Тим Северин

Timothy Severin

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Последние издания книг Тима Северина

  • Меч Роланда Тим Северин
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Клуб любителей аудиокниг
    Язык: Русский
    Саксонский королевич Зигвульф потерял на войне семью, владения, богатства – все, кроме благородного имени и самой жизни. Его победитель, король англов, отправляет пленника франкскому королю Карлу Великому в качестве посла, а вернее, благородного заложника. При дворе величайшего из владык Западного мира, правителя, само имя которого стало синонимом власти, Зигвульфа ждут любовь и коварство, ученые беседы и кровавые битвы. И дружба с храбрейшим из воинов, какого только носила земля. Человеком, чьи славные подвиги, безрассудную отвагу и страшную гибель Зигвульф воспоет, сложив легендарную «Песнь о Роланде»…
  • Privateer Тим Северин
    ISBN: 978-150988874-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Macmillan
    A voyage back to the seventeenth century and life on dangerous seas. In Tim Severin's fourth Pirate adventure, Privateer, Hector Lynch must escape a desert island and evade treacherous mercenaries to find his wife.
  • Freebooter Tim Severin
    ISBN: 9781447262299
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Hector Lynch, wanted by the authorities in London for piracy, has come to St Mary’s Island, near Madagascar, on his search for the elusive Libertalia - a settlement where it is said that all are allowed to live freely.

    Here, he meets Captain Henry Avery, captain of the freebooter Fancy, which is sailing north through the Indian Ocean in search of a huge haul of gold. Avery requires a navigator, and persuades Hector and his friends Jacques and Jezreel to join the voyage, with the promise that they should be free to leave if they come across the fabled Libertalia on their travels.

    Although Hector is reluctant to return once more to a life of piracy, his desperation to find a place he can finally settle with his wife Maria draws him in. The Fancy joins forces with other notorious pirate ships, including Thomas Tew’s Amity, and as they sail up through the Arabian Sea, they encounter a convoy of the Grand Mogul’s ships, including the Ganj-i-Sawa’i, the ‘Exceeding Treasure’, laden with riches. Soon, Hector finds himself caught up in one of the most deadly plunders in history . . .
  • Privateer Тим Северин
    ISBN: 0330458302, 9780330458306
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Английский
    Hector Lynch and his companions are in the Caribbean, diving to plunder a wreck on the notorious Vipers reef, when they are spotted by a passing Spanish ship. To prevent news of their activities getting out, they cripple the Spanish vessel by burning her sails - an act of piracy - and then head for their base in Tortuga. There Hector's wife Maria awaits, for she and Hector are planning a better life for themselves - this time on the right side of the law.

    But a chance encounter at sea means that Hector and his comrades run afoul of Laurens de Graff - renowned swashbuckling mercenary captain - now in command of a royal French frigate. Slipping from de Graff's clutches, Hector and his friends are cast away on the tiny desert island, Salt Tortuga.

    Hector tries desperately to make his way back to Maria, meanwhile she has decided to undertake the hazardous journey to find him. Hector's adventures and Maria's tenacity lead them towards Port Royal in Jamaica - known as the wickedest city on earth. And Hector, accused of piracy, once more enters a world he had sworn to leave behind.
  • Buccaneer Tim Severin
    ISBN: 1447277457, 9781447277453
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Английский
    Sailing the Caribbean, Hector Lynch falls into the hands of the notorious buccaneer, Captain John Coxon, who mistakes him for the nephew of the Governor of Jamaica—an error Hector encourages. Coxon delivers Hector to a bitter enemy of Governor Lynch, expecting to curry favor, but is publicly humiliated when the deception is revealed. From then on, Hector has a dangerous enemy.
  • Sea Robber Тим Северин
    ISBN: 1447277503, 9781447277507
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Pan Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Abandoned in Peru, Hector learns that Maria, the young Spanish woman who stole his heart and whose false testimony saved him from the gallows, is now living on the far side of the Pacific. Hector's epic voyage to reach her involves a Japanese warlord who submits trespassers to a deadly duel, a naked Stone Age tribe who file their teeth to sharp points, and sailboats that outpace the fastest galleon.
  • Saxon: The Emperor's Elephant Tim Severin
    ISBN: 1447212150, 9781447212157
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Pan Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Sigwulf, a Saxon prince exiled to the court of Carolus, King of the Franks, is summoned by the royal advisor Alcuin of York. Carolus has recieved magnificent gifts from the Caliph of Baghdad and is determined to send back presents that will be equally sensational. White is the royal colour of Baghdad so the most important gifts will be rare white animals from the Northlands.

    Having proved himself as a royal agent to Moorish Spain, has been selected to obtain the creatures, then take them to Baghdad. He must find white gyrfalcons and two white polar bears and - as Carolus has seen its picture in a book of beasts - a unicorn.

    He and his companions travel far into the north. Though they obtain some of the animals, they quickly realize that not all are even real. Setting out for Baghdad with their menagerie, they encounter danger after danger and it seems that someone is trying to wreck their mission ...with each stage of the long journey bringing a new and unexpected peril ...
  • Саксонец. Ассасин Его Святейшества Тим Северин
    ISBN: 978-5-699-88828-3
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Саксонец Зигвульф — свирепый воин и умелый дипломат. Ему не впервой выполнять деликатные поручения своего повелителя — Карла Великого, могущественнейшего из владык западного мира. Но даже с его опытом будет нелегко разобраться в хитросплетении интриг Вечного города, где неизвестные заговорщики объявили охоту на самого Папу Римского…
  • Саксонец. Слон императора Тим Северин
    ISBN: 978-5-699-88535-0
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Когда величайший из владык Западного мира решает наладить дипломатические отношения с могущественным правителем Востока, он делает поистине королевский жест. Карл Великий решает отправить в подарок Харуну ар-Рашиду самых удивительных животных, которых только возможно найти в его владениях: огромного тура, белых медведей и — диковина из диковин — легендарного единорога. Конечно, всех этих существ надо сперва раздобыть, но для этого у короля есть верные слуги. Честь разыскать редкостных зверей и доставить их через полмира, из Ахена в Багдад, выпала Зигвульфу, саксонскому принцу без королевства...
  • Саксонец. Меч Роланда Тим Северин
    ISBN: 978-5-699-87451-4
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Саксонский королевич Зигвульф потерял на войне семью, владения, богатства — все, кроме благородного имени и самой жизни. Его победитель, король англов, отправляет пленника франкскому королю Карлу Великому в качестве посла, а вернее, благородного заложника. При дворе величайшего из владык Западного мира, правителя, само имя которого стало синонимом власти, Зигвульфа ждут любовь и коварство, ученые беседы и кровавые битвы. И дружба с храбрейшим из воинов, какого только носила земля. Человеком, чьи славные подвиги, безрассудную отвагу и страшную гибель Зигвульф воспоет, сложив легендарную «Песнь о Роланде»…

  • Corsair Tim Severin
    ISBN: 1447277465, 9781447277460
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Английский
    1677. On a late-summer's evening, two ships lurk off the coast of southwest Ireland. Seventeen-year-old Hector Lynch wakes to the sound of a pistol shot as the Barbary corsairs raid his village, and he and his sister are snatched. Separated from each other, Hector is sold at auction in Algiers, and thrown into a bewildering world where life is cheap and only the quick-witted survive. In North Africa, Hector befriends fellow captive Dan, a Miskito Indian from the Caribbean, and the two men convert to Islam to escape the horrors of the slave barracks - only to become victims of the deadly warfare of the Mediterranean. Serving aboard a Turkish ship, their vessel is sunk at sea and by a savage twist of fortune they are chained to the oar bench of a French galley. Desperate to find his sister, Hector finally stumbles on the chilling truth of her fate when he and Dan are shipwrecked on the coast of Morocco.
  • Wiking. Brat krwi Тим Северин
    ISBN: 9788363885151
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Anakonda
    Язык: Польский

    Londyn, rok 1019. Minęło kilka miesięcy od czasu, gdy Thorgils wyrwał się z kleszczy kościoła irlandzkiego, by zaraz potem uwikłać się w romans z Aelfgifu, żoną Kanuta, króla Anglii, jednego z najpotężniejszych władców ery wikingów. Zakazana miłość niesie za sobą nieuniknione konsekwencje. Thorgils ponownie musi uciekać. Podczas podróży spotyka Grettira, banitę, siejącego postrach swoją siłą i nieprzewidywalnością czynów. Zbliżają się do siebie i zostają braćmi krwi. Lojalność Thorgilsa zostaje wystawiona na próbę u bram Bizancjum.

  • Privateer Tim Severin
    ISBN: 0230709737, 9780230709737
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Hector Lynch and his companions are in the Caribbean, diving to plunder a wreck on the notorious Vipers reef, when they are spotted by a passing Spanish ship. To prevent news of their activities getting out, they cripple the Spanish vessel by burning her sails - an act of piracy - and then head for their base in Tortuga. There Hector's wife Maria awaits, for she and Hector are planning a better life for themselves - this time on the right side of the law.

    But a chance encounter at sea means that Hector and his comrades run afoul of Laurens de Graff - renowned swashbuckling mercenary captain - now in command of a royal French frigate. Slipping from de Graff's clutches, Hector and his friends are cast away on the tiny desert island, Salt Tortuga.

    Hector tries desperately to make his way back to Maria, meanwhile she has decided to undertake the hazardous journey to find him. Hector's adventures and Maria's tenacity lead them towards Port Royal in Jamaica - known as the wickedest city on earth. And Hector, accused of piracy, once more enters a world he had sworn to leave behind.
  • Privateer Tim Severin
    ISBN: 0230709745, 9780230709744
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Hector Lynch and his companions are in the Caribbean, diving to plunder a wreck on the notorious Vipers reef, when they are spotted by a passing Spanish ship. To prevent news of their activities getting out, they cripple the Spanish vessel by burning her sails - an act of piracy - and then head for their base in Tortuga. There Hector's wife Maria awaits, for she and Hector are planning a better life for themselves - this time on the right side of the law.

    But a chance encounter at sea means that Hector and his comrades run afoul of Laurens de Graff - renowned swashbuckling mercenary captain - now in command of a royal French frigate. Slipping from de Graff's clutches, Hector and his friends are cast away on the tiny desert island, Salt Tortuga.

    Hector tries desperately to make his way back to Maria, meanwhile she has decided to undertake the hazardous journey to find him. Hector's adventures and Maria's tenacity lead them towards Port Royal in Jamaica - known as the wickedest city on earth. And Hector, accused of piracy, once more enters a world he had sworn to leave behind.
  • Saxon: The Emperor's Elephant Tim Severin
    ISBN: 0230764436, 9780230764439
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: PAN Macmillan Adult
    Язык: Английский
    Sigwulf, a Saxon prince who has found himself at the court of King Carolus in France, is summoned by the royal advisor. A rare white elephant has been sent as a gift from the Caliph of Baghdad – and Carolus is determined to send an embassy to the Caliph bearing presents of equal prize to encourage good political relations.
    Sigwulf and his companions Osric and Walo are sent on a deadly mission to search the wild northlands of Europe for the rarest of creatures for the Caliph, including a giant, lethal wild ox, elusive hunting falcons and polar bears. Every animal they capture must be white, the royal colour of Baghdad.
    But it seems that someone is trying to prevent the embassy from succeeding. As they set out with their menagerie of creatures across the hot, dusty roads to the Middle East, Sigwulf finds them ambushed at every corner . . .
  • Saxon: The Emperor's Elephant Tim Severin
    ISBN: 0230769101, 9780230769106
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Sigwulf, a Saxon prince who has found himself at the court of King Carolus in France, is summoned by the royal advisor. A rare white elephant has been sent as a gift from the Caliph of Baghdad – and Carolus is determined to send an embassy to the Caliph bearing presents of equal prize to encourage good political relations.
    Sigwulf and his companions Osric and Walo are sent on a deadly mission to search the wild northlands of Europe for the rarest of creatures for the Caliph, including a giant, lethal wild ox, elusive hunting falcons and polar bears. Every animal they capture must be white, the royal colour of Baghdad.
    But it seems that someone is trying to prevent the embassy from succeeding. As they set out with their menagerie of creatures across the hot, dusty roads to the Middle East, Sigwulf finds them ambushed at every corner . . .
  • Saxon: The Book of Dreams Tim Severin
    ISBN: 1447212142, 9781447212140
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Pan Publishing
    Язык: Арабский
    Frankia 780 AD

    Sigwulf, a minor Saxon prince, is saved from execution after his family is slaughtered by the ruthless King Offa of Mercia. Thanks to his Devil's Mark - his eyes of different colours - Sigwulf is exiled to the Frankish court of King Carolus, the future Charlemagne.

    He gains the friendship of Count Hroudland, Carolus's powerful and ambitious nephew - but, mysteriously, several attempts are made on Sigwulf’s life. When he obtains a Book of Dreams, a rare text giving understanding to the meaning of dreams, he attracts the attention of Carolus himself. But the Book proves to be a slippery guide in a world of double dealing. Sent into Spain to spy on the Saracens, Sigwulf becomes caught between loyalties; either he honours his debt to new Saracen friends, or he serves his patron Count Hroudland in his quest for glory, gold and even the Grail itself...

    One after another Sigwulf's predictions come true, but often not as expected, and he finds himself swept forward into a final great battle that reveals who his enemies are...
  • Saxon: The Book of Dreams Tim Severin
    ISBN: 0230764428, 9780230764422
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Sigwulf, a minor Saxon prince, is saved from execution after his family is slaughtered by the ruthless King Offa of Mercia. Thanks to his Devil's Mark - his eyes of different colors - Sigwulf is exiled to the Frankish court of King Carolus, the future Charlemagne. There Sigwulf survives on his wits while at the same time trying to come to terms with disturbingly prophetic dreams.

    He gains the friendship of Count Hroudland, Carolus's powerful and ambitious nephew - but, mysteriously, several attempts are made on Sigwulf's life. When he obtains a Book of Dreams, a rare text that explains their meaning, he attracts the attention of Carolus himself. But th Book proves to be a slippery guide in a world of double dealing. Sent into Spain to spy on the Saracens, Sigwulf becomes caught between loyalties; either he honors his debt to new Saracen friends, or he serves Count Hroudland in his quest for glory, gold and even the Grail itself.

    One after another Sigwulf's predictions come true, but often not as expected, and he finds himself swept forward into a final great battle that reveals who his enemies are...
  • Корсар. Мираж Золотого острова Тим Северин
    ISBN: 978-5-699-42826-7
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Новые приключения Гектора Линча!
    Юный ирландец вновь в море и вновь с пиратами. Оказавшись в испанском плену, он устраивает побег и попадает на удивительные Галапагосские острова, откуда и отправляется на поиски таинственного Золотого острова... Испанцы, туземцы, японцы, конкуренты из числа пиратов - все они готовы убить Гектора при первой же возможности. Удастся ли молодому разбойнику остаться в живых после многочисленных опасностей и необычайных приключений на море и на суше?
  • Pirate: Sea Robber Tim Severin
    ISBN: 0330458299, 9780330458290
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Pan Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    In his latest adventure Hector Lynch follows his quest for the young Spanish woman, Maria, with whom he has fallen in love. His search takes him and his friends on a nightmare passage around Cape Horn where they come across a small warship entombed on an icefloe, her only crew two skeletons - the captain frozen to death in his cabin and a dog. The corpse is the long-missing brother of a local Spanish governor in Peru. In gratitude for learning his brother's fate, the governor tells Hector that Maria has moved to the Ladrones, the Thief Islands, on the far side of the Pacific.On the way there, Hector's ship picks up an emaciated native fisherman adrift on a sinking boat. He dupes his rescuers into thinking that his home is rich in gold. But his poverty-stricken island proves to be the jealousy guarded by a Japanese warlord who treats the visitors as trespassers. Only when Jezreel, the ex-prize fighter, defeats the Japanese swordsman in a duel can they escape. Reaching the Thief Islands, Hector allies with the native people, the Chamorro, to launch a night raid on the Spanish fort and is finally reunited with Maria. But will the young couple ever be able to settle down? As a known sea robber, Hector will only be safe where the law cannot touch him so their journey continues...
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