The Kitschies — 132 книги — стр. 4

«Китчис» (The Kitschies) — британская литературная премия, которой награждают «наиболее прогрессивные, интеллектуальные и занимательные произведения в жанре научной фантастики».
Добавлены номинанты за 2019 год


Премия была учреждена в 2009 г. сайтом Pornokitsch. Спонсором премии с 2010 по 2013 г. выступала компания, производящая ром «The Kraken Black Spiced Rum», в 2014 г. премию спонсируют создатели браузерной игры Fallen London.

С 2014 г. премия присуждается в следующих номинациях:
Красное щупальце (Red Tentacle) — за лучший роман года.
Золотое щупальце (Golden Tentacle) – за дебютный роман.
Чернильное щупальце (Inky Tentacle) – за оформление обложки.
Невидимое щупальце (Invisible Tentacle) — за цифровую публикацию.
Чёрное щупальце (Black Tentacle) – присуждается на усмотрение судей.
Призеры получают денежное вознаграждение и тряпичное щупальце.
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Лауреат "Красного щупальца" Чайна Мьевиль одобряет.

The Peripheral
William Gibson
ISBN:0399158448, 978-0399158445
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Putnam Adult

2014 — номинант на "Красное щупальце"

"Some time around the year 2020, in a trailer park in the Deep South, a young woman witnesses a murder. She is in a video game, and watches with horror as a drone strike kills a child. At precisely the same moment, one hundred years in the future, a boy is remotely killed on the streets of London's great skyscrapers. The perpetrator remains anonymous. Interweaving two strange futures, from a ramshackle community of US army veterans, to the teeming masses of a mega city, The Peripheral tells the story of a brave new world of drones, outsourcing and kleptocracy, and of a crime that can only be solved across time."

на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 14:08

The Way Inn
Уилл Уайлс
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Harper Perennial

2014 — номинант на "Красное щупальце"

"The Way Inn is a global chain of identikit mid-budget hotels, and Neil Double is a valued member of its loyalty scheme. Neil is a professional conference-goer, a man who will attend trade fairs, expos and conventions so you don't have to. This life of anonymised, budget travel would be hell for most, but it's a kind of paradise for Neil, who has turned his incognito professional life into a toxic personal philosophy. But Neil is about to change."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 14:08

The Race
Nina Allan
Год издания:2014
Издательство:NewCon Press

2014 — номинант на "Красное щупальце"

"Set in a future Great Britain scarred by fracking and ecological collapse, The Race is the story of four damaged people whose lives are inextricably linked. This is a novel of tender nuances, brutality, insight and great ambition, a narrative that lays bare the fears and joys of being human, and, ultimately, offers hope to us all."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 14:09

Viper Wine
Гермиона Айр
Год издания:2015

2014 — победитель в номинации "Золотое щупальце" (лучший дебют)

"At Whitehall Palace in 1632, the ladies at the court of Charles I are beginning to look suspiciously alike. Plump cheeks, dilated pupils, and a heightened sense of pleasure are the first signs that they have been drinking a potent new beauty tonic, Viper Wine, distilled and discreetly dispensed by the physician Lancelot Choice. Based on real events, Viper Wine is 1632 rendered in Pop Art prose; a place to find alchemy, David Bowie, recipes for seventeenth-century beauty potions, a Borgesian unfinished library and a submarine that sails beneath the Thames."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:07

The Girl in the Road
Моника Бирн
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Crown Publishing Group

2014 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце"

"One day Meena gets out of bed covered in blood, with mysterious snakebites on her chest. Her worst fears have been realised: someone is after her and she must flee India at once. As she plots her escape, she learns of The Trail, an energy-harvesting bridge spanning the Arabian Sea that has become a refuge for itinerant vagabonds and loners on the run. This is her salvation."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:10

Memory of Water
Emmi Itäranta
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Harper Voyager, Voyager

2014 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце"

"Global warming has changed the world's geography and its politics. Wars are waged over water, and China rules Europe, including the Scandinavian Union, which is occupied by the power state of New Qian. In this far north place, seventeen-year-old Noria Kaitio is learning to become a tea master like her father, a position that holds great responsibility and great secrets. Tea masters alone know the location of hidden water sources, including the natural spring that Noria's father tends, which once provided water for her whole village."

на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:12

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Becky Chambers
ISBN:1500453307, 978-1500453305
Год издания:2014
Издательство:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

2014 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце"

"Somewhere within our crowded sky, a crew of wormhole builders hops from planet to planet, on their way to the job of a lifetime. To the galaxy at large, humanity is a minor species, and one patched-up construction vessel is a mere speck on the starchart. This is an everyday sort of ship, just trying to get from here to there."

на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:14

The People in the Trees
Hanya Yanagihara
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Anchor Books

2014 — номинант на "Золотое щупальце"

"In 1950, a young doctor called Norton Perina signs on with the anthropologist Paul Tallent for an expedition to the remote Micronesian island of Ivu'ivu in search of a rumoured lost tribe. They succeed, finding not only that tribe but also a group of forest dwellers they dub 'The Dreamers', who turn out to be fantastically long-lived but progressively more senile. Perina suspects the source of their longevity is a hard-to-find turtle; unable to resist the possibility of eternal life, he kills one and smuggles some meat back to the States."

на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:19

Nick Harkaway
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Knopf Publishing Group

2014 — победитель в номинации "Чернильное щупальце" (лучший дизайн обложки) — Glenn O'Neill
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"The island of Mancreu is the ideal place for Lester to serve out his time. It's a former British colony in legal limbo, soon to be destroyed because of its very special version of toxic pollution - a down-at-heel, mildly larcenous backwater. Of course, that also makes Mancreu perfect for shady business, hence the Black Fleet of illicit ships lurking in the bay: listening stations, offshore hospitals, money laundering operations, drug factories and deniable torture centres."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:23

The Ghost of the Mary Celeste
Валери Мартин
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Nan A. Talese

2014 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" — Steve Marking, Kimberly Glyder
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"A ghost ship appears in the mist. To the struggling author Arthur Conan Doyle, it is an inspiration. To Violet Petra, the gifted American psychic, it is a cruel reminder. To the death-obsessed Victorian public, it is a fascinating distraction. And to one family, tied to the sea for generations, it is a tragedy."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:21

A Man Lies Dreaming
Lavie Tidhar
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Hodder & Stoughton

2014 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" — Ben Summers
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"Deep in the heart of history's most infamous concentration camp, a man lies dreaming. His name is Shomer, and before the war he was a pulp fiction author. Now, to escape the brutal reality of life in Auschwitz, Shomer spends his nights imagining another world - a world where a disgraced former dictator now known only as Wolf ekes out a miserable existence as a low-rent PI in London's grimiest streets."

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:21

Falling Out of Cars
Jeff Noon
Год издания:2002

В 2014 была введена новая номинация – "Невидимое щупальце", присуждаемая за произведения, изначально выпущенные в цифровом формате.

2014 — победитель в номинации "Невидимое щупальце" (цифровое произведение)KENTUCKY ROUTE ZERO, ACT III — приключенческая игра в атмосфере магического реализма о потайном шоссе в пещерах под Кентукки и загадочных людях, которые там путешествуют. Издатель — Cardboard Computer.

Номинанты 2014 года:

ECHOVIRUS12 — совместное произведение нескольких авторов, написанное в Твиттере.
Создатели/кураторы: Jeff Noon @jeffnoon, Ed @3dgriffiths, James Knight @badbadpoet, violet sprite @gadgetgreen, Richard Biddle @littledeaths68, Mina Polen @polen, Uel Aramchek @ThePatanoiac, Graham Walsh @t_i_s_u, Vapour Vox @Wrong_Triangle.

80 DAYS — игра по мотивам приключений Филеаса Фогга. Издатель — Inkle Studios.

SAILOR'S DREAM — игра с мирным нарративом, единственная цель которой — удовлетворить ваше любопытство, исследуя волшебный мир океана.

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:32

The Book of Strange New Things
Michel Faber
Год издания:2014

2014 — номинант на "Чернильное щупальце" — Rafaela Romaya and Yehring Tong
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"The Book of Strange New Things is a wildly original tale of adventure, faith and the ties that might hold two people together when they are worlds apart."
на русском

sartreuse 18 февраля 2015 г., 20:22

Sarah McIntyre, David O'Connell
Год издания:2014
Издательство:David Fickling Books

2014 — победитель в номинации "Чёрное щупальце" (выбор жюри)

Награда присуждена детской писательнице и иллюстратору Саре Макинтайр за выдающуюся поддержку жанровой литературы и защиту прав художников.

sartreuse 5 марта 2015 г., 19:13

The Heart Goes Last
Margaret Atwood
ISBN:1408867788, 9781408867785
Год издания:2015

2015: победитель в номинации "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

Living in their car, surviving on tips, Charmaine and Stan are in a desperate state. So, when they see an advertisement for Consilience, a ‘social experiment’ offering stable jobs and a home of their own, they sign up immediately. All they have to do in return for suburban paradise is give up their freedom every second month – swapping their home for a prison cell. At first, all is well. But then, unknown to each other, Stan and Charmaine develop passionate obsessions with their ‘Alternates,’ the couple that occupy their house when they are in prison. Soon the pressures of conformity, mistrust, guilt and sexual desire begin to take over.

sartreuse 25 февраля 2016 г., 18:29

Europe at Midnight
Dave Hutchinson
Год издания:2015

2015: номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

Europe is crumbling. The Xian Flu pandemic and ongoing economic crises have fractured the European Union, the borderless Continent of the Schengen Agreement is a distant memory, and new nations are springing up everywhere, some literally overnight. For an intelligence officer like Jim, it's a nightmare. Every week or so a friendly power spawns, a new and unknown national entity which may or may not be friendly to England's interests; it's hard to keep on top of it all. But things are about to get worse for Jim. A stabbing on a London bus pitches him into a world where his intelligence service is preparing for war with another universe, and a man has come who may hold the key to unlocking the mystery.

sartreuse 25 февраля 2016 г., 18:29

The Reflection
Хьюго Вилкен
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Melville House

2015: номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

When psychiatrist David Manne is asked by a friend who's a New York City Police detective to consult on an unusual case, he finds himself being asked to evaluate a criminal who's the exact opposite of himself—an uneducated laborer from the Midwest who seems overwhelmed by modern day Manhattan circa 1948. But when that laborer tells David that he's not who the police say he is, David slowly begins to believe it may be true

Unable to stop himself, David begins to look into how the police handle the man, and the hospital they take him to . . . and begins to suspect that the man is caught up in some kind of secret governmental medical testing. Realizing he's got to rescue his patient, David quickly finds himself battling forces that seem to be even bigger than he suspected, and that now have him in their sights.

When he suddenly finds himself caught with a patient's i.d. papers on him, he decides on a risky course that seems his only way out: To change his identity, and enter even deeper into the conspiracy, if he's to find out how to escape it.

sartreuse 25 февраля 2016 г., 18:37

The Fifth Season
N.K. Jemisin
ISBN:0316229296, 978-0316229296
Год издания:2015

2015: номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

This is the way the world ends. Again.

Three terrible things happen in a single day. Essun, a woman living an ordinary life in a small town, comes home to find that her husband has brutally murdered their son and kidnapped their daughter. Meanwhile, mighty Sanze—the world-spanning empire whose innovations have been civilization's bedrock for a thousand years—collapses as most of its citizens are murdered to serve a madman's vengeance. And worst of all, across the heart of the vast continent known as the Stillness, a great red rift has been been torn into the heart of the earth, spewing ash enough to darken the sky for years. Or centuries.

Now Essun must pursue the wreckage of her family through a deadly, dying land. Without sunlight, clean water, or arable land, and with limited stockpiles of supplies, there will be war all across the Stillness: a battle royale of nations not for power or territory, but simply for the basic resources necessary to get through the long dark night. Essun does not care if the world falls apart around her. She'll break it herself, if she must, to save her daughter.
на русском

sartreuse 25 февраля 2016 г., 18:38

The Thing Itself
Adam Roberts
Год издания:2015

2015: номинант на "Красное щупальце" (лучший роман)

Adam Roberts turns his attention to answering the Fermi Paradox with a taut and claustrophobic tale that echoes John Carpenters’ The Thing.

Two men while away the days in an Antarctic research station. Tensions between them build as they argue over a love-letter one of them has received. One is practical and open. The other surly, superior and obsessed with reading one book – by the philosopher Kant.

As a storm brews and they lose contact with the outside world they debate Kant, reality and the emptiness of the universe. The come to hate each other, and they learn that they are not alone.

на русском

sartreuse 25 февраля 2016 г., 18:39

Making Wolf
Tade Thompson
ISBN:149560747X, 978-1495607479
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Rosarium Publishing

2015: победитель в номинации "Золотое щупальце" (лучший дебют)

Meet Weston Kogi, a London supermarket security guard. He returns to his West African home country for his aunt’s funeral. He sees his family, his ex-girlfriend, Nana, his old school mate, Church. Food is good, beer is plentiful, and telling people he works as a big-time London homicide detective seems like harmless hyperbole, until he wakes up in hell.

He is kidnapped and forced by two separate rebel factions to investigate the murder of a local hero, Papa Busi. The solution may set the country ablaze in civil war. Making Wolf is an outrageous, frightening, violent, and sometimes surreal experience of a lifetime. They say you can never go home again. Weston Kogi and the country of his birth may very well pay the ultimate price for his doing exactly that.

sartreuse 25 февраля 2016 г., 18:55

... 4 5 6 ...


а добавите потом, кто премии за 2014 получит?
очень уж любопытно)

Конечно! Я сама почесываюсь уже от любопытства)
И дальше планирую подборку обновлять, так что всё будет!

Супер! Вы молодец)


(ох ты ж, оно на глагне о_о)

A Boy and a Bear in a Boat, кстати, где-то недавно видел в анонсах. Так что или уже вышло, или скоро выйдет на русском.

Издали пару недель назад.. Сейчас добавлю, спасибо. Отличная новость!

Призеры получают денежное вознаграждение и тряпичное щупальце.
Это невероятно умилительно!

Отличная подборка, спасибо!

Спасибо)) мне сначала воображение рисовало причудливые щупальца из цветного стекла, но тряпичная награда меня добила) очень странно и мило!

Комментарий удалён.

Благодарю, отличная новость!

Тряпичное щупальце! Как это мило! Не думала, что смогу улыбнуться понедельничным утром, но не сдержалась))))

Щупальца настолько ужасные, что одолеют любой понедельник)) я рада!
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