
Tom Reamy 0.0
It's summer. The circus is coming to town. And in the shadows of the gaily-painted wagons lurks an ancient and evil creature whose inhuman lusts will shatter forever the peace of a small Kansas community...
Phyllis Eisenstein 0.0
Phyllis Eisenstein. Born to Exile. Sauk City: Arkham House.
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Алисия Остин 0.0
Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams is a book of contrasts. Its art is clever, brilliant, spectacular, in presenting ever-so-soft pastels, magnificently vivid colours, Mayan garners from a pre-Columbian age, and delicate mysteries of the orient. Here, too, are colourful Japanese costumes, Persian intricacies, dragons, knights, wizards, done in color and precise line, with an eye for design which has not been equalled for many a year. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams is a book of beauty - a book to peruse time and again.