Люк Скалл

Luke Scull

  • 9 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 129 читателей
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5 77
4 111
3 43
2 10
1 1

Люк Скалл — новинки

  • Клинок мертвеца Люк Скалл
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-293-4
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский

    Век Разрушения на исходе: далеко на севере под хребтом Дьявола копошится Безымянное, и его демоны пробиваются на юг; с запада вернулись Исчезнувшие, поклявшись уничтожить мир человечества; древнее оружие, созданное во время Войны с Богами, вновь выпущено на волю, чтобы опустошить землю. Ослабленные междоусобной борьбой, уцелевшие лорды-маги не способны — или не желают — использовать свои возможности, чтобы защитить человечество. Последняя искра надежды связана с уцелевшими членами грозного отряда: Сашей, Даварусом Коулом, Бродаром Кейном, Джереком Волком и Эремулом-Полумагом.

  • Меч Севера Люк Скалл
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-243-9
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский

    Есть легенды, которые не умирают… Юный воин Даварус Коул и его бывшие товарищи быстро поняли, что победа могущественной чародейки Белой Леди над Сонливией вовсе не привела к ее освобождению, как им представлялось прежде. Чтобы сохранить свою власть, Белая Леди не останавливается ни перед чем, и каждому, кто посмеет усомниться в ее правах, грозит смерть, тюрьма или изгнание в дикие земли. Но она поступила бы умнее, если бы не отвергла своих бывших союзников. Эремул Полумаг узнал о расе бессмертных, которых называют Исчезнувшие. И если он не сумеет убедить Белую Леди в их существовании, всему человечеству грозит опасность. Далеко на…

  • Dead Man's Steel Luke Scull
    ISBN: 0-425-26489-0, 978-0-425-26489-8
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Ace Books
    Язык: Английский
    As the “gripping” epic from the author of Sword of the North continues, the Grim Company must battle a dangerous new enemy that is determined to destroy all of humanity...

    In the City of Towers, former rebel Sasha and her comrade Davarus Cole struggle to keep the peace between the warring mages who vie for dominion. But when the White Lady sends Davarus south to the Shattered Realms to seek allies among the fallen kingdoms, he finds that his hardest battle may be one fought within. The godly essence now residing within him offers power that could be used against the Fade—but with every death that feeds It, Cole risks losing a part of himself.

    An association with a Fade officer grants the Halfmage Eremul a position of privilege among Dorminia’s new masters. He witnesses firsthand the fate that awaits humanity. But with his magic pitiful in the face of the Fade’s advanced technology, the Halfmage must rely on his wits alone to save whom he can…

    And in the frozen north, the legendary warrior Brodar Kayne fights a desperate battle for his people. He is running out of time: an ancient evil sealed beneath the mountains is about to break free, an evil that is older than humanity, older than the Fade, older even than the gods—and it will not stop until the entire world is drowned in blood…
  • Dead Man's Steel Luke Scull
    ISBN: 1-78185-159-X, 978-1-78185-159-3
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Head of Zeus
    Язык: Английский
    The Grim Company must battle a dangerous new enemy that is determined to destroy all of humanity...

    In the City of Towers, former rebel Sasha and her comrade Davarus Cole struggle to keep the peace between the warring mages who vie for dominion. But when the White Lady sends Davarus south to the Shattered Realms to seek allies among the fallen kingdoms, he finds that his hardest battle may be one fought within. The godly essence now residing within him offers power that could be used against the Fade—but with every death that feeds It, Cole risks losing a part of himself.

    An association with a Fade officer grants the Halfmage Eremul a position of privilege among Dorminia’s new masters. He witnesses firsthand the fate that awaits humanity. But with his magic pitiful in the face of the Fade’s advanced technology, the Halfmage must rely on his wits alone to save whom he can…

    And in the frozen north, the legendary warrior Brodar Kayne fights a desperate battle for his people. He is running out of time: an ancient evil sealed beneath the mountains is about to break free, an evil that is older than humanity, older than the Fade, older even than the gods—and it will not stop until the entire world is drowned in blood…
  • Sword of the North Luke Scull
    ISBN: 1-78185-155-7, 978-1-78185-155-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Head of Zeus
    Язык: Английский
    Some legends never die...

    Between the Demonfire Hills and the Shattered Realms, three rich and mighty cities flourished. Each city was protected by the power of their Magelord; each Magelord protected by an ancient truce. But no longer. The City of Shades is drowned. The Grey City enslaved. The barrier between the worlds is failing and only the Magelord of the City of Towers still lives to protect her people.

    Until the arrival of a blind wanderer. A man who calls himself Crow...
  • Sword of the North Luke Scull
    ISBN: 0-425-26486-6, 978-0-425-26486-7
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Roc
    Язык: Английский
    Some legends never die...

    In The Grim Company, Luke Scull introduced a formidable and forbidding band of anti-heroes battling against ruthless Magelords and monstrous terrors. The adventure continues as the company—now broken—face new dangers on personal quests….

    As Davarus Cole and his former companions were quick to discover, the White Lady’s victorious liberation of Dorminia has not resulted in the freedom they once imagined. Anyone perceived as a threat has been seized and imprisoned—or exiled to darker regions—leaving the White Lady’s rule unchallenged and absolute. But the White Lady would be wiser not to spurn her former supporters: Eremul the Halfmage has learned of a race of immortals known as the Fade, and if he cannot convince the White Lady of their existence, all of humanity will be in danger.

    Far to the north, Brodar Kayne and Jerek the Wolf continue their odyssey to the High Fangs only to find themselves caught in a war between a demon horde and their enemy of old, the Shaman. And in the wondrous city of Thelassa, Sasha must overcome demons of her own.
  • Грозный отряд Люк Скалл
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-099-2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский

    Разрушительная война, в которой были уничтожены боги, навсегда изменила облик мира. Власть захватили жестокие лорды маги, и теперь они соперничают друг с другом, стремясь расширить свое господство. Однако их могущество не безгранично: чтобы поддерживать силы, им необходима первозданная магия, добываемая на месте гибели богов. Но живительная энергия постепенно иссякает, а вместе с ней умирает и земля. Под гнетом чародея-тирана угасает некогда славный город Сонливия. Люди живут в горести и страхе. Однако находятся те, кто не готов мириться с подобной участью. Случай сводит вместе самоуверенного юношу, мечтающего о славе, двух бесстрашных…

  • The Grim Company Luke Scull
    ISBN: 1-78185-131-X, 978-1-78185-131-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Head of Zeus
    Язык: Английский
    This is a world dying.

    A world where wild magic leaks from the corpses of rotting gods, desperate tyrants battle over fading resources, impassive shapeshifters marshal beasts of enormous size and startling intelligence, and ravenous demons infest the northern mountains. A world where the only difference between a hero and a killer lies in the ability to justify dark deeds.

    But even in this world, pockets of resistance remain. When two aging warriors save the life of a young rebel, it proves the foundation for an unlikely fellowship. A fellowship united against tyranny, yet composed of self-righteous outlaws, crippled turncoats and amoral mercenaries.
  • The Grim Company Luke Scull
    ISBN: 978-0425264843
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Roc
    Язык: Английский
    The Gods are dead. The Magelord Salazar and his magically enhanced troops, the Augmentors, crush any dissent they find in the minds of the populace. On the other side of the Broken Sea, the White Lady plots the liberation of Dorminia, with her spymistresses, the Pale Women. Demons and abominations plague the Highlands.

    The world is desperately in need of heroes. But what they get instead are a ragtag band of old warriors, a crippled Halfmage, two orphans and an oddly capable manservant: the Grim Company.