Владимир Ленин

Владимир Ильич Ленин

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Владимир Ленин — библиография

  • 100 и 1 цитата Владимир Ленин
    В книге собраны краткие выдержки из работ В. И. Ленина по ключевым вопросам теории и практики мирового коммунистического движения, социалистической революции в России и начала строительства советского государства. Отражены темы марксизма, социализма и коммунизма, диктатуры пролетариата, революционного террора, философии и диалектики, идеологии, морали, культуры, литературы, искусства, семьи и любви. Включены изречения ставшие крылатыми, и биографическая справка.
  • Россия и война. О «национальной гордости» и пользе поражений Владимир Ленин
    «Чтобы самодержавно господствовать внутри страны, царизму необходимо непрерывно одерживать победы. В глазах вульгарно-патриотической публики следующие одно за другим завоевания, могущество и внешний блеск царизма с избытком перевешивают все его грехи, весь деспотизм, все несправедливости и произвол; шовинистическое бахвальство с лихвой вознаграждает за все пинки», – писал Фридрих Энгельс.
    Маркс и Энгельс оценивали внешнюю политику царизма в XVIII-XIX веках с классовых позиций и приходили к выводу, что каждая его победа, укрепляя власть, лишь усиливает угнетение народа. Подобную же оценку давал В.И. Ленин, говоря об участии России в Первой Мировой войне. Он считал, что «национальная гордость», переходящая в воинствующий шовинизм, служит на пользу существующему режиму, а поражение в войне, напротив, может привести к падению царизма.
    В книге представлены работы Маркса, Энгельса и Ленина, посвященные этой теме.
    В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
  • Lenin heute Владимир Ленин
    Im Sp?twerk Lenins verdichten sich Dringlichkeit und revolution?re Schlagkraft in besonderer Weise. Dennoch stehen meist seine fr?hen Schriften im Rampenlicht. Der Philosoph und ausgezeichnete Lenin-Kenner Slavoj Žižek zeigt nun anhand ausgew?hlter Briefe, Reden und Notizen eine neue Seite des sowjetischen Regierungschefs, fernab von Personenkult und Verkl?rung. Anfang der Zwanzigerjahre, inmitten der letzten Wellen des russischen B?rgerkriegs, sah sich Lenin mit der gr??ten politischen Herausforderung seines Lebens konfrontiert. Die junge Sowjetunion war nach au?en wie nach innen schwach, isoliert und zerr?ttet – eine neue, gem??igte Politik musste her. In seiner scharfsichtigen, pr?zisen und unterhaltsamen Interpretation zieht Žižek eine Verbindung von den turbulenten Zeiten des jungen Staates bis zu gegenw?rtigen ?konomischen Krisen. Angetrieben wird er von der Frage, was wir f?r unsere Situation von Lenin lernen k?nnen.
  • Staat und Revolution Владимир Ленин

    Die Schrift Staat und Revolution verfasste Lenin im August bis September 1917 in der Illegalit?t. Den Gedanken, dass es notwendig sei, die Frage des Staates theoretisch auszuarbeiten, hatte Lenin in der zweiten H?lfte des Jahres 1916 ge?u?ert. Damals schrieb er die Notiz Jugend-Internationale, in der er die Position Bucharins in der Frage des Staates kritisierte und versprach, einen ausf?hrlichen Artikel ?ber die Frage Marxismus und Staat zu schreiben. In einem Brief an A.M. Kollontai vom 17. Februar 1917 (neuen Stils) teilte Lenin mit, dass er das Material ?ber die Frage Marxismus und Staat fast fertig vorbereitet habe. Es ist eine…

  • ?Qu? hacer? Владимир Ленин
    Este ebook presenta «?Qu? hacer?» con un sumario din?mico y detallado. ?Qu? hacer? (en ruso: Что делать? Chto delat?) es un tratado pol?tico, escrito por Vlad?mir Lenin entre finales de 1901 y principios de 1902 y publicado en febrero de ese a?o. En ?l, Lenin presenta propuestas concretas sobre la organizaci?n y la estrategia que debe seguir un partido revolucionario. Se trata de un desarrollo de los conceptos organizativos del partido revolucionario, ya expuestos en la revista Iskra, particularmente en el art?culo «?Por d?nde empezar?», de mayo de 1901. El t?tulo se inspira en la novela hom?nima de Nikolai Chernishevski, escrita en 1862, de enorme influencia en los revolucionarios rusos de la ?poca. Vlad?mir Ilich Uli?nov (1870 – 1924), com?nmente conocido como Vlad?mir Ilich Lenin, V.L Lenin o simplemente Lenin fue un pol?tico, revolucionario, te?rico pol?tico y comunista ruso. L?der de la facci?n bolchevique del Partido Obrero Socialdem?crata de Rusia, se convirti? en el principal dirigente de la Revoluci?n de Octubre de 1917. En 1922 fue nombrado presidente del Consejo de Comisarios del Pueblo, convirti?ndose en el primer y m?ximo dirigente de la Uni?n de Rep?blicas Socialistas Sovi?ticas (URSS). Pol?ticamente marxista, sus contribuciones al pensamiento marxista reciben el nombre de leninismo, lo que unido a la teor?a econ?mica desarrollada por Marx ha llegado a ser conocido como marxismo-leninismo.
  • The State and Revolution Владимир Ленин
    "The State and Revolution" by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky Владимир Ленин
    "The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky" by Vladimir Lenin (translated by Anonymous). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • El Estado y la revoluci?n Владимир Ленин
    Un Lenin en la clandestinidad, oculto en alguna aldea cercana a Petrogrado, ya en Helsinki, nos propone una de sus obras fundamentales. El Estado y la Revoluci?n es la faena de un militante. Su texto nos lo confirma p?gina tras p?gina. Adem?s, en simult?neo con su redacci?n, Lenin produce decenas de art?culos breves, notas y cartas. Todos ellos impregnados de una vehemente certeza: los bolcheviques se hallaban ante una cita con el futuro que era imperioso no desairar. Hay libros que atrasan. Otros pueden avejentarse. Y est?n los imprescindibles. Que a medida que pasa el tiempo se van haciendo m?s sabios. Vueltos a leer, les descubrimos aristas que no hab?amos entrevisto. En parte m?rito del propio libro, de nuestra maduraci?n y/o del encuentro de alguna vieja tesis con alguna nueva situaci?n. Esto hace grande a una obra. Y, desde ya, es la virtud de El Estado y la Revoluci?n.
  • El Imperialismo, fase superior del capitalismo Владимир Ленин
    Si fuera necesario dar una definici?n lo m?s breve posible del imperialismo, deber?a decirse que el imperialismo es la fase monopolista del capitalismo. Una definici?n tal comprender?a lo principal, pues, por una parte, el capital financiero es el capital bancario de algunos grandes bancos monopolistas fundido con el capital de los grupos monopolistas de industriales y, por otra, el reparto del mundo es el tr?nsito de la pol?tica colonial, que se expande sin obst?culos en las regiones todav?a no apropiadas por ninguna potencia capitalista, a la pol?tica colonial de dominaci?n monopolista de los territorios del globo, enteramente repartido
  • A Letter to American Workingmen, from the Socialist Soviet Republic of Russia Владимир Ленин
    "A Letter to American Workingmen, from the Socialist Soviet Republic of Russia" by Vladimir Il'ich Lenin. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • Essential Works of Lenin Владимир Ленин
    Among the most influential political and social forces of the twentieth century, modern communism rests firmly on philosophical, political, and economic underpinnings developed by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, later known as Lenin. In this volume, comprising the four works generally considered his most important publications, Lenin presents the goals and tactics of Communism with remarkable directness and forcefulness.His first major work was The Development of Capitalism in Russia, written in prison after Lenin had been arrested for anti-government activities in 1895. Represented here by key sections, the book developed a number of crucial concepts, including the significance of the industrial proletariat as a revolutionary base. What Is to Be Done?, long regarded as the key manual of Communist action, is presented complete, containing Lenin's famous dissection of the Western idea of the political party along with his own concept of a monolithic party organization devoted to achieving the goal of dictatorship of the proletariat. Also presented complete is Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, in which Lenin examines the final «parasitic» stage of capitalism. Finally, this volume includes the complete text of The State and Revolution, Lenin's most significant work, in which he totally rejects the institutions of Western democracy and presents his vision of the final perfection of Communism.For anyone who seeks to understand the twentieth century, capitalism, the Russian revolution, and the role of Communism in the tumultuous political and social movements that have shaped the modern world, the essential works of Lenin offer unparalleled insight and understanding. Taken together, they represent a balanced cross-section of this revolutionary theories of history, politics, and economics; his tactics for securing and retaining power; and his vision of a new social and economic order.
  • Collected Works, Volume 1 Владимир Ленин
    Re-launch of the Collected Works of the legendary revolutionary in paperback Among the most influential political and social forces of the twentieth century, modern communism rests firmly on philosophical, political, and economic underpinnings developed by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, later known as Lenin. For anyone who seeks to understand the twentieth century, capitalism, the Russian Revolution, and the role of Communism in the tumultuous political and social movements that have shaped the modern world, the works of Lenin offer unparalleled insight and understanding. Taken together, they represent a balanced cross-section of his revolutionary theories of history, politics, and economics; his tactics for securing and retaining power; and his vision of a new social and economic order. This first volume contains four works (“New Economic Developments in Peasant Life,” “On the So-Called Market Question,” “What the ‘Friends of the People’ Are and How They Fight the Social-Democrats,” “The Economic Content of Narodism and the Criticism of It in Mr. Struve’s Book”) written by Lenin in 1893–1894, at the outset of his revolutionary activity, during the first years of the struggle to establish a workers’ revolutionary party in Russia.
  • Социализм и религия Владимир Ленин
    Форма: статья
    Первая публикация: 3 декабря 1905
    Язык: Русский
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