Саналлах Ибрагим

صنع الله إبراهيم‎

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Новинки Саналлаха Ибрагима

  • Ice Саналлах Ибрагим
    ISBN: 9780857426505
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Seagull Books
    Язык: Английский
    The year is 1973. An Egyptian historian, Dr. Shukri, pursues a year of non-degree graduate studies in Moscow, the presumed heart of the socialist utopia. Through his eyes, the reader receives a guided tour of the sordid stagnation of Brezhnev-era Soviet life: intra-Soviet ethnic tensions; Russian retirees unable to afford a tin of meat; a trio of drunks splitting a bottle of vodka on the sidewalk; a Kirgiz roommate who brings his Russian girlfriend to live in his four-person dormitory room; black-marketeering Arab embassy officials; liberated but insecure Russian women; and Arab students’ debates about the geographically distant October 1973 War. Shukri records all this in the same numbly factual style familiar to fans of Sonallah Ibrahim’s That Smell, punctuating it with the only redeeming sources of beauty available: classical music LPs, newly acquired Russian vocabulary, achingly beautiful women, and strong Georgian tea.

    Based on Ibrahim’s own experience studying at the All-Russian Institute of Cinematography in Moscow from 1971 to 1973, Ice offers a powerful exploration of Arab confusion, Soviet dysfunction, and the fragility of leftist revolutionary ideals.
  • Beirut, Beirut Саналлах Ибрагим
    ISBN: 9774420969
    Год издания: 2014
    A city – known for its light-heartedness, vibrancy and capacity for fun – is ripped apart by war.

    A young man – full of the vim, vigour and desires of youth – refuses to be allow his spirit to be dampened . . .

    November, 1980. An Egyptian writer has chosen the wrong time to come to Beirut in search of a publisher for his controversial book. Men with machine guns are on every street corner. When the writer meets an old friend from his revolutionary student days, he is introduced to two fascinating women: idealistic film-maker Antoinette and Lamia, the seductive wife of his would-be publisher. His attentions inevitably turn towards the two women, but the background rumble of strife and struggle becomes increasingly hard to ignore.

    Based on the author’s real-life experience of the civil war in Lebanon, Beirut, Beirut is an exploration of how, even in the midst of chaos and violence, universals such as love, desire and yearning are still always our guiding forces.
  • That Smell and Notes from Prison Sonallah Ibrahim
    ISBN: 978-0811220361
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: New Directions
    That Smell is Sonallah Ibrahim’s modernist masterpiece and one of the most influential novels written in Arabic since WWII. Composed after a five-year term in prison, the semi-autobiographical story follows a recently released political prisoner as he wanders through Cairo, adrift in his native city. Living under house arrest, he tries to write of his tortuous experience, but instead smokes, spies on the neighbors, visits old lovers, and marvels at Egypt’s new consumer culture. Published in 1966, That Smell was immediately banned and the print-run confiscated. The original, uncensored version did not appear in Egypt for another twenty years.

    For this edition, translator Robyn Creswell has also included an annotated selection of the author’s Notes from Prison, Ibrahim’s prison diaries—a personal archive comprising hundreds of handwritten notes copied onto Bafra-brand cigarette papers and smuggled out of jail. These stark, intense writings shed unexpected light on the sources and motives of Ibrahim’s groundbreaking novel. Also included in this edition is Ibrahim’s celebrated essay about the writing and reception of That Smell.
  • Любовь в изгнании / Комитет Саналлах Ибрагим
    ISBN: 978-5-8928-2411-8
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Институт Востоковедения РАН, Центр книги ВГБИЛ им. М.И. Рудомино
    Язык: Русский
    Если авторы принадлежат к числу самых извесгных в настоящее время в Египте прозаиков, то переводчики - известные российские арабисты, имеют большой опыт перевода арабской литературы. Роман «Любовь в изг­нании» Баха Тахира в переводе Валерии Кирпиченко и повестью «Комитет» Саналлаха Ибрагима в переводе Дмитрия Фролова и Т. Оболенской.
    Романисты Баха Тахир и Саналлах Ибрахим принадлежат к так называемому поколению «новой волны» в египетской литературе. В свое время возникновение этого молодежного течения вызвало немало споров, и весьма шумных, в египетской литературной критике. Спорили о причинах «бунта» молодых, о том, насколько серьезны их претензии на радикальное «обновление» литературы, пытались уяснить их литературную генеа­логию, понять, не являются ли их эксперименты лишь бурей в стакане воды, простым подражанием европейской литературной моде. Некоторые из молодых утверждали, что они «поколение без отцов», но это, конечно, не так.
  • Zaat Sonallah Ibrahim
    ISBN: 9774248449
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: American University in Cairo Press

    This unusual and much lauded novel tells the story of the life of an Egyptian woman - the eponymous Zaat - during the regimes of three Egyptian presidents: Abdel Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak. Imbued with an Egyptian sense of humor and deeply rooted in the culture and politics of the modern period, the novel takes a humorous but often black look at the changes that have occurred in Egypt over the past few decades. Zaat's life experiences and relationships are set against economic and social upheavals in a style that is both sophisticated and bawdy, highly ironic and often extremely poignant. Zaat's story is interspersed and illustrated with…

  • The Committee Sonallah Ibrahim
    ISBN: 978-0815607267
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Syracuse University Press
    Язык: Английский
  • Charaf ou l'honneur Sonallah Ibrahim
    ISBN: 978-2742723881
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Actes Sud

    Книга на французском языке.

  • Smell of it Sonallah Ibrahim
    ISBN: 978-0435900953
    Год издания: 1971
    Издательство: Heinemann International Literature & Textbooks