Маша Гессен

Мария Александровна Гессен

  • 17 книг
  • 11 подписчиков
  • 303 читателя
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Лучшие книги Маши Гессен

  • Совершенная строгость. Григорий Перельман: гений и задача тысячелетия Маша Гессен
    ISBN: 978-5-271-33232-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Астрель, Corpus
    Язык: Русский

    В 2002 году российский математик Григорий Перельман опубликовал в интернете доказательство гипотезы Пуанкаре - одной из семи "задач тысячелетия", за решение каждой из которых американский Институт Клэя установил премию в миллион долларов. Однако триумфа не получилось: Перельман не стал играть по правилам математического сообщества, отказался от работы в лучших университетах и, в конце концов, не принял "Премию тысячелетия". Ученый заявил, что больше не занимается математикой и прекратил общение с внешним миром. Известный журналист и писатель, заместитель главного редактора проекта "Сноб" Маша Гессен исследует феномен Перельмана,…

  • Истории любви: пропаганда гомосексуализма в России Маша Гессен
    ISBN: 978-1-939293-37-4 (электронная книга), 978-1-939293-35-0 (мягкий переплет)
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: OR Books
    Язык: Русский

    С момента принятия туманно сформулированного закона о запрете "гомосексуальной пропаганды", в России ужесточились гомофобные атаки, увольнения и нападения на ЛГБТ-граждан. На почве действий российского правительства, уровень гомофобии в стране растет с каждым днем. Сегодня Россия, страна XXII зимних Олимпийских игр, находится в центре внимания международной прессы.

  • The Man without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin Masha Gessen
    ISBN: 978-1847081490
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Granta Books
    Язык: Английский
    Since coming to power in 1999, Vladimir Putin has ruthlessly seized control of media, exiled or killed political rivals, and dismantled Russia's fragile electoral system. Masha Gessen courageously returned to Moscow to report on Putin's alarming ascent, tracking down sources who dared speak to no one else.
  • The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia Masha Gessen
    ISBN: 9781783784004
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Granta Books
    Язык: Английский

    Putin's bestselling biographer reveals how, in the space of a generation, Russia surrendered to a more virulent and invincible new strain of autocracy. Hailed for her "fearless indictment of the most powerful man in Russia" by the Wall Street Journal, award-winning journalist Masha Gessen is unparalleled in her understanding of the events and forces that have wracked her native country in recent times. In The Future Is History, she follows the lives of four people born at what promised to be the dawn of democracy. Each came of age with unprecedented expectations, some as the children and grandchildren of the very architects of the new…

  • Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot Masha Gessen
    ISBN: 978-1594632198
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Riverhead Books
    Язык: Английский

    On February 21st 2012, five members of an obscure feminist post-punk collective called Pussy Riot staged a performance in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Dressed in their trademark brightly coloured dresses and balaclavas, the women performed their song 'Punk Prayer - Mother of God, Chase Putin Away!' in front of the altar. The performance lasted only 40 seconds but it resulted in two-year prison sentences for three of the performers - and has turned Pussy Riot into one of the most well-known and important protest movements of the last five years. This necessary and timely book is an account of the Pussy Riot protest, the ensuing global support movement, and the tangled and controversial trial of the band members. It explores the status of dissent in Russia, the roots of the group and their adoption - or appropriation - by wider collectives, feminist groups and music icons. Masha Gessen has unique access to the band and those closest to them. Her unrivalled understanding of the Russian protest movement makes her the ideal writer to document and explain the rage, the beauty and the phenomenon that is Pussy Riot.
  • Perfect Rigour: A Genius and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century Masha Gessen
    ISBN: 978-1848312388
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Icon Books Ltd

    In 2006, an eccentric Russian mathematician named Grigori Perelman solved one of the world's greatest intellectual puzzles. The Poincare conjecture is an extremely complex topological problem that had eluded the best minds for over a century. In 2000, the Clay Institute in Boston named it one of seven great unsolved mathematical problems, and promised a million dollars to anyone who could find a solution. Perelman was awarded the prize this year - and declined the money. Journalist Masha Gessen was determined to find out why. Drawing on interviews with Perelman's teachers, classmates, coaches, teammates, and colleagues in Russia and the US - and informed by her own background as a math whiz raised in Russia - she set out to uncover the nature of Perelman's astonishing abilities. In telling his story, Masha Gessen has constructed a gripping and tragic tale that sheds rare light on the unique burden of genius.
  • Blood Matters: From Inherited Illness to Designer Babies, How the World and I Found Ourselves in the Future of the Gene Маша Гессен
    ISBN: 0151013624
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Русский

    In 2004 genetic testing revealed that Masha Gessen had a mutation that predisposed her to ovarian and breast cancer. The discovery initiated Gessen into a club of sorts: the small (but exponentially expanding) group of people in possession of a new and different way of knowing themselves through what is inscribed in the strands of their DNA. As she wrestled with a wrenching personal decision—what to do with such knowledge—Gessen explored the landscape of this brave new world, speaking with others like her and with experts including medical researchers, historians, and religious thinkers. Blood Matters is a much-needed field guide to this…

  • Ester and Ruzya : How My Grandmothers Survived Hitler's War and Stalin's Peace Masha Gessen
    ISBN: 0385336055
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionIn the 1930s, as waves of war and persecution were crashing over Europe, two young Jewish women began separate journeys of survival. One, a Polish-born woman from Bialystok, where virtually the entire Jewish community would soon be
  • Where the Jews Aren't: The Sad and Absurd Story of Birobidzhan, Russia's Jewish Autonomous Region (Jewish Маша Гессен
    ISBN: ‎978-0805242461
    Издательство: Schocken
    From the acclaimed author of The Man Without a Face, the previously untold story of the Jews in twentieth-century Russia that reveals the complex, strange, and heart-wrenching truth behind the familiar narrative that begins with pogroms and ends with emigration.

    In 1929, the Soviet government set aside a sparsely populated area in the Soviet Far East for settlement by Jews. The place was called Birobidzhan.The idea of an autonomous Jewish region was championed by Jewish Communists, Yiddishists, and intellectuals, who envisioned a haven of post-oppression Jewish culture. By the mid-1930s tens of thousands of Soviet Jews, as well as about a thousand Jews from abroad, had moved there. The state-building ended quickly, in the late 1930s, with arrests and purges instigated by Stalin. But after the Second World War, Birobidzhan received another influx of Jews—those who had been dispossessed by the war. In the late 1940s a second wave of arrests and imprisonments swept through the area, traumatizing Birobidzhan’s Jews into silence and effectively shutting down most of the Jewish cultural enterprises that had been created. Where the Jews Aren’t is a haunting account of the dream of Birobidzhan—and how it became the cracked and crooked mirror in which we can see the true story of the Jews in twentieth-century Russia.
  • По жизни. Пособие по социальной журналистике Маша Гессен
    ISBN: 5-98094-001-4
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Юнисеф
    Во многих редакциях считается, что успешный и состоявшийся в профессиональном смысле журналист снимает политические репортажи или пишет экономические обзоры. Это престижно. А вот социальные темы, или, как они называются на журналистском сленге, социалка, - удел неопытных журналистов или просто неудачников. Очень часто приходилось слышать слова редактора, обращенные к новому сотруднику: "Сними какую-нибудь социалку, ну там, брошенные дети, инвалиды, солдатские матери". И с этой установкой новоиспеченный журналист едет и "что-то" снимает. Без идеи, без интереса и без вдохновения.
    Нам кажется такой подход несправедливым...
  • Sobrevivir a la autocracia Маша Гессен
    Eran las elecciones de 2016 y el discurso, los gestos y los comentarios de uno de los candidatos a la presidencia de Estados Unidos no ten?an precedente alguno. Cuarenta y ocho horas antes de que Donald Trump fuese elegido como presidente de Estados Unidos, el ensayo «Autocracia: reglas para la supervivencia», de Masha Gessen, se volvi? viral. Hoy ese ensayo, ampliado y matizado, es este libro. Gessen aporta aqu? una perspectiva inigualable, herencia de su infancia sovi?tica y de m?s de dos d?cadas de testimoniar el totalitarismo ruso. Todo ello le otorga una cosmovisi?n ?nica a la hora de analizar las l?neas que delimitan la autocracia galopante que vive hoy Estados Unidos. Este libro, pol?mico e incisivo, analiza c?mo esta organizaci?n pol?tica atraviesa todos los ?mbitos (el medi?tico, el cultural, el judicial…) y termina por afectar a toda una sociedad, abocada a sobrevivir a las ?rdenes de un ?nico individuo. «El ideal plat?nico del trumpiano libro anti-; Trump», Carlos Lozada,  The Washington Post
  • Never Remember Searching for Stalin’s Gulags in Putin’s Russia Маша Гессен
    ISBN: 9780997722963
    Издательство: Columbia Global Reports
    A haunting literary and visual journey deep into Russia’s past—and present

    The Gulag was a monstrous network of labor camps that held and killed millions of prisoners from the 1930s to the 1950s. More than half a century after the end of Stalinist terror, the geography of the Gulag has been barely sketched and the number of its victims remains unknown. Has the Gulag been forgotten?

    Writer Masha Gessen and photographer Misha Friedman set out across Russia in search of the memory of the Gulag. They journey from Moscow to Sandarmokh, a forested site of mass executions during Stalin’s Great Terror; to the only Gulag camp turned into a museum, outside of the city of Perm in the Urals; and to Kolyma, where prisoners worked in deadly mines in the remote reaches of the Far East. They find that in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, where Stalin is remembered as a great leader, Soviet terror has not been forgotten: it was never remembered in the first place.
  • N?ota mees: Vladimir Putini uskumatu v?imulet?us Masha Gessen
    See hetkel k?ige rohkem t?lgitud raamat Venemaa poliitikast on osalt Putini elulugu, samas aga kirjeldus praeguse Venemaa v?imumehhanismide toimimisest. Autor Masha Gessen s?ndis 1967. aastal Moskvas, emigreerus 1981 USA-sse ja naasis 1991 Venemaale. Ta on kirjanik ja ajakirjanik, t??tanud mitmete v?ljaannete juures. Selle raamatu ilmumise ajal on ta ajakirja U.S. News & World Report korrespondent. Putin on tema arvates t?eline KGBlane, kes usubki siiralt, et N?ukogude Liit oli parim riik, ja p??ab seet?ttu instinktiivselt oma lemmiks?steemi k?igi enda valduses olevate vahendite abil taasluua.