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6 июня 2022 г. 12:30


5 “a passing one”

Riordan, as usual, started his book with a very good phrase. this man always knows how to start and finish books, and same works with every single chapter. it immediately creates an appropriate understanding of what you are reading. 

during the second book, a lot of new faces appeared. while new characters were introduced, the original ones kept developing. it was very interesting to follow, even though not all the new heroes got my sympathy. 

what i quite didn’t like here, but i totally understand why it is how it is, is Percy being kinda ‘bullied’ from all around. 

from a “Percy’s fan point of view” - it’s not fair; “from a thinking reader pov” - very smart and clear authors choice. 

**it helps us to know him better, as long as it does help Percy to become a better “hero” and more reasons to develop his own skills. 

what i loved with my whole soul in this book, is that Percy+Anabeth relationship is starting to give us more “food”. he finally accepted he’s jealousy of her in some situations, she finally gave him a cheek kiss, and it’s all about flirting and blushing all the time when they’re next to each other 

i can talk and talk and talk, this series really does something to me. 

but eventually, i felt this book being more like a “passing one”. characters went through a lot, but were more focusing on developing their knowledge and abilities. 

the second half of the book, in my opinion, was better then the first half. 

despite the cliché given by me (“passing one”), second part of the story is still adventurous, exciting and breathe-taking!

i do have high hopes for the next book, so can’t wait no longer, starting to read it right now