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30 октября 2016 г. 16:59


2.5 When a person has an accent, it means he can speak one more language than you

Extremely self-centered book for the ones who really want to make a difference in their language learning process. I mean, it is nothing new. Nothing extraordinary or special, but it might help you some way to find a new source of motivation, new approach or some new ideas to learning.
I watched some videos of Benny Lewis before and I did not really like him as a person: he is a nice guy who, somehow, feels superior for some reason, which is unpleasant and repellent to watch, and to reed, too.
But anyway, there are several interesting ideas I got from this book and it echoes in me some way. So I basically made a short summary (maybe you will find it useful, too!)
1) Speak as much as possible. (The core of the book). Every day. With everyone. Since the very beginning. No matter how.
2) (my favorite although obvious one) when speak, prolong all your talks. E.g., use "to tell you the truth", "I think that ...", "thank you for asking", "this is a tricky question" instead of just saying yes\no and only answering the question. It will not only help you to learn some moderate and polite phrases to keep up the conversation on every level, but it is also a good way for you to gain some confidence in talks with people, which is the main idea.
3) Trying to get his pronunciation, Benny went straight to musical teacher of this language instead of constantly repeating the same words along with special programs. That is very clever and a completely new way to language learning.
4) Learn Esperanto to gain confidence in foreign languages, because it is the easiest one and it is a good step forward for your motivation.
5) Start grammar lessons from B2 level and higher. Useless before. Use bilingual dictionaries and grammar books on language different from your native.
6) Use Couchsurfing as a way to communicate with natives of your learning language. Help them to learn yours, if needed.
I also liked this story about breaking your barriers. If you cannot talk to anyone in a party, just go and clink glasses with them. From now on there is no way back: relax and enjoy talking!
Aaand... This is it, I guess. Short book to feed your motivation and to keep you going. If everybody can, why don't you?