Сара Блэдэль

Sara Blædel

  • 18 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 321 читатель
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1 6

Новинки Сары Блэдэль

  • Растворенные Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 978-601-271-575-0
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Фолиант
    Язык: Русский
    Летняя пора, в городке Томмеруп на острове Фюн все дышит безмятежностью и покоем. Шарлотта, молодая мать двоих маленьких детей, бесследно исчезает по пути на работу после утренних занятий фитнесом, хотя от фитнес-центра до школы, где она преподает, рукой подать.
    Когда позднее в этот день отчаявшийся муж Шарлотты обращается в полицейский участок Оденсе, заместитель начальника полиции Лиам Старк и комиссар Дея Торп принимают его заявление, однако они не имеют права начать поиски, поскольку женщина пропала менее двадцати четырех часов назад.
    Но Шарлотта не появляется и через сутки, и становится ясно, что совершено преступление. Начинается расследование, в деле появляется все больше новых обстоятельств, полиция работает почти повсюду на Фюне, а люди боятся выходить из дома, чтобы не стать следующей жертвой.
    Лиам и Дея вступают в жестокую схватку со временем, оказавшись втянутыми в игру, приводящую к мучительной смерти людей, которым полиция ни в чем не может помочь.
  • Elins død Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9788740070675
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Politiken
    Язык: Датский
    En ældre mand findes død på den lille ø Aarø ved Haderslev. Umiddelbart ser det ud til, at han er faldet uheldigt og er druknet i vandkanten, men mystiske omstændigheder gør det hurtigt klart, at det lokale politi har brug for assistance fra Louise Rick og den nye rejseenhed, P13.

    Camilla Lind er flyttet fra sin mand, Frederik, og mens hun går og pakker ud i sin nye lejlighed, får hun besøg af politiet, som fortæller hende, at hendes mor er død. Hun skynder sig sammen med sønnen Markus til morens hus i Skanderborg, og da hun gennemgår sin mors ting, finder hun ud af, at hendes familie ikke helt er, som hun hele livet har troet.

    Louises efterforskning trækker tråde til Skanderborg, og inden længe er Camilla, som er chokeret og i sorg, personligt involveret i at afdække sagen, som måske stikker dybere end først antaget og måske hænger sammen med Camillas families hemmeligheder.

    Elins død er en historie om at svigte og tilgive. Om skyld og ansvar. Og om, hvor meget man vil gøre for at holde fast på, hvad man har, og derved mister det hele…
  • A Harmless Lie Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9780593330944
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Dutton
    Язык: Английский
    A woman is haunted by a heartwrenching decision she made as a teenager in this darkly atmospheric, deeply emotional thriller from #1 internationally bestselling global superstar Sara Blaedel.

    Detective Louise Rick is on a beach in Thailand when the panicked call from her father comes through. Louise′s beloved brother, Mikkel, has attempted suicide. His wife, Trine, left him days earlier, walking out the door one day with no warning and leaving Mikkel devastated.

    Louise rushes home to Osted, the small, insular Danish town where she grew up and where Mikkel still lives. But the more Louise learns about Trine--a devoted wife and the mother of two young children--and her state of mind in the days before she left Mikkel, the more Louise begins to wonder whether Trine really meant to leave him. Or whether something much darker may have taken place.

    As the local police begin to suspect that Mikkel may have had a hand in Trine's disappearance, Louise struggles to clear his name but is forced to confront some hard truths: Small towns always hide secrets. The past always comes back to haunt you. And lies are never harmless.
  • Зеленая пыль Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9789180136396
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Storyside
    Язык: Русский
    Всем любителям увлекательных скандинавских детективов, сильных героинь и подробных производственных романов, приоткрывающих тайны работы полиции: «Зелёная пыль», первый роман датской писательницы Сары Блэдель в целой серии детективов о приключениях Луизы Рик.

    В парке находят труп молодой женщины – она была задушена. На задворках роскошной гостиницы Копенгагена убивают журналиста. Детектив Луиза Рик берется за расследование, и очень скоро обнаруживает, что два преступления очевидно связаны, а ее подруга, журналистка Камилла, была знакома с убитым. Луиза пытается уберечь Камиллу, но та зашла слишком далеко...
  • Opløst Sara Blædel
    ISBN: 9788740066951
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Politiken
    Язык: Датский
    Hvordan er det at vide, at man skal dø og vente på at gå i opløsning?

    Det er sommer, og alt ånder fred og idyl i den fynske landsby Tommerup. Charlotte, en yngre mor til to små børn, er på vej fra morgenmotion i hallen til sit arbejde på den lokale folkeskole, da hun forsvinder sporløst på den korte strækning.

    Da Charlottes mand senere på dagen møder desperat op hos politiet i Odense, modtager vicepolitiinspektør Liam Stark og politikommissær Dea Torp anmeldelsen, men venter med at sætte en eftersøgning i gang, da Charlotte kun har været savnet få timer.

    Næste morgen er hun imidlertid stadig ikke dukket op, og det står snart klart, at der kan være tale om en forbrydelse.

    De følgende dage vokser sagen til et omfang, hvor det meste af Fyn er involveret, og folk gemmer sig inden døre af frygt for at blive den næste, der forsvinder.

    En intens kamp mod tiden udspiller sig for Liam og Dea, som må se sig fanget i et spil, hvor mennesker dør en pinefuld død, uden politiet kan gøre andet end at se magtesløst til. Hvordan er det at vide, at man skal dø og vente på at gå i opløsning?
  • Den tavse enke Sara Blædel
    ISBN: 9788740056617, 8740056619
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Politikens
    Язык: Датский
    Louise Rick er efter en længere orlov tilbage på arbejde som leder af den nyoprettede Rejseenhed. Fyns Politi har tilkaldt assistance efter drabet på en kvindelig kroejer på Tåsinge, og her møder Louise for første gang sit nye team.

    Drabet på kvinden har ikke givet det lokale politi mange spor at gå efter, men da Louise iværksætter en grundig gennemsøgning af kroens førstesal, hvor den dræbte boede, finder de noget, som på ingen måde passer ind i den drabssag, de står med.

    Louise er ikke meget for det, men hun er nødt til at kontakte Eik Nordstrøm fra Eftersøgningsafdelingen. De to har ikke set hinanden, siden de skiltes på en strand i Thailand, hvor deres forhold sluttede. Men hun har brug for hans hjælp.
  • The Drowned Girl Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9781538759851
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERDetective Louise Rick must race against the clock to stop a violent killer targeting immigrants in this disturbing and timely thriller, perfect for readers of Lisa Gardner, Tami Hoag, Tess Gerritsen, or Jo Nesbo. Previously published as Only One Life.

  • The Stolen Angel Sara Blaedel
    ISBN: 978-1-5387-5975-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    When the granddaughter of the wealthy Sachs-Smith family is kidnapped, Louise's skills as a trained negotiator are put to work. She is tasked with helping the desperate mother negotiate what soon turns into a life-or-death situation. The kidnappers will only exchange the deathly ill little girl for an infamous stained glass panel--known as the Angel of Death--that has been in the family for generations. But there's a problem... the Angel, worth millions, was recently stolen from the family home. Racing against the clock as she matches wits with a criminal mastermind, Louise will be taken to the depths of human depravity. She's about to…

  • The Running Girl Sara Blaedel
    ISBN: 978-1-5387-5973-8
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Louise gets a call from her son, Jonas. It's every parent's worst nightmare: A school party has ended in terrifying chaos after a group of violent teenagers forced their way into the building in search of alcohol and valuables. Dashing to the scene, Louise discovers one of the students gravely injured--struck by a car while attempting to run for help. Now the girl's distraught mother, pushed to her emotional breaking point, will do anything to make those who hurt her daughter pay.So when someone targets the gang members with a vicious attack, the girl's mother is the obvious suspect. But Louise can't shake the feeling that the case might…

  • The Night Women Sara Blaedel
    ISBN: 978-1-5387-5970-7
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A journey to a new life or a prison of despair and death? A shocking murder on Copenhagen's idyllic streets and an abandoned child reveal a perverse criminal underworld that crosses international borders. A young woman's body is found on the street with her throat slit, and the media is clamoring for the grisly details. Detective Louise Rick is investigating the gruesome murder when her friend Camilla Lind calls. Louise assumes it is because Camilla, a crime reporter, wants to be the first to hear of any juicy new developments. Instead, her distraught friend reveals that her ten year-old son found an abandoned baby on his way to school. As Louise digs deeper into the murder and the mysterious foundling, every clue uncovered points to organized human trafficking from Eastern Europe, run by ruthless gangsters who won't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their way... This gripping, heartwrenching, extraordinary new suspense novel from Sara Blaedel will keep you turning pages as fast as you can straight through to the electrifying finale.
  • Забытые Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 978-5-04-090833-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: ГрандМастер
    Язык: Русский

    В приозерном лесу найден труп неизвестной женщины, которая разбилась, упав с утеса. Похоже, она вела странный образ жизни и никогда не занималась своим здоровьем: ноги не знали обуви, зубы в страшном состоянии, на лице — плохо залеченный след от ожога. Именно по этому следу, когда полиция уже отчаялась установить личность, ее опознала бывшая санитарка интерната для слабоумных. Опознала к собственному ужасу: ведь она была уверена, что покойная и ее сестра-близнец умерли в юном возрасте двадцать лет тому назад… Сара Блэдэль четырежды называлась самым популярным романистом Дании по результатам читательского голосования. Она является…

  • The Lost Woman Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9781455541072
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Hachette
    Язык: Английский
    Following the incredible success of Sara Blaedel's #1 international bestsellers The Forgotten Girls and The Killing Forest, Louise Rick--head of the police department's elite Special Search Agency charged with missing persons cases--returns in Sara's latest twist-filled suspense novel...

    A housewife is the target of a shocking, methodical killing. Shot with a hunting rifle through her kitchen window, the woman is dead before she hits the ground.

    Though murdered in England, it turns out that the woman, Sofie Parker, is actually a Danish citizen who's been on the Missing Persons list for almost two decades--so Louise Rick is called on to the case. Then, in an unexpected twist, the police discover that Sofie had been reported missing eighteen years ago by none other than Eik, Louise Rick's police colleague and lover.

    Impulsive as ever, Eik rushes to England, and ends up in jail on suspicion of Sofie's murder. Completely blindsided by Eik's connection to the case, Louise is thoroughly unsettled and sick with worry, yet she must set aside her own emotional turmoil if she hopes to find the killer in what will become her most controversial case yet...
  • Julefrokosten Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9788771805468
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: People's Press
    Язык: Датский

    En små-kriminel julenovelle af Sara Blædel med Louise Rick i en gæsterolle. Tina danser tæt med sportschefen, Jens, til bladets julefrokost. De to har haft en affære i et stykke tid. Men da hun lidt senere venter på Jens på kontoret, får hun sig en sig en overraskelse.

  • The Forgotten Girls Sara Blaedel
    ISBN: 978-1455581528
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    The body of an unidentified woman has been discovered in a remote forest. A large, unique scar on one side of her face should make the identification easy, but nobody has reported her missing. Louise Rick, the new commander of the Missing Persons Department, waits four long days before pulling off a risky move: releasing a photo of the victim to the media, jeopardizing the integrity of the investigation in hopes of finding anyone who knew her. The gamble pays off when a woman recognizes the victim as Lisemette, a child she cared for in the state mental institution many years ago. Lisemette was a "forgotten girl", abandoned by her family…

  • The Killing Forest Sara Blaedel
    ISBN: 978-1455581542
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Sara Blaedel, author of the #1 international bestseller "The Forgotten Girls"--which was roundly praised as "gripping" with "uncompromising realism" (Washington Post) and "tautly suspenseful" (BookPage)--returns with the thrilling next book in her series featuring police investigator Louise Rick. THE KILLING FOREST Following an extended leave, Louise Rick returns to work at the Special Search Agency, an elite unit of the National Police Department. She's assigned a case involving a fifteen-year-old who vanished a week earlier. When Louise realizes that the missing teenager is the son of a butcher from Hvalsoe, she seizes the opportunity…

  • Farewell to Freedom Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9781605985275
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Pegasus Books
    Язык: Английский

    #1 internationally bestselling author Sara Blaedel delivers an electrifying, page-turning new novel in which detective Louise Rick confronts a case that will change her life forever. The Night Women A journey to a new life or a prison of despair and death? A shocking murder on Copenhagen's idyllic streets and an abandoned child reveal a perverse criminal underworld that crosses international borders. A young woman's body is found on the street with her throat slit, and the media is clamoring for the grisly details. Detective Louise Rick is investigating the gruesome murder when her friend Camilla Lind calls. Louise assumes it is…

  • Call Me Princess Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9781605982519
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Pegasus Crime
    Язык: Английский
    Homicide detective Louise Rick chases a disturbing serial rapist in this fast-paced thriller in Sara Blaedels breakout series, perfect for readers of Lisa Gardner, Tami Hoag, Tess Gerritsen, or Jo Nesb.An online flirtation can have horrific consequences, as Detective Louise Rick discovers when she is called to an idyllic Copenhagen neighborhood where a young woman has been left bound and gagged after a profoundly brutal rape attack. Susanne Hansson met her rapist on a popular dating website. But the man is hiding behind a labyrinth of false pseudonyms, and neither Susannenor the policehave been able to trace his true identity. With the internet as his playground, the rapist will almost certainly strike again if Louise cant unmask him before its too late.Incredible suspense and a diabolical series of twists take Sara Blaedels wildly popular series to new heights.
  • The Woman in the Hotel Сара Блэдэль
    ISBN: 9781538732908
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    #1 internationally bestselling writer Sara Blaedel--whose books have sold over three million copies worldwide--presents a page-turning short story in which a journalist discovers that all is not as it appears in a seemingly idyllic tourist town.

    Journalist Camilla Lind gets a frantic phone her father has been assaulted. He's the editor of a local newspaper in Skagen, and the brutal attack also left the paper's newsroom in flames. Could it be a response to the hard-hitting series he'd been printing about a real-estate racket run by wealthy out-of-towners targeting the quaint seaside tourist town?

    As Camilla takes over the newspaper while he recovers, she quickly discovers that there are those in Skagen who would kill to keep their secrets safe....