Сюдзо Осими


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Сюдзо Осими — книжные серии

  • Счастье. Том 3 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-5-907775-05-3
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Истари Комикс
    Язык: Русский

    Я никогда в жизни не пил ничего вкуснее его крови… Поддавшись неутолимой «жажде», Окадзаки вместе с загадочным парнем по имени Саку выпил кровь Юки, который позже пропал без вести, как и его старые приятели. Окадзаки избежал их участи, но Саку явился вновь, чтобы убить и его. Положение спас не кто иной, как Нора — девушка, напавшая на Окадзаки в «ту ночь»! Идя по запаху крови, взлетая над домами, Окадзаки сумел найти умирающего Юки, но ситуация меняется к худшему…

  • Счастье. Том 2 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-5-907775-04-6
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Истари Комикс
    Язык: Русский

    Это не я… С той ночи, когда на него напала таинственная девушка, Окадзаки начал меняться. От одного вида крови его охватывала безумная жажда. В нём проснулись феноменальные сила и ловкость. С другой стороны, в школе у него появились друзья — ученица параллельного класса Госё, ставший объектом издёвок Юки и его девушка Сираиси. Они с удовольствием проводили время вместе, но всё изменилось с «пробуждением» Окадзаки!..

  • Счастье. Том 1 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-5-907775-03-9
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Истари Комикс
    Язык: Русский

    Той ночью, когда на меня напала таинственная девушка, я был вынужден сделать выбор… Моя привычная жизнь, которую не назовёшь ни счастливой, ни несчастной, рухнула… Оставшиеся на шее «раны». Необъяснимая и неутолимая «жажда». Какая судьба уготована заурядному старшекласснику Окадзаки?..

  • Flowers of Evil Volume 11 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1941220108
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский
  • Flowers of Evil Vol. 10 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1939130662
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский
  • Flowers of Evil Vol. 9 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1939130280
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский

    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako, but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. Flowers of Evil follows the story of a lonely teen struggling to find his identity. He cannot find the right words to say, except through the poetry of Baudelaire. A powerful series about the nature of true love and real friendship.
  • Flowers of Evil Vol. 8 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1939130044
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский

    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako, but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. Flowers of Evil follows the story of a lonely teen struggling to find his identity. He cannot find the right words to say, except through the poetry of Baudelaire. A powerful series about the nature of true love and real friendship.
  • Flowers of Evil Vol. 7 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1939130006
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский
    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako, but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. Flowers of Evil follows the story of a lonely teen struggling to find his identity. He cannot find the right words to say, except through the poetry of Baudelaire. A powerful series about the nature of true love and real friendship.
  • Flowers of Evil, Vol. 6 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1935654919
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский

    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako, but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. Flowers of Evil is a top-ten manga in Japan today. Following the story of a lonely teen struggling to find his identity who cannot find the right words to say, this sends a powerful message to readers about the nature of true love and real friendship.
  • Flowers of Evil, Vol. 5 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1935654704
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский

    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. Flowers of Evil is a top-ten manga in Japan today. Following the story of a lonely teen struggling to find his identity who cannot find the right words to say (except through the poetry of Baudelaire).
  • Flowers of Evil, Vol. 4 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1935654490
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский

    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. Flowers of Evil is a top-ten manga in Japan today. Following the story of a lonely teen struggling to find his identity who cannot find the right words to say (except through the poetry of Baudelaire).
  • Flowers of Evil, Vol. 3 Сюдзо Осими
    ISBN: 978-1935654483
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский
    In the third volume of The Flowers of Evil, Takao must make a decision. He now has an opportunity to break free from the social shackles that Nakamura has placed on him, as he has a chance to be loved by someone he has affections for. This could also be an opportunity to be accepted by the masses in his small community. But with this choice comes fear and self-reflection.

    After having an chance trip to Nakamura's place, where he got to experience the world his only "friend" has grown up in, he realizes that for both teens, there is very little future to look forward to as they are raised in the boonies. Their lives are mapped out before them. For most adolescents these days, life will continue to be blase at best, miserable at worst.

    Can they change things together? Do they want to even bother?
  • Flowers of Evil, Vol. 2 Shuzo Oshimi
    ISBN: 978-1935654476
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский
    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides.
  • Flowers of Evil, Vol. 1 Shuzo Oshimi
    ISBN: 978-1935654469
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Vertical
    Язык: Английский
    Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako but cannot express his feelings through words. Instead, he secretively acts out in a heat of passion which creates a huge scandal in the school. Yet there is one person who knows his true nature - and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. Flowers of Evil is a top-ten manga in Japan today. Following the story of a lonely teen struggling to find his identity who cannot find the right words to say (except through the poetry of Baudelaire).