Том Стоппард

Sir Tom Stoppard

  • 32 книги
  • 68 подписчиков
  • 2210 читателей
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Том Стоппард - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Травести. Пьесы (сборник) Том Стоппард
    ISBN: 5-94145-043-5
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Иностранка
    Язык: Русский
    В сборник вошли пьесы "Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы" - экзистенциальная притча и в то же время трагикомедия о "маленьких людях" XX века; "Травести" - блестящая интеллектуальная игра, где партнерами автора выступают Уайльд и Шекспир, Ленин и Джойс, Тцара и Салливен; "День и ночь" - ироничная, полная парадоксов драма; "Отражения" - пьеса о любви, исполненная тончайшего психологизма, почти автобиография, почти исповедь писателя...
  • Lord Malquist and Mr Moon Tom Stoppard
    ISBN: 0 571 11529 2
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Faber&Faber
  • Jumpers Tom Stoppard
    Язык: Английский
    Jumpers is a play by Tom Stoppard which was first performed in 1972. It explores and satirises the field of academic philosophy, likening it to a less-than skilful competitive gymnastics display. Jumpers raises questions such as "What do we know?" and "Where do values come from?" It is set in an alternative reality where some British astronauts have landed on the moon and "Radical Liberals" (read pragmatists and relativists) have taken over the British government (the play seems to suggest that pragmatists and relativists would be immoral (Archie says that murder is not wrong, merely "antisocial")). It was inspired by the notion that a manned moon landing would ruin the moon as a poetic trope and possibly lead to a collapse of moral values.
  • Dirty Linen Том Стоппард
    Dirty Linen concerns the investigation of a Select Committee into the moral standards of the House of Commons - a somewhat unconventional investigation, rendered not less so by the presence of an ultra-sexy secretary whose clothes have a trick of whisking off in the hands of various members. Forms a double bill and contained in a volume with New-Found-Land.
  • Rock 'n' Roll Том Стоппард
    Rock ’n’ Roll is an electrifying collision of the romantic and the revolutionary. It is 1968 and the world is ablaze with rebellion, accompanied by a sound track of the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. Clutching his prized collection of rock albums, Jan, a Cambridge graduate student, returns to his homeland of Czechoslovakia just as Soviet tanks roll into Prague. When security forces tighten their grip on artistic expression, Jan is inexorably drawn toward a dangerous act of dissent. Back in England, Jan’s volcanic mentor, Max, faces a war of his own as his free-spirited daughter and his cancer-stricken wife attempt to break through his walls of academic and emotional obstinacy. Over the next twenty years of love, espionage, chance, and loss, the extraordinary lives of Jan and Max spin and intersect until an unexpected reunion forces them to see what is truly worth the fight.
  • Travesties Том Стоппард
    "Travesties" was born out of Stoppard's noting that in 1917 three of the twentieth century's most crucial revolutionaries – James Joyce, the Dadaist founder Tristan Tzara, and Lenin – were all living in Zurich. Also living in Zurich at this time was a British consula official called Henry Carr, a man acquainted with Joyce through the theater and later through a lawsuit concerning a pair of trousers. Taking Carr as his core, Stoppard spins this historical coincidence into a masterful and riotously funny play, a speculative portrait of what could have been the meeting of these profoundly influential men in a germinal Europe as seen through the lucid, lurid, faulty, and wholly riveting memory of an aging Henry Carr.
  • Tom Stoppard: A BBC Radio Collection Том Стоппард
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: BBC Audio
    The collected BBC radio productions of the internationally renowned playwright Tom Stoppard.

    One of the giants of British theatre, Sir Tom Stoppard has been writing for the stage and screen for over 50 years. Full of wit, verbal brilliance and big ideas, his plays appeal to critics and audiences alike and are among the most studied works of the last century.

    Our collection contains the masterpiece, Arcadia, which won him an Olivier Award for Best Play and transferred to radio with the cast of the award-winning National Theatre production. It is followed by two of his most famous and best-loved dramas: the hilarious spoof whodunnit The Real Inspector Hound and the play that made Stoppard's name, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Also included is the bittersweet drama Dalliance, based on Arthur Schnitzler's play Liebelei.

    The troubled history of Stoppard's home country, Czechoslovakia, is explored in two thought-provoking plays. Rock 'n' Roll, about love, loyalty, compromise and music, was specially adapted for radio by Stoppard himself, with a new final scene and a soundtrack featuring artists such as, U2, Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, Bob Dylan, The Beach Boys and The Velvet Underground. Its themes of resistance to totalitarianism are echoed in Professional Foul, dramatised by Stoppard from his award-winning BBC TV play and set in communist Prague.

    Stoppard also wrote numerous original radio plays, eight of which are featured here including; The Prix Italia-winning Albert's Bridge, In the Native State (later adapted as the stage play Indian Ink) and Darkside, based on the themes of Pink Floyd's classic album The Dark Side of the Moon.

    Among the multitude of stars in these dazzling dramas are Hugh Grant, Rufus Sewell, Bill Nighy, Felicity Kendal, Harriet Walter, Amaka Okafor, Emma Fielding, Bill Paterson, John Hurt, Bertie Carvel, Toby Jones, Penelope Keith, John Le Mesurier, Penny Downie, Anna Massey, Ron Cook, Ronny Jhutti, Mathew Baynton, Peggy Ashcroft and Timothy West.
  • Изобретение любви (сборник) Том Стоппард
    ISBN: 978-5-9985-0775-5
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    Творчество англичанина Тома Стоппарда, создателя знаменитых пьес "Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы", "Настоящий инспектор Хаунд", "Травести", "Аркадия", а также сценариев фильмов "Ватель", "Влюбленный Шекспир", "Бразилия", "Империя Солнца" и многих-многих других, едва ли нуждается в дополнительном представлении. Искусный мастер парадоксов, великолепный интерпретатор классики, интеллектуальный виртуоз, способный и склонный пародировать и травестировать реальность, Стоппард приобрел мировую известность и признан одним из значительных и интереснейших авторов современности. В настоящем издании вниманию читателей впервые предлагаются на…

  • Лорд Малквист и мистер Мун Том Стоппард
    ISBN: 978-5-9985-0796-0
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский
    Предлагаемая читателю книга включает в себя единственный роман Тома Стоппарда, создателя знаменитых пьес "Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы", "Берег Утопии", "Настоящий инспектор Хаунд", "Травести", "Аркадия", "Индийская тушь", "Изобретение любви" и многих-многих других, автора сценариев к таким фильмам как "Ватель", "Влюбленный Шекспир", "Бразилия", "Империя Солнца" (по роману Дж. Г. Балларда).
    Искусный мастер парадоксов, великолепный интерпретатор классики, интеллектуальный виртуоз, склонный пародировать и травестировать реальность, Стоппард на страницах "Лорда Малквиста и мистера Муна" вывел надменного денди, будто перенесшегося в двадцатый век прямиком из восемнадцатого, и его незадачливого биографа с красавицей женой повышенного спроса, ирландца верхом на осле, уверенного, что он Воскресший Христос, и двух ковбоев со своими верными кольтами, устраивающих перестрелку на аллеях Гайд-парка...
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