Абир Мукерджи

Abir Mukherjee

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Новинки Абира Мукерджи

  • Смерть на Сході Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 978-617-09-7895-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Фабула
    Язык: Украинский

    Украй змучений капітан поліції Сем Віндгем вирушає до ашраму в індійській провінції Ассам, щоб нарешті подолати опійну залежність і, можливо, відкрити нову сторінку свого життя. Але жахлива тінь із минулого, що промайнула в натовпі, дає поштовх його новому розслідуванню. Убивця уникнув покарання чимало років тому, та чи вийде це в нього зараз — у 1922-му? Вірний сержант Банерджі з’явиться саме вчасно, щоб допомогти остаточно розплутати справу, розв’язка якої напевно вразила б саму Агату Крісті.

  • A Necessary Evil Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 9781784704773
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    India, 1920. Captain Sam Wyndham and Sergeant Banerjee of Calcutta Police must investigate the dramatic assassination of a Maharaja's son...
    Sam Wyndham is visiting the kingdom of Sambalpore, home to diamond mines and the beautiful Palace of the Sun.
    But when the Maharaja's eldest son is assassinated, Wyndham realises that the realm is riven with conflict. Prince Adhir was unpopular with religious groups, while his brother - now in line to the throne - appears to be a feckless playboy.
    As Wyndham and Sergeant 'Surrender-not' Banerjee endeavour to unravel the mystery, they become entangled in a dangerous world. They must find the murderer, before the murderer finds them.
  • A Rising Man Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 9781784701345
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    India, 1919. Desperate for a fresh start, Captain Sam Wyndham arrives to take up an important post in Calcutta's police force.
    He is soon called to the scene of a horrifying murder. The victim was a senior official, and a note left in his mouth warns the British to leave India - or else.
    With the stability of the Empire under threat, Wyndham and Sergeant 'Surrender-not' Banerjee must solve the case quickly. But there are some who will do anything to stop them...
  • Неизбежное зло Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-913-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Второй роман из детективного цикла про капитана Уиндема и сержанта Несокрушима, расследующих преступления в Калькутте начала XX века. Индия, 1920 год. Капитану Сэму Уиндему и сержанту Банерджи по прозвищу Несокрушим предстоит расследовать убийство сына махараджи. Сэм Уиндем наносит официальный визит в королевство Самбалпур, где находятся алмазные рудники и прекрас­ ный Дворец Солнца. Когда убивают старшего сына и наследника махараджи, Уиндем понимает, что крошечное королевство раздирают конфликты. Убитый принц Адир был непопулярен среди религиозных групп, в то время как его брат — теперь первый в очереди на трон — кажется ни на что не…

  • Дим і попіл Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 978-617-09-7639-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Фабула
    Язык: Украинский
    Ще ніколи раніше капітан поліції Віндгем не вплутувався в настільки неприємну історію. Ще ніколи раніше його кар’єра не висіла на такій тонкій волосинці. А все чому? Тому що опій — це не на доб­ре. Щоб усвідомити це по-справжньому, капітану доведеться чимало постаратися. Саме йому і сержанту Банерджі доручать розслідування двох загадкових убивств та убезпечення візиту принца Уельського, який вирішив зустріти Різдво 1921 року в Калькутті. Звісно, ці двоє з усім упораються, адже на них чекають нові неймовірні пригоди…
  • The Shadows of Men Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 1787300609
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    Calcutta, 1923.

    When a Hindu theologian is found murdered in his home, the city is on the brink of all-out religious war. Can officers of the Imperial Police Force, Captain Sam Wyndham and Sergeant Surendranath Banerjee track down those responsible in time to stop a bloodbath?

    Set at a time of heightened political tension, beginning in atmospheric Calcutta and taking the detectives all the way to bustling Bombay, the latest instalment in this 'unmissable' (The Times) series presents Wyndham and Banerjee with an unprecedented challenge. Will this be the case that finally drives them apart?
  • Человек с большим будущим Абир Мукерджи
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: StorySide AB
    Язык: Русский
    1919 год. Скандал в индийской Калькутте – высокопоставленный британский чиновник найден мертвым неподалеку от борделя, а во рту у него смятая записка, в которой местные террористы угрожают утопить англичан в собственной крови. С виду – явно политическое убийство, но новоиспеченный капитан городской полиции Сэм Уидем, приехавший в Индию совсем недавно, не может отделаться от подозрений, что все гораздо сложнее, чем кажется. Колониальная Калькутта от опиумных притонов до роскошных ресторанов для белой публики – экзотический лабиринт, в котором причудливым узором переплетаются разные культуры и человеческие мотивы. Чужаку здесь немудрено заблудиться…
    Перед вами – первый из серии атмосферных исторических детективов о приключениях Уидема и его помощника-индийца, сержанта Банерджи по прозвищу Несокрушим. Роман – лауреат престижной жанровой премии CWA Endeavour Dagger.
  • Человек с большим будущим Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-866-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Индия, 1919 год. Отчаянно желая начать все сначала, капитан Сэм Уиндем прибывает из Британии, чтобы занять важный пост в полиции Калькутты. Вскоре его вызывают на место странного убийства. Жертва — высокопоставленный чиновник, тело нашли в трущобном квартале, где европейцы не бывают, скомканная записка у него во рту требует, чтобы британцы покинули Индию, а иначе последуют новые жертвы. Капитан Уиндем берет в помощники первого в полиции офицера-индийца, сержанта Банерджи по прозвищу Несокрушим. Быстро выясняется, что история куда запутанней, чем политическое убийство. Атмосферный, в духе Конан Дойла детектив, разворачивающийся в ярких…

  • Death in the East Abir Mukherjee
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Calcutta police detective Captain Sam Wyndham and his quick-witted Indian Sergeant, Surrender-not Banerjee, are back for another rip-roaring adventure set in 1920s India.

    1905, London. As a young constable, Sam Wyndham is on his usual East London beat when he comes across an old flame, Bessie Drummond, attacked in the streets. The next day, when Bessie is found brutally beaten in her own room, locked from the inside, Wyndham promises to get to the bottom of her murder. But the case will cost the young constable more than he ever imagined.

    1922, India. Leaving Calcutta, Captain Sam Wyndham heads for the hills of Assam, to the ashram of a sainted monk where he hopes to conquer his opium addiction. But when he arrives, he sees a ghost from his life in London - a man thought to be long dead, a man Wyndham hoped he would never see again.

    Wyndham knows he must call his friend and colleague Sergeant Banerjee for help. He is certain this figure from his past isn’t here by coincidence. He is here for revenge.
  • Smoke and Ashes: Sam Wyndham Book 3 Abir Mukherjee
    ISBN: 9781473546486
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vintage Digital
    Язык: Английский
    India, 1921. Haunted by his memories of the Great War, Captain Sam Wyndham is battling a serious addiction to opium that he must keep secret from his superiors in the Calcutta police force.

    When Sam is summoned to investigate a grisly murder, he is stunned at the sight of the body: he’s seen this before. Last night, in a drug addled haze, he stumbled across a corpse with the same ritualistic injuries. It seems like there’s a deranged killer on the loose. Unfortunately for Sam, the corpse was in an opium den and revealing his presence there could cost him his career.

    With the aid of his quick-witted Indian Sergeant, Surrender-not Banerjee, Sam must try to solve the two murders, all the while keeping his personal demons secret, before somebody else turns up dead.
  • Death in the East Abir Mukherjee
    ISBN: 1787300579, 9781787300576
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    1905, London. As a young constable, Sam Wyndham is on his usual East London beat when he comes across an old flame, Bessie Drummond, attacked in the streets. The next day, when Bessie is found brutally beaten in her own room, locked from the inside, Wyndham promises to get to the bottom of her murder. But the case will cost the young constable more than he ever imagined.

    1922, India. Leaving Calcutta, Captain Sam Wyndham heads for the hills of Assam, to the ashram of a sainted monk where he hopes to conquer his opium addiction. But when he arrives, he sees a ghost from his life in London – a man thought to be long dead, a man Wyndham hoped he would never see again.

    Wyndham knows he must call his friend and colleague Sergeant Banerjee for help. He is certain this figure from his past isn’t here by coincidence. He is here for revenge . . .

    Praise for the Sam Wyndham series:

    ‘A thought-provoking rollercoaster’ Ian Rankin

    'Death in the East is as vivid and atmospheric as its predecessors' Guardian

    ‘Confirms Abir Mukherjee as a rising star of historical crime fiction’ The Times

    ‘Cracking… A journey into the dark underbelly of the British Raj’ Daily Express

    ‘A brilliantly conceived murder mystery set amidst political and social turmoil – beautifully crafted’ C. J. Sansom

    'Mukherjee brings sardonic wit to his portrayal of British rule in India, and the action is perfectly paced.' Daily Mirror

    'An absolute delight' Daily Mail
    ** Selected by the Telegraph, FT and Guardian as one of the best crime books of 2019**

    **'A skilfully blended dual narrative: twice the intrigue, twice the fun. Mukherjee is at the top of his game' Mick Herron, author of the Jackson Lamb series, on Death in the East**

    **'The gloriously atmospheric Death in the East is his [Mukherjee’s] best book so far, a cracking read' Scotsman**

    **'The perfect combination of mystery and history' Telegraph**

    Calcutta police detective Captain Sam Wyndham and his quick-witted Indian Sergeant, Surrender-not Banerjee, are back for another rip-roaring adventure set in 1920s India.
  • Smoke and Ashes: Sam Wyndham Book 3 Abir Mukherjee
    ISBN: 9781784704780
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    India, 1921 . Captain Sam Wyndham is battling a serious addiction to opium that he must keep secret from his superiors in the Calcutta police force.

    But Wyndham finds himself in a tight spot when he stumbles across a corpse in an opium den. When he then comes across a second body bearing the same injuries, Wyndham is convinced that there's a deranged killer on the loose.

    However, revealing his presence in the opium den could cost him his career.

    As Wyndham and Sergeant 'Surrender-not' Banerjee set out to solve the two murders, Wyndham must tread carefully, keeping his personal demons secret, before someone else turns up dead..
  • Smoke and Ashes Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 9781643130149
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Pegasus Books
    Язык: Английский

    India, 1921. Haunted by his memories of the Great War, Captain Sam Wyndham is battling a serious addiction to opium that he must keep secret from his superiors in the Calcutta police force. When Sam is summoned to investigate a grisly murder, he is stunned at the sight of the body: he’s seen this before. Last night, in a drug addled haze, he stumbled across a corpse with the same ritualistic injuries. It seems like there’s a deranged killer on the loose. Unfortunately for Sam, the corpse was in an opium den and revealing his presence there could cost him his career. With the aid of his quick-witted Indian Sergeant, Surrender-not…

  • Необхідне зло Абір Мухерджі
    ISBN: 978-617-09-5124-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Фабула
    Язык: Украинский

    Індія, 1920 рік. Капітан Віндгем і сержант Банерджі з поліції Калькутти розслідують загадкове вбивство сина магараджі. Спадкоємця престолу вбито просто на очах капітана і сержанта. Розслідуючи цю справу, їм доводиться вирушити до багатого королівства Самбалпур, країни діамантових копалень і розкішних палаців. Та за зовнішньою красою приховуються заплутані конфлікти. Принц Адгір був реформатором, чия поведінка — та й романтичні захоплення — викликали велике роздратування в релігійних фанатиків. Кому ж він став на заваді? Віндгем і Банерджі відчайдушно намагаються розгадати таємницю, яка ховається за цим убивством. Та вони потрапили в…

  • Людина, що підводиться Абір Мухерджі
    ISBN: 978-617-09-4962-2
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Фабула
    Язык: Украинский

    Із перших рядків на сторінках роману розпочинається мова про вбивство високопоставленого чиновника — помічника губернатора Бенгалії. Підозра падає на терористів-революціонерів, оскільки у країні розпочався черговий етап національно-визвольного руху за незалежність Індії. Паралельно з убивством важливого посадовця здійснюється ще один важливий злочин — група бандитів нападає на поштово-пасажирський потяг, убивають охоронця але нічого не грабують і не викрадають. Обидва ці непрості злочини потрібно розслідувати і розкрити капітану Віндгему, від якого і оповідається у творі. І він успішно з цим упорався. Події в романі відбуваються у…

  • Smoke and Ashes Abir Mukherjee
    ISBN: 1911215140, 978-1911215141
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский

    India, 1921. Haunted by his memories of the Great War, Captain Sam Wyndham is battling a serious addiction to opium that he must keep secret from his superiors in the Calcutta police force. When Sam is summoned to investigate a grisly murder, he is stunned at the sight of the body: he’s seen this before. Last night, in a drug addled haze, he stumbled across a corpse with the same ritualistic injuries. It seems like there’s a deranged killer on the loose. Unfortunately for Sam, the corpse was in an opium den and revealing his presence there could cost him his career. With the aid of his quick-witted Indian Sergeant, Surrender-not…

  • A Rising Man Abir Mukherjee
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Audible Studios
    Язык: Английский

    In the days of the Raj, a newly arrived Scotland Yard detective is confronted with the murder of a British official - in his mouth a note warning the British to leave India, or else.... Calcutta, 1919. Captain Sam Wyndham, former Scotland Yard detective, is a new arrival to Calcutta. Desperately seeking a fresh start after his experiences during the Great War, Wyndham has been recruited to head up a new post in the police force. He is immediately overwhelmed by the heady vibrancy of the tropical city, but with barely a moment to acclimatize or to deal with the ghosts that still haunt him, Wyndham is caught up in a murder investigation…

  • A Necessary Evil Abir Mukherjee
    ISBN: 1911215124, 9781911215127
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский

    India, 1920. Captain Wyndham and Sergeant Banerjee of the Calcutta Police Force investigate the dramatic assassination of a Maharajah's son. The fabulously wealthy kingdom of Sambalpore is home to tigers, elephants, diamond mines and the beautiful Palace of the Sun. But when the heir to the throne is assassinated in the presence of Captain Sam Wyndham and Sergeant 'Surrender-Not' Banerjee, they discover a kingdom riven with suppressed conflict. Prince Adhir was a moderniser whose attitudes - and romantic relationship - may have upset the more religious elements of his country, while his brother – now in line to the throne – appears to be…

  • A Rising Man Abir Mukherjee
    ISBN: 168177416X, 978-1681774169
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Pegasus Books
    Язык: Английский

    Captain Sam Wyndham, former Scotland Yard detective, is a new arrival to Calcutta. Desperately seeking a fresh start after his experiences during the Great War, Wyndham has been recruited to head up a new post in the police force. But with barely a moment to acclimatise to his new life or to deal with the ghosts which still haunt him, Wyndham is caught up in a murder investigation that will take him into the dark underbelly of the British Raj. A senior British official has been murdered, and a note left in his mouth warns the British to quit India: or else. With rising political dissent and the stability of the Raj under threat, Wyndham…

  • A Rising Man Абир Мукерджи
    ISBN: 978-1910701898
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    Selected as a Book of the Year 2016 in the Daily Telegraph

    The winner of the Harvill Secker/Daily Telegraph crime writing competition

    Captain Sam Wyndham, former Scotland Yard detective, is a new arrival to Calcutta. Desperately seeking a fresh start after his experiences during the Great War, Wyndham has been recruited to head up a new post in the police force. But with barely a moment to acclimatise to his new life or to deal with the ghosts which still haunt him, Wyndham is caught up in a murder investigation that will take him into the dark underbelly of the British Raj.

    A senior official has been murdered, and a note left in his mouth warns the British to quit India: or else. With rising political dissent and the stability of the Raj under threat, Wyndham and his two new colleagues – arrogant Inspector Digby and British-educated, but Indian-born Sergeant Banerjee, one of the few Indians to be recruited into the new CID – embark on an investigation that will take them from the luxurious parlours of wealthy British traders to the seedy opium dens of the city.
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