The Kitschies — 132 книги — стр. 3

«Китчис» (The Kitschies) — британская литературная премия, которой награждают «наиболее прогрессивные, интеллектуальные и занимательные произведения в жанре научной фантастики».
Добавлены номинанты за 2019 год


Премия была учреждена в 2009 г. сайтом Pornokitsch. Спонсором премии с 2010 по 2013 г. выступала компания, производящая ром «The Kraken Black Spiced Rum», в 2014 г. премию спонсируют создатели браузерной игры Fallen London.

С 2014 г. премия присуждается в следующих номинациях:
Красное щупальце (Red Tentacle) — за лучший роман года.
Золотое щупальце (Golden Tentacle) – за дебютный роман.
Чернильное щупальце (Inky Tentacle) – за оформление обложки.
Невидимое щупальце (Invisible Tentacle) — за цифровую публикацию.
Чёрное щупальце (Black Tentacle) – присуждается на усмотрение судей.
Призеры получают денежное вознаграждение и тряпичное щупальце.
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Лауреат "Красного щупальца" Чайна Мьевиль одобряет.

The Flame Alphabet
Бен Маркус
Год издания:2012
Серия:Vintage Contemporaries

2012 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) — Peter Mendelsund
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"The speech of children has mutated into a virus which is killing their parents. Sam and Claire's lives are threatened when their daughter, Esther, is infected with the disease. Each word she speaks is toxic to Sam and Claire. Radio transmissions from strange sources indicate that people across the country are growing increasingly alarmed. But all Sam needs to do is look around the neighborhood: in the park, parents wither beneath the powerful screams of their children."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:33

The Terrible Thing That Happened to Barnaby Brocket
John Boyne
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Doubleday Childrens

2012 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) — Oliver Jeffers
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"There's nothing unusual about the Brockets. Boring, respectable and fiercely proud of it, Alistair and Eleanor Brocket turn up their noses at anyone strange or different. But from the moment Barnaby Brocket comes into the world, it's clear he's anything but normal. To the horror and shame of his parents, Barnaby appears to defy the laws of gravity - and floats."
на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:30

A Tale for the Time Being
Ruth L. Ozeki
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Canongate Books Ltd

2013: победитель в номинации "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

Ruth discovers a Hello Kitty lunchbox washed up on the shore of her beach home. Within it lies a diary that expresses the hopes and dreams of a young girl. She suspects it might have arrived on a drift of debris from the 2011 tsunami. With every turn of the page, she is sucked deeper into an enchanting mystery.

In a small cafe in Tokyo, sixteen-year-old Nao Yasutani is navigating the challenges thrown up by modern life. In the face of cyberbullying, the mysteries of a 104-year-old Buddhist nun and great-grandmother, and the joy and heartbreak of family, Nao is trying to find her own place - and voice - through a diary she hopes will find a reader and friend who finally understands her.

Weaving across continents and decades, and exploring the relationship between reader and writer, fact and fiction, A Tale for the Time Being is an extraordinary novel about our shared humanity and the search for home.

на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:42

Red Doc>
Энн Карсон
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Jonathan Cape

2013 — номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

In a stunningly original mix of poetry, drama, and narrative, Anne Carson brings the red-winged Geryon from Autobiography of Red, now called 'G', into manhood, and through the complex labyrinths of the modern age. We join him as he travels with his friend and lover 'Sad' (short for Sad But Great), a war veteran, and with Ida, an artist, across a geography that ranges from plains of glacial ice to idyllic green pastures; from a psychiatric clinic to the sombre house where G's mother must face her death.

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:43

More Than This
Patrick Ness
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Candlewick Press

2013 — номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

A boy called Seth drowns, desperate and alone in his final moments, losing his life as the pounding sea claims him. But then he wakes. He is naked, thirsty, starving. But alive. How is that possible? He remembers dying, his bones breaking, his skull dashed upon the rocks. So how is he is here? And where is this place? It looks like the suburban English town where he lived as a child, before an unthinkable tragedy happened and his family moved to America. But the neighbourhood around his old house is overgrown, covered in dust and completely abandoned.

What's going on? And why is it that whenever he closes his eyes, he falls prey to vivid, agonizing memories that seem more real than the world around him? Seth begins a search for answers, hoping that he might not be alone, that this might not be the hell he fears it to be, that there might be more than just this.

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sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:43

Bleeding Edge
Thomas Pynchon
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Penguin Press HC

2013 — номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

It is 2001 in New York City, in the lull between the collapse of the dotcom boom and the terrible events of September 11th. Silicon Alley is a ghost town, Web 1.0 is having adolescent angst, Google has yet to IPO, Microsoft is still considered the Evil Empire. There may not be quite as much money around as there was at the height of the tech bubble, but there's no shortage of swindlers looking to grab a piece of what's left.

Maxine Tarnow is running a nice little fraud investigation business on the Upper West Side, chasing down different kinds of small-scale con artists. She used to be legally certified but her licence got pulled a while back, which has actually turned out to be a blessing because now she can follow her own code of ethics - carry a Beretta, do business with sleazebags, hack into people's bank accounts - without having too much guilt about any of it. Otherwise, just your average working mum - two boys in elementary school, an off-and-on situation with her sort of semi-ex-husband Horst, life as normal as it ever gets in the neighbourhood - till Maxine starts looking into the finances of a computer-security firm and its billionaire geek CEO, whereupon things begin rapidly to jam onto the subway and head downtown. She soon finds herself mixed up with a drug runner in an art deco motorboat, a professional nose obsessed with Hitler's aftershave, a neoliberal enforcer with footwear issues, plus elements of the Russian mob and various bloggers, hackers, code monkeys and entrepreneurs, some of whom begin to show up mysteriously dead. Foul play, of course.

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sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:43

The Machine
James Smythe
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Blue Door

2013 — номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

Haunting memories defined him. The machine took them away. She vowed to rebuild him. From the author of The Testimony comes a Frankenstein for the twenty-first century. Beth lives alone on a desolate housing estate near the sea. She came here to rebuild her life following her husband's return from the war. His memories haunted him but a machine promised salvation. It could record memories, preserving a life that existed before the nightmares.

Now the machines are gone. The government declared them too controversial, the side-effects too harmful. But within Beth's flat is an ever-whirring black box. She knows that memories can be put back, that she can rebuild her husband piece by piece.

A Frankenstein tale for the 21st century, The Machine is a story of the indelibility of memory, the human cost of science and the horrors of love.

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:43

Ancillary Justice
Ann Leckie
Год издания:2013

2013 — победитель в номинации "Золотое щупальце" (лучший дебют)

On a remote, icy planet, the soldier known as Breq is drawing closer to completing her quest. Breq is both more than she seems and less than she was. Years ago, she was Justice of Toren - a colossal starship with an artificial intelligence linking thousands of corpse soldiers in the service of the Radch, the empire that conquered the galaxy.

An act of treachery has ripped it all away, leaving her with only one fragile human body. And only one purpose - to revenge herself on Anaander Mianaai, many-bodied, near-immortal Lord of the Radch.

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sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:48

A Calculated Life
Anne Charnock
Год издания:2013

2013 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце" (лучший дебют)

Late in the twenty-first century, big business is booming and state institutions are thriving thanks to advances in genetic engineering, which have produced a compliant population free of addictions. Violent crime is a rarity.

Hyper-intelligent Jayna is a star performer at top predictive agency Mayhew McCline, where she forecasts economic and social trends. A brilliant mathematical modeler, she far outshines her co-workers, often correcting their work on the quiet. Her latest coup: finding a link between northeasterly winds and violent crime.

When a string of events contradicts her forecasts, Jayna suspects she needs more data and better intuition. She needs direct interactions with the rest of society. Bravely - and naively - she sets out to disrupt her strict routine and stumbles unwittingly into a world where her IQ is increasingly irrelevant... a place where human relationships and the complexity of life are difficult for her to decode. And as she experiments with taking risks, she crosses the line into corporate intrigue and disloyalty.

Can Jayna confront the question of what it means to live a "normal" life? Or has the possibility of a "normal" life already been eclipsed for everyone?

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:48

Monica Hesse
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Hot Key Books

2013 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце" (лучший дебют)
номинация на "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) — Gianmarco Magnani, Jet Purdie
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Lona Sixteen Always is not herself - quite literally. She lives her life virtually through the experiences of Julian, a boy who was chosen as a role model for the Pathers of Quadrant 1 - troubled children who have been 'rescued' by the government and put 'on-Path'. But one day Lona finds she can think for herself.

And on top of that, the face of a familiar boy appears on her screen - Fenn, who she thought had moved on to a different stage of the Path last year. But he didn't. Fenn and other rebels like him have strayed from the Path, and now Lona must stray too. But life off-Path is strange and difficult, and Lona uncovers a secret that will threaten all their lives. Can there really be life after the Path?

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:49

Ramez Naam
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Angry Robot
Серия:Nexus Arc

2013 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце" (лучший дебют)

In the near future, the experimental nano-drug Nexus can link humans together, mind to mind. There are some who want to improve it. There are some who want to eradicate it. And there are others who just want to exploit it. When a young scientist is caught improving Nexus, he's thrust over his head into a world of danger and international espionage - for there is far more at stake than anyone realizes.

на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:49

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
Robin Sloan
ISBN:0374214913, 978-0374214913
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Straus and Giroux, Farrar

2013 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце" (лучший дебют)

Recession has shuffled Clay Jannon out of his life as a San Francisco Web-design drone - and serendipity, coupled with sheer curiosity, has landed him a new job working the night shift at Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore. But after just a few days, Clay begins to realize that this store is even more curious than the name suggests. There are only a few customers, but they come in repeatedly and never seem to actually buy anything, instead they simply borrow impossibly obscure volumes from strange corners of the store, all according to some elaborate, long-standing arrangement with the gnomic Mr. Penumbra. The store must be a front for something larger, Clay concludes, and soon he's embarked on a complex analysis of the customers' behaviour and roped his friends into helping to figure out just what's going on. But once they bring their findings to Mr. Penumbra, it turns out the secrets extend far outside the walls of the bookstore...

на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:49

The Age Atomic
Adam Christopher
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Angry Robot

2013 — победитель в номинации "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) — Will Staehle
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The Empire State is dying. The Fissure connecting the pocket universe to New York has vanished, plunging the city into a deep freeze and the populace are demanding a return to Prohibition and rationing as energy supplies dwindle.

Meanwhile, in 1954 New York, the political dynamic has changed and Nimrod finds his department subsumed by a new group, Atoms For Peace, led by the mysterious Evelyn McHale.

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:53

Dreams and Shadows
С. Роберт Каргилл
Год издания:2013

2013 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) —Sinem Erkas
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This brilliantly crafted narrative - part Neil Gaiman, part Guillermo Del Torro, part William Burroughs - follows Ewan and Colby from their star-crossed adolescences to their haunted adulthoods.

Cargill's tour-de-force takes us inside the Limestone Kingdom, a parallel universe where whisky-swilling genies and foul-mouthed wizards argue over the state of the metaphysical realm.

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:54

Cory Doctorow
ISBN:0-765-33369-4, 978-0-7653-3369-8
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Tor Teen

2013 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) —Amazing15
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Homeland - it is two years after the events of Little Brother and Marcus has new problems to deal with: California's economy has collapsed, taking his parents' jobs and his university tuition with it.

sartreuse 19 февраля 2015 г., 08:29

Apocalypse Now Now
Чарли Хьюмен
Год издания:2013

2013 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) — Joey Hi-Fi
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Plunged into the increasingly bizarre landscape of Cape Town's supernatural underworld, Baxter Zevcenko, 16-year-old crime kingpin, and Jackson "Jackie" Ronin, supernatural bounty hunter, team up to save Baxter's girlfriend, Esme.

On a journey that takes them through the realms of impossibility, they must face every conceivable nightmare to get her back, including the odd brush with the Apocalypse.

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:55

Noughts & Crosses
Malorie Blackman
Год издания:2001
Издательство:Random House

2013 — победитель в номинации "Черное щупальце" (выбор жюри)
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"Черным щупальцем" награждается Мэлори Блэкмен за то, что, помимо прочего, она, пользуясь своим статусом, может заниматься продвижением прогрессивных, интеллектуальных и занимательны произведений во всех формах, от детской литературы и научной фантастики, до "Джейн Эйр".

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 13:56

Pirate Cinema
Cory Doctorow
ISBN:0-765-32909-3, 978-0-7653-2909-7
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Tor Teen

2013 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" (оформление обложки) —Amazing15
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Pirate Cinema - Trent McCauley is sixteen, brilliant, and obsessed with one thing: making movies on his computer by reassembling footage from popular films he downloads from the net. In the dystopian near-future Britain where Trent is growing up, this is more illegal than ever; the punishment for being caught three times is that your entire household's access to the internet is cut off for a year, with no appeal.

sartreuse 19 февраля 2015 г., 08:30

Grasshopper Jungle
Andrew Smith
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Dutton Books

2014 — победитель в номинации "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

"In the small town of Ealing, Iowa, Austin and his best friend Robby have accidentally unleashed an unstoppable army. An army of horny, hungry, six-foot-tall praying mantises that only want to do two things. This is the truth. This is history. It's the end of the world. And nobody knows anything about it."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 14:08

Nnedi Okorafor
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

2014 — номинант на "Красное щупальце"

"Three strangers, each isolated by his or her own problems: Adaora, the marine biologist. Anthony, the rapper famous throughout Africa. Agu, the troubled soldier. Wandering Bar Beach in Lagos, Nigeria's legendary mega-city, they're more alone than they've ever been before. But when something like a meteorite plunges into the ocean and a tidal wave overcomes them, these three people will find themselves bound together in ways they could never imagine."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 14:07

1 2 3 ...


а добавите потом, кто премии за 2014 получит?
очень уж любопытно)

Конечно! Я сама почесываюсь уже от любопытства)
И дальше планирую подборку обновлять, так что всё будет!

Супер! Вы молодец)


(ох ты ж, оно на глагне о_о)

A Boy and a Bear in a Boat, кстати, где-то недавно видел в анонсах. Так что или уже вышло, или скоро выйдет на русском.

Издали пару недель назад.. Сейчас добавлю, спасибо. Отличная новость!

Призеры получают денежное вознаграждение и тряпичное щупальце.
Это невероятно умилительно!

Отличная подборка, спасибо!

Спасибо)) мне сначала воображение рисовало причудливые щупальца из цветного стекла, но тряпичная награда меня добила) очень странно и мило!

Комментарий удалён.

Благодарю, отличная новость!

Тряпичное щупальце! Как это мило! Не думала, что смогу улыбнуться понедельничным утром, но не сдержалась))))

Щупальца настолько ужасные, что одолеют любой понедельник)) я рада!
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