Агнес Раватн

Agnes Ravatn

  • 6 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 72 читателя
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Агнес Раватн – лучшие книги

  • Птичий суд Агнес Раватн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-092186-7
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Гонимая стыдом и чувством вины, Аллис оказывается в уединенном доме на берегу моря, где проводит дни, ухаживая за садом и готовя еду для молчаливого хозяина, сорокалетнего Сигурда. Какие тайны они хранят друг от друга? И возможно ли распрощаться с прошлым и начать все с начала? «Птичий суд» - роман о мужчине и женщине, перерастающий в настоящую драму о жизни и смерти.

  • Gjestene Agnes Ravatn
    ISBN: 9788234003349
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Det Norske Samlaget
    Язык: Норвежский
    Karin og Kai får låne ei påkosta, arkitektteikna hytte ved Oslofjorden, som går i eitt med terrenget og ikkje manglar noko. Ein dag spaserer Karin rett på ein hyttenabo. Det viser seg å vere forfattaren Per Sinding, som er gift med den enda større forfattaren Hilma Ekhult. Nye pengar møter gamle, og snart har Karin og Kai vikla seg inn i noko dei ikkje så lett kan vikle seg ut av.
  • The Seven Doors Agnes Ravatn
    ISBN: 1913193381
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Orenda Books
    Язык: Английский
    When the tenant of a house that university professor Nina owns with her doctor husband goes missing after an uncomfortable visit, Nina starts her own investigation … with deeply disturbing results. The long-awaited new thriller from the bestselling author of The Bird Tribunal.

    University professor Nina is at a turning point. Her work seems increasingly irrelevant, her doctor husband is never home, relations with her difficult daughter are strained, and their beautiful house is scheduled for demolition.

    When she discovers that she and her husband still own a house she thought had been sold years earlier, things take a very dark turn. The young woman living there disappears, leaving her son behind, the day after Nina and her daughter pay her a visit.

    With few clues, the police enquiry soon grinds to a halt, but Nina has an inexplicable sense of guilt. Unable to rest, she begins her own investigation, but as she pulls on the threads of the case, it seems her discoveries may have very grave consequences for her and her family.

    Exquisitely dark and immensely powerful, The Seven Doors is a sophisticated and deeply disturbing psychological thriller from one of Norway’s most distinguished voices.