Рид Фаррел Коулмен

Reed Farrel Coleman

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Лучшие книги Рида Фаррела Коулмена

  • Во всем виновата книга (сборник)
    ISBN: 978-5-389-15769-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Книга и тайна, книга и преступление — истории, вошедшие в этот сборник, связывает книжная тема. Вы узнаете о незваном госте, явившемся к Зигмунду Фрейду, о том, как знаменитый Коломбо разоблачил убийцу из книжного магазина, как любовь к книге сгубила главу мексиканского наркокартеля и как Лондонская библиотека оказалась хранилищем смертельно опасных тайн... В эту антологию, составленную по инициативе Отто Пенцлера, лауреата премий «Эдгар», «Эллери Куин» и «Ворон» за вклад в развитие и пропаганду детективного направления в литературе, вошли оригинальные работы известных мастеров остросюжетного жанра. Среди авторов и такие «крутые» авторы…

  • В Милуоки в стикбол не играют Рид Фаррел Коулмен
    ISBN: 5-94145-184-9
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Иностранка
    Язык: Русский

    Занятый поисками своего пропавшего племянника, разрываемый между верностью другу и желанием докопаться до истины, герой подпадает под чары таинственной молодой красавицы. Но та ли она, за кого себя выдает, или у нее есть своя тайна? И что ждет героя в конце выбранного им пути - радость встречи или горькое разочарование?

  • Хождение по квадрату Рид Фаррел Коулмен
    ISBN: 5-94145-157-1
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Иностранка
    Язык: Русский
    Патрик Малоуни, благополучный студент колледжа, обаятельный и общительный юноша, выходит из клуба в Манхэттене и... исчезает. Это событие, всколыхнувшее всю округу, не привлекает к себе внимания Мо Прейгера, бывшего полицейского, вынужденного уйти в отставку из-за травмы колена и поглощенного своими проблемами. Но когда его бывший напарник предлагает ему заняться этим делом, он соглашается. Начав расследование, Прейгер сразу же понимает, что за видимой стороной жизни Патрика скрывалась некая тайна.
  • Robert B. Parker's The Devil Wins Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 978-0399169465
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский

    A Nor’easter blows into Paradise and churns up the past—in the stunning new addition to Robert B. Parker’s New York Times–bestselling series featuring Police Chief Jesse Stone. In the wake of a huge storm, three bodies are discovered in the rubble of an abandoned factory building in an industrial part of Paradise known as The Swap. One body, a man’s, wrapped in a blue tarp, is only hours old. But found within feet of that body are the skeletal remains of two teenage girls who had gone missing during a Fourth of July celebration twenty-five years earlier. Not only does that crime predate Jesse Stone’s arrival in Paradise, but the dead…

  • Robert B. Parker's Blind Spot Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 978-0399169458
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский

    "Coleman keeps the characters and the somber atmosphere but makes the book his own stylistically." --Booklist Police Chief Jesse Stone is back in the remarkable new installment of the New York Times–bestselling series. It’s been a long time since Jesse Stone left L.A., and still longer since the tragic injury that ruined his chances for a major league baseball career. When Jesse is invited to a reunion of his old Triple-A team at a hip New York city hotel, he is forced to grapple with his memories and regrets over what might have been. Jesse left more behind him than unresolved feelings about the play that ended his baseball…

  • Robert B. Parker's The Hangman's Sonnet Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 9780399171444
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский

    The stellar new novel in Robert B. Parker's New York Times bestselling series featuring Paradise police chief Jesse Stone. Jesse Stone, still reeling from the murder of his fiancée by crazed assassin Mr. Peepers, must keep his emotions in check long enough to get through the wedding day of his loyal protégé, Suitcase Simpson. The morning of the wedding, Jesse learns that a gala 75th birthday party is to be held for folk singer Terry Jester. Jester, once the equal of Bob Dylan, has spent the last forty years in seclusion after the mysterious disappearance of the master recording tape of his magnum opus, The Hangman's Sonnet. That same…

  • Robert B. Parker's Debt to Pay Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 978-0399171437
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский
    All is quiet in Paradise, except for a spate of innocuous vandalism. Good thing, too, because Jesse Stone is preoccupied with the women in his life, both past and present. As his ex-wife, Jenn, is about to marry a Dallas real-estate tycoon, Jesse isn’t too sure his relationship with former FBI agent Diana Evans is built to last. But those concerns get put on the back burner when a major Boston crime boss is brutally murdered. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Jesse suspects it’s the work of Mr. Peepers, a psychotic assassin who has caused trouble for Jesse in the past.

    Peepers has long promised revenge against the Mob, Jesse, and Suit for their roles in foiling one of his hits—and against Jenn as well. And though Jesse and Jenn have long parted ways, Jesse still feels responsible for her safety. Jesse and Diana head to Dallas for the wedding and, along with the tycoon’s security team, try to stop Peepers before the bill comes due. With Peepers toying with the authorities as to when and where he’ll strike, Jesse is up against the wall. Still, there’s a debt to pay and blood to be spilled to satisfy it. But whose blood, and just how much?
  • Robert B. Parker's The Bitterest Pill Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 0399574972, 9780399574979
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский
    The opioid epidemic has reached Paradise, and Police Chief Jesse Stone must rush to stop the devastation in the latest thriller in Robert B. Parker's New York Times-bestselling series.

    When a popular high school cheerleader dies of a suspected heroin overdose, it becomes clear that the opioid epidemic has spread even to the idyllic town of Paradise. It will be up to police chief Jesse Stone to unravel the supply chain and unmask the criminals behind it, and the investigation has a clear epicenter: Paradise High School. Home of the town's best and brightest future leaders and its most vulnerable down-and-out teens, it's a rich and bottomless market for dealers out of Boston looking to expand into the suburbs.

    But when it comes to drugs, the very people Jesse is trying to protect are often those with the most to lose. As he digs deeper into the case, he finds himself battling self-interested administrators, reluctant teachers, distrustful schoolkids, and overprotective parents . . . and at the end of the line are the true bad guys, the ones with a lucrative business they'd kill to protect.
  • Robert B. Parker's Colorblind Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 0399574948, 9780399574948
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский
    Police chief Jesse Stone returns in the newest novel in Robert B. Parker's New York Times--bestselling series, and his newest case hits right at the heart of the Paradise police force.

    Jesse Stone is back on the job after a stint in rehab, and the road to recovery is immediately made bumpy by a series of disturbing and apparently racially motivated crimes, beginning with the murder of an African American woman. Then, Jesse's own deputy Alisha--the first black woman hired by the Paradise police force--becomes the target of a sophisticated frame-up. As he and his team work tirelessly to unravel the truth, he has to wonder if this is just one part of an even grander plot, one with an end game more destructive than any of them can imagine.

    At the same time, a mysterious young man named Cole Slayton rolls into town with a chip on his shoulder and a problem with authority--namely, Jesse. Yet, something about the angry twenty-something appeals to Jesse, and he takes Cole under his wing. But there's more to him than meets the eye, and his secrets might change Jesse's life forever.
  • Where It Hurts Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 978-0399173035
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский
    Gus Murphy thought he had the world all figured out. A retired Suffolk County cop, Gus had everything a man could want: a great marriage, two kids, a nice house, and the rest of his life ahead of him. But when tragedy strikes, his life is thrown into complete disarray. In the course of a single deadly moment, his family is blown apart and he is transformed from a man who believes he understands everything into a man who understands nothing.
    Divorced and working as a courtesy van driver for the run-down hotel in which he has a room, Gus has settled into a mindless, soulless routine that barely keeps his grief at arm’s length. But Gus’s comfortable waking trance comes to an end when ex-con Tommy Delcamino asks him for help. Four months earlier, Tommy’s son T.J.’s battered body was discovered in a wooded lot, yet the Suffolk County PD doesn’t seem interested in pursuing the killers. In desperation, Tommy seeks out the only cop he ever trusted—Gus Murphy.
    Gus reluctantly agrees to see what he can uncover. As he begins to sweep away the layers of dust that have collected over the case during the intervening months, Gus finds that Tommy was telling the truth. It seems that everyone involved with the late T.J Delcamino—from his best friend, to a gang enforcer, to a mafia capo, and even the police—has something to hide, and all are willing to go to extreme lengths to keep it hidden. It’s a dangerous favor Gus has taken on as he claws his way back to take a place among the living, while searching through the sewers for a killer.
  • The Hollow Girl Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 1440562024
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    The final novel in one of the most critically acclaimed PI series in the annals of crime fiction!

    "Few writers working in any genre offer tales with such moral complexity, dark humor, and, most of all, heart." --Megan Abbott, author of Dare Me

    Drunk, alone, and racked with guilt over the tragic death of his girlfriend Pam, Moe Prager is destined for oblivion. But destiny takes a detour when a shadowy figure from Moe's past reappears to beg for Moe's help in locating her missing daughter. As a reluctant, distracted Moe delves into the case, he discovers that nothing is as it seems and no one involved is quite who or what they appear to be. This is especially true of the missing daughter, an early internet sensation known ironically as the Lost Girl or the Hollow Girl. The case itself is hollow, as Moe finds little proof that anyone is actually missing.

    Things take a bizarre twist as Moe stumbles across a body in a trendy Manhattan apartment and the Hollow Girl suddenly re-emerges on video screens everywhere. It's a wild ride through the funhouse as Moe tries to piece together a case from the half-truths and lies told to him by a fool's parade of family members, washed-up showbiz types, uncaring cops, a doorman, and a lovesick PI. Even as the ticking clock gets louder, Moe is unsure if it's all a big hoax or if someone's life is really at stake. The question isn't whether or not Moe can find the Hollow Girl, but whether the Hollow Girl was ever there at all.
  • Tower Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9781480405929
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Open Road Integrated Media
    Язык: Английский
    From opposite perspectives, two master authors spin a chilling tale
    Nick’s father is a stand-up Irishman—once a cop, now a security guard in the World Trade Center’s North Tower—but Nick does not take after his old man. He’s “got the bad drop,” meaning he only cares about booze, violence, and getting into trouble with his best friend, Todd, a low-level hood connected to the Boston mob. Todd inducts Nick into the world of petty crime. What starts as a bit of good fun—robbing apartments, scoring weed—turns serious as Todd gets closer to the inner circle. He may not love violence as much as Nick does, but he’s about to get more than his fair share.

    The first collaboration by beloved mystery authors Ken Bruen and Reed Farrel Coleman, Tower is as uncompromisingly brutal as the work that made them famous. They each tell the story once—Bruen from Nick’s perspective, and Coleman from Todd’s. Their narratives hinge on a single, blistering question: How can friendship survive in an underworld built on pain?
  • Hurt Machine Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 1935562649
    Год издания: 2011
    Язык: Английский
    "The biggest mysteries in our genre are why Reed Coleman isn't already huge, and why Moe Prager isn't already an icon."—Lee Child

    At a pre-wedding party for his daughter Sarah, Moe Prager is approached by his ex-wife and former PI partner Carmella Melendez. It seems Carmella's estranged sister Alta has been murdered, but no one in New York City seems to care. Why? Alta, a FDNY EMT, and her partner had months earlier refused to give assistance to a dying man at a fancy downtown eatery. Moe decides to help Carmella as a means to distract himself from his own life and death struggle. Making headway on the case is no mean feat as no one, including Alta's partner Maya Watson, wants to cooperate. Moe chips away until he discovers a cancer roiling just below the surface, a cancer whose symptoms include bureaucratic greed, sexual harassment, and blackmail. But is any of it connected to Alta's brutal murder?

    Reed Farrel Coleman has won or been nominated for nearly every major award in crime fiction. His Moe Prager series was selected by NPR's Maureen Corrigan for inclusion in her Best Of list.
  • Empty Ever After Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 1932557644
    Год издания: 2008
    Язык: Английский
    There are no second acts for the dead...or are there? For over twenty years, retired NYPD officer and PI Moe Prager, has been haunted by the secret that would eventually destroy his family. Now, two years after the fallout from the truth, more that secrets are haunting the Prager family. Moe Prager follows a trail of grave robbers from cemetery to cemetery, from ashes to ashes and back again in order to finally solve the enigma of his dead brother-in-law, Patrick. He plunges deeper into the dark recesses of his past than ever before, revisiting all of his old cases, in order to uncover the twisted alchemy of vengeance and resurrection. Will Moe, at last, put his past to rest? Will he find the man who belongs in that vacant grave or will it remain empty, empty ever after?
  • Soul Patch Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 1932557415
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Bleak House Books
    Язык: Английский
    Fourth book in the acclaimed Moe Prager mystery series taking place in New Yor k City
  • The James Deans Reed Farrel Coleman
    ISBN: 0452286506
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Plume
    Язык: Английский
    It’s 1983 and Reaganomics is in full swing. But beneath the facade of junk bonds and easy money, New York remains a gritty metropolis offering Nirvana with one hand and desolation with the other. Moe Prager, ex-NYPD cop turned reluctant P.I. is too busy reeling from a family tragedy to see what’s coming. He’s about to be sucked into a case that might deliver him what he’s always wanted or plunge him into purgatory.
    Two years earlier, Moira Heaton, a young intern for an up-and-coming politico, vanished without a trace. Although there is no evidence supporting her boss’s involvement, rumors and whispers have conspired to stall his once-promising career. Now, in a last- ditch effort to clear his name, state senator Steven Brightman, with the clout of a wealthy backer, enlists Moe’s help. With twists and turns galore and Moe’s inimitable voice, The James Deans is an absorbing page- turner that will add to the burgeoning reputation of one of today’s most promising writers.