма - одна женщина и двое мужчин. история рассказана от лица современного человека, вспоминающего детство и своего отца - одного из двух мужчин

  • Семь жен Синей Бороды и другие чудесные рассказы Пер Петтерсон
    ISBN: 978-5-7516-1712-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Текст
    Язык: Русский
    Книга «Семь жен Синей Бороды» нобелевского лауреата Анатоля Франса вышла в 1909 году. Все новеллы построены на сказочном или легендарном сюжете. Но самые удивительные чудеса не выдерживают соприкосновения с действительностью: законченный злодей Синяя Борода оказывается простаком; при дворе Спящей Красавицы царят мелочные интриги, разбудивший ее прекрасный принц — только «князек с хорошенькими усиками»; воскрешенные святым Николаем мальчики превращаются в грабителя, ростовщика и еретика; и ничто на свете не в состоянии убедить трезвого эпикурейца Буленгрена в существовании фей. Зато вечные вопросы, волнующие каждого человека, решаются в новеллах неожиданно и изящно. Не в самозабвении ли счастье? Может ли порок стать добродетелью? Всегда ли счастлив богатый человек? И как быть любимым?
  • I Refuse Per Petterson
    ISBN: 978-1555976996
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Graywolf Press
    Язык: Английский
    Per Petterson's hotly anticipated new novel, I Refuse, is the work of an internationally acclaimed novelist at the height of his powers. In Norway the book has been a huge bestseller, and rights have already been sold into sixteen countries. In his signature spare style, Petterson weaves a tale of two men whose accidental meeting one morning recalls their boyhood thirty-five years ago. Back then, Tommy was separated from his sisters after he stood up to their abusive father. Jim was by Tommy's side through it all. But one winter night, a chance event on a frozen lake forever changed the balance of their friendship. Now Jim fishes alone on a bridge as Tommy drives by in a new Mercedes, and it's clear their fortunes have reversed. Over the course of the day, the life of each man will be irrevocably altered. I Refuse is a powerful, unforgettable novel, and its publication is an event to be celebrated.
  • I Curse the River of Time Per Petterson
    ISBN: 9780099536024
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    It is 1989 and all over Europe Communism is crumbling. Arvid Jansen is in the throes of a divorce. At the same time, his mother is diagnosed with cancer. Over a few intense autumn days, we follow Arvid as he struggles to find a new footing in his life, while everything around him is changing at staggering speed. As he attempts to negotiate the present, he remembers holidays on the beach with his brothers, his early working life devoted to Communist ideals, courtship, and his relationship with his tough, independent mother - a relationship full of distance and unspoken pain that is central to Arvid's life.
  • It's Fine By Me Per Petterson
    ISBN: 9780099548386
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Audun is the only one of his family who remains with his mother in working-class Oslo. He delivers newspapers when he is not in school and talks for hours about Jack London and Ernest Hemingway with his best friend – but there are some things Audun won’t talk about. Stories about his family, the weeks he spent living in a couple of cardboard boxes, and the day of his little brother's birth, when his drunken father fired three shots into the ceiling. A beautiful and disquieting coming-of-age story from the winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.
  • Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes Per Petterson
    ISBN: 9781846553707
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Per Petterson masters the art of writing simply about big subjects, and this is the heartwarming debut that brought the author of the highly acclaimed Out Stealing Horses to prominence Arvid Jansen is a young boy who lives on the outskirts of Oslo. It’s the early sixties, his father works in a shoe factory and his Danish mother works as a cleaner. Arvid wets his bed at night and has nightmares about crocodiles, but slowly he is beginning to piece the world together. Per Petterson’s debut, in which he introduces Arvid Jansen to the world, is a delicate portrait of childhood in all its complexity, its wonders and confusions that will delight fans of Out Stealing Horses and new readers alike.
  • It's Fine By Me Per Petterson
    ISBN: 9781846555466
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    On his first day of school, a teacher welcomes Audun to the class by asking him to describe his former life in the country. But there are stories about his family he would prefer to keep to himself, such as the weeks he spent living in a couple of cardboard boxes, and the day of his little brother's birth, when his drunken father fired three shots into the ceiling. So he refuses to talk and refuses to take off his sunglasses. In his late teens Audun is the only one of his family who remains with his mother in their home in a working-class district of Oslo. He delivers newspapers when he is not in school and talks for hours about Jack London and Ernest Hemingway with his best friend Arvid. But he's not sure that school is the right path for him, feeling that life holds other possibilities. Sometimes tender, sometimes brutal, It's Fine by Me is a brilliant novel from the acclaimed author of Out Stealing Horses.
  • I Refuse Per Petterson
    ISBN: 184655781X, 9781846557811
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    Two men meet by accident on a bridge early one morning. Once they were best friends - but Tommy and Jim haven't seen each other for 35 years.
    Back then, Tommy and his sister were abandoned by their mother and later by their abusive father, and Jim went to high school and became a socialist. One winter, Jim started to doubt whether he was deserving of the friendship. Now Jim is standing on the bridge, fishing, as Tommy drives by in his expensive new Mercedes. I Refuse follows both men during the course of the fateful day that follows.
  • I Refuse Per Petterson
    ISBN: 1846557828, 9781846557828
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    Two men meet by accident on a bridge early one morning. Once they were best friends – but Tommy and Jim haven’t seen each other for 35 years. Back then, Tommy and his sister were abandoned by their mother and later by their abusive father, and Jim, who lived alone with his religious mother, went to high school and became a socialist. Then one winter, Jim started to doubt whether he was deserving of the friendship. Now Jim is standing on the bridge, fishing, when Tommy drives by in his expensive new Mercedes. I Refuse follows both men during the course of the fateful day that follows.

    Per Petterson’s outstanding new novel is broader in scope than many of his previous novels, but as powerful and moving as anything he has ever written.
  • I Curse the River of Time Per Petterson
    ISBN: 978-0312429539
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Picador USA
    It is 1989 and all over Europe Communism is crumbling. Arvid Jansen, 37, is in the throes of a divorce. At the same time, his mother is diagnosed with cancer. Over a few intense autumn days, we follow Arvid as he struggles to find a new footing in his life, while all the established patterns around him are changing at staggering speed. As he attempts to negotiate the present, he casts his mind back to holidays on the beach with his brothers, to courtship, and to his early working life, when as a young Communist he abandoned his studies to work on a production line.

    I Curse the River of Time is an honest, heartbreaking yet humorous portrayal of a complicated mother-son relationship told in Petterson's precise and beautiful prose.
  • Я проклинаю реку времени Пер Петтерсон
    ISBN: 978-5-7516-1008-1
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Текст
    Язык: Русский

    Новый роман Пера Петтерсона, писателя номер один в Норвегии и самого читаемого современного норвежского прозаика в мире, это история отношений матери и сына. Узнав о том, что мать больна раком, герой, который сам переживает драму развода, уезжает вместе с ней, и они проводят несколько дней вместе. Эти дни очень много значат в их жизни, они начинают лучше понимать и чувствовать боль друг друга. Кроме прочего этот роман - удивительное исследование человеческой глупости и наивности, захватывающее описание того, насколько недалеким и в отношениях с людьми, и в политике может оказаться даже умный человек. За книгу "Я проклинаю реку времени"…

  • Верхи на крадених конях Пер Петтерсон
    ISBN: 978-966-10-1687-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Навчальна книга - Богдан
    Язык: Украинский

    Літо 1948-го року п’ятнадцятирічний Трунн проводить із батьком далеко в горах біля річки майже на межі зі Швецією. Тоді він уперше дізнався, що таке смерть, зрада й закоханість. Усе те змінює його життя. І от на схилку віку, втікаючи в самотність, несподівано для самого себе Трунн зустрічає Ларса, ще одного персонажа з того літа. Його охоплюють спомини й ностальгія за тим життям, і він заново переживає давні події та емоції. З перших сторінок роману читача заполонює дивовижна, зворушлива історія людських взаємин і зачаровує поет.

  • Пора уводить коней Пер Петтерсон
    ISBN: 978-5-7516-0677-0
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Текст
    Язык: Русский

    Военное время, движение Сопротивления, любовная драма - одна женщина и двое мужчин. История рассказана от лица современного человека, вспоминающего детство и своего отца - одного из этих двух мужчин.

  • Out Stealing Horses Per Petterson
    ISBN: 978-0312427085
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Picador USA
    Язык: Английский

    In 1948, when he is fifteen, Trond spends a summer in the country with his father. The events - the accidental death of a child, his best friend's feelings of guilt and eventual disappearance, his father's decision to leave the family for another woman - will change his life forever. An early morning adventure out stealing horses leaves Trond bruised and puzzled by his friend Jon's sudden breakdown. The tragedy which lies behind this scene becomes the catalyst for the two boys' families gradually to fall apart. As a 67-year-old man, and following the death of his wife, Trond has moved to an isolated part of Norway to live in solitude. But a…

  • In the Wake Per Petterson
    ISBN: 0099520745
    Год издания: 2007
    Язык: Английский

    At times unbearably moving, In the Wake is a powerful and heart-rending novel based on Per Petterson’s personal tragedy of losing many of his family in the sinking of the Estonia. From the Hardcover edition. When Arvid Jansen comes-to one morning in the doorway of a bookstore in Oslo, Norway, his grief comes back to him in devastating flashes: His parents and his brothers are dead, he has lost touch with his wife and daughters, abandoned his career as a writer and bookseller. His old life is gone. In the Wake is the story of Arvid's first steps toward resuming that life, of his gradual confrontation with everything he lost and…

  • Pferde stehlen. 6 CDs Per Petterson
    ISBN: 978-3899032819
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Hörbuch Hamburg
    Trond ist 67 und zieht sich nach Ostnorwegen zurück. Als ein Nachbar auftaucht, holen ihn die Ereignisse jenes Sommers vor mehr als fünfzig Jahren ein. Damals verbrachte er die Ferien mit seinem Vater in einer Hütte nahe der schwedischen Grenze. Es ist eine Gegend, in der man Pferde stehlen kann. Als in der Nachbarsfamilie ein schreckliches Unglück geschieht, entdeckt der Junge das wohlgehütete Lebensgeheimnis des Vaters.
    »Eine wunderschön erzählte Geschichte über die Liebe und das Glück, das Jungsein und das Alter, die Natur und die Einsamkeit. Das Schönste wäre, wenn einer auf die Idee käme, dieses Buch zu verfilmen. Das wäre ein Film, bei dem man ein bisschen weinen würde, aber gleichzeitig auch den Daumennagel anknabberte, weil es so spannend ist.
  • Out Stealing Horses Per Petterson
    ISBN: 978-0-099-50613-3
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский

    In 1948, fifteen-year-old Trond spends a summer in the country with his father. The unexpected events that come to pass alter his life forever. An early morning adventure out stealing horses leaves Trond confused when his friend Jon suffers a sudden breakdown. Behind this scene, he will discover, lies a personal tragedy: the first incident in the gradual destruction of the two boys' families. As an old man, living in an isolated part of Norway, Trond chances upon a character from that fateful summer who stirs up painful memories and forces him to look back at his past. Out Stealing Horses is a poignant and moving tale of a changing…

  • Ut og stjæle hester Пер Петтерсон
    ISBN: 82-495-0017-2
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Forlaget Oktober
    Язык: Норвежский
    Sommeren 1948 bor 15 år gamle Trond og faren hans på ei seter ved ei elv nær grensa til Sverige. Der opplever han død og svik, noe som forandrer grunnlaget for livet hans. 67 år gammel har han flyttet ut til et lite hus ved en innsjø langt øst i landet, sammen med hunden sin. Hans nærmeste nabo viser seg å være en annen skadeskutt eldre mann med hund, en han kjente før, og som han må forholde seg til, og så begynner sommeren 1948 å plage ham.
  • В Сибирь! Пер Петтерсон
    ISBN: 5-8370-0164-6
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Лимбус Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Весь мир тюрьма, а Дания - одно, из самых худших ее подземелий, горько заметил Гамлет. Так ли это? Датская девочка, девушка, потом зрелая женщина, от лица которой ведет повествование знаменитый скандинавский писатель, таит наивную мечту перебраться из Дании... в Сибирь.