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19 апреля 2021 г. 00:11


5 Pragmatic and effective way to manage your carrier

Concise and great, but neither romantic or magical principles to find your true passion and make money.

Main traits of great job: control (autonomy), impact (recognition) and creativity.

1. There’s no predefined passion to be discovered. Passion hypothesis is bullshit.

2. Be so good they can’t ignore you.
Build your carrier capital by improving in valuable skills.

Focus on what you offer to the world (carrier capital theory) instead of what world can offer you (passion theory).

3. Differentiate between winner takes all markets and auction markets for your skills.
This defines the actual traits and skills to focus on.

4. Take craftsman mindset — deliberate practice to become best in what you do.

Stretch past comfort zone, 10000h theory etc.

5. Trade your carrier capital for control. Money is good measure to make choices.

6. Have mission after you’re on the edge of your field (in adjacent possible area), not before you have carrier capital.

7. Start with little bets/wins to come from vague ideas to something big. Not from big ideal picture.