Ричард Пол Эванс

Richard Paul Evans

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Новинки Ричарда Пола Эванса

  • A Christmas Memory Ричард Пол Эванс
    ISBN: 978-1982177447
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Gallery Books
    It’s 1967, and for young Richard it’s a time of heartbreak and turmoil. Over the span of a few months, his brother, Mark, is killed in Vietnam; his father loses his job and moves the family from California to his grandmother’s abandoned home in Utah; and his parents make the painful decision to separate.

    With uncertainty rattling every corner of his life, Richard does his best to remain strong—but when he’s run down by bullies at his new school, he meets Mr. Foster, an elderly neighbor who chases off the bullies and invites Richard in for a cup of cocoa. Richard becomes fast friends with the wise, solitary man who inspires Richard’s love for books and whose dog, Gollum, becomes his closest companion.

    As the holidays approach, the joy and light of Christmas seem unlikely to permeate the Evans home as things take a grim turn for the worse. And just when it seems like he has nothing left to lose, Richard is confronted by a startling revelation. But with Mr. Foster’s wisdom and kindness, he learns for the first time what truly matters about the spirit of the season: that forgiveness can heal even the deepest wounds, and love endures long after the pain of loss subsides.

    In A Christmas Memory, Richard Paul Evans (#1 New York Times bestselling author and the “King of Christmas fiction”) delves deep into his childhood memories to take readers back to an age when his world felt like it was falling apart, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, the light of hope can still shine.
  • The Christmas Promise Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 198217742X, 978-1982177423
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Gallery Books
    Язык: Английский
    On the night of her high school graduation, Richelle Bach’s father gives her and her identical twin sister, Michelle, matching opal necklaces. “These opals look identical,” he tells them, “but the fire inside each is completely unique—just like the two of you.”

    Indeed, the two sisters couldn’t be more different, and their paths diverge as they embark on adulthood. Years pass, until—at their father’s behest—they both come home for Christmas. What happens then forever damages their relationship, and Richelle vows never to see or speak to her sister again. In their father’s last days, he asks Richelle to forgive Michelle, a deathbed promise she never fulfills as her twin is killed in an accident.

    Now, painfully alone and broken, caring for the sickest of children in a hospital PICU, Richelle has one last dream: to be an author. The plot of her book, The Prodigal Daughter, is a story based on her sister’s life. It’s not until she meets Justin Ek, a man who harbors his own loss, that a secret promise is revealed, and Richelle learns that the story she’s writing is not about her sister, but about herself.
  • Дневник Ноэль Ричард Пол Эванс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-135581-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Джейкоб Черчер — автор бестселлеров. Уже почти двадцать лет он не был дома — с тех самых пор как мать выгнала его, когда ему было всего шестнадцать. И вот за несколько дней до Рождества раздается звонок: мать скончалась и оставила ему дом. Чтобы обрести душевный покой, Джейкоб возвращается в место, где вырос. Но оказывается, этот дом хранит не только грустные воспоминания. Мать Джейкоба с годами стала настоящей барахольщицей, и среди вещей мужчина обнаруживает дневник некой Ноэль. Кто она? Что забыла в этом доме? И тут на пороге появляется Рейчел. Девушка ищет свою биологическую мать, которая отдала ее на удочерение. В поисках…

  • The Noel Letters Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 978-1982129606, 1982129603
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Gallery Books
    Язык: Английский
    After nearly two decades, Noel Post, an editor for a major New York publishing house, returns to her childhood home in Salt Lake City to see her estranged, dying father. What she believed would be a brief visit turns into something more as she inherits the bookstore her father fought to keep alive. Reeling from loneliness, a recent divorce, and unanticipated upheavals in her world, Noel begins receiving letters from an anonymous source, each one containing thoughts and lessons about her life and her future. She begins to reacquaint herself with the bookstore and the people she left behind, and in doing so, starts to unravel the reality of her painful childhood and the truth about her family. As the holidays draw near, she receives a Christmastime revelation that changes not only how she sees the past but also how she views her future.
  • The Road Home Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 9781508279112
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Richard Paul Evans, the dramatic conclusion in the riveting Broken Road trilogy—a powerful redemption story about finding happiness on a pilgrimage across iconic Route 66.

    Chicago celebrity and pitchman Charles James is supposed to be dead. Everyone believes he was killed in a fiery plane crash, a flight he narrowly missed. But thanks to that remarkable twist of fate, he’s very much alive and ready for a second chance at life and love. Escaping death has brought Charles some clarity: the money, the fame, the expensive cars; none of it brought him true joy or peace. The last time he was truly happy was when he was married to his ex-wife Monica, before their relationship was destroyed by his ambition and greed.

    In this final installment of the exciting and provocative series that began with The Broken Road and The Forgotten Road, Charles is still on his pilgrimage across the iconic Route 66. He intends to finish his trek from Amarillo to Santa Monica, despite learning that his ex-wife is now planning to marry another man. With the initial reason for his trip in jeopardy, he still has lessons to learn along the way before he discovers—and arrives at—his true destination.
  • Noel Street Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 1982129581, 978-1982129583
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Gallery Books
    Язык: Английский
    The year is 1975. Elle Sheen—a single mother who is supporting herself and her six-year-old, African-American son, Dylan, as a waitress at the Noel Street Diner—isn’t sure what to make of William Smith when his appearance creates a stir in the small town of Mistletoe, Utah. As their lives unexpectedly entwine, Elle learns that William, a recently returned Vietnam POW, is not only fighting demons from his past, but may also have the answer to her own secret pain—a revelation that culminates in a remarkable act of love and forgiveness.
  • The Road Home Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 1501111825, 978-1501111822
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский

    Chicago celebrity and pitchman Charles James is supposed to be dead. Everyone believes he was killed in a fiery plane crash, a flight he narrowly missed. But thanks to that remarkable twist of fate, he’s very much alive and ready for a second chance at life and love. Escaping death has brought Charles some clarity: the money, the fame, the expensive cars; none of it brought him true joy or peace. The last time he was truly happy was when he was married to his ex-wife Monica, before their relationship was destroyed by his ambition and greed. In the exciting and provocative series that began with The Broken Road and The Forgotten Road,…

  • The Noel Stranger Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 1501172050, 978-1501172052
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Gallery Books
    Язык: Английский
    Maggie Walther feels like her world is imploding. Publicly humiliated after her husband, a local councilman, is arrested for bigamy, and her subsequent divorce, she has isolated herself from the world. When her only friend insists that Maggie climb out of her hole, and embrace the season to get her out of her funk, Maggie decides to put up a Christmas tree and heads off to buy one—albeit reluctantly. She is immediately taken by Andrew, the kind, handsome man who owns the Christmas tree lot and delivers her tree. She soon learns that Andrew is single and new to her city and, like her, is also starting his life anew.

    As their friendship develops, Maggie slowly begins to trust again—something she never thought possible. Then, just when she thinks she has finally found happiness, she discovers a dark secret from Andrew’s past. Is there more to this stranger’s truth than meets the eye? This powerful new holiday novel from Richard Paul Evans, the “King of Christmas fiction” (The New York Times), explores the true power of the season, redemption, and the freedom that comes from forgiveness.
  • The Forgotten Road Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 1501111795, 978-1501111792
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    Chicago celebrity and successful pitchman Charles James is supposed to be dead. Everyone believes he was killed in a fiery plane crash. But thanks to a remarkable twist of fate, he’s very much alive and ready for a second chance at life—and love. Narrowly escaping death has brought Charles some clarity: the money, the fame, the fast cars—none of it was making him happy. The last time he was happy—truly happy—was when he was married to his ex-wife Monica, before their connection was destroyed by his ambition and greed.

    Charles decides to embark on an epic quest: He will walk the entire length of Route 66, from Chicago to California, where he hopes to convince Monica to give him another shot. Along the way, Charles is immersed in the deep and rich history of one of America’s most iconic highways. But the greater journey he finds is the one he takes in his heart as he meets people along the road who will change his perspective on the world. But will his transformation be enough to earn redemption?
  • Книги с секретом. Комплект из 4-х книг Тони Эбботт
    ISBN: 978-5-17-102199-3
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Комплект из 4 книг.
    1. Жаклин Уэст "Книга секретов"
    До чего же хочется, чтобы жизнь снова вошла в свою привычную колею! Но нет! Коварная Аннабель МакМартин прячется где-то поблизости. Друг Резерфорд выбирает разлуку. Кто-то проникает в подвал с волшебными оживляющими красками. А зачарованные коты ведут себя все более подозрительно и, кажется, их становится больше!
    Читайте продолжение магически увлекательных повестей "Книга теней" и "Книга заклинаний".
    2. Тони Эбботт "Наследие Коперника. Запретный камень"
    Когда Вейд Каплан получает зашифрованное письмо от своего покойного дядюшки Генри, он и представить себе не может, чем это обернется для него. Для того, чтобы разгадать код, Вейд и его друзья отправляются в Германию. Но там их уже ждут те, кто мог быть причастен к таинственной гибели дяди Генри…
    3. Ричард Пол Эванс "Майкл Вэй. Арестант камеры 25"
    Захватывающая история Майкла Вэя, с виду совершенно обычного подростка, обладающего совершенно необычными способностями. Пятнадцать лет Майкл хранил страшную тайну, пока однажды она не выплыла наружу… Применив силу против школьных хулиганов, Майкл и не догадывался, к каким чудовищным последствиям это приведёт. Теперь, когда маму Майкла похитили, ему в одиночку предстоит сразиться с могущественным врагом, который не знает пощады на пути к своим целям.
    4. Лу Андерс "Престолы и драконы. Рожденная во льдах"
    Карн должен был всю жизнь работать на семейной ферме в Норронгарде. Если бы не одна проблема… Единственное, чего он хочет - это играть в "Кости и Престолы". А Тианна чересчур велика, чтобы люди ее не боялись, но слишком мала, чтобы великаны относились к ней всерьез.
    Карн и Тианна сбежали из дома. Теперь им придется выживать в пустыне, а это непросто, особенно если вас по пятам преследуют дракон, которому полторы тысячи лет, мертвый капитан драккара, виверны и целая толпа троллей и великанов.
    Для детей среднего школьного возраста.
  • Дневник Ноэль Ричард Пол Эванс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-139902-3
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Аудиокнига (АСТ)
    Язык: Русский
    Джейкоб Черчер – автор бестселлеров. Уже почти двадцать лет он не был дома – с тех самых пор как мать выгнала его, когда ему было всего шестнадцать. И вот за несколько дней до Рождества раздается звонок: мать скончалась и оставила ему дом. Чтобы обрести душевный покой, Джейкоб возвращается в место, где вырос. Но оказывается, этот дом хранит не только грустные воспоминания. Мать Джейкоба с годами стала настоящей барахольщицей, и среди вещей мужчина обнаруживает дневник некой Ноэль. Кто она? Что забыла в этом доме? И тут на пороге появляется Рейчел. Девушка ищет свою биологическую мать, которая отдала ее на удочерение. В поисках ответов на вопросы Джейкоб и Рейчел начинают поиски Ноэль. Они не знают, найдут ли ее, но в их жизни постепенно появляются другие важные вещи: милосердие и шанс на любовь. © Эванс Ричард Пол, 2021 © Перевод Нусхаева Анастасия, 2021 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2021
  • Michael Vey: The Final Spark Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 9781481497039
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Simon Pulse, Mercury Ink
    Язык: Английский
    The Electroclan is facing a devastating loss: Michael is missing. What’s next?

    The battle on the island of Hades ended with a devastating explosion that left the island a smoking ruin and much of Hatch’s army dead. Hatch survived, however, and while his plans have certainly suffered a setback, he’s more determined than ever to bring the world’s governments under his control. But first, he wants to wipe out the resistance and capture the remaining members of the Electroclan.

    As Hatch’s forces storm into action, it seems nothing can stand in their way. The Electroclan is divided. The voice is captured, and Michael’s mother is being used as bait to lure the leader of the resistance out of hiding. Can anything—or anyone—stop the Elgen? Or is this the end?
  • The Noel Diary Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 1501172034, 978-1501172038
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский

    In this new holiday-themed novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Mistletoe Promise and The Walk, a man receives the best Christmas present he could ask for: the chance to re-write the past. Bestselling romance author Jacob Churcher hasn't been home for almost twenty years—not since his mentally ill mother kicked him out of the house when he was just sixteen. When a lawyer calls, days before Christmas, to inform him that his estranged mother has passed away and left her house to him, Jacob returns not just to settle the estate but to try and reconcile with the past and the pain and abuse he experienced as a child.…

  • The Broken Road Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 1501111647
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    A broken man. A twist of fate. A second chance. From the #1 bestselling author of The Mistletoe Promise and The Walk comes the first novel in a riveting new trilogy that explores the tantalizing question: What if you could start over?

    Chicago celebrity, Charles James can’t shake the nightmare that wakes him each night. He sees himself walking down a long, broken highway the sides of which are lit in flames. Where is he going? Why is he walking? What is the wailing he hears around him?

    By day, he wonders why he’s so haunted and unhappy when he has all he ever wanted-fame, fans and fortune and the lavish lifestyle it affords him. Coming from a childhood of poverty and pain, this is what he’s dreamed of. But now, at the pinnacle of his career, he’s started to wonder if he’s wanted the wrong things. His wealth has come legally, but questionably, from the power of his personality, seducing people out of their hard-earned money. When he learns that one of his customers has committed suicide because of financial ruin, Charles is shaken. The cracks in his façade start to break down spurring him to question everything: his choices, his relationships, his future and the type of man he's become.

    Then a twist of fate changes everything. Charles is granted something very remarkable: a second chance. The question is: What will he do with it?

    The Broken Road is the first book in a much-anticipated new trilogy by beloved storyteller Richard Paul Evans. It is an engrossing, contemplative story of redemption and grace and the power of second chances. It is an epic journey you won't soon forget.
  • Michael Vey: Fall of Hades Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 9781508218791
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio, Mercury Ink
    Язык: Английский
    Michael and his friends try to recruit Hatch’s Electric Youth to their side as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying sixth installment of the New York Times bestselling series!
  • The Mistletoe Secret Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 978-1501119811
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    The master of the holiday novel presents the moving story of two people who brave loneliness and loss to find love.

    Dear Universe,
    Is anyone out there?

    Thinking no one is reading, a blogger who calls herself LBH writes about her most personal feelings, especially her overwhelming loneliness. She goes from day to day showing a brave face to the world while inside she longs to know how it would feel if one person cared about her.

    Alex Bartlett cares. He’s reading her posts in Daytona Beach, Florida. Nursing his own broken heart and trust issues, he finds himself falling for this sensitive, vulnerable woman whose feelings mirror his own. Following a trail of clues LBH has inadvertently revealed, he discovers that she lives in the small town of Midway, Utah. He makes his way there just after Thanksgiving, determined to find LBH. Maybe she’s a Lisa, Lori, or a Luanne. Instead, he finds a woman named Aria, a waitress at the Mistletoe Diner, who encourages Alex in his search while serving his pie along with some much-needed sympathy and companionship.

    Alex finally finds his LBH, a woman who is as beautiful and kind as he imagined she would be. How can he tell her that he knows her secret? What’s holding him back? Could it be his feelings for Aria?
  • Michael Vey: Storm of Lightning Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 9781442386129
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio, Mercury Ink
    Язык: Английский
    Michael, Taylor, Ostin, and the rest of the Electroclan go on their most dangerous mission yet as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fifth installment of the New York Times bestselling series!The resistance movement has been compromised. The Voice is in hiding. Their families are missing. Can the Electroclan pull together to defeat the Elgen once and for all?
  • Michael Vey: Hunt for the Jade Dragon Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 9781442373648
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio, Mercury Ink
    Язык: Английский
    Michael and his friends must rescue a child prodigy as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fourth installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling series!Michael, Taylor, Ostin and the rest of the Electroclan head to China in search of a girl who may have discovered why Michael and his friends became electric. Her name is Lin Julung, or Jade Dragon, and shes a child prodigy with an IQ higher than Einsteinsand Ostins. But Hatch gets to her first, and the Elgen are holding her prisoner in their Taiwan Starxource plant. Now the Voice wants Michael and the Electroclan to go to Taiwan and free her before Hatch can realize his dreams of an army of electric children. The hunt for Jade Dragon is on, and its a race against time!
  • The Mistletoe Promise Richard Paul Evans
    ISBN: 1476728208, 978-1476728209
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Simon Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    Elise Dutton dreads the arrival of another holiday season. Three years earlier, her husband cheated on her with her best friend, resulting in a bitter divorce that left her alone, broken, and distrustful.

    Then, one November day, a stranger approaches Elise in the mall food court. Though she recognizes the man from her building, Elise has never formally met him. Tired of spending the holidays alone, the man offers her a proposition. For the next eight weeks—until the evening of December 24—he suggests that they pretend to be a couple. He draws up a contract with four rules:

    1. No deep, probing personal questions
    2. No drama
    3. No telling anyone the truth about the relationship
    4. The contract is void on Christmas Day

    The lonely Elise surprises herself by agreeing to the idea. As the charade progresses, the safety of her fake relationship begins to mend her badly broken heart. But just as she begins to find joy again, her long-held secret threatens to unravel the emerging relationship. But she might not be the only one with secrets.
  • Верь глазам своим. Потерянный декабрь. Горящий лед. Студент-медик из Дублина (сборник) Линвуд Баркли
    ISBN: 978-5-89355-717-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Издательский Дом Ридерз Дайджест
    Язык: Русский

    ВЕРЬ ГЛАЗАМ СВОИМ, Линвуд Баркли Случайно увидев на сайте под названием Whirl360 задушенную женщину в окне, два брата оказываются втянуты в страшный водоворот убийств, борьбы за власть и смертоносных замыслов. Линвуд Баркли переносит классические хичкоковские ходы в эру Интернета. ПОТЕРЯННЫЙ ДЕКАБРЬ, Ричард Пол Эванс Люк Крисп отрекся от отца, уехал из дома и с головой ушел в новую жизнь, безрассудно потакая своим прихотям. А когда эта жизнь закончилась неизбежным крахом, Люку пришлось начинать все с нуля. История об искуплении, надежде и истинном смысле любви. ГОРЯЩИЙ ЛЕД, Дэвид Лайонс В деле, которое ведет судья Джок Буше,…

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