Кристофер Браун

Christopher Brown

  • 10 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 46 читателей
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Кристофер Браун — новинки

  • Failed State Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 978-0062859105
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Harper Voyager

    In the aftermath of a second American revolution, peace rests on a fragile truce. The old regime has been deposed, but the ex-president has vanished, escaping justice for his crimes. Some believe he is dead. Others fear he is in hiding, gathering forces. As the factions in Washington work to restore order, Donny Kimoe is in court to settle old scores—and pay his own debts come due. Meanwhile, the rebels Donny once defended are exacting their own kind of justice. In the ruins of New Orleans, they are building a green utopia—and kidnapping their defeated adversaries to pay for it. The newest hostage is the young heiress to a fortune made…

  • Rule of Capture Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 978-0062859099
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Harper Voyager

    Defeated in a devastating war with China and ravaged by climate change, America is on the brink of a bloody civil war. Seizing power after a controversial election, the ruling regime has begun cracking down on dissidents fighting the nation’s slide toward dictatorship. For Donny Kimoe, chaos is good for business. He’s a lawyer who makes his living defending enemies of the state. His newest client, young filmmaker Xelina Rocafuerte, witnessed the murder of an opposition leader and is now accused of terrorism. To save her from the only sentence worse than death, Donny has to extract justice from a system that has abandoned the rule of law.…

  • Тропик Канзаса Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 978-5-04-099491-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Америка прогнулась под пятой диктатора. Фальшивые улыбки навязли в зубах — ​ведь с экранов вещают, что все хорошо, а те, кому что-то не нравится, — ​экстре­мисты. Поля отравлены химией. С небес взирают недремлющие очи беспилотников, скорых на расправу. Но есть смельчаки, способные крикнуть правду в лицо тирану. Это Максина Прайс — ​знамя нового мира. Это Таня — ​чернокожая выпускница Куантико. Это Сиг — ​бродяга и дикарь. Но есть и те, что не прочь ловить рыбку в мутной воде. Их много. А победить можно только вместе.

  • Tropic of Kansas Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 0-06-256381-5, 978-0-06-256381-1
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Harper Voyager
    Язык: Английский
    The United States of America is no more. Broken into warring territories, its center has become a wasteland DMZ known as “the Tropic of Kansas.” Though this gaping geographic hole has no clear boundaries, everyone knows it's out there—that once-bountiful part of the heartland, broken by greed and exploitation, where neglect now breeds unrest. Two travelers appear in this arid American wilderness: Sig, the fugitive orphan of political dissidents, and his foster sister Tania, a government investigator whose search for Sig leads her into her own past—and towards an unexpected future.

    Sig promised those he loves that he would make it to the revolutionary redoubt of occupied New Orleans. But first he must survive the wild edgelands of a barren mid-America policed by citizen militias and autonomous drones, where one wrong move can mean capture . . . or death. One step behind, undercover in the underground, is Tania. Her infiltration of clandestine networks made of old technology and new politics soon transforms her into the hunted one, and gives her a shot at being the agent of real change—if she is willing to give up the explosive government secrets she has sworn to protect.

    As brother and sister traverse these vast and dangerous badlands, their paths will eventually intersect on the front lines of a revolution whose fuse they are about to light.
  • Shifting Our Focus to Anti-oppressive Education Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 9783639715767
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Scholars' Press
    Язык: Английский
    This book is based on a study of a graduate program that focused on anti-oppressive education. The author discusses how anti-oppressive education consists of inclusive, critical, and poststructural dimensions that work in different ways to support the perspective transformation of learners. The author leads readers through his experience learning about anti-oppressive education and how he, and other participants, changed. The author answers the following questions: What experiences and instructional aspects of the anti-oppressive education course did participants find significant in relation to their sense of transformation? How did the different anti-oppressive educational theories and practices affect the participants? To what extent did the different dimensions of anti-oppressive education discomfort the participants emotionally and precipitate perspective transformation? How did participants understand their identities to have changed? Did participants enact teacher activism that would be evidence of transformation? What were the personal changes of participants participating in the course? As well, the author suggests ways to enhance anti-oppressive education.
  • Маленькая книжка, которая научит вас инвестировать Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 978-985-15-0640-4, 978-0-470-05589-8
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Попурри
    Язык: Русский
    Блестящий инвестор Крис Браун объясняет, как выявлять потенциально выгодные сделки и избегать мыльных пузырей и рыночного психоза, как провести полномасштабный анализ компаний, в которые вы намереваетесь вложить деньги, как найти хорошего специалиста по инвестициям и как не отвлекаться на мимолетные увлечения рынка.

    Для широкого круга читателей.
  • Прадо (подарочное издание) (сборник) Эмилио Альфонсо Санчес Перес
    ISBN: 5-85050-362-5
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: СЛОВО/SLOVO
    Красочный альбом знакомит с шедеврами живописи, хранящимися в одном из самых известных европейских музеев. Творения Веласкеса и Гойи, Босха и Тициана, Рубенса и Эль Греко, многих других знаменитых художников оживают на страницах книги в превосходно сделанных репродукциях.
  • Dutch Painting Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 978 0 7148 2865 7
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: Phaidon Press
    Язык: Английский
    The seventeenth century was the Golden Age of Dutch painting, during which political independence and increasing prosperity created a newpatrons of the arts among merchants and statesmen. Rembrandt, Hals and Vermeer, and a host of lesser-known talents, produced a dazzling variety of work, from intimate portraits to virtuoso still lifes, dramatic seascapes to coolly observed domestic interiors. This survey of the period presents a careful selection of paintings which marvellously evoke the spirit of a great age of creativity. Christopher Brown's lucid account includes an introduction, extensive commentaries to each of the 48 full-page colour plates, and the numerous black-and-white illustrations by way of comparison.
  • Ван Дейк Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 5-210-24248-2
    Год издания: 1989
    Издательство: Искусство
    Язык: Русский
    Книга посвящена творчеству выдающегося фламандского художника Антониса Ван Дейка (1599-1641), замечательного мастера портретной живописи 17 столетия, блестящего колориста. Для Ван Дейка характерен тип парадного портрета, в котором внимание к
  • Dutch Painting Кристофер Браун
    ISBN: 0 7148 1691 4
    Год издания: 1976
    Издательство: Phaidon Press
    Язык: Английский
    The seventeenth century was the Golden Age of Dutch painting, during which political independence and increasing prosperity created a newpatrons of the arts among merchants and statesmen. Rembrandt, Hals and Vermeer, and a host of lesser-known talents, produced a dazzling variety of work, from intimate portraits to virtuoso still lifes, dramatic seascapes to coolly observed domestic interiors. This survey of the period presents a careful selection of paintings which marvellously evoke the spirit of a great age of creativity. Christopher Brown's lucid account includes an introduction, extensive commentaries to each of the 48 full-page colour plates, and the numerous black-and-white illustrations by way of comparison.