Больше рецензий

19 июля 2016 г. 14:01


4 Fine, Thanks

Понравились не все стихи, но все же большинство из них очень запомнились (особенно The Point, Progress и Fine, Thanks ). Читала сборник, пока стояла в очереди. И время как-то прошло быстро. Англоязычных поэтов читала очень мало, так что это был новый приятный опыт.

To really see the state of things is lethal.
It’s safer just to see what we can bear.
Exhausting being fear-struck; howling, weak-willed.
Much nicer to be bathing in the glare

of all that we have built to shine and soothe us
what use are eyes at all in times like this?
Please don’t bother raising arms to shoot us,
we’ll shoot ourselves. No really, we insist.

No guns. Just give us brands and bills and wages,
and rent that takes our dignity away.
Don’t trouble yourselves with handcuffs and with cages.
There’s cleaner ways than that to make us pay.

What good can come from listening to our instincts?
You think it’s easy putting up like this?
Don’t make a fuss, you know us, we’re the English,
and peace on Earth won’t help us feed our kids.

Our eyes are trained on pinpricks in the blackness.
The telly helps to end a dismal day.
The visions come when we are at our weakest.
But they don’t last that long, so it’s ok.