Сара Парецки

Sara Paretsky

  • 89 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 23 читателя
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Лучшие произведения Сары Парецки

  • Заказное убийство Сара Парецки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Indemnity only
    Первая публикация: 1982
    Перевод: А. Ибрагимов
    Частный детектив Ви.Ай. Варшавски, каратистка и меткий стрелок, стоит двух десятков головорезов. В романе "Заказное убийство" она разыскивает пропавших детей вице-президента банка Чикаго и главы международной организации. В ходе расследования Ви.Ай. Варшавски оказывается вовлеченной в опасную игру с аферами в страховых делах, контрактами на убийство и легкими на подъем наемными убийцами.
  • Тупик Сара Парецки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Deadlock
  • Blacklist Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: September 29, 2003
    Язык: Английский
  • Приказано убить Сара Парецки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Killing Orders
    Первая публикация: 1985
    Перевод: Т. Стайдл
    Ви. Ай. Варшавски - звезда серии Сары Парецки о преступлениях в деловом мире и скрытой коррупции в Чикаго и одна из самых мужественных и самых убедительных персонажей женщин-детективов последней волны. Она подтверждает то, как умная и энергичная женщина может с легкостью ориентироваться в лабиринте детективного жанра. Ви. Ай. Варшавски полка остроумия, упрямства и уязвимости, и ее грубоватая нежность все больше привлекает с каждым новым романом Сары Парецки.
  • Смертельный удар Сара Парецки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Blood Shot
    Первая публикация: 1988
    Перевод: П. Рубцов
    Язык: Русский
    Роман современной американской писательницы Сары Парецки "Смертельный удар" - детективное расследование деятельности чикагской промышленной мафия, блестяще проведенное женщиной-детективом Ви. Ай. Варшавски.
  • Fallout Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: April 18, 2017
    Язык: Английский
  • Горькое лекарство Сара Парецки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Bitter medicine
    Первая публикация: 1987
    Перевод: В. Митин
    Шестнадцатилетняя Консуэлло – жена гангстера Фабиано, – готовясь стать матерью, попадает в частную клинику «Дружба», где умирает от нерпавильного лечения. Руководство клиники, погрязшее в махинациях и коррупции, готово было заплатить огромные деньши, чтобы сохранить тайну смерти Консуэлло и избежать скандала. Любому, кто не пойдет на эту сделку и попытается расследовать обстоятельства гибели молодой женщины, грозит смерть. И только дерзкая Ви.Ай. Варшавски не может отказать отчаявшимся родственникам Консуэлло. К чему приведет ее расследование?
  • Tunnel Vision Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: May 1, 1994
    Язык: Английский
  • Total Recall Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: September 4, 2001
    Язык: Английский
  • Critical Mass Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 2013
    Язык: Английский
    V.I. Warshawski’s closest friend in Chicago is the Viennese-born doctor Lotty Herschel, who lost most of her family in the Holocaust. Lotty escaped to London in 1939 on the Kindertransport with a childhood playmate, Kitty Saginor Binder. When Kitty’s daughter finds her life is in danger, she calls Lotty, who, in turn, summons V.I. to help. The daughter’s troubles turn out to be just the tip of an iceberg of lies, secrets, and silence, whose origins go back to the mad competition among America, Germany, Japan and England to develop the first atomic bomb. The secrets are old, but the people who continue to guard them today will not let go of them without a fight.
  • Body Work Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: August 31, 2010
    Язык: Английский
  • Dead Land Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: ~ April 1, 2020
    Язык: Английский
    Chicago may be the city of broad shoulders, but its political law is “Pay to Play.” Money changes hands in the middle of the night, and by morning, buildings and parks are replaced by billion-dollar projects. Chicago PI V.I. Warshawski gets pulled into one of these clandestine deals through her impetuous goddaughter, Bernie Fouchard. Bernie tries to rescue Lydia Zamir, a famed singer-songwriter now living on the streets; Zamir’s life fell apart when her lover was murdered next to her in a mass shooting at an outdoor concert. Not only does Bernie plunge her and V.I. headlong into the path of some ruthless developers, they lead to the murder of the young man Bernie is dating. He’s a computer geek working for a community group called SLICK. V.I. is desperate to find a mysterious man named Coop, who roams the lakefront in the middle of the night with his dog. She’s sure he holds the key to the mounting body count within SLICK. Coop may even know why an international law firm is representing the mass murderer responsible for Lydia’s lover’s death. Instead, the detective finds a terrifying conspiracy stretching from Chicago’s parks to a cover-up of the dark chapters in America’s meddling in South American politics. Before she finds answers, this electrifying novel pushes V.I. close to the breaking point: People who pay to play take no prisoners.
  • Guardian Angel Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: February 1, 1992
    Язык: Английский
    Racine Avenue is going upscale—bad news for hand-to-mouth residents like V I Warshawski. As tax bills skyrocket, newcomers pressure old inhabitants into fixing up their homes or moving out. To the yuppies on the block the worst eyesore belongs to old Hattie Frizell, whose yard is “returning to native prairie, complete with hubcaps.” Their block club wants her and her five dogs gone. V I and Hattie have a relationship of sorts: one of those five dogs gave V I’s dog Peppy an unwelcome litter. When Hattie slips in her bath and is rushed unconscious to the hospital, V I feels compelled to get involved. But neighboring lawyer Todd Pichea and his wife, Chrissie, act swiftly to get the courts to make them Hattie’s legal guardians. V I returns from a business trip to find they’ve put the old woman’s dogs to sleep. Furious, V I starts poking around in the Picheas’ affairs, hoping to turn up something scandalous enough to make them lose their guardianship. Hattie isn’t the detective’s only worry. When her downstairs neighbor’s oldest friend disappears, Mr. Contreras persuades V I to investigate. As she probes both problems, V I uncovers a scandal linking one of Chicago’s oldest industrial families to union fraud and a politically connected bank. Her investigation takes her into the depths of the steamy Sanitary Canal and brings her eyeball-to-eyeball with her ex-husband, Dick Yarborough. When her dear friend Lotty Herschel and her own lawyer turn against her, V I is left alone to struggle with the most serious case of her career.
  • Fire Sale Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: June 28, 2005
    Язык: Английский
    A conscience can weigh a PI down more than the heaviest firearm—and get her into more trouble too. It’s that nagging conscience that makes V. I. Warshawski agree to fill in as coach for the girls’ basketball team at her South Chicago alma mater—which in turn leads her to the headquarters of By-Smart, the global retail empire where V. I. hopes to get some desperately needed funds for the struggling squad. But conscience seems to be in short supply at By-Smart… with the exception of Billy Bysen, the earnest teenage grandson of the chain’s gruff, tightfisted founder. And when Billy disappears—along with a mysterious document much desired by By-Smart’s management team—V. I. is hurled onto a twisted, body-strewn path that runs through Chicago’s dirtiest places and reveals some of its dirtiest secrets.…
  • Hardball Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: January 22, 2009
    Язык: Английский
    Chicago politics-past, present, and future-take center stage in "New York Times"-bestselling author Sara Paretsky's brilliant new V. I. Warshawski novel.
    Chicago's unique brand of ball is sixteen-inch slow pitch, played in leagues all over the city for more than a century. But in politics, in business, and in law enforcement, the game is hardball.
    When V. I. Warshawski is asked to find a man who's been missing for four decades, a search that she figured would be futile becomes lethal. Old skeletons from the city's racially charged history, as well as haunting family secrets-her own and those of the elderly sisters who hired her-rise up to brush her back from the plate with a vengeance. A young cousin whom she's never met arrives from Kansas City to work on a political campaign; a nun who marched with Martin Luther King Jr. dies without revealing crucial evidence; and on the city's South Side, people spit when she shows up. Afraid to learn that her adored father might have been a bent cop, V. I. still takes the investigation all the way to its frightening end.
  • Shell Game Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: October 16, 2018
    Язык: Английский
    Legendary sleuth V.I. Warshawski returns to the Windy City to save an old friend’s nephew from a murder arrest. The case involves a stolen artifact that could implicate a shadowy network of international criminals. As V.I. investigates, the detective soon finds herself tangling with the Russian mob, ISIS backers, and a shady network of stock scams and stolen art that stretches from Chicago to the East Indies and the Middle East. In Shell Game, nothing and no one are what they seem, except for the detective herself, who loses sleep, money, and blood, but remains indomitable in her quest for justice.
  • Ожоги Сара Парецки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Burn Marks
    Первая публикация: 1990
    Перевод: Е. Черная
    "Ожоги" - роман о закулисных аферах чикагских дельцов, чьи преступления вовлекают в кровавый водоворот маленьких людей большого города.
  • Hard Time Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: October 22, 1999
    Язык: Английский
    Among the first, and perhaps the most compelling, female private investigators of contemporary fiction, Sara Paretsky's incomparable character V. I. Warshawski at last returns to the page in her first full-length appearance since 1994's Tunnel Vision. Hard Time is the work of a master--a riveting novel of suspense that is indisputably Paretsky's best V.I. Warshawski novel yet. Multimedia conglomerate Global Entertainment has purchased the Chicago Herald-Star, forcing the paper's staff to scramble to stay employed. Reporter Murray Ryerson, V.I.'s longtime friend and sometime rival, manages to reinvent himself as the host of a television show on Global's network. On her way home from a party celebrating Murray's debut, V.I. almost runs over a woman lying in the street. Stopping to help, V.I. soon learns that her Good Samaritan act will drop her squarely in a boiling intrigue. In a case that forces her to go head-to-head with one of the world's largest providers of private security and prison services, a case that exposes dark hidden truths behind the razzle-dazzle of the entertainment industry, V.I. will be ahead of the game if she gets out alive.
  • Breakdown Sara Paretsky
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: January 3, 2012
    Язык: Английский
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