
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Amy Sackville 0.0
At the turn of the twentieth century, Arctic explorer Edward Mackley sets out to reach the North Pole and vanishes into the icy landscape without a trace. He leaves behind a young wife, Emily, who awaits his return for decades, her dreams and devotion gradually freezing into rigid widowhood. A hundred years later, on a sweltering mid-summer's day, Edward's great-grand-niece Julia moves through the old family house, attempting to impose some order on the clutter of inherited belongings and memories from that ill-fated expedition, and taking care to ignore the deepening cracks within her own marriage. But as afternoon turns into evening, Julia makes a discovery that splinters her long-held image of Edward and Emily's romance, and her husband Simon faces a precipitous choice that will decide the future of their relationship. Sharply observed and deeply engaging, The Still Point is a powerful literary debut, and a moving meditation on the distances - geographical and emotional - that can exist between two people
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Эви Уайлд 3.5
Frank and Leon are two men from different times, discovering that sometimes all you learn from your parents' mistakes is how to make different ones of your own. Frank is trying to escape his troubled past by running away to his family's beach shack. As he struggles to make friends with his neighbors and their precocious young daughter, Sal, he discovers the community has fresh wounds of its own. A girl is missing, and when Sal too disappears, suspicion falls on Frank. Decades earlier, Leon tries to hold together his family's cake shop as their suburban life crumbles in the aftermath of the Korean War. When war breaks out again, Leon must go from sculpting sugar figurines to killing young men as a conscript in the Vietnam War.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Генри Хитчингс 0.0
Words are essential to our everyday lives. An average person spends his or her day enveloped in conversations, e-mails, phone calls, text messages, directions, headlines, and more. But how often do we stop to think about the origins of the words we use? Have you ever thought about which words in English have been borrowed from Arabic, Dutch, or Portuguese? Try admiral, landscape, and marmalade, just for starters.

The Secret Life of Words is a wide-ranging account not only of the history of English language and vocabulary, but also of how words witness history, reflect social change, and remind us of our past. Henry Hitchings delves into the insatiable, ever-changing English language and reveals how and why it has absorbed words from more than 350 other languages—many originating from the most unlikely of places, such as shampoo from Hindi and kioskfrom Turkish. From the Norman Conquest to the present day, Hitchings narrates the story of English as a living archive of our human experience. He uncovers the secrets behind everyday words and explores the surprising origins of our most commonplace expressions.

The Secret Life of Words is a rich, lively celebration of the language and vocabulary that we too often take for granted.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Сара Холл 0.0
In her stunning novel, Hall imagines a new dystopia set in the not-too-distant future.

England is in a state of environmental crisis and economic collapse. There has been a census, and all citizens have been herded into urban centers. Reproduction has become a lottery, with contraceptive coils fitted to every female of childbearing age. A girl who will become known only as "Sister" escapes the confines of her repressive marriage to find an isolated group of women living as "un-officials" in Carhullan, a remote northern farm, where she must find out whether she has it in herself to become a rebel fighter. Provocative and timely, Daughters of the North poses questions about the lengths women will go to resist their oppressors, and under what circumstances might an ordinary person become a terrorist.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Uzodinma Iweala 4.2
As civil war rages in an unnamed West-African nation, Agu, the school-aged protagonist of this stunning debut novel, is recruited into a unit of guerilla fighters. Haunted by his father’s own death at the hands of militants, which he fled just before witnessing, Agu is vulnerable to the dangerous yet paternal nature of his new commander.
While the war rages on, Agu becomes increasingly divorced from the life he had known before the conflict started—a life of school friends, church services, and time with his family, still intact. As he vividly recalls these sunnier times, his daily reality continues to spin further downward into inexplicable brutality, primal fear, and loss of selfhood. In a powerful, strikingly original voice, Uzodinma Iweala leads the reader through the random travels, betrayals, and violence that mark Agu’s new community. Electrifying and engrossing, Beasts of No Nation announces the arrival of an extraordinary new writer.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Джонатан Тригелл 4.2
Этот печальный, во многом глубоко прочувствованный роман прекрасно улавливает различные состояния героя. Он провел большую часть своей молодой жизни в исправительных колониях за совершенное убийство. В душе героя постоянно происходит некий судебный процесс: мог ли он действительно совершить то, что он совершил? Может ли он начать все с начала, забыть свое прошлое и стать кем-нибудь еще?
Выйдя на свободу, он рассчитывает начать новую жизнь, меняет имя, и окружающие его люди до поры до времени не подозревают ничего необычного, пока не узнают, что он попытался скрыть от них свое прошлое.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Шарлотта Мендельсон 0.0
In a shabby, book-choked house in North Oxford live the Lux family. Victor, a dedicated professor, is desperate to be elected to give the prestigious annual Spenser lecture. Jean, his unassuming wife, is tentatively experimenting with the boundaries of her marital freedom. Eve, an over-achiever like her father, is suffering from a dangerous teenage angst - straining to achieve top marks in her exams and yet always in the shadow of her younger sister, Pheobe, who is perfect, it seems. Into this climate of repression and bitterness there comes an unworldly don, Victor's bete-noir, who shows interest in the vulnerable Eve. Meanwhile, Jean's best friend, Helen, has something she is yearning to tell: a confession that may alter everyone's constrainingly absurd life for ever. Daughters of Jerusalem is a captivating tale of hidden love and secret hatred, of the desire to belong and the need for escape, and of the fine line between wanting to be discovered and fearing the consequences when the delicious unknown becomes brutally exposed...
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Мэри Лавен 0.0
Venice in the late Renaissance was a city of fabulous wealth, reckless creativity, and growing social unrest. It was also a city of walls and secrets, ghettos and cloisters. In this captivating book, Cambridge historian Mary Laven uncovers the long-hidden stories of the “Virgins of Venice” and the surprising lives they led. Laven has created a detailed and dramatic tapestry of resourceful, determined, often passionate women who managed to lead fulfilling lives despite their virtual imprisonment. Far from being precincts of piety and silence, the convents were hotbeds of political scheming, colorful pageantry, and illicit love. Rich in intrigue and gossip, eye-opening in its revelations, Virgins of Venice brings to life a culturally vibrant period in Venice and the hidden residents who dwelled behind its walls.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Сюзанна Джонс 3.3
Люси Флай — изгой. Она сбежала из Англии и смогла обрести покой только в далеком и чуждом Токио. Загадочный японский фотограф подарил ей счастье. Но и оно было отнято тупой размалеванной соотечественницей-англичанкой. Мучительная ревность, полное отчаяние, безумие... А потом соперницу находят убитой и расчлененной. Неужели это сделала Люси? Возможно. Она не знает точно. Не знает даже, был ли на самом деле повод для ревности. Ничего не понимает и полиция. Известно лишь, что в жизни Флай было столько случайных смертей, что ее впору считать непреднамеренным серийным убийцей…

Вместе с героиней вы будете прорываться к истине сквозь толщу ее сознания, замутненного комплексами, страхами и саморазрушением.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Эдвард Платт 0.0
"One afternoon in January 1995, as I drove along Western Avenue, I did what I had never done before: I parked the car in a side-street and walked on to the road..."

In "Leadville," Edward Platt tells the story of Western Avenue from the optimism of its construction in the 1920s to its partial demolition seventy years later. It is a tale of the city and the traffic, of suburbia and the dreams of its inhabitants, and of our senseless and all-consuming love affair with the motor car.

'Platt has created a drama that is not only Orwellian in its attention to what you might call the state of the nation . . . but almost Dickensian in the recording of the colour and pathos of its inhabitants' Tim Lott, "The Times"

'endlessly entertaining - an original talent and an excellent book.'
Norman Lewis

'A reporter of fearless imagination.' Simon Jenkins, The Times.

Leadville won a Somerset Maugham Award and the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, and was shortlisted for the Duff Cooper Prize and the James Stern Silver Pen Award for Non Fiction.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Дэвид Митчелл 4.1
"Литературный призрак" — дебютный роман Дэвида Митчелла. Именно эта книга, написанная с полифоничностью, которая позже станет неотъемлемым свойством его прозы, прославила Митчелла. На страницах романа переплелись жизненные пути молодого сектанта, по указке Его Провидчества устроившего зариновую атаку в токийском метро, и начинающего саксофониста, который подрабатывает в магазинчике коллекционного винила, банковского менеджера из Лондона, отмывающего в Гонконге деньги русской мафии, и ветерана английской разведки, решившего опубликовать свои воспоминания, его "литературного негра" (и одновременно — лидера панк-группы) и витающего над монгольскими степями бесплотного призрака, женщины-физика с ирландского островка, за которой охотится Пентагон, похитителей эрмитажных картин, нью-йоркского диджея и многих-многих других...
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Peter Ho Davies 0.0
Born in Britain to Welsh and Chinese parents, Peter Ho Davies writes stories that not only reflect his multinational heritage but delight in their own odd juxtapositions. Moving fluidly from the present to the past, from Coventry to Kuala Lumpur, from moral seriousness to broad comedy, these varied tales are united by an elegant intelligence, a sly sense of humor, and a deeply humanistic feeling for the mystery and grace of inner lives. In the heartbreaking title story, a rural community in North Wales copes with a child's death and learns the reach of guilt. "The Silver Screen" follows the fortunes of a group of ragtag rebels in Malaya whose hapless effort to join a communist uprising plays like an outtake from the Keystone Kops. In the collection's central novella, "A Union," a slate miner laid off during a prolonged strike struggles with the complex strains on his marriage. Consequential events touch all these affecting characters in ways both surprising and profound.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Phil Whitaker 0.0
Rajesh Despande is a teacher of science and an exponent of rational thinking in a small Indian town. He is determined to prove that the forthcoming eclipse of the Sun is not a mystical religious miracle, but a scientific fact.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Мелани Макграт 0.0
A book about the New Age movement and its American heartland. It concerns the author's travels around the south-western United States of Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and her encounters with some of that region's most unusual communities and individuals.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Джонатан Коу 4.1
Джонатан Коу давно уже входит в число самых интересных авторов современной Британии. Он мастерски делает то, что мало кому удается, — с любовью высаживает идеи и чувства в почву удивительно плодородного сюжета. Майклу, очень одинокому и не очень удачливому писателю, предлагают написать хронику одного из самых респектабельных семейств Британии, члены которого сплошь столпы общества. Майкл соглашается, заинтригованный не столько внушительным вознаграждением, сколько самим семейством Уиншоу, которое запустило свои щупальца буквально во все сферы. Попутно Майкл пытается выяснить, что же заставило безумную Табиту Уиншоу обратиться к нему и вытащить на свет божий всю правду об ее алчной родне. Финал оказывается столь неожиданным и закономерным, столь кровавым и смешным, что не знаешь, восхищаться, смеяться или ужасаться. Историческое полотно оборачивается у Коу детективной игрой, в которой каждая деталь и каждая реплика обязательно аукнутся в финале.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Джейсон Гудвин 0.0
On Foot to the Golden Horn recounts Jason Goodwin’s breathtaking journey with two companions through Eastern Europe from the dikes and marshes of Poland’s Baltic coast across to the Golden Horn in Istanbul. Along the way, they sleep in haystacks, drink with Gypsies, and play with Ceaucescu’s orphans, meeting with blatant hostility and overwhelming hospitality as an older Europe tries to settle with itself, and a new one struggles to be born. It is the story of three friends’ walk through some of the world’s most beautiful and tragic places, and of their encounters with a varied and vivid cast of characters.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Мэттью Нил 0.0
An engineer's obsessive quest to find the cause of a cholera epidemic takes him on a journey from the glittering cafes of Haymarket to the crime-infested slums of London. What he finds there, amid the poverty and death, shatters his ideals and strikes at everything he holds dear.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Э. Л. Кеннеди 0.0
The heroes and heroines of Night Geometry and the Garscadden Trains, A. L. Kennedy's first collection of stories, are small people - the kind who inhabit the silence in libraries, who never appear on screen and who never make the headlines. Often alone and sometimes lonely, her characters ponder the mysteries of sex and death-and the ability of public transport to affect our lives.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Рэй Монк 4.6
"Great philosophical biographies can be counted on one hand. Monk's life of Wittgenstein is such a one."--"The Christian Science Monitor."
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Клэр Харман 0.0
The poet Sylvia Townsend Warner rose to sudden fame with the publication of her classic feminist novel Lolly Willowes in 1926, but never became a conventional member of London literary life, pursuing instead a long writing career in her own individualistic manner. Cheerfully defying social norms of the day, Warner lived in an openly homosexual relationship with the poet Valentine Ackland for almost forty years. Together, they were committed members of the Communist party and travelled twice to Spain during the Civil War, but Warner paid for her outspokenness with years of neglect, and channelled much of her emotional and intellectual energy into letters, poems and heart-breaking diaries that remained unpublished during her lifetime. In this enthralling and enlightening biography, Claire Harman tells the story of Warner's remarkable life and restores her to her rightful place as one of Britain's most unique and brilliant writers
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Дженет Уинтерсон 4.0
"Страсть: страданье, муки, маета, мученье, телесная боль, душевная скорбь, тоска; подвиг, сознательно принятые на себя тяготы, мученичество". Так нам говорит словарь Даля. Но роман Дженет Уинтерсон - бесспорной звезды британской литературы конца XX века - не только об этом. Страстны влечения пола, азартная игра, война, любовь к матери и своей стране.

Один из маленьких шедевров современной европейской литературы, роман "Страсть" - впервые на русском языке.
Премия Джона Ллевеллина Риса
Тим Паркс 0.0
In this deliciously seductive account of an Italian neighborhood with a statue of the Virgin at one end of the street, a derelict bottle factory at the other, and a wealth of exotic flora and fauna in between, acclaimed novelist Tim Parks celebrates ten years of living with his wife, Rita, in Verona, Italy. Via Colombre, the main street in a village just outside Verona, offers an exemplary hodgepodge of all that is new and old in the bel paese, a point of collision between invading suburbia and diehard peasant tradition in a sometimes madcap, sometimes romantic always mixed-up world of creeping vines, stuccoed walls, shotguns, security cameras, hypochondria, and expensive sports cars.

Tim Parks is anything but a gentleman in Verona. With an Italian wife, an Italian made family, and a whole Italian condominium bubbling around him, he collects a gallery full of splendid characters who initiate us into all the foibles and delights of life in provincial Italy.

More than a travel book, Italian Neighbors is a sparkling, witty, beautifully observed tale of how the most curious people and places gradually assume the familiarity of home. Italian Neighbors is a rare work that manages to be both a portrait and an invitation for everyone who has ever dreamed about Italy.
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