Pure fuckin evil

5 книг

  • The Imago Sequence and Other Stories Laird Barron
    ISBN: 1597801461
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Night Shade Books
    Язык: Английский

    To the long tradition of eldritch horror pioneered and refined by writers such as H.P. Lovecraft, Peter Straub, and Thomas Ligotti, comes Laird Barron, an author whose literary voice invokes the grotesque, the devilish, and the perverse with rare intensity and astonishing craftsmanship. Collected here for the first time are nine terrifying tales of cosmic horror, including the World Fantasy Award-nominated novella "The Imago Sequence", the International Horror Guild Award-nominated "Proboscis," and the never-before published "Procession of the Black Sloth". Together, these stories, each a masterstroke of craft and imaginative irony, form a…

  • The Man Who Collected Machen and Other Weird Tales Mark Samuels
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Chomu Press
    Язык: Английский

    Cryptic and potent languages, bizarre cults, mysteries that span the gulf between life and death, occult influences that reverberate through history like a dying echo, irresistible cosmic decay, forces of nightmare that distort reality itself, gateways to worlds where esoteric knowledge rots the future. Here, from Mark Samuels, the author of 'Glyphotech and Other Macabre Processes' and modern exemplar of mystical horror, is a collection of tales that forms a veritable Rosetta Stone for scholars of cosmic wonder and terror.

  • The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares Joyce Carol Oates
    ISBN: 0802155081
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Grove/Atlantic
    Язык: Английский

    An incomparable master storyteller in all forms, in The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares Joyce Carol Oates spins six imaginative tales of suspense. “The Corn Maiden” is the gut-wrenching story of Marissa, a beautiful and sweet eleven-year-old girl with hair the color of corn silk. Taken by an older girl from her school who has told two friends in her thrall of the Indian legend of the Corn Maiden, in which a girl is sacrificed to ensure a good crop, Marissa is kept in a secluded basement and convinced that the world has ended. Marissa’s seemingly inevitable fate becomes ever more terrifying as the older girl relishes her power, giving the…

  • The Monk William H. Hallahan
    ISBN: 978-0575033177
    Год издания: 1983
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский

    A man fighting for life. A woman fighting for love. Against a force they only dare face together.

  • The Burnt Orange Heresy Чарльз Уиллефорд
    ISBN: 0786706686
    Год издания: 1971
    Издательство: Crown Publishers

    Fast-talking, backstabbing, womanizing art critic Jacques Figueras will do anything - blackmail, burglary, fencing, assassination - to further his career. Crossing the art world with the underworld, Willeford expands his noir palette to include hues of sunny Florida and weird tints of Surrealism when Figueras takes a job for an art collector who doesn't care how his art is collected, even if it involves murder.

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