Мэри Робинетт Коваль

Mary Robinette Kowal

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Лучшие книги Мэри Робинетт Коваль

  • Вычисляя звезды Мэри Робинетт Коваль
    ISBN: 978-5-04-175955-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Холодной весенней ночью 1952 года в результате падения огромного метеорита была уничтожена большая часть Восточного побережья США, включая Вашингтон. Последующий климатический кризис и экологическая катастрофа в ближайшем будущем сделают планету непригодной для обитания, как однажды это произошло в эпоху динозавров. Надвигающаяся угроза требует радикального ускорения космической программы в надежде на миграцию и колонизацию космоса. Опыт Элмы Йорк как летчицы и математика из женской службы пилотов ВВС позволяет ей принять участие в проекте по высадке человека на Луну в качестве вычислительницы. Но Элма не сразу понимает, почему большое…

  • The Original Brandon Sanderson
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Recorded Books
    Язык: Английский
    Hugo Award-winning authors Brandon Sanderson and Mary Robinette Kowal team up in this exclusive audio-first production of The Original, a sci-fi thriller set in a world where one woman fights to know her true identity and survive the forces that threaten her very existence.

    In the near future, humans choose life - for a price. Injectable nanite technology is the lifeblood that flows through every individual wishing to experience the world through the lens of their own theme. While death from mortal wounds is still possible, life is made easier in a socially liberated society where automation and income equality allow passion pursuits to flourish over traditional work. Renewal stations are provided to every law-abiding citizen for weekly check-ins, which issue life-sustaining repairs in exchange for personal privacy. But what becomes of those who check out, of those who dare to resist immortality and risk being edited under the gaze of an identity-extracting government surveillance system?

    When Holly Winseed wakes up in a hospital room, her memory compromised and a new identity imposed on her, a team of government agents wastes no time stating their objective. With intent to infiltrate and defeat the terrorist group ICON, the agents tell Holly that she is now a Provisional Replica and has one week to hunt down and kill her Original for the murder of her husband, Jonathan. If she succeeds, she’ll assume her Original’s place in society. If she fails, her life will end. Holly’s progress is monitored by an assigned contact that feeds her information as she confronts the blank, robotic world around her, discovering that others view life through the theme of their own choosing.

    With her newly implanted combat and deduction skills, Holly fends off both attacks by terrorists and doubts about her own trustworthiness as clues lead her to her Original - and to the truth about Jonathan. In the end, one body remains and one walks away. Although questions persist, one thing is certain: Life will never be the same.
  • Shades of Milk and Honey Mary Robinette Kowal
    ISBN: 0-765-32556-X, 978-0-7653-2556-3
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    The fantasy novel you’ve always wished Jane Austen had written Shades of Milk and Honey is exactly what we could expect from Jane Austen if she had been a fantasy writer: Pride and Prejudice meets Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. It is an intimate portrait of a woman, Jane, and her quest for love in a world where the manipulation of glamour is considered an essential skill for a lady of quality. Jane and her sister Melody vie for the attentions of eligible men, and while Jane’s skill with glamour is remarkable, it is her sister who is fair of face. When Jane realizes that one of Melody’s suitors is set on taking advantage of her sister…

  • Из-за отсутствия гвоздя Мэри Робинетт Коваль
    Язык: Русский

    Случайная поломка компьютерной системы корабля поколений — и тщательно выстроенный домик обмана рушится. А несогласные могут отправляться в биореактор.

  • Рок Небес Мэри Робинетт Коваль
    ISBN: 978-5-04-194797-2
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Мэри Робинетт Коваль продолжает раскрывать свой грандиозный мир в альтернативной истории, начатый в романе «Вычисляя звезды». Новый роман «Рок небес» переносит нас в 1961 год, когда человечество уже обосновалось на Луне и с нетерпением ждет следующего шага: путешествия на Марс и его колонизацию. Конечно, Элма Йорк, известная также как Леди-астронавт, хотела бы полететь на Марс, но многое зависит от того, кого Международная аэрокосмическая коалиция решит отправить в эту историческую, но потенциально очень опасную миссию. Сможет ли Элма оставить мужа и возможность завести семью, чтобы провести несколько лет в путешествии на Марс? А если…

  • The Lady Astronaut of Mars Mary Robinette Kowal
    Год издания: 2014
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Язык: Английский

    A Finalist for the 2014 Hugo Award for Best Novelette. Thirty years ago, Elma York led the expedition that paved the way to life on Mars. For years she's been longing to go back up there, to once more explore the stars. But there are few opportunities for an aging astronaut, even the famous Lady Astronaut of Mars. When her chance finally comes, it may be too late. Elma must decide whether to stay with her sickening husband in what will surely be the final years of his life, or to have her final adventure and plunge deeper into the well of space. At the publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management…

  • Ghost Talkers Mary Robinette Kowal
    ISBN: 9780765378255
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Ginger Stuyvesant, an American heiress living in London during World War I, is engaged to Captain Benjamin Harford, an intelligence officer. Ginger is a medium for the Spirit Corps, a special Spiritualist force.

    Each soldier heading for the front is conditioned to report to the mediums of the Spirit Corps when they die so the Corps can pass instant information about troop movements to military intelligence.

    Ginger and her fellow mediums contribute a great deal to the war efforts, so long as they pass the information through appropriate channels. While Ben is away at the front, Ginger discovers the presence of a traitor. Without the presence of her fiance to validate her findings, the top brass thinks she's just imagining things. Even worse, it is clear that the Spirit Corps is now being directly targeted by the German war effort. Left to her own devices, Ginger has to find out how the Germans are targeting the Spirit Corps and stop them. This is a difficult and dangerous task for a woman of that era, but this time both the spirit and the flesh are willing…
  • The Spare Man Мэри Робинетт Коваль
    ISBN: 9781250829153
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Tesla Crane, a brilliant inventor and an heiress, is on her honeymoon on an interplanetary space liner, cruising between the Moon and Mars. She’s traveling incognito and is reveling in her anonymity. Then someone is murdered and the festering chowderheads who run security have the audacity to arrest her spouse. Armed with banter, martinis and her small service dog, Tesla is determined to solve the crime so that the newlyweds can get back to canoodling—and keep the real killer from striking again.
  • Shadows Beneath: The Writing Excuses Anthology Brandon Sanderson
    ISBN: 9781938570049
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Dragonsteel Entertainment
    Язык: Английский
    From the Hugo Award-winning hosts of the Writing Excuses writing advice show comes a collection of all-new stories of the fantastic, with beautiful illustrations and a behind-the-scenes look at each story’s creation.

    Brandon Sanderson’s “Sixth of the Dusk,” set in his Cosmere universe shared by the Mistborn books and the #1 New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive, showcases a society on the brink of technological change. On the deadly island of Patji, where predators can sense the thoughts of their prey, a lone trapper discovers that the island is not the only thing out to kill him.

    Mary Robinette Kowal’s “A Fire in the Heavens” is a powerful tale of a refugee seeking to the near-mythical homeland her oppressed people left centuries ago. When Katin discovers the role the “eternal moon” occupies in the Center Kingdom, and the nature of the society under its constant light, she may find enemies and friends in unexpected places.

    Dan Wells’s “I.E.Demon” features an Afghanistan field test of a piece of technology that is supposed to handle improvised explosive devices. Or so the engineers have told the EOD team that will be testing it; exactly what it does and how it does it are need-to-know, and the grunts don’t need to know. Until suddenly the need arises.

    Howard Tayler’s “An Honest Death” stars the security team for the CEO of a biotech firm about to release the cure for old age. When an intruder appears and then vanishes from the CEO’s office, the bodyguards must discover why he is lying to them about his reason for pressing the panic button.

    For years the hosts of Writing Excuses have been offering tips on brainstorming, drafting, workshopping, and revision, and now they offer an exhaustive look at the entire process. Not only does Shadows Beneath have four beautifully illustrated fantastic works of fiction, but it also includes transcripts of brainstorming and workshopping sessions, early drafts of the stories, essays about the stories’ creation, and details of all the edits made between the first and final drafts.

    Come for the stories by award-winning authors; stay for the peek behind the creative curtain
  • Злобный робошимпанзе Мэри Робинетт Коваль
    Язык: Русский

    Когда люди модифицировали шимпанзе они и не задумывались каково ему будет. И как он станет относиться к своим создателям.

  • Glamour in Glass Mary Robinette Kowal
    ISBN: 0-765-32557-8, 978-0-7653-2557-0
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Mary Robinette Kowal stunned readers with her charming first novel Shades of Milk and Honey, a loving tribute to the works of Jane Austen in a world where magic is an everyday occurrence. This magic comes in the form of glamour, which allows talented users to form practically any illusion they can imagine. Shades debuted to great acclaim and left readers eagerly awaiting its sequel. Glamour in Glass continues following the lives of beloved main characters Jane and Vincent, with a much deeper vein of drama and intrigue.

    In the tumultuous months after Napoleon abdicates his throne, Jane and Vincent go to Belgium for their honeymoon. While there, the deposed emperor escapes his exile in Elba, throwing the continent into turmoil. With no easy way back to England, Jane and Vincent’s concerns turn from enjoying their honeymoon…to escaping it.

    Left with no outward salvation, Jane must persevere over her trying personal circumstances and use her glamour to rescue her husband from prison . . . and hopefully prevent her newly built marriage from getting stranded on the shoals of another country's war.
  • Доктор Фауст Мэри Робинетт Коваль
    Язык: Русский
    К любой работе нужно относиться крайне ответственно, даже если это декорации для кукольного театра. Надо делать всё качественно! И точка!
  • Sur la Lune Mary Robinette Kowal
    ISBN: ‎2073050298, 9782073050298
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Folio
    Язык: Французский
    Sur Terre, la situation est critique : le climat se détériore inexorablement et les tensions politiques s'accroissent. Une coalition internationale espère envoyer le plus de gens possible sur Mars avant que la planète bleue ne devienne inhabitable, mais il est évident que tout le monde ne pourra pas partir. Les manifestations contre le projet de conquête spatiale virent à l'émeute et des tentatives de sabotage des fusées sont mises au jour. Le FBI craint désormais un attentat de grande ampleur visant la colonie lunaire, première étape vers Mars, ce qui condamnerait définitivement le programme spatial. Nicole Wargin, l'une des premières femmes astronautes, se voit confier la mission de le déjouer sur place, tandis que son amie Elma York est à mi-chemin de la planète rouge. Malheureusement, le moment est plutôt mal choisi pour quitter la Terre : son mari, gouverneur du Kansas, envisage de se lancer dans la course à la nouvelle Maison-Blanche. Mais si Nicole échoue, la survie de l'humanité pourrait être compromise. Avec Sur la Lune, Mary Robinette Kowal donne une nouvelle orientation à sa série de la Lady Astronaute : la science-fiction se teinte de thriller et d'espionnage. Politique, trahison, attentats et tentatives d'assassinat pimentent cette nouvelle aventure, qui peut se lire indépendamment des précédentes.
  • Forest of Memory Mary Robinette Kowal
    ISBN: 9780765387912
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: St. Martins Press-3pl
    Язык: Английский
    Katya deals in Authenticities and Captures, trading on nostalgia for a past long gone. Her clients are rich and they demand items and experiences with only the finest verifiable provenance. Other people’s lives have value, after all.

    But when her A.I. suddenly stops whispering in her ear she finds herself cut off from the grid and loses communication with the rest of the world.

    The man who stepped out of the trees while hunting deer cut her off from the cloud, took her A.I. and made her his unwilling guest.

    There are no Authenticities or Captures to prove Katya’s story of what happened in the forest. You’ll just have to believe her…