Саманта Янг

Samantha Young

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Саманта Янг – лучшие книги

  • На улице нашей любви Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-07145-2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Джосселин Батлер молода, хороша собой и весьма состоятельна, но ей причиняют жестокие мучения воспоминания о прошлом: когда Джосселин было всего 14 лет, ее горячо любимые родители и обожаемая младшая сестренка погибли в автокатастрофе. Теперь Джосселин сторонится прочных связей, боится сближаться с людьми, так как считает, что потом все равно потеряет близкого человека и будет страдать. Но однажды она встречает мужчину, к которому испытывает непреодолимое физическое влечение. Однако Брэден Кармайкл тоже отягощен воспоминаниями о прошлом, поэтому он предлагает ей сделку: никаких обязанностей и никаких привязанностей, а просто…

  • Город моей любви Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-10346-7
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Джоанна Уокер привыкла всегда брать ответственность на себя. Но однажды она познакомилась с человеком, который заставил ее изменить этому правилу… Всю жизнь Джоанна заботилась о своей семье, особенно о младшем брате Коуле. Отец их бросил, а матери-алкоголичке было наплевать на детей. Девушка старалась поступать так, как было лучше для ее брата. Она и в кавалеры выбирала себе тех, кто был симпатичен брату, да к тому же мог поддержать их материально. Джоанна твердо знала, что она хочет, до тех пор, пока не встретила человека, который раскрыл ей глаза, что ей на самом деле нужно…

  • Calle Jamaica Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9788490703021
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: B De Bolsillo
    Язык: Испанский
    A pesar de su comportamiento extrovertido, Olivia se siente exasperantemente insegura con los hombres; por lo general, ni siquiera es capaz de encontrar el valor necesario para acercarse a alguien que le gusta. Sin embargo, trasladarse a Edimburgo ha supuesto empezar de nuevo y, despues de sentirse atraida por un sexy estudiante de posgrado, decide que ya es hora de dejar de lado sus miedos e ir en busca de lo que quiere.
    Nate Sawyer es un seductor guapisimo que nunca se compromete, pero con sus amigos intimos es sumamente leal. Asi pues, cuando Olivia acude a el para contarle sus penas, Nate se ofrece a ayudarla a mostrarse mas segura en sus relaciones con el sexo opuesto.
    La educacion en seduccion pronto deja de ser un favor entre amigos para convertirse en un intenso y acalorado romance... hasta que el pasado y los problemas de Nate a la hora de comprometerse hacen acto de presencia y Olivia termina desconsolada. Cuando Nate se de cuenta de que ha cometido el mayor error de su vida, tendra que esforzarse mas que nunca para reconquistar a su mejor amiga, si no quiere perderla para siempre…
  • Бей или беги Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 978-5-222-34564-1
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Феникс
    Язык: Русский

    Главная героиня книги, Эва, уверена, что сама Вселенная настроена против нее. Любимый и подруга детства предали ее, но Эва строит свою жизнь, несмотря на боль и разочарование. Прилетев на похороны погибшей подруги, Эва встречает далеко не теплый прием, да и дорога домой тоже не складывается гладко: рейс задержан, а последнее место в первом классе, которое так было нужно героине, чтобы отдохнуть от всех волнений и неурядиц, достается наглому шотландцу Калебу Скотту! Проведя со случайным попутчиком безумную ночь, Эва уверена, что такое нелепое знакомство не может перерасти во что-то серьезное. И все было бы просто, если бы вздорный шотландец…

  • The Impossible Vastness of Us Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9780373212422
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Harlequin Teen
    Язык: Английский
    I know how to watch my back. I’m the only one that ever has.

    India Maxwell hasn’t just moved across the country—she’s plummeted to the bottom rung of the social ladder. It’s taken years to cover the mess of her home life with a veneer of popularity. Now she’s living in one of Boston’s wealthiest neighborhoods with her mom’s fiancé and his daughter, Eloise. Thanks to her soon-to-be stepsister’s clique of friends, including Eloise’s gorgeous, arrogant boyfriend Finn, India feels like the one thing she hoped never to be seen as again: trash.

    But India’s not alone in struggling to control the secrets of her past. Eloise and Finn, the school’s golden couple, aren’t all they seem to be. In fact, everyone’s life is infinitely more complex than it first appears. And as India grows closer to Finn and befriends Eloise, threatening the facades that hold them together, what’s left are truths that are brutal, beautiful, and big enough to change them forever…
  • Рождество на Дублинской улице Саманта Янг
    Язык: Русский
    Перевод: Ана Овсянникова Рассказ о первом Рождестве, проведенном Джоселин и Брэденом вместе.
  • Castle Hill Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9780698156371
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin Group (USA)
    Язык: Английский

    Braden Carmichael never imagined he’d fall as hard and as fast as he did for Jocelyn Butler. He also could not have anticipated how difficult it would be to convince her to give in to love. But now that he has her, he’s never letting go. He’s got it all planned—the passionate proposal, the dream wedding, the sexy Hawaiian honeymoon—even the perfect family they’ll start. After trying to flee from her painful past, Joss is finally allowing herself to embrace the future. But when things start moving faster than she anticipated, she finds herself panicking over something Braden can’t understand. After everything they’ve been through, Joss is…

  • Hero Samantha Young
    ISBN: 0451475607, 9780451475602
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Berkley Books
    Язык: Английский
    Alexa Breckenridge's faith in heroes was destroyed young, when the father she worshipped admitted he'd inadvertently let a woman die. After learning that, she cut all ties with her parents, and set out to make her own way. But when she encounters the son of the woman her father inadvertently killed, she knows she has to do anything to make amends--no matter how overbearing and unpleasant he might be.

    Caine Carraway has clawed his way up from nothing since he was put in the system after the Breckenridges ruined his life, using means fair and foul to become the CEO of a successful company. He doesn't want to forgive them, and he certainly can't be healed by them. For revenge, he hires Alexa as his PA, but he doesn't anticipate the sparks that fly between them, or realize that she's more than her father. But when violence threatens to tear them apart, can they rise above their pasts and find that heroes don't always have to have white horses--sometimes, all they need is love?
  • Хэллоин на Дублинской улице Саманта Янг
    Язык: Русский

    Перевод: : Группа Сильвия Дэй|Саманта Янг На улице нашей любви # 1.2

    Веселая история о праздновании Хэллоуина парочки Брэден-Джосс.

  • One Day: A Valentine short story Samantha Young
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский

    A silly, sexy, fun novella written as a Valentine's Day gift for my readers! Getting dumped four times over the course of the past ten years on Valentine’s Day was definitely not in Hazel Benny’s life plan. So when her boyfriend of three months dumps her a week before Valentine’s Day to save her the humiliation of a fifth VD dumping, Hazel decides to take a break from life altogether by borrowing her brother’s camper van and taking off to the highlands. Life in the camper van is going great—fresh air, beautiful scenery, a deeper bond with her homeland, no work, and best of all no men! Until Valentine’s Day. Getting caught in the…

  • Много шума из-за тебя Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 978-5-222-34755-3
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Феникс
    Язык: Русский
    Дела тридцатитрехлетней Эви Старлинг из Чикаго в последнее время совсем не ладятся: личная жизнь не устроена, а на работе все ее усилия остаются незамеченными. Эви решает, что настала пора перемен. Однако для изменений девушка выбирает весьма экстравагантный способ: в небольшой английской деревушке ей удается снять квартиру над местным книжным магазинчиком, куда она на время отпуска устраивается консультантом.
    Эви быстро знакомится с добродушными местными жителями и втягивается в размеренную жизнь их деревни, которая включает в себя еще кое-кого: чертовски привлекательного, харизматичного и смешного Роана Робсона, который каждый день флиртует с Эви. Может ли курортный роман не закончиться вместе с отпуском и принести не горе, а вечную любовь? Сможет ли она когда-нибудь прошептать Роану слова так любимого ею Шекспира: "Я люблю вас больше всего на свете"?
  • Fall From India Place Samantha Young
    ISBN: 0349403945, 9780349403946
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Piatkus Books
    Язык: Английский
    When Hannah Nichols last saw Marco D'Alessandro five long years ago, he broke her heart. The bad boy with a hidden sweet side was the only guy Hannah ever loved-and the only man she's ever been with. After one intense night of giving in to temptation, Marco took off, leaving Scotland and Hannah behind. Shattered by the consequences of their night together, Hannah has never truly moved on.

    Leaving Hannah was the biggest mistake of Marco's life-something he has deeply regretted for years. So when fate reunites them, he refuses to let her go without a fight. Determined to make her his, Marco pursues Hannah, reminding her of all the reasons they're meant to be together...

    But just when Marco thinks they're committed to a future together, Hannah makes a discovery that unearths the secret pain she's been hiding from him-a secret that could tear them apart before they have a real chance to start over again...
  • Play On Samantha Young
    ISBN: 1974262146, 9781974262144
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Samantha Young
    Язык: Английский
    Nora O’Brien chased a dream from Indiana to Scotland, so sure it was the right thing to do. Three years later she was left in her adopted country with nothing to her name but guilt and regret.

    Until Aidan Lennox entered her life.

    Older, worldlier, a music producer and composer, the sexy Scot should never have made sense for Nora. But somehow, in each other, they found the light they were looking for, the laughter and the passion—the strength to play on despite their past losses.

    But when life dealt Aidan another unlucky hand, instead of reaching for her he disappeared. The agonizing loss of him inspired something within Nora. It fired her spirit— the anger and hurt pushing her forward to take control and reach for her dreams.

    Finally pursuing a career on stage while she put herself through college, everything is how Nora wants it. She’s avoiding heartbreak and concentrating on her goals.

    Sounds easy but it’s not. Because Aidan is back. And for some reason he hates Nora.

    He’s determined to be at war with her. And she has absolutely no idea why.
  • Echoes of Scotland Street Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 9780451471697
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: NAL
    Язык: Английский
    Shannon MacLeod has always gone for the wrong type of man. After she drifted from one toxic relationship to the next, her last boyfriend gave her a wakeup call in the worst possible way. With her world shattered, she’s sworn off men—especially those of the bad-boy variety.

    Cole Walker is exactly the sort that Shannon wants to avoid—gorgeous, tattooed, charming, and cocky. But his rough exterior hides a good man who’s ready to find “the one.” He’s determined to pull Shannon from her self-imposed solitude and win her heart.

    As Shannon opens up in the face of Cole’s steady devotion, the passion between them ignites to blazing levels. But when Shannon’s past comes back to haunt her, her fears may destroy the trust Cole has built between them—and tear them apart for good…
  • Villain Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 9781370419746
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Samantha Young
    Язык: Английский
    Nadia Ray is not just a broadcast meteorologist. She’s Boston’s morning television It Girl. Successful and independent, she’s put a past she’s ashamed of behind her and is forging a future she can be proud of. However, when her new boss discovers her secret he blackmails her, intent on using Nadia’s popularity to make them the number one morning show in Massachusetts. He wants her to be part of uncovering the city’s biggest scandal - a secret billionaire Caine Carraway is hiding.

    Soon Nadia is thrown into the path of Caine’s best friend: sexy, wealthy bachelor Henry Lexington. But she doesn’t encounter the dashing high society gentleman Henry is purported to be. Instead she’s faced with an insulting and defensive villain who misjudges her at every turn.

    When Henry finally realizes the truth, and decides to make amends, Nadia wants nothing to do with him. But she underestimates his determination and charm and soon they find themselves embroiled in an intense, passionate affair.
    An affair Nadia knows must come to an end before their feelings grow any deeper and he discovers her secrets.
    After all, Henry Lexington isn’t the only one who played the part of a villain once…
  • As Dust Dances Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 1723128805, 9781723128806
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    Язык: Английский
    Once upon a time Skylar Finch was the lead singer of a hugely successful American pop-rock band. But fame made her miserable. When years of living a lie suddenly ended in tragedy, Skylar fell off the map.

    Eighteen months later she’s sleeping in a tent in a cemetery in Glasgow, making just enough money to eat by busking on the streets. She manages to avoid recognition, but not the attention of one of Glasgow’s ambitious A&R executives.
    Killian O’Dea works at Skyscraper Records, Scotland’s most successful record label. Raised by his uncle and owner of the label, Killian’s upbringing would have been devoid of affection entirely if it wasn’t for his loving sister. Killian is unflinchingly determined to bring the label more success than ever, and the young homeless woman who busks on Buchanan Street is going to help him do that. Her music speaks to him in a way he refuses to over-analyze. All he knows is that if it can touch his dark soul, it’ll set everyone else’s alight.
    Skylar makes it clear that she doesn’t want to sign with him. But when she experiences the dangerous reality of a woman sleeping rough, Skylar has no one else but Killian to turn to. An undeniable connection forms between them. But Skylar doesn’t want the career Killian is trying to forge for her, and when her past comes back to haunt her Killian will be faced with a decision that could ruin him. He must either free Skylar from his selfish machinations and destroy everything he’s ever worked for, or lose a woman who has come to mean more to him than he ever thought possible…
  • Until Fountain Bridge Samantha Young
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: InterMix
    Язык: Английский
    From the New York Times bestselling author of On Dublin Street and Down London Road comes a new novella about finding love in familiar places…

    Ellie has been in love with Adam Sutherland for as long as she can remember. What started as a childhood crush on her older brother’s best friend soon bloomed into full-blown infatuation. Unfortunately, it also meant full-blown heartache, as Adam refused to fall for Braden’s little sister.

    But it took a crisis to make Adam realize he’s wasted too much time denying his feelings for her. Unwilling to waste a second more, he decided to make Ellie his, no matter the consequences. Now happily settled with the woman he’s pined after for years, he’s about to find out what their ten year courtship was like for her, through the journals she kept during their ups and many downs. And though Adam may have Ellie now, he has no idea how close he came to losing her…

    Includes a preview of Down London Road!
  • Что скрывается за Чертополохом Саманта Янг
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Язык: Русский

    Он — угрюмый телохранитель. Она — мать-одиночка в бегах. И оказавшись вместе в одной маленькой шотландской деревеньке, им нигде не скрыться от своего неистового влечения друг к другу... Много времени минуло с тех пор, как Уокер Айронсайд оставил позади Шотландию и преследующие его воспоминания. Тем не менее, после стольких лет путешествий по миру в качестве телохранителя, Уокер достаточно соскучился по своей родине, чтобы вернуться назад. В деревню Шотландского нагорья, где находится эксклюзивный клуб для избранных — поместье Арднох. Пусть Уокер и не нашел своего счастья, но его устраивает работа в службе безопасности элитного клуба и…

  • Valentine: An On Dublin Street Novella Саманта Янг
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Samantha Young
    Язык: Английский
    Joss & Braden. Ellie & Adam. Jo & Cam. Olivia & Nate. Hannah & Marco. Shanon & Cole. And one Valentine’s Day they’ll never forget.
    It’s Valentine’s Day! How do Joss & Braden, Ellie & Adam, Jo & Cam, Olivia & Nate, Hannah & Marco and Shannon & Cole keep the fire burning in their relationships while trying to juggle busy careers and the joyful chaos of parenthood? Find out in VALENTINE, six sexy and emotional short stories, one for each couple in the On Dublin Street series so far, making up a short novella about one very special day.

    VALENTINE: An On Dublin Street Novella is a special gift to fans of the series in thanks for supporting HERO, her first standalone contemporary romance.
  • Moonlight on Nightingale Way Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9780451475619
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский
    Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he's ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him. Except the only woman he's really interested in is way out of his league....

    Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right--or at least figure out a way to ignore her irresistible yet annoying womanizer of a neighbor.

    Grace is determined to have nothing to do with Logan until a life-changing surprise slowly begins turning the wild heartthrob into exactly the kind of strong, stable man she's been searching for. Only just when she begins to give into his charms, her own messy past threatens to derail everything they've worked to build...
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