Хейзел Прайор

Hazel Prior

  • 11 книг
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 1295 читателей
1 353оценок
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1 353оценок
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1 8

Хейзел Прайор - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Как пингвины спасли Веронику Хейзел Прайор
    ISBN: 978-5-17-135747-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Это Вероника Маккриди. Сноб и мизантроп восьмидесяти шести лет от роду. Она сказочно богата и катастрофически одинока. Как же ей найти достойных наследников? Однако, посмотрев документальный фильм о пингвинах, Вероника решается... Решается отправиться на антарктическую исследовательскую базу, и отказ она не принимает. Ведь вполне возможно, что это последнее грандиозное путешествие в её жизни!

  • Пингвины зовут Хейзел Прайор
    ISBN: 978-5-17-149132-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Есть ли на свете пара друзей необычнее, чем Дейзи и Вероника? Дейзи уже целых девять лет, а Веронике всего-то скоро будет девяносто, обе они обожают пингвинов и жаждут приключений.

    И если их зовут на другую сторону земли к пингвинам южного полушария, разве могут они отказаться?

    Может быть Вероника Маккриди и думала, что уже стара для новых путешествий, но если у тебя отличная компания и пингвины зовут, то нельзя не послушаться.

    Итак, вперед к пингвинам!
  • Ellie and the Harpmaker Хейзел Прайор
    ISBN: 9781784164232
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    MEET ELLIE. She’s perfectly happy living a quiet life with her husband, Clive. (Well, she does sometimes wonder about the way he talks to her, and about all the things she hasn’t achieved yet. But, she's happy enough.)

    MEET DAN. He’s definitely content – content with his predictable, ordered existence, making harps in his isolated barn on Exmoor. Content being on his own, far away from other people and – crucially – far away from any risk of surprises.

    What Ellie and Dan don’t know yet, is that a chance encounter is about to change all of this . . .
  • Life and Otter Miracles Хейзел Прайор
    ISBN: 1529177030
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Nineteen-year-old Phoebe and her widower father Al have recently moved to Devon, to a small cottage with a river at the end of the garden.

    Struggling with her own closely guarded issues, Phoebe doesn't go out much. Instead, she spends her time at home, watching detective dramas and playing detective herself - trying to deduce from Al's deliveries as a courier what kind of lives her neighbours lead.

    But when they find an abandoned baby otter on the riverbank, it's just the push Phoebe needs to finally step into her new community. Taking the little one to the local otter sanctuary and witnessing the uncomplicated joy of its fellow creatures, she feels a burgeoning sense of happiness that she has not experienced in a very long time.

    However, Phoebe soon starts to suspect that something is amiss at the sanctuary - and she will need to put all her sleuthing skills to good use if she wants to save the otters . . .

    From the Number One bestselling author of Away with the Penguins comes this 'otterly' delightful, warm-hearted and uplifting story about the healing power of nature.
  • Life and Otter Miracles Хейзел Прайор
    Язык: Английский
    Nineteen-year-old Phoebe and her widower father Al have recently moved to Devon, to a small cottage with a river at the end of the garden. Struggling with her own closely guarded issues, Phoebe doesn't go out much. Instead, she spends her time at home, watching detective dramas and playing detective herself - trying to deduce from Al's deliveries as a courier what kind of lives her neighbours lead. But when they find an abandoned baby otter on the riverbank, it's just the push Phoebe needs to finally step into her new community. Taking the little one to the local otter sanctuary and witnessing the uncomplicated joy of its fellow creatures, she feels a burgeoning sense of happiness that she has not experienced in a very long time. However, Phoebe soon starts to suspect that something is amiss at the sanctuary - and she will need to put all her sleuthing skills to good use if she wants to save the otters . . . From the Number One bestselling author of Away with the Penguins comes this 'otterly' delightful, warm-hearted and uplifting story about the healing power of nature.