Суини Бу

Sweeney Boo

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Лучшие книги Суини Бу

  • Академия ведьм. Только через мой труп Суини Бу
    ISBN: 978-5-17-153775-3
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Самайн — великий ведьминский праздник, время перемен и смены осеннего холода на зимний мороз. А в дни, предшествующие Самайну, завеса между мирами живых и мёртвых истончается, и кто знает, чем это может закончиться… Однажды случилось самое страшное: подруга Эбигейл по имени Норин исчезает. Под напором директора Тайной академии колдовства Юнвити и ковена ведьм учащиеся концентрируются на организации праздника. И как бы студенты ни пытались убедить друг друга, что всё хорошо, всё под контролем, единственными, кто не готов смириться с положением дел, становятся Эбигейл и её друзья. Поиск ответов заводит героев так далеко, что не видно…

  • Fundamentals of Character Design: How to Create Engaging Characters for Illustration, Animation & Visual Development Randy Bishop
    ISBN: 978-1912843183
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Publishing 3dtotal
    Язык: Английский
    We use the 3dtotal.com website (450,000+ page views a month) and name to promote all our art titles. This includes adverts, announcements, features, and a free chapter on our site. We also use our various social media platforms to publicise the book: Facebook (207,000 Likes), Twitter (42,800 followers), Instagram (70,200 followers), and Pinterest (7,082 followers). In addition we post promotional videos for all our books on YouTube and Vimeo. Book releases are always announced to our mailing list of 83,000 subscribers. In terms of print marketing we send out promotional postcards and a catalogue with all physical orders in our online shop to promote book titles that are about to be released. We also send review copies to popular magazines, websites, and blogs such as ImagineFX and Parka Blogs, and work with sites such as Creative Bloq and CG Cookie to promote the usefulness of our books on their websites. In addition we advertise our titles on the popular Character Design References Facebook page (670,000 Likes). Artists involved in the book are always asked to promote the book to their audience – this means our titles are often mentioned on social media platforms with as many as a million followers.
  • Eat, and Love Yourself Суини Бу
    ISBN: 9781684155064
    Год издания: 2020
    A story about Mindy, a woman living with an eating disorder who has to learn how to love herself again.

    In pursuit of the perfect body, Mindy buys the low-fat diet products and the glossy magazines which promise the secret to losing weight. One night, while perusing the aisles of the neighborhood convenience store for a midnight snack, she finds a new product. A chocolate bar called “Eat and Love Yourself”. On a whim, Mindy buys the curious candy, not knowing that with every piece of chocolate she eats, she will be brought back to a specific moment of her past -- helping her to look at herself honestly, learn to love her body the way it is, and accepting love. Perhaps, she will even realize that her long lost high school best friend, Elliot, was more than just a friend…