Энн Друян

Ann Druyan

  • 6 книг
  • 31 читатель
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Энн Друян — новинки

  • Космос. Возможные миры Энн Друян
    ISBN: 978-5-17-151200-2
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Автором сценария сериала и этой книги выступила Энн Друян, соавтор и верная спутница Карла Сагана. С присущим ей талантом просто рассказывать о сложных вещах, при помощи впечатляющих иллюстраций она напоминает о знаковых открытиях в истории человечества, о космическихмиссиях, забытых героях со всего света. Попробуем же по-новому осознать себя в космосе и на этой планете — бледной голубой точке на бескрайнем темном просторе.
  • Космос. Возможные миры Энн Друян
    ISBN: 978-5-17-114293-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Это продолжение классической саги Карла Сагана и следующий отрезок путешествия сквозь пространство и время — к мирам, отстоящим от нас на многие миллиарды километров, к науке будущего. И книга, и новый сезон научно-популярного сериала, на котором она основана, утверждают, что наука и цивилизация всегда шли рука об руку. Энн Друян, соавтор и верная спутница Карла Сагана, собрала по крупицам доказательства тому: и на дне океана, где зародилась жизнь, и в космосе, который ныне исследуют наши космические станции, и в истории Вселенной, зародившейся в момент Большого взрыва, и среди самых причудливых форм жизни, которые когда-либо населяли…

  • Murmurs of Earth Carl Sagan
    ISBN: 9781531888374
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Brilliance Audio
    Язык: Английский
    In 1977, two extraordinary spacecraft called Voyager were launched to the stars. Affixed to each Voyager craft was a gold-coated copped phonograph record as a message to possible extra-terrestrial civilizations that might encounter the spacecraft in some distant space and time. Each record contained 118 photographs of our planet; almost 90 minutes of the world's greatest music; an evolutionary audio essay on "The Sounds of Earth"; and greetings in almost sixty human languages (and one whale language). This book is an account, written by those chiefly responsible for the contents of the Voyager Record, of why they did it, how they selected the repertoire, and precisely what the record contains.

    Introductory music from the original score for COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey composed by Alan Silvestri, used with permission from Cosmos Studios, Inc. and Chappers Music. All rights reserved. Special thanks to Fuzzy Planets, Inc.
  • Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Карл Саган
    ISBN: 9781531888305
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Brilliance Audio
    Язык: Английский
    World renowned scientist Carl Sagan and acclaimed author Ann Druyan have written a Roots for the human species, a lucid and riveting account of how humans got to be the way we are. It shows with humor and drama that many of our key traits--self-awareness, technology, family ties, submission to authority, hatred for those a little different from ourselves, reason, and ethics--are rooted in the deep past, and illuminated by our kinship with other animals.

    Astonishing in its scope, brilliant in its insights, and an absolutely compelling read, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors is a triumph of popular science.

    Introductory music from the original score for COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey composed by Alan Silvestri, used with permission from Cosmos Studios, Inc. and Chappers Music. All rights reserved. Special thanks to Fuzzy Planets, Inc.
  • Murmurs of Earth Карл Саган
    ISBN: 9780307802026
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    In 1977, two extraodinary spacecraft called Voyager were launched to the stars. Affixed to each Voyager craft was a gold-coated copper phonograph record as a message to possible extra-terrestrial civilizations that might encounter the spacecraft in some distant space and time. Each record contained 118 photographs of our planet; almost 90 minutes of the world's greatest music; an evolutionary audio essay on "The Sounds of Earth"; and greetings in almost sixty human languages (and one whale language). This book is an account, written by those chiefly responsible for the contents of the Voyager Record, of why they did it, how they selected the repertoire, and precisely what the record contains.
  • Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Carl Sagan
    ISBN: 9780345384720
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    Cosmos, the widely acclaimed book and television series by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, was about where we are in the vastness of space and time. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors is an exploration of who we are. How were we shaped by life's adventure on this planet, by a mysterious past that we are only just beginning to piece together? "We humans are like a newborn baby left on a doorstep, " they write, "with no note explaining who it is, where it came from, what hereditary cargo of attributes and disabilities it might be carrying, or who its antecedents might be." This book is one version of the orphan's file. Sagan and Druyan take us back to the birth of the Sun and its planets and the first stirrings of life; to the origins of traits central to our current predicament: sex and violence, love and altruism, hierarchy, consciousness, language, technology, and morality. Many thoughtful people fear that our problems have become too big for us, that we are for reasons at the heart of human nature unable to deal with them, that we have lost our way. How did we get into this mess? How can we get out? Why are we so quick to mistrust those different from ourselves, so given to unquestioning obedience to authority? What is male and female? Why are we so anxious to distance ourselves from the other animals? What obligations, if any, do we owe to them? Is there something within us that condemns us to selfishness and violence? When Sagan and Druyan first undertook this exploration it was "almost with a sense of dread. We found instead reason for hope." This book presents important ideas with the clarity for which the authors are famous. Daring, passionate, with a breathtaking sweep. Shadows is a quest for a new perspective - one that integrates the insights of science into a vision of where we came from, who we are, and what our fate might be.