Венди Хиггинс

Wendy Higgins

  • 18 книг
  • 85 подписчиков
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Венди Хиггинс – лучшие книги

  • Сладкое зло Венди Хиггинс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-983291-1
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Жизнь молодых людей полна соблазнов - такова реальность. Для сыновей и дочерей падших ангелов все еще сложнее, ведь они имеют дело с людскими пороками. Но шестнадцатилетняя Анна Уитт, девушка с душой нежной и горячей, как солнце в ее родной Атланте, всегда выбирает светлую сторону. Обладая сверхъестественной способностью чувствовать эмоции других людей, она умеет противиться силам зла. Однако сможет ли Анна устоять перед искушением после встречи с Каиданом, покорившим ее сердце?

  • Сладкая опасность Венди Хиггинс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-108732-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Анна Уитт дала себе слово, что не станет губить души, как её отец. Однако сдержать обещание не так-то просто, когда демоны следуют за тобой по пятам... Она готова сделать все, чтобы покончить с их влиянием, даже если ради этого скромной и доброй девушке придется перевоплотиться в дерзкую королеву вечеринок. Труднее всего Анне справиться с запретными чувствами к Каидану. И стоит ли рисковать жизнью ради любви?

  • Sweet Reckoning Wendy Higgins
    ISBN: 0062265970, 9780062265975
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: HarperTeen
    Язык: Английский

    It’s time. Evil is running rampant and sweet Anna Whitt is its target. Nobody knows when or how the Dukes will strike, but Anna and her Nephilim allies will do anything necessary to rid the earth of the demons and their oppressive ways. The stakes are higher than ever, and Anna is determined that the love she feels will be her strength, not a liability. But trying to protect the ones she loves while running for her life and battling demonic forces proves to be perilous—especially as faces are changing and trust is fleeting. When the Duke of Lust sends Anna’s great love, Kaidan Rowe, to work against her, Anna must decide how much she’s…

  • Sweet Temptation Wendy Higgins
    ISBN: 978-0-06-238142-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: HarperTeen
    Язык: Английский

    Bad boy Kaidan Rowe has never wanted for anything--money, popularity, musical talent...hot girls--but seducing them is part of his duty as a Nephilim, slave to the demon Dukes. As the son of the Duke of Lust, Kaidan has learned his father's ways, becoming a master of passion, a manipulator of chemistry. Disobeying his father would mean certain death. Thankfully for Kaidan, he's good at his job. And he enjoys it.  Until he meets Anna Whitt--sweet, smart, feisty, and inexplicably good--the one girl seemingly immune to his charms. The daughter of a guardian angel and a fallen one, she has a certain power over him, one that makes him wish…

  • Коллекция поцелуев Венди Хиггинс
    ISBN: 978-5-00115-882-0
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Clever
    Язык: Русский

    Измена парня и разваливающийся брак родителей. Повод перестать верить в любовь и отношения? Причина не унывать и немного развлечься! Зэй Монро и ее подруги решили собрать свою коллекцию поцелуев! ⠀ Игра началась: победит та, которая разобьет самое большое количество сердец. Только один поцелуй, после которого гнусный тип будет жестоко брошен. Зэй дает обещание перецеловать как можно больше парней. Спортсмены, музыканты, поэты и плохие мальчики... Ее не остановят проблемы дома, на учебе и обиды друзей. Но что, если не все парни настолько плохи, насколько кажутся? Зэй рискует разбить сердце того, кто этого совсем не заслужил.

  • Flirting with Maybe Wendy Higgins
    ISBN: 9780062265937
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Harper Teen Impulse
    Язык: Английский
    He was fifteen and she was seventeen.

    When sophomore Ryan "The Kid" McPhearson makes the Varsity baseball team, he finds himself submersed into the life of upperclassmen, and falling in love with senior Brooke Bennet. To Ryan she's his dream girl, perfect. Maybe to the outside world a two-year age difference doesn't matter, but this is high school. Everything matters.

    Ryan soon realizes Brooke's life is not so perfect. He becomes her closest friend, her safe place to fall when she needs to escape. Ryan seems to be benched in the friend zone with no chance to bat.

    Time is both a curse and a blessing. It ushers Brooke away to college, and Ryan into the arms of his first girlfriend. It alters Ryan from a kid to a high school graduate, ready to venture to college himself. But when Ryan sees Brooke again he realizes there are some things even time can't touch.

    Though much has changed, one question still remains. Will the things that mattered in high school always stand between them?
  • See Me Венди Хиггинс
    ISBN: 149609946X
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    The USA Today and NYT bestselling author of the Sweet Evil trilogy from HarperTeen brings you a coming-of-age folktale of Irish magic and romance. While most seventeen-year-old American girls would refuse to let their parents marry them off to a stranger, Robyn Mason dreams of the mysterious McKale in Ireland, wondering how he'll look and imagining his cute Irish accent. Prearranged bindings are common for magical families like her own, however when she travels to the whimsical Emerald Isle she discovers there's more to her betrothal and McKale's clan than she was led to believe. What starts as an obligatory pairing between Robyn and McKale morphs over time into something they both need. But one giant obstacle stands in the way of their budding romance: a seductive and deadly Fae princess accustomed to getting what she wants-and what she wants is McKale as her plaything. Love, desire, and jealousies collide as Robyn's family and McKale's clan must work together to outsmart the powerful Faeries and preserve the only hope left for their people.
  • Sweet Evil Extra #1 Венди Хиггинс
    Язык: Английский

    Chapter One of SWEET EVIL from Kaidan Rowe's point of view. Available on the author's website as free bonus material under "Extras."

  • Sweet Evil Extra #2 Венди Хиггинс
    Язык: Английский

    Chapter 26 - Halloween (the "freckle scene"), from Kaidan's Point of View

    This scene gets us deeper into Kai's mind than we've ever delved before. It *might* have made Wendy cry a little when she wrote it.

  • Бонусные главы к Сладкому риску Венди Хиггинс
    Язык: Русский
    Бонусные главы от лица Кайдена Роу 17-20
  • The Great Hunt Wendy Higgins
    ISBN: 9780062381330
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: HarperTeen
    Язык: Английский
    Kill the beast. Win the girl.

    A strange beast stirs fear in the kingdom of Lochlanach, terrorizing towns with its brutality and hunger. In an act of desperation, a proclamation is sent to all of Eurona—kill the creature and win the ultimate prize: the daughter of King Lochson’s hand in marriage.

    Princess Aerity understands her duty to the kingdom though it pains her to imagine marrying a stranger. It would be foolish to set her sights on any particular man in the great hunt, but when a brooding local hunter, Paxton Seabolt, catches her attention, there’s no denying the unspoken lure between them…or his mysterious resentment.

    Paxton is not keen on marriage. Nor does he care much for spoiled royals and their arcane laws. He’s determined to keep his focus on the task at hand—ridding the kingdom of the beast and protecting his family—yet Princess Aerity continues to challenge his notions with her unpredictability and charm. But as past secrets collide with present desires, dire choices threaten everything Paxton holds dear.

    Inspired by the Grimm Brothers’ tale, “The Singing Bone,” New York Times bestselling author Wendy Higgins delivers a dark fantasy filled with rugged hunters, romantic tension, outlawed magic, and a princess willing to risk all to save her people.
  • Soul in Darkness Венди Хиггинс
    ISBN: 9781987016826
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Barnes & Noble
    Язык: Английский
    People travel from afar to the small isle in the Aegean Sea hoping for a single glimpse of Princess Psyche. Their adoration for the mortal woman is so all-consuming that citizens begin to shower her with the very gifts and offerings they once left at the alter of Venus, goddess of love and beauty.

    But gods are known for their jealousy.

    Cupid, the god of love, takes pleasure in causing strife and mischief in the lives of humans. He uses love as a weapon, humoring in the weakness of people at the whims of their feelings. When his mother Venus approaches him about punishing the human girl who dares to steal her offerings and affections from the people, Cupid gladly accepts.

    Psyche's punishment is to be given to a mysterious creature who only comes to her in the dark of night under the pact that she will never lay eyes on him. She is terrified of this stranger, who the oracle described as a serpent. Her mate, however, is masterful in his dealings with his bride. He takes his time, morphing her fears into different sensations completely.

    Based on the Roman/Greek mythology of Cupid and Psyche by Lucius Apuleius, New York Times bestseller Wendy Higgins brings the tale to life, weaving layers that show exactly how a sacrificial lamb can be enchanted by an unseen monster.
  • Unrest Wendy Higgins
    ISBN: 1542499232, 9781542499231
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    New York Times bestselling author Wendy Higgins brings you the second book in this thrilling war-torn world...

    Being on the run in the desert means food and sanctuary are hard to come by, but Amber Tate and her crew are not about to give up. Not after having the things they love brutally ripped from them by an unknown enemy who sent their world into the apocalypse.

    Survival takes precedence, but once safe shelter is found, their guards fall and the emotions they've been holding in are finally released. Anger, insecurities...lust. In their tight quarters, Amber, Rylen, Tater, and Remy can't escape it. The past must be faced, and passions run even stronger in the darkest of times. In the midst of unrest, their worlds are rocked again when they discover the truth about the war that's ruined their lives. They thought finding out the enemy's identity would give them the edge; instead it's revealed terrifying dangers they never thought possible.
  • The Great Pursuit Wendy Higgins
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    Lochlanach has traded the great beast for something far more terrible, a Lashed enemy veiled in beauty, deception, and a vengeance passed down through generations: Rozaria Rocato. And she’s offering the hunter Paxton Seabolt power and acceptance he could never receive in his homeland. Pax must decide how far he’s willing to go under her tutelage, knowing she is the opponent of Princess Aerity Lochson.

    In a land where traditionalists dread change, the Lochlan throne must contend with mysterious foes and traitors, while attempting to keep revolt at bay. As dire circumstances strike the royal family, matters of the castle are left in Aerity’s hands. It's time to put aside her fears and grasp the reign, taking actions that have the potential to save or destroy her people.

    One hunt has ended, but the pursuit for love and justice continue. In this sequel to The Great Hunt from New York Times bestselling author Wendy Higgins, political intrigue and romance intensify in another thrilling fantasy. Princess Aerity embraces a quest for identity and passion before making the ultimate sacrifice for her kingdom.
  • Unknown Wendy Higgins
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    Amber Tate believes the worst thing she’ll suffer in life is dealing with the unrequited love she feels for her brother’s best friend, Rylen Fite. She also believes war is something unfortunate that happens places far, far away from her rural Nevada town. She’s wrong on both counts.

    When an unknown organization meticulously bombs major cities in the United States and across the globe, a trickle-down effect spreads to remaining towns at an alarming speed—everything from food and water sources to technological communications are compromised. Without leadership, the nation is split between paralysis and panic, but Amber isn’t one to hide or watch helplessly. She’s determined to put her nursing skills to use, despite the danger, even if it means working alongside the man she can never have.

    In this first installment of NY Times bestselling author, Wendy Higgins’s debut New Adult series, a frighteningly realistic apocalyptic America is brought to life, entwined with searing romantic tension that will leave you eager for more.
  • Remember Me Венди Хиггинс
    Язык: Английский
    This book will be centered around Cass and Rock and will be set two years after the events of See Me.

    *Не написано, не опубликовано*