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Фрэнсис Хардинг 4.0
Когда человек умирает, его душа ищет новое пристанище. Некоторые люди — идеальный сосуд для теней умерших. Двенадцатилетнюю Мейкпис тени преследовали всегда. Являлись в ночных кошмарах, трогали ледяными пальцами, шептали едва слышные слова. Однажды Мейкпис впустила в себя тень... Тень дикого животного завладела ее разумом и телом. Она стала проклятьем и единственной защитой одинокой девочки в поместье Гризхейз, жители которого веками хранят жуткие тайны. Чтобы спасти свою жизнь и разгадать загадку своего мрачного дара Мейкпис отправляется в опасное путешествие через всю Англию. Оказавшись в водовороте политических интриг, она узнает, скольких жизней стоит корона короля... Сможет ли она укротить зверя, бушующего в душе?
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Ramsey Campbell 4.0
Dominic Sheldrake has never forgotten his childhood in fifties Liverpool or the talk an old boy of his grammar school gave about the First World War. When his history teacher took the class on a field trip to France it promised to be an adventure, not the first of a series of glimpses of what lay in wait for the world. Soon Dominic would learn that a neighbour was involved in practices far older and darker than spiritualism, and stumble on a secret journal that hinted at the occult nature of the universe. How could he and his friends Roberta and Jim stop what was growing under a church in the midst of the results of the blitz? Dominic used to write tales of their exploits, but what they face now could reduce any adult to less than a child...
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Майкл Числетт 0.0
Sarob Press is pleased to present a bumper first hardcover collection of ghostly stories by Michael Chislett. These thirteen stories are mostly set in or around the author’s fictional London borough of Milford and the suburb of Mabbs End (possibly some of the most haunted of London locations). Although Mr Chislett’s very original voice shines brightly in every story, a few also subtly (or not so) reveal his influences ... especially Angela Carter, MR James & Arthur Machen. Some of the stories have previously appeared in the excellent Supernatural Tales magazine (edited by David Longhorn) and some in Rosemary Pardoe’s superb Ghosts & Scholars journal. “The Old Geezers” previously appeared in The Silent Companion (the fiction journal of “A Ghostly Company”). The novelette “The Changelings” and the story “Held in Common” are both original to this volume.
These are not your usual hauntings ... in the city of ghosts there are no rules. And not everything is as it might, at first, appear.
There is darkness ... and there is light ... and, often, it’s not easy to spot the difference!
Don’t Miss Out! Order Your Copy Now!
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Кэтрин Хайнс 0.0
Katherine Haynes has written over thirty original and memorable ghost stories which have appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines. Daydreams and Nightmares, her first published collection, contains seven new previously unpublished stories.
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Анна Таборска 0.0
What are you afraid of? What are you haunted by? What waits for you in the dark? Face your fears and embark on a journey to the dark side of the human condition. Defy the demons that prey on you and the cruel twists of fate that destroy what you hold most dear. A sadistic baker, a psychopathic physics professor, wolves, werewolves, cannibals, Nazis, devils, serial killers, ghosts and other monsters will haunt you long after you finish reading FOR THOSE WHO DREAM MONSTERS by Anna Taborska.
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Tim Powers 0.0

Тим Пауэрс не смог присутствовать на традиционном ужине в честь для рождения Брэма Стокера, который состоялся в лондонском отеле «Расселл» (Hotel Russell) 9 ноября 2013 года. По этой причине премия была вручена писателю во время Всемирного конвента фэнтези.

Winter, 1862. A malevolent spirit roams the cold and gloomy streets of Victorian London, the vampiric ghost of John Polidori, the onetime physician of the mad, bad and dangerous Romantic poet Lord Byron. Polidori is also the supernatural muse to his niece and nephew, poet Christina Rossetti and her artist brother Dante Gabriel.

But Polidori's taste for debauchery has grown excessive. He is determined to possess the life and soul of an innocent young girl, the daughter of a veterinarian and a reformed prostitute he once haunted. And he has resurrected Dante's dead wife, transforming her into a horrifying vampire. The Rossettis know the time has come – Polidori must be stopped. Joining forces with the girl's unlikely parents, they are plunged into a supernatural London underworld whose existence they never suspected.

These wildly mismatched allies – a strait-laced animal doctor, and ex-prostitute, a poet, a painter, and even the Artful Dodger-like young daughter – must ultimately choose between the banality and constraints of human life and the unholy immortality that Polidori offers. Sweeping from high society to grimy slums, elegant West End salons to pre-Roman catacombs beneath St. Paul's cathedral, Hide Me Among The Graves blends the historical and the supernatural in a dazzling, edge-of-your-seat thrill ride.
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Reggie Oliver 0.0
A TV reality show host helps to restore an East End music hall and uncovers the dreadful secret of Mrs Midnight and her Animal Comedians. . . . A historian travels to Switzerland to ghost the autobiography of an exiled Balkan king and encounters a sinister cult. . . . The Master of an Oxford college tries to introduce a dubious piece of modern sculpture into his college chapel with dire consequences. . . . A strange meeting takes place on a playing field between an officer on leave from the trenches and his former headmaster. . . .
The settings and characters in Reggie Oliver's fifth collection of 'strange' stories are as varied and unusual as ever, though, as in previous volumes, the theatre forms the milieu of a number of his tales. But the theatres are not just English ones, in the provinces and the West End: one is on the Black Sea; another in post-colonial Kenya. Themes are equally varied, but underlying all is a deep sense of the spiritual under-currents just below the surface of everyday existence, and the precariousness of 'normality'.

Reggie Oliver is an English playwright, biographer and writer of ghost stories. His work has appeared in a number of anthologies, including the Year's Best Fantasy and Horror and The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror.

Mrs Midnight and Other Stories contains: "Mrs Midnight", "Countess Otho", "Meeting with Mike", "The Dancer in the Dark", "Mr Pigsny", "The Brighton Redemption", "You Have Nothing to Fear", "The Philosophy of the Damned", "The Mortlake Manuscript", "The Look", "The Giacometti Crucifixion","A Piece of Elsewhere", "Minos or Rhadamanthus".
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Michelle Paver 4.1
January, 1937. Twenty-eight-year-old Jack is poor, lonely and desperate to change his life. So when he's offered the chance to be the wireless operator on an Arctic expedition, he jumps at it. Five men and eight huskies, cross the Barents Sea from Norway by the light of the midnight sun. At last they reach the remote, uninhabited bay where they will camp. Gruhuken. But the Arctic summer is brief. As night returns to claim the land, Jack feels a creeping unease. One by one, his companions are forced to leave. He has to decide, stay or go. Soon he will see the last of the sun, the point of no return - when the sea will freeze. And Gruhuken is not uninhabited. Something walks there in the dark
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Крис Пристли 4.6
A boy is put on a train by his stepmother to make his first journey on his own. But soon that journey turns out to be more of a challenge than anyone could have imagined as the train stalls at the mouth of a tunnel and a mysterious woman in white helps the boy while away the hours by telling him stories - stories with a difference.
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Brian J. Showers 0.0
The Bleeding Horse and Other Ghost Stories infests the author's Dublin neighbourhood with an authentic population of ghosts, ghouls and goblins. Brian J. Showers has filled each story with fascinating regional history, local atmosphere and architectural details that are clearly visible today. While this gives the stories a factual flavour, the supernatural twists and turns are entirely fictional. The result is a realistic yet deliciously spooky portrait of a neighbourhood that many in Dublin know well.
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Ф. Дж. Коттэм 3.6

Премия за 2007 год.

Желая помочь своей девушке написать дипломную работу, Пол Ситон начинает собирать материал о фотографе Пандоре Гибсон-Гор. В его руки попадает дневник этой таинственной женщины, в котором она рассказывает об экстравагантном и сказочно богатом магнате Фишере и его гостях, проводивших сеансы черной магии и совершавших ритуальные жертвоприношения. Ситон посещает зловещий дом Фишера, надеясь найти там спрятанные Пандорой фотографии, и едва остается в живых. Он теряет все: любовь, работу, близких — и оказывается вовлеченным в цепь странных и страшных событий. Призраки дома Фишера не отпускают его. Пытаясь разобраться с разрушившими его жизнь зловещими силами, Пол Ситон еще глубже погружается в мистические события полувековой давности...
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John Llewellyn Probert 0.0
Take a Diploma in Fear.. Four secretaries working a late shift in a deserted office block.. A young man who sees the ghost of his dead father in wet glass.. The British underworld boss who will do anything to restore his tortured wife's good looks. The old cottage in the Wye Valley whose walls are soaked with blood. An art gallery where patrons become part of the paintings.. A shop where you can buy anything your heart desires, but at a terrible price.. When music graduate Paul Dearden accepts an invitation to dinner at his old university the last thing he expects is an evening of the macabre. Over the finest food and drink he learns that the institution has a history steeped in blood. Paul cannot believe that the tales he is told by his dining companions are true, even though none of them are as cruel or as terrifying as the story he needs to tell. In the tradition of classic British anthology horror films like 'The House that Dripped Blood', 'Asylum' and 'From Beyond the Grave', John Llewellyn Probert's 'The Faculty of Terror' offers six tales of terror linked by a framework story, the climax of which will earn all who survive it a first class degree in spine tingling horror!
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Крис Вудинг 4.0
"Отрава" - сказка о сказочниках. Юная девушка, в пику мачехе взявшая имя Отрава, отправляется на поиски своей сестры, похищенной эльфами. Пройдя через множество опасностей и повидав немало чудес, она узнает самую сокровенную тайну всех миров…
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Roger Johnson 0.0
15 ghostly and supernatural tales, mostly set in east Anglia and narrated by the regulars and visitors to The Endeavour.

Mr Johnson’s stories have appeared previously in the annual Year’s Best Horror anthologies, in Rosemary Pardoe’s Haunted Library publications, and elsewhere. This volume is a must for all admirers of Jamesian and traditional ghostly /supernatural fiction.
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Elizabeth Miller 0.0

Элизабет Миллер не смогла присутствовать на ужине по случаю дня рождения Брэма Стокера, который состоялся 10 ноября 2001 года в лондонском ресторане «Stargazer», поэтому награда была вручена ей на полгода позднее.

Was Vlad the Impaler the inspiration for Bram Stoker's novel Dracula? No! Did Stoker write about Transylvania from first-hand experience? No! Has the model for Count Dracula's castle been found? No! Must Count Dracula stay out of the sunlight? Absolutely not!
Literary sleuth Elizabeth Miller exposes these and numerous other popular misconceptions, distortions, and fabrications that have plagued our understanding of Stoker and his famous novel. Where is this nonsense coming from? This book will tell you.
Брайан Стэблфорд
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Брайан Стэблфорд / Brian Stableford
15 книг
6 в избранном

Брайан Стэблфорд получил премию за перевод с французского языка романа Поля Феваля "La Ville Vampire".

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Freda Warrington 0.0
In this sequel to Bram Stoker's "Dracula" the vampire reanimates himself and pursues the Harker family to London, where he continues to torment them. Is there no escape from his horrors?
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Terry Lamsley 0.0
Conference With the Dead contains ten stories, six of them published here for the first time; all of them set in and around Terry's Derbyshire home town. In Terry Lamsley's fiction, our world, and the world of something else, exist side by side, with only the thinnest of lines dividing them. It is a line that is all-too easily, and often inadvertently, crossed, as his characters frequently discover. 'Why do I have this compulsion to fill an innocent, harmless little town like Buxton with all kinds of horrors?' says Terry. 'Better not to ask, I guess.' In his Introduction to this volume Ramsey Campbell writes: 'While Under the Crust was a remarkable debut . . . Conference With the Dead is finer still. . . . This is a major book by one of the major living talents in the field.
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Энн Халам 0.0
A dreadful secret hangs over the deserted house on Roman Road. What is it that keeps drawing Andrei to it? Why does his mother have such a fear of it? And what is the unknown presence that seems to be stalking the family at night? Constantly on the run from a father he has never known, Andrei dreams of being an ordinary boybut Andrei is living a nightmare.
A compelling story of vampires,magicians,creatures of darkness and the supernatural.
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Стивен Лауз 0.0
Gideon is no ordinary man - he possesses a hypnotic hold over Bernice, Yvonne and Jacqueline from which there is just one line of escape. But not everything goes to plan and Gideon returns in renewed force, determined to avenge himself.
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Ким Ньюман 3.6
1888 год. Королева Виктория сочеталась законным браком с Владом Цепешем, валашским князем, больше известным, как граф Дракула…
Да, Дракула Кима Ньюмана не стал волочится за женой какого-то стряпчего, провоцировать Ван Хельсинга и его команду бесстрашных бойцов, ставя под угрозу веками лелеемый план по основанию новой расы существ, чья дорога проляжет через Смерть, а не через Жизнь. Он счел, что свои замыслы легче воплотить, находясь на вершине власти могущественнейшей из империй.
Вампиры вышли из подполья в прямом и переносном смысле. И галерея знакомых персонажей британской истории и литературы обогатилась портретами весьма необычных личностей. Знакомьтесь: вампирша Женевьева Дьедонне и Чарльз Борегар из клуба «Диоген». Удастся ли им раскрыть тайну Джека Потрошителя?
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Роберт Уэстолл 0.0
"I dreamt I was standing in the dark, looking up at the south-west tower ... And our Kev was up there on top, in the dark, and screaming as if some wild beast was eating him."

When steeplejack Joe Clarke is hired to repair the stonework at Muncaster Cathedral, he is unprepared for the horror he will encounter. Something unspeakably evil in the medieval tower is seeking victims among the young neighborhood boys ... and Joe's son may be next! An unsettling story with a horrifying conclusion, this eerie tale will chill young and old readers alike.
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Ramsey Campbell 0.0
Ramsey Campbell, acclaimed as one of the world's great novelists of horror and the occult, achieves new heights in his masterly Ancient Images.
"Britain's answer to Stephen King and then some," says the Dallas Morning News of this extraordinary writer, whose powerful, disturbing novels illuminate everyday reality in frightening and unforgettable ways.
In Ancient Images, Campbell focuses his nightmarish vision on a long-forgotten 1930ness Boris Karloff/Bela Lugosi film, Tower of Fear. For reasons blurred by history, powerful forces suppressed the film and destroyed the prints. Nobody now living had seen the finished film until film researcher Graham Nolan's two-year search unearthed the sole surviving print.
Graham invites colleague Sandy Allan, a film editor at London's Metropolitan Television, to view Tower of Fear, but before the screening, the film disappears and the cycle of death begins.
This is a novel rich in images-of the land, of the bread of life, of blood. We watch in terror as Sandy gradually uncovers the shocking truth of the psychic violence that a family inflicts on itself and others. And we are drawn ever forward with Sandy as she perceives the inexorable power of a thirsty earth, a thirst that must be quenched. Rejecting her last chance to retreat, Sandy must overcome a terrible evil if she is to survive to tell her story.
Disturbing, menacing, Ancient Images is a finely crafted, superbly literate work that places Ramsey Campbell in a class by himself. His insights into the occult are deeply felt and make a lasting impression with a seer's vision into the secrets of the unknown, Ancient Images is the best yet from one of the most gifted authors of our time.
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