Ричард Мейби

Richard Thomas Mabey

  • 9 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 23 читателя
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Новинки Ричарда Томаса Мейби

  • A Brush With Nature. Reflections on the Natural World Ричард Мейби
    ISBN: 9781849908252
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Described as 'Britain's greatest living nature writer', Richard Mabey has revealed his passion for the natural world in eloquent stories for BBC Wildlife Magazine. This volume features his favourite pieces and presents a fascinating and inspiring view of the changing natural landscape in which we live.
    Peppered throughout with references to the heritage of nature writing, and great writers from Richard Jefferies and John Clare to Roger Deakin and Robert MacFarlane, A Brush With Nature is part memoir, part nature journal, part social history, giving us a unique insight into a nature lover's reflections over a quarter of a century.
  • Большая библиотека. Комплект из 4-х книг Игорь Кветной
    ISBN: 978-5-17-106988-9
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    В этом комплекте вы найдете четыре книги о достижениях в разных областях современной науки - физика, медицина, биология. Эти книги помогут вам увидеть будущее науки, понять какие открытия сегодня могут изменить нашу жизнь завтра, расскажут о различных явлениях природы и удивительных тайнах Вселенной. Все книги написаны простым и доступным языком и рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
  • Какое дерево росло в райском саду? 40 000 лет великой истории растений Ричард Мейби
    ISBN: 978-5-17-100829-1
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    «Ботаника» — это скучно? Набившие оскомину пестики и тычинки, пыльные гербарии и невзрачные музейные стенды, рядом с которыми останавливаются лишь энтузиасты? Откройте эту книгу, и вы будете поражены! А от школьной скуки не останется и следа. Вместе с блестящим ученым-натуралистом Ричадом Мейби вы исследуете истоки человеческой цивилизации и, двигаясь сквозь столетия, увидите, как растительный мир наравне с людьми создавал историю, культуру и искусство. Перед вами один из самых увлекательных приключенческих романов о живой природе. Вы найдете «древо жизни», росшее в райских садах, разгадаете секреты вечной молодости тисов, примете…

  • The Cabaret of Plants: Botany and the Imagination Richard Mabey
    ISBN: 9781861976628
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    The Cabaret of Plants is a rich, sweeping work of botanical history by the illustrious naturalist Richard Mabey. Plants have been central to human experience not just as sources of food and medicine but also as objects of worship, actors in creation myths, and symbols of war and peace and of life and death. Mabey explores forty different plant species, taking readers from the Himalayas to Madagascar to the Amazon to our own backyards. Through the work of the likes of da Vinci, Wordsworth, Darwin, and van Gogh, Mabey recounts how papyrus changed communication, how the olive branch came to represent peace, and how the lotus flower is influencing new technology. Here too are the stories of our abiding love of and dependence on acorns, daffodils, cocoa beans, and orchids. The Cabaret of Plants is the magnum opus of one of our great naturalists and a masterful exploration of the complex relationship between humans and the natural world.
  • Food for Free Richard Mabey
    ISBN: 978-0-00-743847-1
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Collins
    Язык: Английский
    The classic foraging guide to over 200 types of food that can be gathered and picked in the wild, Food for Free returns in its 40th year as a sumptuous, beautifully illustrated and fully updated anniversary edition.

    Originally published in 1972, Richard Mabey’s classic foraging guide has never been out of print since. Food for Free is a complete guide to help you safely identify edible species that grow around us, together with detailed artwork, field identification notes and recipes.

    In this stunning 40th anniversary edition, Richard Mabey’s fully-revised text is accompanied by photographs, new recipes and a wealth of practical information on identifying, collecting, cooking and preparing, history and folklore. Informatively written, beautifully illustrated and produced in a new, larger format, Food for Free will inspire us to be more self-sufficient and make use of the natural resources around us to enhance our lives.
  • Country Matters Richard Mabey
    ISBN: 9780712665957
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Pimlico
    Язык: Английский
  • Nature Cure Richard Mabey
    ISBN: 978-0813926216
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: University of Virginia Press

    Early in Nature Cure Richard Mabey returns continually to the swift, who in its spectacular migration may not touch down for well over a year. In Ted Hughes’s phrase, the reappearance of the swifts tells us that "the globe’s still working." When we encounter the author in the opening pages of this powerful memoir, his corner of the globe is decidedly not working. A deep depression has left him alienated from his work and his family, financially insecure, and has cost him the Chiltern home in which he has lived his entire life. The open flatlands of his new home in East Anglia--an area now dominated by agriculture, and once so desolate that…

  • Gilbert White Richard Mabey
    ISBN: 1861978073
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Английский

    Gilbert White wrote 'The Natural History of Selborne', creating one of the most influential natural history works which provides the cornerstone to modern ecology. This biography evokes his life and times.

  • Flora Britannica Richard Mabey
    ISBN: 978-1856193771
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Chatto & Windus / Sinclair Stevenson
    This landmark guide offers a comprehensive survey of the native and naturalized wild plants of England, Scotland, and Wales. Useful and delightful, it covers 1,000 species, including trees and ferns. More than a definitive work of natural history, however, it is also a virtual encyclopedia of living folklore, recording the role of wild plants in social life, the arts, customs, and landscapes. The information has been supplied by the people themselves, creating a unique national record of the popular culture, domestic uses, and social meanings of Britain's wild plants. Splendidly written by naturalist Richard Mabey and illustrated with 500 fine color photographs, "Flora Britannica" is an elegant testimony to the continuing relationship between nature and man.