Издания и произведения

  • Wish You Were Here Джоди Пиколт
    ISBN: 9781473692503
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
    Diana O'Toole's life is going perfectly to plan. At twenty-nine, she's up for promotion to her dream job as an art specialist at Sotheby's and she's about to fly to the Galapagos where she's convinced her surgeon boyfriend, Finn, is going to propose.
    But then the virus hits New York City and Finn breaks the news: the hospital needs him, he has to stay. But you should still go, he insists. And reluctantly, she agrees. Once she's in the Galapagos, the world shuts down around her, leaving Diana stranded - albeit in paradise. Completely isolated, with only intermittent news from the outside world, Diana finds herself examining everything that has brought her to this point and wondering if there's a better way to live.

    But not everything is as it seems . . .
  • Если бы ты был здесь Джоди Пиколт
    ISBN: 978-5-389-21483-5
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Будущее Дианы О’Тул распланировано на годы вперед: успешная карьера, двое детей, огромный загородный дом… И хотя все идет по плану, девушку не покидает ощущение, что она топчется на месте. У нее есть хорошая работа, но пока нет карьерного роста. Есть любимый человек, но пока нет семьи. И все же Диана надеется получить предложение руки и сердца во время романтической поездки на Галапагосские острова. Однако жизнь вносит свои коррективы. Начинается эпидемия ковида, и Финн, бойфренд Дианы, который работает врачом, остается в Нью-Йорке. Девушке приходится ехать одной. Но как только она оказывается на Галапагосах, там объявляют карантин.…

  • Wish You Were Here Джоди Пиколт
    ISBN: 9781473692534
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton

    Diana O’Toole’s life is going perfectly to plan. At twenty-nine, she’s up for promotion to her dream job as an art specialist at Sotheby’s and she’s about to fly to the Galapagos where she’s convinced her surgeon boyfriend, Finn, is going to propose. But then the virus hits New York City and Finn breaks the news: the hospital needs him, he has to stay. But you should still go, he insists. And reluctantly, she agrees. Once she’s in the Galapagos, the world shuts down around her, leaving Diana stranded – albeit in paradise. Completely isolated, with only intermittent news from the outside world, Diana finds herself examining everything that…

  • Wish You Were Here Джоди Пиколт
    ISBN: 9781473692510
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Английский

    'A powerfully evociative story of the resilience and triumph of the human spirit' Taylor Jenkins Reid Diana O'Toole's life is going perfectly to plan. At twenty-nine, she's up for promotion to her dream job as an art specialist at Sotheby's and she's about to fly to the Galapagos where she's convinced her surgeon boyfriend, Finn, is going to propose. But then the virus hits New York City and Finn breaks the news: the hospital needs him, he has to stay. But you should still

  • Wish You Were Here Jodi Picoult
    ISBN: 978-1984818416, 1984818414
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский

    Diana O’Toole is perfectly on track. She will be married by thirty, done having kids by thirty-five, and move out to the New York City suburbs, all while climbing the professional ladder in the cutthroat art auction world. She’s an associate specialist at Sotheby’s now, but her boss has hinted at a promotion if she can close a deal with a high-profile client. She’s not engaged just yet, but she knows her boyfriend, Finn, a surgical resident, is about to propose on their romantic getaway to the Galápagos—days before her thirtieth birthday. Right on time. But then a virus that felt worlds away has appeared in the city, and on the eve of…

  • Произведения

  • Wish You Were Here Джоди Пиколт
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wish You Were Here
    Язык: Английский
  • Если бы ты был здесь Джоди Пиколт
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wish You Were Here
    Перевод: И. Лебедева
    Язык: Русский