К. А. Такер

K. A. Tucker

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Новинки К. А. Такер

  • A Dawn of Gods & Fury К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105401
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский

    Fates collide in this epic conclusion to the Fate & Flame series by K.A. Tucker

  • Вечно дикая К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9785171470623
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Для Каллы и Джоны наступает сезон праздников, и вместе с омелой и имбирными пряниками приходит множество семейных драм. Джона готовится провести две недели с отчимом, которого ненавидит, а Калла с нетерпением ждет приезда своей матери и Саймона, которые мечтают отпраздновать ее свадьбу... в Торонто. Добавьте к этому непреднамеренное вмешательство одного упрямого соседа, семейные раздоры другого сварливого соседа, и Рождество в Трапперс Кроссинг будет совсем непростым!

  • Дикая сердцем К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-147061-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Калла Флетчер возвращается в Торонто другим человеком и изо всех сил пытается жить дальше, но не может выбросить из головы сурового пилота, покорившего ее сердце. И когда Джона появляется на ее пороге, она с энтузиазмом бросается назад на Аляску, в их захватывающее совместное будущее. Проходит не так много времени, когда Калла понимает: возможно, за этот компромисс придется заплатить высокую цену. Жизнь в темной непроходимой глуши, Джона, которого вечно нет дома, соседи, один из которых хочет превратить ее в настоящую жительницу Аляски, а второй – скорее застрелит сам, чем придет на помощь… Все это – лишь часть испытаний на пути к…

  • A Queen of Thieves & Chaos К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105302
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the third novel in her Fate and Flame series, an adult fantasy novel that should be read in series order.

    "You betrayed your brother to steal a broken crown."

    The kingdom stands on the brink of chaos. Atticus' grip on the realm is faltering, and as threats arise ever closer to home he is driven to increasingly desperate acts to hold onto power.

    With Islor's fate now in the balance, Zander stands to defend the Rift from the oncoming Ybarisan army. With the king's forces scattered, he must risk unlikely new alliances.

    And behind the walls of Ulysede, secrets wait for its new queen. Romeria knows that the paths of the hidden city will lead her to answers. But will they be enough to save the realm – or is their fate already sealed?
  • Дикая Флетчер К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-144753-3
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Калле Флетчер была совсем маленькой, когда мать увезла ее с Аляски в цивилизованный мир Торонто. Изоляция и экстремальные температуры оказались невыносимы для жены пилота, привыкшей ко всем удобствам большого города. Теперь Калле двадцать шесть, и оставшийся на Аляске отец долгое время был для нее прошлым, о котором она боялась вспоминать. Но теперь настала пора проделать непростой путь к пограничному городку, где она когда-то родилась. Плохие погодные условия, комары, короткий световой день, заоблачные цены — вот с чем Калле приходится мириться ради того, чтобы стать ближе к отцу. Компанию ей составляет Джона — тихий и гордый пилот,…

  • The Hustler Next Door К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105326
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker Books Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    From the international bestselling author of The Simple Wild and Ten Tiny Breaths comes a new stand-alone enemies-to-lovers, small-town romance.

    Justine MacDermott is in what she would call a transition period: squatting in her best friend’s house and working in an appliance store in Polson Falls while the man she was supposed to marry starts a new life with someone else.

    She’s definitely not thinking about slashing his tires and wishing his vital extremities would fall off.

    When newcomer Garrett Harrington strolls into Murphy’s looking to buy a refrigerator, Justine convinces herself she’s found her rebound. Or the next love of her life. Either works. But a chance encounter leads her to discover that Garrett isn’t who he made himself out to be, and he’s more interested in hustling her kindly old boss out of his family business—and using her to do it.

    Furious at being fooled by yet another man and itching for retribution, Justine enlists the help of unlikely townsfolk to battle Harrington Group’s big-city development plans for Polson Falls.

    It’s all going to plan … until Justine finds herself crossing enemy lines.

    The Hustler Next Door is set in the Polson Falls world. Books in this series can be read in any order.
  • Судьба гнева и пламени К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-146213-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Ромерия — талантливый вор. Но украсть магический камень из святого сада Ислира - задача совсем другого уровня. Если она попадется, то ее тут же приговорят к смертной казни. Задачу усложняет то, что сделать это предстоит в теле принцессы, помолвленной с наследным принцем... Ее суженый, недавно коронованный король Зандер, ненавидит Ромерию каждой частицей своего существа. К счастью для нее, ему выгоднее держать ее живой, чем убить. Зандер предоставляет ей выбор: жизнь в тюремной камере или опасное приключение. Ромерии не остается другого выхода — теперь ей предстоит сыграть роль влюбленной невесты, пока не подвернется возможности для…

  • A Curse of Blood & Stone К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105234
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    From jewelry thief to interloper to queen-in-waiting, Romeria flees Cirilea a traitor to all. But the yawning distance between her and Zander troubles her more than any king’s bounty on her head. While Zander may have escaped by her side, he seeks to regain his throne, and no immortal will ever welcome her as Islor’s queen. She fears it won’t be long before Zander abandons her as everyone else she’s ever loved has.

    Zander sacrificed his crown to save Romeria’s life, yet he dreads what her existence means for the future of his realm. As Ybaris’s plan to destroy Islor unfurls, a more insidious threat, orchestrated by rival fates, lurks beneath the surface. He can offer his allies no honest explanation for why he protects the Ybarisan princess and takes counsel from Queen Neilina’s caster, leading those closest to doubt his wisdom—and his allegiance.

    As their company aims for the Venhorn Mountains, steered by prophecy, Romeria is desperate to wield her newfound abilities to undo Princess Romeria’s treachery before the kingdom tears itself apart. But with the mortal rebellion swelling, bolstered by the gift of Ybaris’s poison, it may already be too late.

    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the second novel in her Fate and Flame series, an adult fantasy story that should be read in series order.
  • Running Wild К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105203
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Veterinarian Marie Lehr knows unrequited love all too well after pining for her best friend, only to watch him marry another woman. It’s a mistake she will never make again, especially not when she can practically hear the clock ticking on her childbearing years.

    The trouble is, she can’t seem to find anyone who appeals to her even a fraction as much as that burly bush pilot did. Competitive musher Tyler Brady certainly doesn’t, especially not after the heated altercation with the handsome but arrogant, spiteful man.

    Or so she thinks.

    While volunteering at the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, Marie discovers that first impressions may have been false, and her attraction to Tyler is very real. But his heart belongs to someone else, leaving him with nothing to offer but friendship. Marie’s been down this road before and knows how that ends. Yet, no matter how hard she works to keep from falling for Tyler, it seems she’s doomed to follow her own trail once again.

    From the internationally bestselling author of The Simple Wild comes the story of a woman at a crossroads in her life, struggling between the safe route and the one that will only lead to more heartbreak.
  • Fallen Empire К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 1990105033
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker
    Язык: Английский
    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the thrilling conclusion to the dark and sexy Empire Nightclub series.

    Mercy Wheeler and Gabriel Easton’s sordid tale ends in Fallen Empire as Gabriel must save Mercy and escape his father’s grip once and for all.

    Fallen Empire is the fourth book in the Empire Nightclub series and should be read after Sweet Mercy, Gabriel Fallen, and Dirty Empire.
  • A Fate of Wrath & Flame К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105159
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский

    Gifted thief Romeria has flourished from her days as a street kid pilfering wallets to survive. Now she thrives, stealing jewels from the rich under the involuntary employ of New York City’s most notorious crime boss. But when an enigmatic woman secures her services at swordpoint, Romeria is plunged into a startling realm of opposing thrones, warring elven, and elemental magic she cannot begin to fathom. Her quest is straightforward: Steal a stone from Islor’s sacred garden without anyone discovering her true identity, which would earn her certain death. But the identity she has inexplicably assumed is that of the captured Ybarisan…

  • Surrender to Me К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 1777202795
    Год издания: 2020
    Surrender to Me is Book Four in the highly addictive forbidden romance The Wolf Hotel series

    I have battled my controlling family and won. I finally have what I want most—the wickedly sinful billionaire Henry Wolf, committed to me and within arm’s reach most nights.
    If only it could stay that way.
    Because now I find myself caught between two titans vying for the Wolf empire, worth enough to make any moral man lethal. And Henry's brother is immoral to the bone.
    What will Henry do to save what he loves?
    And will I fall into that category?

    Surrender to Me should be read after Tempt Me, Break Me, and Teach Me.
  • Break Me К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 1777202760
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    Break Me is Book Two in the highly addictive forbidden romance The Wolf Hotel series

    Henry Wolf is a deliciously wicked, sinfully handsome man who has done a very bad thing.

    Worse, he owns me now—every inch of my body and a sizeable chunk of my stupid, naïve heart.
    And he’s made it clear that if I want to keep my job and stay in Alaska, I’m stuck catering to his every whim and wish—both in the hotel and in his bedroom—while I wait for the potential fiery media circus ring that will no doubt drag my reputation into the gutter along with his, should his past discretions surface.

    I will not surrender to his demands, not when I have dirt to hold over his head. IF I have the guts to blackmail him, that is. Something warns me that going through with it will have disastrous consequences for my heart.

    Break Me should be read after Tempt Me.
  • Dirty Empire К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 1999015487
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker
    Язык: Английский
    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker, writing as Nina West, comes the dark and sexy Dirty Empire series

    Mercy Wheeler and Gabriel Easton's sordid tale continues in Dirty Empire as Mercy finds her loyalties tested and Gabriel's attempt to break free of his family's legacy comes with unexpected consequences.

    Dirty Empire is the third book in the Dirty Empire series and should be read after Sweet Mercy and Gabriel Fallen.
  • Gabriel Fallen К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 1990105017
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker
    Язык: Английский
    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the dark and sexy Empire Nightclub series.

    Mercy Wheeler and Gabriel Easton’s sordid tale continues in Gabriel Fallen as Mercy finds herself heading down a dangerous path.

    Gabriel has made an art of dangling what I’m most desperate for in front of me, what he knows I can’t refuse, no matter the cost. In this case, that cost continues to be me.

    He is still a scoundrel, but I’m starting to see something more.

    And while our bargain is proving advantageous in ways I never anticipated, the risks that come with being associated with a man like him are becoming painfully clear.

    But how much longer before this arrangement with Gabriel costs me everything I am?

    This is the second book in the Empire Nightclub series and should be read after Sweet Mercy.
  • Sweet Mercy К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 1999015460
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker
    Язык: Английский
    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the dark and steamy Empire Nightclub series.
    One visit to my father in prison—convicted for a murder he didn’t commit—and I’ve attracted the attention of the last man I’d ever want knowing that I exist.
    Gabriel Easton.
    Son of an infamous crime boss. Deplorable womanizer. Scoundrel to the core.
    Worse, he has figured out how desperate I am to protect my father from brutality behind bars. He has the power to grant that protection, and he has offered it … for a price.
    I'll do anything for my father, including agree to Gabriel's cruel game. But I won't comply with his every whim and wish.
    Unfortunately for me, I think my loathing for him is what he’s enjoying most.
    That's fine. By the time I’m through with him, he’ll be crying my name.
  • Forever Wild К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781777202743
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    From the international best selling author of The Simple Wild comes Forever Wild, a novella that continues the story of Calla’s journey to the Alaskan wild and a life she never imagined for herself.

    The holiday season is upon Calla and Jonah, and with the mistletoe and gingerbread comes plenty of family drama. Jonah is bracing himself for two weeks with a stepfather he loathes, and while Calla is looking forward to her mother and Simon’s arrival, she dreads the continued pressure to set a date for their wedding … in Toronto. Add in one bullheaded neighbor’s unintentional meddling and another cantankerous neighbor’s own family strife, and Christmas in Trapper’s Crossing will be anything but simple.
  • Wild at Heart К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781999015411
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    Calla Fletcher returns to Toronto a different person, struggling to find direction and still very much in love with the rugged bush pilot she left behind. When Jonah arrives on her doorstep with a proposition she can’t dismiss, she takes the leap and rushes back to Alaska to begin their exciting future together.

    But Calla soon learns that even the best intentions can lead to broken promises, and that compromise comes with a hefty price—a log cabin in interior rural Alaska that feels as isolating as the western tundra.

    With Jonah gone more than he’s home, one neighbor who insists on transforming her into a true Alaskan, and another who seems more likely to shoot her than come to her aid, Calla grapples with forging her own path. In a world with roaming wildlife that has her constantly watching over her shoulder and harsh conditions that stretch far beyond the cold, dark, winter months, just stepping outside her front door can be daunting.

    This is not the future Calla had in mind, leaving her to fear that perhaps she is doomed to follow in her mother’s fleeing footsteps after all.

    From the internationally best-selling author of The Simple Wild comes the continuation of a woman’s journey to Alaska and a life she never imagined for her
  • The Player Next Door К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781777202705
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    Scarlet Reed has returned to Polson Falls, convinced that twelve years away is long enough to shed her humiliating childhood identity as the town harlot's daughter. With a teaching job secured and an adorable fixer-upper to call home, things in her life are finally looking up.

    That is, until she finds out that Shane Beckett lives next door.

    Shane Beckett, the handsome and charismatic high school star quarterback who smashed her heart. The lying, cheating player who was supposed to be long gone, living the pro football dream and fooling women into thinking he's Prince Charming. Shane Beckett, who is as attractive as ever and flashing his dimples at her as if he has done no wrong.

    Scarlet makes it abundantly clear that old wounds have not been forgotten. Neighbors they may be, but friends they most certainly are not. She won't allow herself to fall for the single father and firefighter again, no matter how many apologies he offers, how many times he rushes to her aid, or how hard he makes her heart pound.

    But as she spends more time with him, she begins to fear that maybe she's wrong. Maybe Shane has changed.

    And maybe this time she's the one playing herself—out of a chance at true happiness.
  • Say you still love me К. А. Такер
    ISBN: ISBN13 9781501133442
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Life is a mixed bag for Piper Calloway.

    On the one hand, she’s a twenty-nine-year-old VP at her dad’s multibillion-dollar real estate development firm, and living the high single life with her two best friends in a swanky downtown penthouse. On the other hand, she’s considered a pair of sexy legs in a male-dominated world and constantly has to prove her worth. Plus, she’s stuck seeing her narcissistic ex-fiancé—a fellow VP—on the other side of her glass office wall every day.

    Things get exponentially more complicated for Piper when she runs into Kyle Miller—the handsome new security guard at Calloway Group Industries, and coincidentally the first love of her life.

    The guy she hasn’t seen or heard from since they were summer camp counsellors together. The guy from the wrong side of the tracks. The guy who apparently doesn’t even remember her name.

    Piper may be a high-powered businesswoman now, but she soon realizes that her schoolgirl crush is not only alive but stronger than ever, and crippling her concentration. What’s more, despite Kyle’s distant attitude, she’s convinced their reunion isn’t at all coincidental, and that his feelings for her still run deep. And she’s determined to make him admit to them, no matter the consequences.
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