Винсент ван Гог

Vincent Willem van Gogh

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Винсент ван Гог — библиография

  • Винсент Ван Гог: письма к друзьям и брату Тео Винсент ван Гог
    За десять с небольшим лет Ван Гог создал более 2100 произведений, включая около 860 картин маслом. Среди них - портреты, автопортреты, пейзажи и натюрморты, с изображением оливковых деревьев, кипарисов, полей пшеницы и подсолнухов. Большинство критиков не замечало Ван Гога до его самоубийства в возрасте 37 лет, которому предшествовали годы тревог, нищеты и расстройств рассудка.
    Эти письма к друзьям и к брату Тео, собранные вместе, представляют собой ни с чем не сравнимый человеческий документ: они приоткрывают дверь в мир этого гениального безумца, раскрывая не только путь его становления, но и показывая, как создавался новый язык живописи, который оказал вневременное влияние на искусство XX века.
  • The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh Винсент ван Гог
    Дата написания: 2022
    A new selection of post-impressionist painter Vincent Van Gough's letters, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh put a human face on one of the most haunting figures in modern Western culture. In this Penguin Classics edition, the letters are selected and edited by Ronald de Leeuw, and translated by Arnold Pomerans in Penguin Classics.
    Few artists' letters are as self-revelatory as Vincent van Gogh's, and this selection, spanning his artistic career, sheds light on every facet of the life and work of this complex and tortured man. Engaging candidly and movingly with his religious struggles, his ill-fated search for love, his attacks of mental illness and his relation with his brother Theo, the letters contradict the popular myth of van Gogh as an anti-social madman and a martyr to art, showing instead a man of great emotional and spiritual depths. Above all, they stand as an intense personal narrative of artistic development and a unique account of the process of creation.
    The letters are linked by explanatory biographical passages, revealing van Gogh's inner journey as well as the outer facts of his life. This edition also includes the drawings that originally illustrated the letters.
    Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853-1890) was born in Holland. In 1885 he painted his first masterpiece, The Potato Eaters, a haunting scene of domestic poverty. A year later he began studying in Paris, where he met Gauguin, Toulouse-Lautrec and Seurat, who became very important influences on his work. In 1888 he left Paris for the Provencal landscape at Arles, the subject of many of his best works, including Sunflowers.
  • Письма к брату Тео Винсент ван Гог
    Форма: эссе
    Перевод: Полина Мелкова
    Язык: Русский
  • Письма к друзьям Винсент ван Гог
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Перевод: Полина Мелкова
    Язык: Русский

  • Van Gogh on Art and Artists Винсент ван Гог
    "In a picture I want to say something comforting as music is comforting," Vincent van Gogh confided to his friend and fellow artist, Emile Bernard. «I want to paint men and women with that something of the eternal which the halo used to symbolize and which we seek to give by the actual radiance and vibration of our colorings.» Written in the years 1887 to 1889, these letters are among the most important and relevant sources of insight into van Gogh's life and art. Apart from their fascinating content, they are among the most sensitive and perceptive studies ever published about the man and the artist.On his decision to make the letters public, Barnard commented, «After reading them one could not doubt his [van Gogh's] sincerity, his character, nor his originality; there, pulsating with life, one would find the whole of him.» Indeed, these 23 letters, eloquently translated into English, radiate with their author's impulsiveness, intensity, and mysticism. In one van Gogh admits: «I can't disguise from you the fact that I like the country, having been brought up there — floods of memories of the past, aspirations towards that infinity, of which the sower and the sheaves are symbols, enchant me now as then. But I wonder when I'll get my starry sky done, a picture which haunts me always.» Complemented by handsome black-and-white reproductions of some of van Gogh's major paintings and facsimiles from his letters, this volume is essential reading for scholars and students of art and will be treasured by artists and art lovers alike.