Жаклин Симпсон

Jacqueline Simpson

  • 6 книг
  • 60 читателей
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Жаклин Симпсон – лучшие книги

  • Викинги. Быт, религия, культура Жаклин Симпсон
    ISBN: 5-9524-1741-8
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский

    Жаклин Симпсон - крупнейший специалист по культуре скандинавов и англичан. Редактор всемирно известного журнала "Фольклор", автор множества популярных книг, в числе которых "Словарь английского фольклора", и "Британские драконы". Эта книга познакомит вас с викингами, искусными стратегами, мореходами и первопроходцами, прославившимися беспримерной военной экспансией. Выузнаете таинственные подробности архаических ритуалов с участием жрицы, называемой Ангелом Смерти. Автор рассказывает о находках археологов, исторических хрониках и фольклоре северных народов.

  • The Folklore of Discworld Терри Пратчетт
    ISBN: 9780804169035
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Anchor
    Язык: Английский
    Find out
    - Why cheeses roll down hills
    - The hazards of treacle mining
    - What’s so uncanny about the humble hare
    -The origins of orcs (which are not the same as goblins!)
    - Why witches come in threes

    Legends, myths, fairytales, superstitions. Our world is full of the stories we have told ourselves about where we came from and how we got there. It is the same on Discworld, except that beings such as vampires, trolls, golems, witches and, possibly, gods, which on Earth are creatures of the imagination, are real, alive, and in some cases kicking on the Disc.

    The Folklore of Discworld, coauthored by Terry Pratchett and leading British folklorist Jacqueline Simpson, is an invaluable reference for longtime Discworld fans and newcomers alike. An irreverent yet illuminating look at the living myths and folklore that are reflected, celebrated, and affectionately libeled in the uniquely imaginative universe of Discworld.
  • Повседневная жизнь викингов. Быт, религия, культура Жаклин Симпсон
    ISBN: 978-5-9524-5622-8
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Автор множества популярных книг, в числе которых "Словарь английского фольклора" и "Британские драконы", редактор всемирно известного журнала "Фольклор" Жаклин Симпсон рассказывает об искусных стратегах, мореходах и первопроходцах - викингах, прославившихся беспримерной военной экспансией, о находках археологов, исторических хрониках и фольклоре северных народов.
  • A Dictionary of English Folklore Жаклин Симпсон
    Год издания: 2000
    With 1250 entries ranging from dragons to Mother Goose, May Day to Michaelmas, this enchanting dictionary unfurls the colorful history behind the holidays, customs, legends, and superstitious beliefs of England. Ever wonder why we kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas or think a rabbit's foot brings good luck? Two folklore authorities provide reliable and often surprising answers to these and other curiosities that have shaped daily life in England for centuries. They explore the festivals and past celebrations of the English calendar, from St. Andrews Day and its tradition of drunkenness and cross-dressing to Twelfth Night and its king and queen cake. They also provide concise portraits of real and legendary characters that populate the public memory, including Robin Hood, The Brothers Grimm, Lady Godiva, Puck, and The Sandman. Fairies, mermaids, hobgoblins, and changelings are but a few of the supernatural forces surveyed here. However, as folklore encompasses the mundane as well as the fantastic, numerous other entries illuminate the significance of colors, numbers, flowers, animals, and household objects. Learn the curious history behind our distrust of the "black sheep," popular credence in "wishbone" wishes, folk cures for nosebleeds and warts, and persistent old wives' tales. In addition to ancient and medieval folklore, you will find many contemporary urban legends, e.g., the vanishing hitchhiker--a spooky figure seen ominously by travelers in Britain and the United States--and the Tooth Fairy. An entertaining resource, The Dictionary of English Folklore will be a fascinating companion for readers of English literature, history, cultural studies, and fantasy.