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20 ноября 2022 г. 16:51


3 “Right now people have to choose between the United States and the bad guys.”

The long and self-acquitting song of the 43rd president of the United States. To touch the hearts of a typical reader, the guy even admits his strong drinks addiction. “The booze was leading me to put myself ahead of others, especially my family” – so he writes, probably expecting to put some Texans housewives on verge of crying. With the same ease Mr. President dwells on his quite average merits in a mediocre university study. To get to the upper circle he had to use his dad’s head as a footstep. And that step brought him to an oil service company. George W. Bush felt himself quite happy when dealt either with sports or military actions. He never even tried to hone his diplomatic skills and always played a role of an average redneck. The poor guy had no alternative: he was doomed to become another president and probably he does not prevaricate at all when saying, that one of his most memorable courses was History of the Soviet Union! Jesus, the guy hardly knew the day-to-day life of the Texans, but still allegedly was interested in the life of commies… By the way, his brainwash was done by an East German lecturer. It brings another question: how can one trust to the stories of somebody who was groomed to be a communist official, but defected to the West? Obviously, due to the Bush’s mental underdevelopment, the novelistic stories about the show trials, mass arrests, and widespread deprivations belched out by the German prophet quite mesmerized young George and covered his brains with a propaganda gossamer. In addition to that George took a course called The History and Practice of American Oratory – a sort of a parrot course, when one just keeps repeating other people’s idioms until you completely lose an ability to mouth your own thoughts. And as an icing on the cake we can mention, that George read famous American speeches, from the fiery sermons of colonial preacher Jonathan Edwards to President Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” address after Pearl Harbor. To suppress or to impress the readers George W. Bush, underlines himself, that he was nothing but a grey mediocre and when his professor John Morton Blum was once asked what he remembered about his famous student George W. Bush the reply was quite expected: “I haven’t the foggiest recollection of him.” George tries to justify his reluctance to read and study by another idiom, pronounced by another mediocre which is “Book smart, sidewalk stupid.” So Bush decided not to let that phrase apply to him and probably did quit reading books at all. Actually, according to his memoirs, it is his typical method of tackling a problem – just dig it in as deeper as possible and that’s it. To quit smoking, he started dipping snuff. Actually the lad was so happy and naïve that he was quite resolute to boast about it. Poor thing, he even did not suspect, how sorely mistaken he was…
Note: smokeless tobacco is addictive. You get more nicotine in your bloodstream from smokeless tobacco than from cigarettes. This is one reason why quitting smokeless tobacco can be harder than quitting smoking. Using smokeless tobacco is a developed habit for most people.
George was quite happy that his buoyant spirit never had been dampened by his parents. Taking into account the fact that his father namely created the Scowcroft Award when he was president, that looked so much strange.
Note: Scowcroft was the inspiration and namesake for a special presidential award begun under the George H. W. Bush administration. The award is given to the official “who most ostentatiously falls asleep in a meeting with the president”.
To summarize everything up, George while enumerating his numerous achievements was only trying to convince his readers that he was one of them – a vulgar hillbilly. But he was not. He believed it in the very same way he believed not in God, but in his ability to quit cold at any moment. The lad liked to dawdle and mumble on how to lift the sights of the American people. Still, he just grew into a liberal, out-of-touch carpetbagger. Still he allegedly was determined to run first for governor as his own man, and later for president. Surprisingly he won big in many counties and states. At that point he suddenly remembered that he was a history major. So, let’s have a look at the history Mr. George W. Bush succeeded to create. By the way, right after he became the forty-third president of the United States, he was introduced by his father to Condoleezza Rice, who had served as a Soviet specialist on his National Security Council staff! Actually the lady did later all prompter job and George was nothing but a talking head. Condi so strongly believed that she knows everything (and the history of Balkans was a just a needle in the haystack) that Mr. President automatically believed in his own vast knowledge. He joined the Flat Earth Society without realizing it. That was the start. According to other people’s recommendations he appointed certain persons as CIA director and Defense Secretary. He did not give a hoot about the map locations of some rogue states like North Korea and Iran, but discussed with a poker face a missile defense system to protect against them. And then:
1. He started to change the entire national security team. Holding a red balloon with the smiling face of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il somewhere in the horizon, George made attempts to amend the Constitution. Or at least to eliminate the disagreements on some points that the Constitution said.
2. He announced the creation of a special council to oversee stem cell research. He did that despite his well knowing that the only way to extract embryonic stem cells was to destroy the embryo! His target was to cancel the so called Dickey Amendment, the legislation banning the use of federal funds for research in which human embryos were destroyed. The law was known as the Dickey Amendment after its sponsor, Congressman Jay Dickey of Arkansas. George started drawing the line, and later on the Clinton administration adopted a novel interpretation of the Dickey Amendment. Little strokes fell great oaks, you know…
3. The 9/11 came and George W. Bush turned into a talking head. A nonsense talking head. The pinnacle of the nonsense was decision to wage war against everybody. “Putting America on a war footing was one of the most important decisions of my presidency.” Of course, he needed the war only to use it as a successful precedent for restructuring the government in wartime!
4. The 9/11 day gave to George an outstanding excuse to pass the USA PATRIOT Act. The bill eliminated the wall and allowed law enforcement and intelligence personnel to share information. The act gave investigators access to tools like roving wiretaps! And actually the Act put a new separation between Americans: patriots and non-patriots. Again: “divide et impera” slogan in force. People who opposed the wire tapping were unpatriotic.
5. And then George sent Americans to war. He referred to his Dad’s experience, who had deployed twenty-seven thousand troops to Panama to remove dictator Manuel Noriega and restore democracy. Note: on 9/11, Pakistan was one of only three countries that recognized the Taliban. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were the other two. Still, Bush somehow managed to recruit Pakistan against Afghanistan! Of course, the main ground behind the Pakistan’s involvement was to counterbalance India, Pakistan’s bitter archrival. So, the scapegoat was specified publically the next day after the terrorists’ attack. “We would fight the war on terror on the offense, and the first battlefront would be Afghanistan.”
6. The scape-goat number two turned to be Iraq. Actually, according to his words, the USA started war in Afghanistan just to frighten away Saddam Hussein! “The best way to show him we were serious was to succeed in Afghanistan” Who knows, maybe the main goal of George W. Bush was to abolish the USA, as Afghanistan by that time had earned a foreboding nickname: Graveyard of Empires?
7. And here we come across such an obnoxious personage as Vladimir Putin. Taking into consideration that Russia still had tremendous influence in the region, George made up his mind to sway with a carrot in front the ass-like Putin’s mug. He just promised a sort of friendship to Putin. “If you would win a man to your cause,” Lincoln once said, “first convince him that you are his friend.” The promise was enough for Putin’s becoming an obedient pawn. He agreed to open Russian airspace to American military planes and use his influence with the former Soviet republics to help get American troops into Afghanistan. And He even ordered Russian generals to brief their American counterparts on their experience during their Afghanistan invasion in the 1980s! I really wonder if today’s Russian patriots and Z-fans of Putin’s club have any idea about the aforementioned facts… So, they ruined first Afghanistan, then Iraq. The role of George was to get as many countries involved into the conflict as possible. And he succeeded in the endeavor. When the USA finally used the UN to legalize Iraq’s looting, they received a unanimous vote! 15 to 0! Not only had France voted for the resolution, but so had Russia, China, and Syria. Under the terms of UN Security Council Resolution 1441, Iraq had thirty days to prove its innocence! “The inspectors did not have to prove that he had weapons. He had to prove that he did not”! What happened next we know very well.
8. In the end of the book we again ran across Putin The guy was quite happy to visit the White House. And although the book is about the 43rd President of the United States of America, I cannot help admitting that Putin sold his Motherland just for the possibility to join the elite-club of world leaders on a part-time basis. He got right to sit at their dinner table, but not at the table with the world’s economy maps and schemes on it.

Summing up, it’s another book of another guy bragging about the crimes he committed and stressing the fact that he got away with it. Maybe it is so because he was close to Pope, the vicegerent of god on earth? We’ll never find out. Amen!