Макс Гастингс

Max Hugh Macdonald Hastings

  • 42 книги
  • 8 подписчиков
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Макс Гастингс – лучшие книги

  • Вторая мировая война. Ад на земле Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 978-5-00139-199-9
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Альпина нон-фикшн
    Язык: Русский

    В Европе «Вторая мировая война» британского военного историка Макса Хейстингса — самый известный и авторитетный однотомник об этой войне. В динамичном, захватывающем повествовании Хейстингс виртуозно сочетает масштабность видения с выразительностью деталей. На гигантском полотне отчетливо и ярко различимы подробности сражений и экономики воюющих стран, логистика снабжения армий, политические портреты и зарисовки во французском Генеральном штабе, в Белом доме, в Министерстве по делам колоний или в ставке Сталина. Подлинные жемчужины книги — личные документы, письма, дневники, воспоминания самых разных людей — от простых солдат до…

  • Первая мировая война. Катастрофа 1914 года Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 978-5-00139-153-1
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Альпина нон-фикшн
    Язык: Русский

    Знаменитый историк Макс Хейстингс рассматривает причины катастрофы, называя основными виновницами конфликта Германию и Австро-Венгрию. Перед нами разворачивается величественное батальное полотно на Западном и Восточном фронтах. Мы становимся свидетелями дипломатических переговоров и военных действий, знакомимся с сотнями свидетельств современников — от крупнейших военачальников, писателей и врачей до простых солдат, матросов и «гражданских» жителей. Яркое, динамичное повествование создает ощущение присутствия и причастности и способно захватить не только любителей исторических исследований и военных мемуаров. Многие книги о 1914 годе…

  • Вьетнам. История трагедии. 1945-1975 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 978-5-00139-264-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский

    Война во Вьетнаме — самый противоречивый военный конфликт XX в., споры о котором не утихают до сих пор. Работая над книгой, британский историк Макс Хейстингс провел три года, беседуя со множеством участников с обеих сторон, а также исследуя сотни американских и вьетнамских документов и мемуаров. Хейстингс не ищет правых и виноватых, но старается беспристрастно показать все ужасы этой войны с обеих сторон конфликта. «Вьетнам» — очередной фундаментальный труд Хейстингса, поистине масштабное повествование об эпической борьбе. Хейстингс во всех подробностях описывает войну во Вьетнаме: хронологию боевых столкновений, жизнь простого населения…

  • Операция "Оверлорд". Как был открыт второй фронт Макс Хастингс
    ISBN: 5-01-001643-5
    Год издания: 1989
    Издательство: Прогресс
    Язык: Русский

    В книге рассказывается о самой крупной десантной операции второй мировой войны - высадке англо-американских войск летом 1944 г. в Северной Франции; рассматриваются действия как западных союзников, так и немецко-фашистского командования и войск на различных этапах операции.

  • Битва за Фолкленды Макс Хастингс
    ISBN: 978-5-699-70564-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    28 000 британских солдат отправились воевать за реликтовый обломок Империи в забытом Богом уголке мира в 15 000 км от дома. Иные погибли, другие навсегда остались калеками, а Фолклендские (Мальвинские) острова остались в составе Великобритании. Таков был итог короткой англо-аргентинской войны в апреле 1982 г. Тем не менее, этот конфликт имел важнейшее значение для эпохи Холодной войны. Столкновение интересов Британии и Аргентины было видимой стороной компании, а за кулисами просматривалась вовлеченность и иных стран- США, Франции, СССР, стран Латинской Америки… У всех были свои интересы и, кто знает, во что вылилась бы борьба за несколько малонаселенных островков, если бы война затянулась. Однако этого не произошло, и победа британцев была решительной и быстрой. В нашей стране до сих пор не было издано ни одной книги, посвященной этой войне, и настало время заполнить этот пробел. Книга Макса Хастингса и Саймона Дженкинса, непосредственных участников битвы за Фолкленды - это своего рода репортаж о войне и политике, прямо с мест событий. Написанная ярко и живо, эта, ставшая классической, книга несомненно будет интересной читателям, интересующимся историей войн и конфликтов второй половины XX века, а также тем, кто только начинает свой путь в изучении военной истории.
  • Operation Pedestal. The Fleet that Battled to Malta 1942 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780008364984
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: William Collins
    Язык: Английский
    In August 1942, beleaguered Malta was within weeks of surrender to the Axis, because its 300,000 people could no longer be fed. Churchill made a personal decision that at all costs, the 'island fortress' must be saved. This was not merely a matter of strategy, but of national prestige, when Britain's fortunes and morale had fallen to their lowest ebb.
    The largest fleet the Royal Navy committed to any operation of the western war was assembled to escort fourteen fast merchantmen across a thousand of miles of sea defended by six hundred German and Italian aircraft, together with packs of U-boats and torpedo craft. The Mediterranean battles that ensued between 11 and 15 August were the most brutal of Britain's war at sea, embracing four aircraft-carriers, two battleships, seven cruisers, scores of destroyers and smaller craft. The losses were appalling: defeat seemed to beckon.
    This is the saga Max Hastings unfolds in his first full length narrative of the Royal Navy, which he believes was the most successful of Britain's wartime services. As always, he blends the 'big picture' of statesmen and admirals with human stories of German U-boat men, Italian torpedo-plane crews, Hurricane pilots, destroyer and merchant-ship captains, ordinary but extraordinary seamen.
    Operation Pedestal describes catastrophic ship sinkings, including that of the aircraft-carrier Eagle, together with struggles to rescue survivors and salvage stricken ships. Most moving of all is the story of the tanker Ohio, indispensable to Malta's survival, victim of countless Axis attacks. In the last days of the battle, the ravaged hulk was kept under way only by two destroyers, lashed to her sides. Max Hastings describes this as one of the most extraordinary tales he has ever recounted. Until the very last hours, no participant on either side could tell what would be the outcome of an epic of wartime suspense and courage.
  • The Abyss: Nuclear Crisis Cuba 1962 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780062980137
    Год издания: 2022
    Bestselling author Max Hastings offers a welcome re-evaluation of one of the most gripping and tense international events in modern history—the Cuban Missile Crisis—providing a people-focused narrative that explores the attitudes and conduct of Russians, Cubans, Americans, and a terrified world that followed each moment as it unfolded.

    In The Abyss, Max Hastings turns his focus to one of the most terrifying events of the mid-twentieth century—the thirteen days in October 1962 when the world stood on the brink of nuclear war. Hastings looks at the conflict with fresh eyes, focusing on the people at the heart of the crisis—America President John F. Kennedy, Soviet First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, and a host of their advisors.

    Combining in-depth research with Hasting’s well-honed insights, The Abyss is a human history that unfolds on a wide, colorful canvas. As the action moves back and forth from Moscow to Washington, DC, to Havana, Hastings seeks to explain, as much as to describe, the attitudes and conduct of the Soviets, Cubans, and Americans, and to recreate the tension and heightened fears of countless innocent bystanders whose lives hung in the balance. Reflecting on the outcome of these events, he reveals how the aftermath of this momentous crisis continues to reverberate today.

    Powerful, and riveting, filled with compelling detail and told with narrative flair, The Abyss is history at its finest.
  • Chastise. The Dambusters Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780008280567
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: William Collins
    Язык: Английский
    A masterly history of the Dambusters raid from bestselling and critically acclaimed Max Hastings.
    Operation Chastise was one of the most extraordinary episodes of the Second World War, yet it has also become one of the most misunderstood.
    Max Hastings tells the gripping story of the Dambusters raid, from the invention of the bouncing bomb to the moonlit cockpits of young pilots flying at treetop height through lethal enemy fire. But Hastings also challenges what we think we know about the Dambusters, bringing to light the difficult truths that have often been left out of the legend.
  • The Korean War. An Epic Conflict 1950-1953 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9781529037937
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Macmillan Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    On 25 June 1950 the invasion of South Korea by the Communist North launched one of the bloodiest conflicts of the last century. The seemingly limitless power of the Chinese-backed North was thrown against the ferocious firepower of the UN-backed South in a war that can be seen today as the stark prelude to Vietnam.
    Max Hastings drew on first-hand accounts of those who fought on both sides to produce this vivid and incisive reassessmen
  • Warriors: Portraits from the Battlefield Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780307275684
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    Heroism in battle has been celebrated throughout history, yet it is one of the least understood virtues. What makes some men and women perform extraordinary deeds on the battlefield? What makes them risk their lives in the pursuit of victory?Max Hastings, one of our foremost military historians, has seen combat up close and written about it for decades. In Warriors, he brings us the experiences of fourteen soldiers who fought in the wars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. From an exuberant cavalry officer in Napoleon’s army to an abused orphan who in World War II became America’s youngest general since Custer, to an Israeli officer who recovered from a devastating injury to save his country, each portrait depicts a unique and remarkable story. A tribute to soldierly valor and a deeply insightful study of combat, this is an essential book for anyone who wishes to understand what it means to be at war.
  • The Secret War. Spies, Codes and Guerrillas 1939–1945 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780007503902
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: William Collins
    Язык: Английский

    In The Secret War, Max Hastings presents a worldwide cast of characters and extraordinary sagas of intelligence and Resistance to create a new perspective on the greatest conflict in history. The book links tales of high courage ashore, at sea and in the air to the work of the brilliant 'boffins' battling the enemy's technology. Here are not only the unheralded codebreaking geniuses of Bletchley Park, but also their German counterparts who achieved their own triumphs and the fabulous espionage networks created, and so often spurned, by the Soviet Union. With its stories of high policy and human drama, the book has been acclaimed as the best…

  • Nemesis. The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780007219810
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: William Collins
    Язык: Английский
    A companion volume to his bestselling 'Armageddon', Max Hastings' account of the battle for Japan is a masterful military history.
    Featuring the most remarkable cast of commanders the world has ever seen, the dramatic battle for Japan of 1944-45 was acted out across the vast stage of Asia: Imphal and Kohima, Leyte Gulf and Iwo Jima, Okinawa and the Soviet assault on Manchuria.
    In this gripping narrative, Max Hastings weaves together the complex strands of an epic war, exploring the military tactics behind some of the most triumphant and most horrific scenes of the twentieth century. The result is a masterpiece that balances the story of command decisions, rivalries and follies with the experiences of soldiers, sailors and airmen of all sides as only Max Hastings can.
  • Overlord. D-day and the Battle for Normandy 1944 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9781447288732
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Pan Books
    The famous D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 marked the beginning of Operation Overlord, the battle for the liberation of Europe. Military historian Sir Max Hastings’ acclaimed account overturns many traditional legends in this memorable study.
    Drawing together the eyewitness accounts of survivors from both sides, plus a wealth of previously untapped sources and documents, Overlord provides a brilliant, controversial perspective on the devastating battle for Normandy.
  • Max Hastings Two-Book Collection: All Hell Let Loose and Catastrophe Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780007585373
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: William Collins
    Язык: Английский
    A two-book collection of Max Hastings’ bestselling works about the 20th century’s most terrible global conflicts.

    ‘Catastrophe: Europe Goes to War 1914’: In this centenary year, Hastings’ thrilling and also deeply moving account seeks to explain both how Europe plunged into what was then called ‘The Great War’, what befell the millions of people of many nations caught up in the first months on the battlefield and as civilian victims.

    ‘All Hell Let Loose: The World at War 1939-1945’: This is ‘everyman’s story’ of 1939-45 from a host of viewpoints across the world- British fighter pilots and Russians tanker crew, Chinese peasants and French housewives, American naval gunners and Italian partisans. Here, with an extraordinary blend of top-down and bottom-up testimony is Hastings’s acclaimed answer to the question ‘what was World War II like?’
  • Bomber Command Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780760345207, 0760345201
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Zenith Press
    Язык: Английский
    Bomber Command’s air offensive against the cities of Nazi Germany was one of the most epic campaigns of World War II. More than 56,000 British and Commonwealth aircrew and 600,000 Germans died in the course of the RAF’s attempt to win the war by bombing. The struggle in the air began meekly in 1939 with only a few Whitleys, Hampdens, and Wellingtons flying blindly through the night on their ill-conceived bombing runs. It ended six years later with 1,600 Lancasters, Halifaxes, and Mosquitoes, equipped with the best of British wartime technology, razing whole German cities in a single night. Bomber Command, through fits and starts, grew into an effective fighting force.

    In Bomber Command, originally published to critical acclaim in the U.K., famed British military historian Sir Max Hastings offers a captivating analysis of the strategy and decision-making behind one of World War II’s most violent episodes. With firsthand descriptions of the experiences of aircrew from 1939 to 1945—based on one hundred interviews with veterans—and a harrowing narrative of the experiences of Germans on the ground during the September 1944 bombing of Darmstadt, Bomber Command is widely recognized as a classic account of one of the bloodiest campaigns in World War II history. Now back in print in the U.S., this book is an essential addition to any history reader’s bookshelf.
  • Das Reich: The March of the 2nd SS Panzer Division Through France, June 1944 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780760344910
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Zenith Press
    Язык: Английский
    World-renowned British historian Sir Max Hastings recounts one of the most horrific months of World War II.

    June 1944, the month of the D-Day landings carried out by Allied forces in Normandy, France. Germany’s 2nd SS Panzer Division, one of Adolf Hitler’s most elite armor units, had recently been pulled from the Eastern Front and relocated to France in order to regroup, recruit more troops, and restock equipment. With Allied forces suddenly on European ground, the division—Das Reich —was called up to counter the invasion. Its march northward to the shores of Normandy, 15,000 men strong, would become infamous as a tale of unparalleled brutality in World War II.

    Das Reich is Sir Max Hastings’s narrative of the atrocities committed by the 2nd SS Panzer Division during June of 1944: first, the execution of 99 French civilians in the village of Tulle on June 9; and second, the massacre of 642 more in the village of Oradour-sur-Glane on June 10. Throughout the book, Hastings expertly shifts perspective between French resistance fighters, the British Secret Service (who helped coordinate the French resistance from afar and on the ground), and the German soldiers themselves. With its rare, unbiased approach to the ruthlessness of World War II, Das Reich explores the fragile moral fabric of wartime mentality.
  • Inferno: The World at War, 1939-1945 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780307273598
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    From one of our finest military historians, a monumental work that shows us at once the truly global reach of World War II and its deeply personal consequences.

    World War II involved tens of millions of soldiers and cost sixty million lives—an average of twenty-seven thousand a day. For thirty-five years, Max Hastings has researched and written about different aspects of the war. Now, for the first time, he gives us a magnificent, single-volume history of the entire war.

    Through his strikingly detailed stories of everyday people—of soldiers, sailors and airmen; British housewives and Indian peasants; SS killers and the citizens of Leningrad, some of whom resorted to cannibalism during the two-year siege; Japanese suicide pilots and American carrier crews—Hastings provides a singularly intimate portrait of the world at war. He simultaneously traces the major developments—Hitler’s refusal to retreat from the Soviet Union until it was too late; Stalin’s ruthlessness in using his greater population to wear down the German army; Churchill’s leadership in the dark days of 1940 and 1941; Roosevelt’s steady hand before and after the United States entered the war—and puts them in real human context.

    Hastings also illuminates some of the darker and less explored regions under the war’s penumbra, including the conflict between the Soviet Union and Finland, during which the Finns fiercely and surprisingly resisted Stalin’s invading Red Army; and the Bengal famine in 1943 and 1944, when at least one million people died in what turned out to be, in Nehru’s words, “the final epitaph of British rule” in India.

    Remarkably informed and wide-ranging, Inferno is both elegantly written and cogently argued. Above all, it is a new and essential understanding of one of the greatest and bloodiest events of the twentieth century
  • Country Fair: Tales Of The Countryside, Shooting And Fishing Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780007390267
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    A new collection of rural writings celebrating the pleasures of the country life – in particular fishing and shooting – by the eminent military historian and former editor of the Daily Telegraph, Max Hastings.Max Hastings is known as a best-selling author of military histories (The Battle of the Falklands, Bomber Command, Armageddon, etc.) and as a former editor of the Daily Telegraph and Evening Standard, but his first loves are the countryside and its pursuits.Whether walking up grouse in Scotland, tramping through snipe bogs in Ireland or catching salmon on the Tweed, this collection of articles and essays will delight all those who share his passions.There are also trenchant essays on some of the big issues facing Britain’s’ rural areas: intensive farming, gun ownership, access to the countryside and, of course, the controversial issue of fox hunting.
  • Did You Really Shoot The Television?: A Family Fable Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780007357116
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: HarperPress
    Язык: Английский
    Max Hastings's account of his family's tumultuous 20th century experiences embraces the worlds of fashion and newspapers, theatre and TV, pioneering in Africa and even – his father's most exotic 1960 stunt – being cast away on a desert island in the Indian Ocean.The author is the son of broadcaster and adventurer Macdonald Hastings and journalist and gardening writer Anne Scott-James. One of his grandfathers was a literary editor while the other wrote plays and essays, and penned an enchanting memoir of his own Victorian childhood. His great-uncle was an African hunter who wrote poetry and became one of Max's heroes. The author tells a richly picaresque story, featuring guest appearances by a host of celebrities from Thomas Hardy and Joseph Conrad to John Betjeman and Osbert Lancaster, who became Anne Scott-James's third husband. 'All families are dysfunctional', Anne asserted impenitently to Max, but the Hastings’ managed to be more dysfunctional than most. His father roamed the world for newspapers and as a presenter for BBC TV's legendary Tonight programme, while his mother edited ‘Harper's Bazaar’, became a famous columnist and wrote best-selling gardening books.Here, the author brings together this remarkable cast of forebears, 'a tribe of eccentrics', as he himself characterises them. By turns moving, dramatic and comic, the book portrays Max's own childhood fraught with rows and explosions, in which the sudden death of a television set was only one highlight. His story will make a lot of people laugh and perhaps a few cry. It helps to explain why Max Hastings, whose family has produced more than eighty books over three generations, felt bound to follow their path of high adventure and popular journalism.
  • Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940–45 Макс Гастингс
    ISBN: 9780007344116
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: HarperPress
    Язык: Английский
    Pre-eminent military historian Max Hastings presents Winston Churchill as he has never been seen before.Winston Churchill was the greatest war leader Britain ever had. In 1940, the nation rallied behind him in an extraordinary fashion. But thereafter, argues Max Hastings, there was a deep divide between what Churchill wanted from the British people and their army, and what they were capable of delivering. Himself a hero, he expected others to show themselves heroes also, and was often disappointed. It is little understood how low his popularity fell in 1942, amid an unbroken succession of battlefield defeats. Some of his closest colleagues joined a clamour for him to abandon his role directing the war machine. Hastings paints a wonderfully vivid image of the Prime Minister in triumph and tragedy. He describes the 'second Dunkirk' in 1940, when Churchill's impulsiveness threatened to lose Britain almost as many troops in north-west France as had been saved from the beaches; his wooing of the Americans, and struggles with the Russians. British wartime unity was increasingly tarnished by workers' unrest, with many strikes in mines and key industries.By looking at Churchill from the outside in, through the eyes of British soldiers, civilians and newspapers, and also those of Russians and Americans, Hastings provides new perspectives on the greatest Englishman. He condemns as folly Churchill's attempt to promote mass uprisings in occupied Europe, and details 'Unthinkable', his amazing 1945 plan for an Allied offensive against the Russians to liberate Poland. Here is an intimate and affectionate portrait of Churchill as Britain's saviour, but also an unsparing examination of the wartime nation which he led and the performance of its armed forces.
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