Лидия Канг

Lydia Kang

  • 14 книг
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Новинки Лидии Канг

  • The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life Клаудия Грэй
    ISBN: 9781368093798
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Disney–Lucasfilm Press
    Thrilling short stories featuring fan favorite characters from the beloved High Republic series each written by a New York Times bestselling author.

    The High Republic authors share unmissable short stories that bridge Phases, resolve mysteries, and offer tantalizing hints of what is to come.

    Rejoin the adventures of the Jedi and Padawans, Pathfinders and Path members, heroes and villains ahead of the launch of Phase III.
  • Нулевой пациент Лидия Канг
    ISBN: 978-5-907428-83-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Livebook
    Язык: Русский
    Правда ли, что Христофор Колумб завёз новую разновидность сифилиса в Европу? Что общего у ребёнка супругов Льюисов и одиннадцатого президента США? Связаны ли туберкулёз и вампиры?

    Книга Лидии Канг и Нэйта Педерсена — увлекательная иллюстрированная история эпидемий инфекционных заболеваний: как они появляются, как распространяются, что позволяет их диагностировать, и как мы спешим уничтожить их, прежде чем они уничтожат нас. Чума, оспа, проказа, тиф, бешенство, корь, сибирская язва, гепатит, лихорадка Эбола, ВИЧ, коронавирус — насколько успешно человечество справляется с этими болезнями и есть ли шансы победить их раз и навсегда?
  • Cataclysm Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 9780593500354
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Random House Worlds
    Язык: Английский
    The next adventure in The High Republic, set after the events of Convergence and The Battle of Jedha.
  • Patient Zero: A Curious History of the World's Worst Diseases Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 978-1523513291
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Workman Publishing Company
    Язык: Английский
    From the masters of storytelling-meets-science and co-authors of Quackery, Patient Zero tells the long and fascinating history of disease outbreaks—how they start, how they spread, the science that lets us understand them, and how we race to destroy them before they destroy us.

    Written in the authors’ lively and accessible style, chapters include page-turning medical stories about a particular disease or virus—smallpox, Bubonic plague, polio, HIV—that combine “Patient Zero” narratives, or the human stories behind outbreaks, with historical examinations of missteps, milestones, scientific theories, and more.

    Learn the tragic stories of Patient Zeros throughout history, such as Mabalo Lokela, who contracted Ebola while on vacation in 1976, and the Lewis Baby on London’s Broad Street, the first to catch cholera in an 1854 outbreak that led to a major medical breakthrough. Interspersed are origin stories of a different sort—how a rye fungus in 1951 turned a small village in France into a phantasmagoric scene reminiscent of Burning Man. Plus the uneasy history of human autopsy, how the HIV virus has been with us for at least a century, and more.
  • Невозможная девушка Лидия Канг
    ISBN: 978-5-17-117672-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    В 1850 году на Манхэттэне происходит серия загадочных убийств, жертвами которых становятся люди с редкими физическими аномалиями – желанные экспонаты анатомического музея. Юная Кора Ли вынуждена вмешаться в расследование, поскольку теперь в опасности ее собственная тайна: в груди у девушки бьются два сердца. За тело Коры назначена высокая цена, и кто-то явно не собирается ждать, пока она умрет естественной смертью…
  • Opium and Absinthe Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 1542017793
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Lake Union Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    New York City, 1899. Tillie Pembroke’s sister lies dead, her body drained of blood and with two puncture wounds on her neck. Bram Stoker’s new novel, Dracula, has just been published, and Tillie’s imagination leaps to the impossible: the murderer is a vampire. But it can’t be—can it?

    A ravenous reader and researcher, Tillie has something of an addiction to truth, and she won’t rest until she unravels the mystery of her sister’s death. Unfortunately, Tillie’s addicted to more than just truth; to ease the pain from a recent injury, she’s taking more and more laudanum…and some in her immediate circle are happy to keep her well supplied.

    Tillie can’t bring herself to believe vampires exist. But with the hysteria surrounding her sister’s death, the continued vampiric slayings, and the opium swirling through her body, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for a girl who relies on facts and figures to know what’s real—or whether she can trust those closest to her.
  • История шарлатанства. Краткий обзор худших способов лечения с древности до наших дней Лидия Канг
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: StorySide AB
    «История шарлатанства» доктора медицины Лидии Канг и журналиста Нэйта Педерсена – это история худших способов лечения, которые практиковались врачами, целителями и мошенниками с древности до наших дней. Сегодня многие из этих способов кажутся нам невероятными: представьте себе времена, когда врачи прописывали опиум при младенческом плаче, ртуть при желтой лихорадке и прижигание раскаленным железом как средство от любовных мук.
    Эти рассказы о странном и откровенно опасном лечении, проиллюстрированные старинными гравюрами, фотографиями и рекламными листками (в плоскопечатном издании), – не только важное свидетельство непреодолимой тяги человека к жизни, но и возможность задуматься о том, что шарлатанство не ограничивается прошлым. Ведь когда-нибудь и про наши современные способы оставаться здоровыми, красивыми и молодыми тоже может выясниться, что они бессмысленны или опасны.
  • История шарлатанства Лидия Канг
    ISBN: 978-5-907056-19-0
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Livebook
    Язык: Русский
    "История шарлатанства" доктора медицины Лидии Канг и журналиста Нэйта Педерсена - это история худших способов лечения, которые практиковались врачами, целителями и мошенниками с древности до наших дней. Сегодня многие из этих способов кажутся нам невероятными: представьте себе времена, когда врачи прописывали опиум при младенческим плаче, ртуть при желтой лихорадке и прижигание раскаленным железом как средство от любовных мук.

    Эти рассказы о странном и откровенно опасном лечении, проиллюстрированные старинными гравюрами, фотографиями и рекламными листками, - не только важное свидетельство непреодолимой тяги человека к жизни, но и возможность задуматься о том, что шарлатанство не ограничивается прошлым. Ведь когда-нибудь и про наши современные способы оставаться здоровыми, красивыми и молодыми тоже может выясниться, что они бессмысленны или опасны.
  • Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 0761189815, 978-0761189817
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Workman Publishing Company
    Язык: Английский
    What won’t we try in our quest for perfect health, beauty, and the fountain of youth?

    Well, just imagine a time when doctors prescribed morphine for crying infants. When liquefied gold was touted as immortality in a glass. And when strychnine—yes, that strychnine, the one used in rat poison—was dosed like Viagra.

    Looking back with fascination, horror, and not a little dash of dark, knowing humor, Quackery recounts the lively, at times unbelievable, history of medical misfires and malpractices. Ranging from the merely weird to the outright dangerous, here are dozens of outlandish, morbidly hilarious “treatments”—conceived by doctors and scientists, by spiritualists and snake oil salesmen (yes, they literally tried to sell snake oil)—that were predicated on a range of cluelessness, trial and error, and straight-up scams. With vintage illustrations, photographs, and advertisements throughout, Quackery seamlessly combines macabre humor with science and storytelling to reveal an important and disturbing side of the ever-evolving field of medicine.
  • The November Girl Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 978-1633758261
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Entangled: Teen
    Язык: Английский
    I am Anda, and the lake is my mother. I am the November storms that terrify sailors and sink ships. With their deaths, I keep my little island on Lake Superior alive.

    Hector has come here to hide from his family until he turns eighteen. Isle Royale is shut down for the winter, and there's no one here but me. And now him.

    Hector is running from the violence in his life, but violence runs through my veins. I should send him away, to keep him safe. But I'm half human, too, and Hector makes me want to listen to my foolish, half-human heart. And if I do, I can't protect him from the storms coming for us.
  • A Beautiful Poison Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 978-1477848876
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Lake Union Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Just beyond the Gilded Age, in the mist-covered streets of New York, the deadly Spanish influenza ripples through the city. But with so many victims in her close circle, young socialite Allene questions if the flu is really to blame. All appear to have been poisoned—and every death was accompanied by a mysterious note. Desperate for answers and dreading her own engagement to a wealthy gentleman, Allene returns to her passion for scientific discovery and recruits her long-lost friends, Jasper and Birdie, for help. The investigation brings her closer to Jasper, an apprentice medical examiner at Bellevue Hospital who still holds her heart,…

  • Among the Shadows: Thirteen Stories of Darkness and Light Кейт Кайрис Куинн
    ISBN: 978-1516860654
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Even the lightest hearts have shaded corners to hide the black thoughts that come at night. Experience the darker side of YA as 13 authors explore the places that others prefer to leave among the shadows. You’ve been there. It’s dark and you’re comfortable. You’re just about to fall asleep when you can’t help but wonder if maybe tonight the thing you’ve always been sure exists will finally find you. The best short stories stick with you, and the stories in this book especially, are meant to cast long shadows. The authors who contributed to this anthology are not only familiar with what lurks among the shadows, we choose to spend time there. Our monsters all live in different places—under beds, beside peaceful streams, inside ourselves, down mine shafts, in the sky. The darkness you’ll find in these pages knows no boundaries, so it’s only fitting that these stories cover many genres. Reality can be just as terrifying as anything our imaginations conjure, which is why the darkness in these pages isn’t relegated just to flights of fancy or the paranormal. In choosing such a wide range of stories, our hope is that everyone will find something to make them clutch their bedcovers a little closer. In realistic contemporary stories from Joelle Charbonneau and Kelly Fiore, depression, addiction, obsession, and isolation are all the stuff of nightmares. Other stories by Justina Ireland, Phoebe North, and Geoffrey Girard straddle the line, making us question what is real and what is false. Mindy McGinnis explores the question of not knowing yourself, while Kate Karyus Quinn speculates on the effect of learning that every terrible thing that’s ever happened to you has been manufactured for the entertainment of others. Demitria Lunetta and Gretchen McNeil each take a closer, horrific look at human nature. Lenore Applehans delves into a post-apocalyptic future, while R.C. Lewis discovers the darkness that lurks on another planet in her science fiction narrative. Then of course there are the paranormal stories from Beth Revis and Lydia Kang, each digging into the many types of monsters that might wait for us in the dark. Overall, you’ll find a wide range of horrors represented, including demons, aliens, and one of the most frightening creatures ever—human beings. So set aside an hour or two, switch on some lights and come join us… among the shadows.
  • Catalyst Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 978-0803740938
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Kathy Dawson Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Control Lydia Kang
    ISBN: 9780803739048
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Dial Books For Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    An un-putdownable thriller for fans of Uglies

    When a crash kills their father and leaves them orphaned, Zel knows she needs to protect her sister, Dyl. But before Zel has a plan, Dyl is taken by strangers using bizarre sensory weapons, and Zel finds herself in a safe house for teens who aren’t like any she’s ever seen before—teens who shouldn't even exist. Using broken-down technology, her new friends’ peculiar gifts, and her own grit, Zel must find a way to get her sister back from the kidnappers who think a powerful secret is encoded in Dyl’s DNA.

    A spiraling, intense, romantic story set in 2150—in a world of automatic cars, nightclubs with auditory ecstasy drugs, and guys with four arms—this is about the human genetic “mistakes” that society wants to forget, and the way that outcasts can turn out to be heroes.