
Премия Ниро
David Baldacci 4.0
The #1 New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci introduces an unforgettable new character: Archer, a straight-talking former World War II soldier fresh out of prison for a crime he didn't commit.

It's 1949. When war veteran Aloysius Archer is released from Carderock Prison, he is sent to Poca City on parole with a short list of do's and a much longer list of don'ts: do report regularly to his parole officer, don't go to bars, certainly don't drink alcohol, do get a job--and don't ever associate with loose women.

The small town quickly proves more complicated and dangerous than Archer's years serving in the war or his time in jail. Within a single night, his search for gainful employment--and a stiff drink--leads him to a local bar, where he is hired for what seems like a simple job: to collect a debt owed to a powerful local businessman, Hank Pittleman.

Soon Archer discovers that recovering the debt won't be so easy. The indebted man has a furious grudge against Hank and refuses to pay; Hank's clever mistress has her own designs on Archer; and both Hank and Archer's stern parole officer, Miss Crabtree, are keeping a sharp eye on him.

When a murder takes place right under Archer's nose, police suspicions rise against the ex-convict, and Archer realizes that the crime could send him right back to prison . . . if he doesn't use every skill in his arsenal to track down the real killer.
Премия Ниро
Уолтер Мосли 3.9
Joe King Oliver was one of the NYPD's finest investigators, until, dispatched to arrest a well-heeled car thief, he is framed for assault by his enemies within the NYPD, a charge which lands him in solitary at Rikers Island.

A decade later, King is a private detective, running his agency with the help of his teenage daughter, Aja-Denise. Broken by the brutality he suffered and committed in equal measure while behind bars, his work and his daughter are the only light in his solitary life. When he receives a card in the mail from the woman who admits she was paid to frame him those years ago, King realizes that he has no choice but to take his own case: figuring out who on the force wanted him disposed of--and why.

Running in parallel with King's own quest for justice is the case of a Black radical journalist accused of killing two on-duty police officers who had been abusing their badges to traffic in drugs and women within the city's poorest neighborhoods.
Премия Ниро
Стивен Мак Джонс 0.0
Tough, smart, and struggling to stay afloat, August Snow is the embodiment of Detroit. The son of an African American father and a Mexican mother, August grew up in Detroit's Mexicantown and joined the Detroit police only to be drummed out of the force by a conspiracy of corrupt cops and politicians. But August fought back; he took on the city and got himself a $12 million wrongful dismissal settlement that left him low on friends. He has just returned to the house he grew up in after a year away and quickly learns he has many scores to settle.

It's not long before he's summoned to the palatial Grosse Pointe Estates home of business magnate Eleanore Paget. Powerful and manipulative, Paget wants August to investigate the increasingly unusual happenings at her private wealth management bank. But detective work is no longer August's beat, and he declines. A day later, Paget is dead of an apparent suicide which August isn't buying for a minute.

What begins as an inquiry into Eleanore Paget's death soon drags August into a rat's nest of Detroit's most dangerous criminals, from corporate embezzlers to tattooed mercenaries. From the wealthy suburbs to the near-post-apocalyptic remains of the bankrupt city's factory districts, August Snow is a fast-paced tale of murder, greed, sex, economic cyber-terrorism, race and urban decay in modern Detroit.
Премия Ниро
Аль Ламанда 0.0
Wally Sample is a degenerate gambler who owes money to every major casino and loan sharks everywhere. He is also the youngest heir to the Sample Iced Tea Corporation and upon his fortieth birthday, if he can prove to the courts that he is cured of his gambling addiction, will take his place as the sixth controlling member of the iced-tea giant.
Problem is, a month short of turning forty, Wally s gambling habit is worse than ever. In desperation, he turns to Frank Kagan, the family attorney who decades ago prepared the will for Wally s deceased father and founder of Sample Iced Tea.

Kagan calls on his old friend John Bekker for help, asking Bekker to babysit Wally and prevent him from gambling for thirty days in order to meet the court s requirements. The assignment proves tougher than anyone imagined, but Bekker is determined to clean Wally up at all costs even if it means facing down a killer.

Racing the clock until Wally s court appearance, Bekker finds himself in the middle of corporate greed and scandal and a deadly murder investigation, while trying to stay one step ahead of a crazed would-be killer who will definitely try again. And everything rests upon the very narrow shoulders of Wally Sample, who wants nothing more out of life than to find a winning scratch ticket and beat the odds.
Премия Ниро
Дэвид С. Тейлор 0.0
New York City in 1954. The Cold War is heating up. Senator Joe McCarthy is running a witch hunt for Communists in America. The newly formed CIA is fighting a turf battle with the FBI to see who will be the primary US intelligence agency. And the bodies of murdered young men are turning up in the city. Michael Cassidy has an unusual background for a New York cop. His father, a refugee from Eastern Europe, is a successful Broadway producer. His godfather is Frank Costello, a Mafia boss. Cassidy also has an unusual way of going about the business of being a cop-maybe that's why he threw a fellow officer out a third story window of the Cortland Hotel. Cassidy is assigned to the case of Alexander Ingram, a Broadway chorus dancer found tortured and dead in his apartment in Hell's Kitchen. Complications grow as other young men are murdered one after the other. And why are the FBI, the CIA, and the Mafia interested in the death of a Broadway gypsy? Meanwhile, a mysterious, beautiful woman moves into Cassidy's building in Greenwich Village. Is Dylan McCue a lover or an enemy? Cassidy is plagued by nightmares-dreams that sometimes become reality. And he has been dreaming that someone is coming to kill him.
Премия Ниро
Джон Вердон 3.9
Кэй Спалтер убила своего мужа, богатого брокера по недвижимости, незадолго до того объявившего, что баллотируется в губернаторы как независимый кандидат. Она хладнокровно застрелила его на кладбище, прямо над могилой матери. Сомнений в этом не было ни у кого. Ни у судьи, ни у прокурора, ни, похоже, даже у её адвокатов. Улики, показания свидетелей – все было против неё. Но тут Хардвику, недавно уволенному из полиции, попадаются доказательства того, что полицейский, который вел это дело, нечист на руку и, судя по всему, подставил бедную Кэй. С этой информацией он едет к Дэйву Гурни, в прошлом талантливому сыщику и специалисту по самым запутанным делам. Гурни соглашается помочь, даже не представляя себе, в какое опасное дело ввязывается.
Премия Ниро
Дэвид Моррелл 4.2
В 1811 году Лондон был потрясен убийствами на Рэтклифф-хайвей, где в течение недели подверглись зверской расправе две семьи. Почти полвека спустя в город возвращается Томас Де Квинси, ярко описавший эту трагедию в своем эссе «Убийство как одно из изящных искусств».
Через несколько дней после его прибытия еще одну семью постигает такая же ужасная смерть. Складывается впечатление, что кто-то вдохновился книгой и пользуется ею в качестве руководства к действию. Подозрение падает на самого Де Квинси. С помощью своей дочери Эмили и двух детективов Скотленд-Ярда он должен узнать правду, прежде чем прольется еще больше крови, и остановить убийцу, жестокостью соперничающего с самим Джеком Потрошителем.
Премия Ниро
Крис Кнопф 0.0
Imagine this: You have a nice life. You love your beautiful, successful wife. You're an easygoing guy working out of your comfortable Connecticut home. The world is an interesting, pleasant place. Then in seconds it's all gone. You're still alive, but the world thinks you're dead. And now you have to decide. Make it official, or go after the evil that took it all away from you. Arthur Cathcart, market researcher and occasional finder of missing persons, decides to live on a fight, by doing what he knows best - figuring things out, without revealing his status as a living breathing human being. Much easier said than done in a post- 9/11 world, where everything about yourself and all the tools you need to live a modern life are an open book. How do you become a different person, how do you finance an elaborate scheme without revealing yourself? How do you force a reckoning with the worst people on earth, as a dead man?
Премия Ниро
Дана Стабенов 0.0
The residents of Alaska’s largest national park are stunned by the death of one of their oldest members, eighty-seven-year-old Sam Dementieff…even investigator Kate Shugak. Sam, a lifelong resident, was dubbed the “father” of all of the Park rats—even though he had no children of his own. Kate, his niece, is surprised to discover that in his will he’s left her everything, including a letter instructing her simply to, “find my father.” In the three days after Kate begins her search through Sam’s background, she gets threatened—and worse. Kate struggles to fulfill Sam’s last wish without losing her own life to the people who are following her every move. Long-lost family secrets and fatal consequences are interwoven with the epic history of an unforgiving land.
Премия Ниро
Луиза Пенни 4.3
Зима сковала Квебек морозом, укутала его в искрящийся снег, а старший инспектор Арман Гамаш берется за, пожалуй, самое необычное дело за всю свою блестящую карьеру – жестокое убийство, совершенное в одном из старейших зданий Квебека, библиотеке, хранящей историю англоязычной части городского населения. Это преступление открывает дверь в прошлое, где веками покоилась тайна… Гамашу предстоит сперва разгадать древнюю загадку, если он хочет найти библиотечного убийцу.
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